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GW2 2019 Implementations


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Been playing Guild Wars + Guild Wars 2 for over 9 years now. Mounts and gliding are very cool, as well as pretty much everything else in GW2.


Teleporting: It would be awesome if there was an _animation_ when teleporting to different areas, especially since it does cost coin. (Over x amount of animations would be nice)

Teleporting Players: It would be great if you could teleport other players with a skill or inventory item to your current location, or a location of interest. If the location is locked to the teleportee, perhaps they won't be able to be teleported there.

Underwater City: Underwater play is great but I don't know how it has evolved over the years, but it would be cool if there was an underwater city that presents a _Hidden City of Atlantis_ feel.

Player Flying: It would be cool if players could actually fly with the exception of mounts for flight, both take off and landing.

Air Combat: Implementing attack skills while flying would also be great and could be very fun for PvE and PvP fun.

PvP Battle Royal: This would be great especially if this was a "separate game" to introduce players into GW2.

Horde Mode: 2-4 Players team up to fight off Hordes and proceed to next level.

Guild Wars 1 Heroes: Add Heroes to Guild Wars 2 to fight along your side. X Amount. This would be great for Solo Players and can motivate people for map completion by themselves. Heroes could have more intelligence and respond to commands.

Eliminate Underwater Play:

Combine Low Pop Servers: Combine any low pop servers with mid pop if there are any, and potentially save server space.

GW2 and H1Z1: H1z1 had a great survival aspect to it where you had to scavenge for scraps, find weapons, defeat other players and build shacks, houses, etc for survival. Elements like this were great and could be even better in an already great game. Perhaps even put some of these elements in WvW. Player characters should be able to sleep for all the gliding, fighting and mounting that they do.


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I could get behind horde mode for guild missions and more underwater stuff. I did not think highly of h1z1 and after the poor implementation of survival stuff in zelda, id rather not see survival mechanics added here where it would fit even less.


We have gliding and griffon flight. Not sure why we would need to completely make those redundant for the sake of true flight. Adding heroes in to a game that wasnt designed for it seems like folly. I get the calls for it, but gw1 was built around the idea of henchman. The entire pve experience designed with it in mind. Gw2 isnt. Id rather just see better npc ai in stories. Open world wouldnt benefit from it imo.


And as stated, a teleport item exists

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Yes teleport to a friend is limited to you having to obtain the item, but what about teleporting a friend to you if they don’t have the item, or teleporting to any poi? H1z1 had a strong personal element because when you were defeated you lost all your gear, so it forced you to play at your best at all times especially when you’ve gathered gear that you’ve never seen or knew existed. I understand heroes not being added but if you’re solo and trying to take down a champ or Legendary, it’s going to be tough, near impossible. That’s all I’ve got for now. Chao.

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> @"XADUS.8651" said:

> Teleporting: It would be awesome if there was an _animation_ when teleporting to different areas, especially since it does cost coin. (Over x amount of animations would be nice)

I'd rip my hair out if i need to watch the same WP animation over over and over again, especially when i'm in a rush to get to an event.


> @"XADUS.8651" said:

> Teleporting Players: It would be great if you could teleport other players with a skill or inventory item to your current location, or a location of interest. If the location is locked to the teleportee, perhaps they won't be able to be teleported there.

already said above, teleport to friend (ask your friend to buy you some gems), pay up, it does not cost anet $0 to run their servers


> @"XADUS.8651" said:

> Underwater City: Underwater play is great but I don't know how it has evolved over the years, but it would be cool if there was an underwater city that presents a _Hidden City of Atlantis_ feel.

Go to Orr?


> @"XADUS.8651" said:

> Player Flying: It would be cool if players could actually fly with the exception of mounts for flight, both take off and landing.

That defeats the challenges in world exploration, you'll just float through an entire zone without fighting a single mob, and that will make gliders and griffon redundant

plus, this is Tyria, not Atreia (Aion)


> @"XADUS.8651" said:

> Air Combat: Implementing attack skills while flying would also be great and could be very fun for PvE and PvP fun.

Not a flight simulator


> @"XADUS.8651" said:

> Horde Mode: 2-4 Players team up to fight off Hordes and proceed to next level.

player base is already spread out, why do you want it to spread more?


> @"XADUS.8651" said:

> Guild Wars 1 Heroes: Add Heroes to Guild Wars 2 to fight along your side. X Amount. This would be great for Solo Players and can motivate people for map completion by themselves. Heroes could have more intelligence and respond to commands.

