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Animated loading screen


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I know I'm asking too much but can't ArenaNet do something about the loading screens to do them little more interesting...Every change of map, every WP that is too far pops loading screen. Loading screen is big part of Guild Wars 2 and maybe changing things little will put freshness in our gameplay. My idea is quite simple, put some visual effects on the arts that we are having now on the loading screens. Maybe some lay-line energy around the skull on the Ember Bay moving slightly,some lava spilling, I see little flag that can be waving, the chains can swing slightly, some burning ashes can blow from one direction to other. Just a small example, a touch of what can be done to shake the things a little bit, to make the art more alive and us to appreciate it more. I know that there are lots of zones by now in the game and this is madness to ask but we all saw already moving arts in the game trailers. These days many games use moving loading screens and just a picture of art is so 2012. I would like to see the game moving forward with simple ideas like this and see developers wanting to make simple changes reality, not just major stuff that is a gameseller.

Thank you for your time !

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> @jokke.6239 said:

> I don't see any reason for this, the art is beautiful as it is. And it would probably result in longer loading times.


From the way I understand what he means, it won't impact loading times. they basically need 2 images that get altered every few seconds to give the illusion that something is moving. look up a "Zoopraxiscope". have a few images cycling in this way and you have the illusion that something is happening.


For me personally though, it seems like a bit of a waste of time, atleast for me they won't have to bother, i only have about 3-4 seconds of loading max

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  • 1 year later...

Though of making a new post, but found this one, so I thought I'd post it here...

I really like the idea of the artwork in the game, but, somewhere I think they lost the touch and got "lazy" and just blurred 90% of the screen. There are so many loadscreens nowadays that could do with some more detail.

Love the Lion in LA, but there's just too much blurr IMHO, where are the ships?. The pyramid landscape of the Crystal Oasis had such potential, but it just feels incomplete. Timberline Falls might be my absolute favourite! It is detailed where it needs to be, and blurry where it's supposed to be :)

Also, the "new" Kessex Hills... what even is that?? Looks like a smahed train station :S I guess it's meant to be the crashed tower... but really...?

Don't get me wrong I'd say that most of all loadscreens are fine, great even. But there are some of the more common ones that are just... Not enough :/

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> Animated would not make much sense ... it takes more data therefore it would increase the load time. The focus should be less load time not more.


> Get a SSD/ramdisk? Now the loading screen isn't on screen enough to waste time animating it.


I don't think there'd be any noticeable increase in load time, because the assets would be stored locally.


For the most part though, you're right that with fast hardware and connection there's rarely enough time to appreciate any animation or slideshow - except for Caledon Forest, which for whatever weird reason sometimes takes over two minutes to load, regardless of having very good system specs and a fast connection.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> I dunno, I think I prefer the classic look of a still picture.


> The again I remember the old days when loading screens built....line....by....line......


I sometimes had lunch while I waited for "Ghostbusters" to load on my Commodore 64.

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