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Finished astralaria and gift of battle was uncalled for


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> @"phs.6089" said:



> > @"phs.6089" said:

> > > @"Teefy.5016" said:

> > > i appreciate the tip. my post was about why do i need to 'wvw' when up until gift of battle it was pve all the way, and you could purchase whatever missing wvw items on the Tp.

> > > Also, this was once in a lifetime. :)

> >

> > Legionary weapons assume you took part in all game modes. PVE, fractals, wvw and pvp. That was the general idea.


> > @"Teefy.5016" said:

> > Also, this was once in a lifetime. :)

> That is almost what i said long ago when I finished Bifrost :) Now I'm lv 53 in WvW, just by doing GoBs x.x lmao


I've gotten nearly 100 levels just by opening boxes of wvw supplies from the guild vendor, karma converter and leyline converter.

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> @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

> > @"Teefy.5016" said:

> > i appreciate the tip. my post was about why do i need to 'wvw' when up until gift of battle it was pve all the way, and you could purchase whatever missing wvw items on the Tp.

> > Also, this was once in a lifetime. :)


> Yeah exactly......why do we WvW players need to do PVE world completion to make a legendary also.


That's a valid point. Most probably you shouldn't.

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When legendarys were introduced during vanilla, world completion required to map complete WvW maps.


Stop complaining about something as insignificant as 4-6 hours of WvW which can be done on auto pilot (and even completely skipped if you had prepared before hand).


The fact they don't require you to do spvp and 95% of the weapon is PvE only is already heavily tilting this weapon towards 1 of 3 game modes. Be happy you are not among the WvW players who are forced to PvE.

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> @"Etterwyn.5263" said:

> > @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

> > > @"Teefy.5016" said:

> > > i appreciate the tip. my post was about why do i need to 'wvw' when up until gift of battle it was pve all the way, and you could purchase whatever missing wvw items on the Tp.

> > > Also, this was once in a lifetime. :)

> >

> > Yeah exactly......why do we WvW players need to do PVE world completion to make a legendary also.


> I'd kill for a Gift of Exploration reward track that gave Reknown Heart potions (maybe 50 per track). WvW already gives hero points, and waypoints/POI's are easy enough. But curse those hearts!


Surprised it took this long for someone to bring up.


Everything the OP said about having to WvW for GOB is 100% identical to what many PvP/WvW players say about requiring a Gift of Exploration.

And BTW having done both, the Gift of Battle is far easier and takes less time to complete.


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> @"sevenDEADLY.5281" said:

> Troll thread. Player only gives a kitten about themselves, bemoans the fact that they have to do something they dont want to but doesn't care at all that a pvp or wvw player would have to do pve to get the same thing.


There's a word for that. It's called entitled.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Etterwyn.5263" said:

> > > @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

> > > > @"Teefy.5016" said:

> > > > i appreciate the tip. my post was about why do i need to 'wvw' when up until gift of battle it was pve all the way, and you could purchase whatever missing wvw items on the Tp.

> > > > Also, this was once in a lifetime. :)

> > >

> > > Yeah exactly......why do we WvW players need to do PVE world completion to make a legendary also.

> >

> > I'd kill for a Gift of Exploration reward track that gave Reknown Heart potions (maybe 50 per track). WvW already gives hero points, and waypoints/POI's are easy enough. But curse those hearts!


> Surprised it took this long for someone to bring up.


> Everything the OP said about having to WvW for GOB is 100% identical to what many PvP/WvW players say about requiring a Gift of Exploration.

> And BTW having done both, the Gift of Battle is far easier and takes less time to complete.



yes. that is absolutely true.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Etterwyn.5263" said:

> > > @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

> > > > @"Teefy.5016" said:

> > > > i appreciate the tip. my post was about why do i need to 'wvw' when up until gift of battle it was pve all the way, and you could purchase whatever missing wvw items on the Tp.

> > > > Also, this was once in a lifetime. :)

> > >

> > > Yeah exactly......why do we WvW players need to do PVE world completion to make a legendary also.

> >

> > I'd kill for a Gift of Exploration reward track that gave Reknown Heart potions (maybe 50 per track). WvW already gives hero points, and waypoints/POI's are easy enough. But curse those hearts!


> Surprised it took this long for someone to bring up.


> Everything the OP said about having to WvW for GOB is 100% identical to what many PvP/WvW players say about requiring a Gift of Exploration.