Already brought up multiple times, GW1 is more of a themepark single player online game

A true MMO should minimise use of NPCs, and a good AI takes a lot of R&D and constant updates; what you are asking creates more headaches for anet to maintain


> @"XADUS.8651" said:

> Eliminate Underwater Play

Never been a big part of GW universe, perhaps the only reason underwater combat still be relevant is we may need to calm down Bubbles in the future.


> @"XADUS.8651" said:

> Combine Low Pop Servers: Combine any low pop servers with mid pop if there are any, and potentially save server space.

Servers are only relevant for WvW (and will no longer exist after WvW Alliance), all PvE maps are running on mega servers since 2014


the reason why maps are feeling empty is because there's no incentives for players to go back; take a look at world bosses maps, they are empty most of the time except during world boss spawning period.


> @"XADUS.8651" said:

> GW2 and H1Z1: H1z1 had a great survival aspect to it where you had to scavenge for scraps, find weapons, defeat other players and build shacks, houses, etc for survival. Elements like this were great and could be even better in an already great game. Perhaps even put some of these elements in WvW. Player characters should be able to sleep for all the gliding, fighting and mounting that they do.

Follow the example of a game that is totally a different genera and has lost 91% of player base in 7 months? no thanks


WvW is a sandbox, what you get is purely base on what other people do; if you want to be a d!@#, you can build 50 superior ballista right outside their spawn zone and blockade them


> @"XADUS.8651" said:

> H1z1 had a strong personal element because when you were defeated you lost all your gear, so it forced you to play at your best at all times especially when you’ve gathered gear that you’ve never seen or knew existed.

You will see players revolt and quit the game in masses, can you imagine the months and years of efforts you spent to get legendary gears down the drain because you died a single fight; GW2 isn't a dungeon crawler like Diablo 2


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  • 2 weeks later...

I use the teleport to friend all the time. When teleporting in general it would be a cool addition if there were different teleport animations, perhaps taking over the loading screen when traveling to different maps. Air combat and player based flying could be limited to certain maps, castles in the sky even. A net could also send emails out to accounts maybe once a month to inform players of what's coming up next. Being able to have one hero or henchman would solve some solo issues, I thought a sunspear never travels alone. :). H1Z1 had a huge player base but it fell off because of bugs and then other games appeared, but the game was fun and kept you interested because you had to survive and find loot, some more rare than others and you get anxious when encountering other players because you don't know if they have an axe or a machete. If you died you could find better items the next time around and even a vehicle. You literally start off with nothing but a few hours in you'll be able to have your own shelter to eventually making land mines to break into other peoples. GW2 has plenty of crafting items to build more than just weapons, armor and consumables with the exclusion of supplies from WvW.

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Okay everyone is just "no no no no no" to everything.

This is why it's difficult to bring up ideas like this on a forum,

most people are very close minded and will go against anything that they didn't thought themselves.


Here's what I think,

the horde mode sounds fun, could be tied to something else already existing like guild missions (as someone said above).

I really don't think it would divide the community as someone said, this sounds like something you would do a couple of times,

not a hardcore side of the game like raids.


Battle royale would be fun, but there's already pvp and wvw which kind of defeat the purpose,

you could just roam on wvw for the same kind of feel.

I do feel like it would be very fun to try out your ability on such a mode,

but in the end there would always be an op build which would win most games,

people would quit because of it and just go play wvw instead.

Maybe if it was a completely separated game, it would make more sense..

A spin off like that MxM game :)

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> @"El Psy Congroo.7965" said:

> Okay everyone is just "no no no no no" to everything.

> This is why it's difficult to bring up ideas like this on a forum,

> most people are very close minded and will go against anything that they didn't thought themselves.


> Here's what I think,

> the horde mode sounds fun, could be tied to something else already existing like guild missions (as someone said above).

> I really don't think it would divide the community as someone said, this sounds like something you would do a couple of times,

> not a hardcore side of the game like raids.


> Battle royale would be fun, but there's already pvp and wvw which kind of defeat the purpose,

> you could just roam on wvw for the same kind of feel.

> I do feel like it would be very fun to try out your ability on such a mode,

> but in the end there would always be an op build which would win most games,

> people would quit because of it and just go play wvw instead.

> Maybe if it was a completely separated game, it would make more sense..

> A spin off like that MxM game :)


Wvw and pvp dont compaire go br, u cant get the same feel.

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