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Town clothing tonics expanded


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So I was looking at the Black Lion Exchange Specialist's Town clothes tab and thinking,

I wish there was a clothing tonic with the Designer Hoodie clothing outfit **Chest piece**, Khaki clothing outfit **pants** and common clothing tonic **boots** all in 1 outfit.

Personally I would gladly spend 2k gems to get this combination if it was available in the gemstore or have these pieces added to the light + medium armor tab since it would offer a lot to players in terms of customization.


But then it got me thinking a bit further, why not bring town clothing back altogether in the form of mix and match outfits?

This tab would only have town clothing options available, no options from either light/medium/heavy armor or anything from outfits (maybe with the exception of those hats and glasses from the gemstore).

The tab would have 6 armor slots just like the armor tab and the chest+pants section needs to be filled in order to walk around with town clothing (no naked characters in combat aye).

Once a player has customized their townclothing they could just hide/unhide their entire town clothing set in a similar way outfits work right now.


After 6 years of buttcape and trenchcoat wars 2 I personally would love to see something like this happen.


p.s. for the 7th birthday my vote goes to celebration hats, HoT or PoF logo.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Zepar.7450" said:

> > Yea the clothing tonics are useless


> Useless?? Nooo! :o I was so glad when they made them into outfits. :) Just a little dye channel adjustment is required. ;)


They need a tiny bit more than that -- they need cultural pants rather than jodhpurs, cultural shoes rather than riding boots. For some reason the old town clothes had almost no universally wearable pants and rather than customize the tonics, ANet elected to put everyone in the ridiculous riding gear that made no sense at all at the time (there weren't mounts yet) and aren't great for just walking around now.


I'd *love* them to go back to mix and match. It may be hubris, but I think my sense of style has been shown to be somewhat better than ANet's in terms of assembling looks. Or at least, different enough that I am unhappy with the combinations they chose and wish I could have the looks I had before the Wardrobe. Failing mix and match, at least some racial differences would help. (And yes, the dye channels are horrid as implemented, please fix those, ANet, I doubt there will be terribly many people upset about such a change given how easy and free it is to re-dye compared to how many are upset right now and refusing to wear the darn things due to color fashion fail).

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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> > Useless?? Nooo! :o I was so glad when they made them into outfits. :) Just a little dye channel adjustment is required. ;)


> They need a tiny bit more than that -- they need cultural pants rather than jodhpurs, cultural shoes rather than riding boots. [...]


What they "need" (i.e., what would be _perfect_) is to be turned into armor skins for 100% personal styling optimization, but that is a different story. For now, a dye channel adjustment would do.

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