> And BTW having done both, the Gift of Battle is far easier and takes less time to complete.



No kidding. I've got everything I need to make 2 more Legendaries... 2 Gifts of Battle, one precursor and enough gold to buy the other, 56 Clovers and more than enough Mystic Coins and Obsidian Shards to make the rest, dungeon tokens, mats... everything but another world completion. I'm struggling hard to make myself do it.

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> @"Etterwyn.5263" said:

> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > @"Etterwyn.5263" said:

> > > > @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

> > > > > @"Teefy.5016" said:

> > > > > i appreciate the tip. my post was about why do i need to 'wvw' when up until gift of battle it was pve all the way, and you could purchase whatever missing wvw items on the Tp.

> > > > > Also, this was once in a lifetime. :)

> > > >

> > > > Yeah exactly......why do we WvW players need to do PVE world completion to make a legendary also.

> > >

> > > I'd kill for a Gift of Exploration reward track that gave Reknown Heart potions (maybe 50 per track). WvW already gives hero points, and waypoints/POI's are easy enough. But curse those hearts!

> >

> > Surprised it took this long for someone to bring up.

> >

> > Everything the OP said about having to WvW for GOB is 100% identical to what many PvP/WvW players say about requiring a Gift of Exploration.

> > And BTW having done both, the Gift of Battle is far easier and takes less time to complete.

> >


> No kidding. I've got everything I need to make 2 more Legendaries... 2 Gifts of Battle, one precursor and enough gold to buy the other, 56 Clovers and more than enough Mystic Coins and Obsidian Shards to make the rest, dungeon tokens, mats... everything but another world completion. I'm struggling hard to make myself do it.


Some advice: don't look at it as world completion, look at it as a zone-by-zone 20% chance at getting a free BL chest key :)


EDIT: also, play a profession / build designed for such. I personally loved doing it on a Staff/SB Daredevil. Non-stop running, vaulting and killing.

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Congrats on finishing Astralaria. The requirement for the Gift of Battle for legendaries is a pretty common topic of discussion. Yours is definitely not the first thread talking about this. Like was said above, I think they use that as a forced incentive to get people to give WvW a try. Some will find to their surprise that they like it. Some will continue to dislike it. My advice is to set your WvW reward track to Gift of Battle, and then do one of the quicker WvW dailies whenever possible, even if you're not actively working toward a legendary. Pretty soon you'll have your Gift of Battle and you can bank it for when you actually need it and you'll be glad you did. When I finished my last legendary, I started the Gift of Battle reward track over again and even though I haven't decided if I'll work toward another legendary, I've already made an extra Gift of Battle that's sitting in my bank waiting.

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> @"Teefy.5016" said:

> first, semantics. context is player vs player in whatever shape or form. i dont care.

> second, so what.


First, calling WvW as PVP is like comparing apples to oranges. Completely different game modes with entirely different design. You can get your gift of battle without ever interacting with other player.

Or, since you don't care, perhaps they should also add a Gift of Conquest and link it to the Conquest PVP reward tracks... see which you prefer more then.


I am fine with legendaries encouraging us to try new things and participate in different game modes. Even if it is not specificly YOUR thing, you might find a way of doing these game modes you do not favor in a way that suits you - and perhaps you will even begin to like them after giving them a chance!

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I can so relate, I started Nevermore only to find out it requires fractals which I've never done, so annoying. I will leave that until last and muddle through with some help from guildies but my play style has always been open world, it's pretty much all I enjoy. While we are at it I'd really like to see legendary amour start being introduced in something other than raids, how is that even logical considering the bulk of this game's life never even had raiding?

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> @"Holy Security.9724" said:

> First: it is WvW. Second it has always been that way.


"It has always been this way" is no valid argument for anything. If people had that as their general mindset, nothing would change in the world.


Anyway, @"Teefy.5016": I understand your frustration, but try to enjoy your time in WvW - perhaps you will discover it can be fun after all? Find a nice TS server for your world, join a squad and try to have fun. :) After all, you can look upon this as farming materials, karma, and maybe even get some valuable drops along the way. You can also use the WvW currencies to obtain useful items for PvE, like attribute infusions. :+1:

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Like you said:


> yadda yadda its a legendary, its supposed to be hard yadda yadda.


6-7 hours of wvw is far less than I thought would be needed for something like this. You can do that on a Saturday. Seems like a really small hurdle that encourages people to explore aspects of the game they'd otherwise ignore.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Etterwyn.5263" said:

> > > @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

> > > > @"Teefy.5016" said:

> > > > i appreciate the tip. my post was about why do i need to 'wvw' when up until gift of battle it was pve all the way, and you could purchase whatever missing wvw items on the Tp.

> > > > Also, this was once in a lifetime. :)

> > >

> > > Yeah exactly......why do we WvW players need to do PVE world completion to make a legendary also.

> >

> > I'd kill for a Gift of Exploration reward track that gave Reknown Heart potions (maybe 50 per track). WvW already gives hero points, and waypoints/POI's are easy enough. But curse those hearts!


> Surprised it took this long for someone to bring up.


> Everything the OP said about having to WvW for GOB is 100% identical to what many PvP/WvW players say about requiring a Gift of Exploration.

> And BTW having done both, the Gift of Battle is far easier and takes less time to complete.



It definately takes less time. Count the threads where a WvW player hasn’t started off by saying give me the GoE with just WvW.


Then count the threads both in the WvW section and the general discussion section of people complaining about having to do the GoB.


The GoE comments come in reply in greater than 85% of the cases.

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> @"InvaGir.9158" said:

> Took you 6 hours to do the gift of battle reward track and you complain?!

> it takes me days if not weeks to actually complete it :\


It's easy even for a PVE player now. You might get stomped sometimes, but mostly you can avoid combat once you know your way around.


1) get the 10% enrichment for your amulet

2) use the 10% booster from the guild hall vendor

3) use any experience/celebration boosters you have

4) learn the 3 borderlands maps, know where camps and sentries are

5) **turn chat off**

6) do the easy dailies (mist guard killer, land claimer, caravan disruptor, camp capturer, big spender, master of monuments) when they pop up.

7) you no longer lose participation when you leave WVW. so once you get to T6, you can stay at T6 forever with little effort. So every 5 minutes you should be getting 250 or more reward track points (depending on boosters you use). Just make sure to keep doing stuff so you don't decay.

8) **do not get discourage** whenever you get in a fight and lose. Just a small setback. stay focused on your goal.


Won't take long at all.

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I can see what the OP was referring too, the game does advertise itself as "play how you like" but then puts stipulations on certain items. I think they need to look at an option to for all areas to earn Legendary Status items in their particular area (PvE, WvW, PvP). I have no issue earning gifts of Battles because I run the reward track and have it set to reoccurring, and I usually do 1 or 2 dailies over there. But lots of others don't even want to go into WvW for a daily.


I personally would like to be able to craft Legendary Armor in PvE ( not just Raids)....

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> Count the threads where a WvW player hasn’t started off by saying give me the GoE with just WvW.


Unsurprisingly since he can just skip the whole process and buy the legendary directly from the TP. However, these threads are always about gen 2 legendaries which can't be bought from the TP and GoE is not a factor. Comparing GoB to GoE in the context of gen 2 legendaries is like comparing apples to oranges.

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> @"Lite Ning Strike.5203" said:

> I can see what the OP was referring too, the game does advertise itself as "play how you like" but then puts stipulations on certain items.

The game is not advertised in that way. The "play as you like" is an oft-repeated partial quote about gear grind: the idea is that you should be able to gear up without having to grind. And the game still works that way: you can play pve, fractals, wvw, pvp, and still get full exotic or full ascended.


Premium skins have never worked like that; there's always been additional hoops to thread and needs to jump through.

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> @"Vlad Morbius.1759" said:

> I can so relate, I started Nevermore only to find out it requires fractals which I've never done, so annoying. I will leave that until last and muddle through with some help from guildies but my play style has always been open world, it's pretty much all I enjoy. While we are at it I'd really like to see legendary amour start being introduced in something other than raids, how is that even logical considering the bulk of this game's life never even had raiding?


Legendary Armor is in the WvW game mode as well as the Spvp mode and no longer locked to raids only. Granted its not the cool transforming armor but it is legendary none the less.

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> @"Teefy.5016" said:

> i appreciate the tip. my post was about why do i need to 'wvw' when up until gift of battle it was pve all the way, and you could purchase whatever missing wvw items on the Tp.

> Also, this was once in a lifetime. :)


Because Anet made it that way. That's why. No more explanation needed.

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