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Low plat against premade of 2 Gods of PvP with top 3 and top 7 rating this season


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As in title. I'm a very low plat player (1550-1600 rating) and I got matched with Gods of PvP in enemy team about 5 times this week. How can this be possible? I know they may have no people to play with so their queue's would be very long, but who cares? They're already high in rating so why are you matching them with people 400 points below? Stop it.

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While there are better times in the day to queue...There are actually lot of players queuing, but the system gives up way too quickly because of the current setup folding over itself because of how higher ratings and duos play in. The [algorithm ](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/PvP_Matchmaking_Algorithm#Matchmaking "algorithm ")gives up at 30 seconds and then starts padding players rating so all players have a chance to get a game (at the expense of match quality). Personally, for Ranked...match quality is way more important to me. Learn more from really close games rather than full-stomps.


In the code, they'd just have to change the roster size to max="1" and there would be way more players in the pool with similar rating to choose from (since it doesn't have to account for duos). Then change potentials max maybe 200 (so you wouldn't verse players almost a full division ahead of you, but rather at most a tier). While some people may push against removing duos, it's an opportunity to open up an actual Team Queue (parties of 2,3,5) with it's own system, leaderboard, and maybe unique badges. Other games do this with success. Think of the bigger picture.


Current code is this for reference:

> Arena name="Ranked Arena"

> Queue

> RosterSize min="1" max="2"

> Iteration interval="30s" rosters="100" limit="250ms"

> Potentials min="20" max="500" falloff="0.375" start="1m" end="3m"

> Rating start="5m" end="10m" max="1200" min="25"

> Power curve="1" percent="1"

> Rank min="20"

> Queue

> ...


Another reference...

> The first phase, called filtering, gathers players based on their current MMR. The primary purpose of this phase is to both reduce the number of players being considered for a match, and to ensure that the match is appropriate given each player's skill level. Over time, padding is added to your player rating. While this may decrease match quality, it helps ensure that outliers still receive matches.


I rather have a longer wait time because the filtering/padding system is easily abused as a duo off-hours in current state. Top players will still be at the top, there's no doubt on that...but if anything, their stats wouldn't be as padded on the leaderboard but they actually make gains more than +4 for winning and take way less drops for losing. Leaderboard would be way more competitive when everyone at the same solo opportunity.

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It's a big problem because they allow you to 2 man que. These top players know how to rig the system by simply queing together. Nobody else will have their same MMR to make it a fair match, and the algorithm automatically relaxes the "fairness" after que time increases above a threshold. Thus, you have matches where ANET knows the outcome with statistical certainty before it even starts.


True...the high MMR players don't gain much from winning those games, but the key is that they STILL GAIN and don't lose. For solo que players, it makes it painful and seem totally unfair. It just depends on who Anet wants to placate. There's no perfect system, but right now it's definitely in favor of top players who duo que. They can almost guarantee being in a matchup that is well over 50% in their favor.


If PvP were a priority and they kept a healthy player base, then the optimal solution is to separate solo and team que. That's how they originally designed things, but so many people left PvP that they had to develop this hybrid system after going the complete opposite route and merging 5 man que's with solo que'ers.


I think they can keep the system the way it is, but the leaderboard should reflect % how many games you solo vs duo que. Then, the win-loss record and rating will make more sense and show who's truly moving up the ranks on their own plus who is really good as a team.

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> @Malediktus.9250 said:

> Matchmaking is awful 90% of the time in this game. And it always works in stream. Not uncommon to win or loose 10 games in a row. Awful!


> I never now if I am improving or getting worse or if it is just matchmaking playing tricks on me again


For what its worth, my MM has been pretty decent since about a week before PoF hit. Yes, I definitely go on loss streaks (had a bad one a few nights ago) but for the most part my games have been within 150 points and were generally winnable by either team the entire time.


If you find losing streaks happening all in the space of a single play session take a 5-10min break (or longer). Especially if you are getting queued with or against the same people. Gives them time to go find a different match and you get matched up with new folks. And also, sometimes bad luck happens.


But yeah, not sure why they decided to allow duo Q. Either go full SoloQ or allow any number to queue.


Or give us 2v2/3v3 arenas already!

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> @Malediktus.9250 said:

> I agree with Speshal. The best way to fix this is to make seasons soloQ only


That's not what he said and would be a poor way to go about it. Playing with a friend should always be an option in an mmo. Adjusting the gains and losses while playing on unbalanced teams would be better imo. A team averaging an mmr of gold 1 area shouldn't lose much if anything while playing a team averaging plat 1.

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> @Kaibhan.4216 said:

> > @Malediktus.9250 said:

> > I agree with Speshal. The best way to fix this is to make seasons soloQ only


> That's not what he said and would be a poor way to go about it. Playing with a friend should always be an option in an mmo. Adjusting the gains and losses while playing on unbalanced teams would be better imo. A team averaging an mmr of gold 1 area shouldn't lose much if anything while playing a team averaging plat 1.


Correct...you can't blame the top players from teaming up since they often play together anyway. However, it DOES result in mismatches that can't be overcome. Thus, they need to make the win/loss ratio and leaderboard more meaningful so that it's fair to solo quers too.


One option is that they could go back to relaxing the range of ratings that they allow in the same game. For example, a premade of 2 pro players would probably need to have gold teammates in order for it to be a fair match against a bunch of solo quers. However, that won't happen right now. The pro player premade knows they will at least get teammates within a few deviations of their own rating. Thus, they have a statistical advantage against any team that is just solo quers. If they face a premade on the other team that isn't high rated (but gets matched up with them because of being a premade), then the odds are even more in their favor.


The only situation they need to worry about is facing the rare situation where they get a really bad or over-rated player on their team and the opposing team has a couple of really good premades. In those situations, it's possible that they will be at a slight disadvantage. Otherwise, the matchmaking algorithm inherently works in their favor.


While I'm not advocating it...if they DID allow only solo quers, then the matchmaking algorithm would be able to put these top players on opposing teams. Then, you would immediately see the competitiveness of these matches improve, and I guarantee the misleading win/loss ratios you see on the leaderboard would change drastically.

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At this state, the game lacks balance in professions/specializations and in matchmaking which makes PvP not fun and in some cases very frustrating for the people that care about their rank and PvP in general. Obviously, the game is concentrated at PvE where it receives regular content, updates and the majority of the players have moved/stayed there, knowing that they will receive a high-quality gameplay. Why do you think we have a low player pool in PvP? Simple - because it doesn't receive regular updates, proper balance fixes and lastly but IMO most important - new content. IMO, extreme balance team is needed here and something new (content, new maps, new modes) to attract more players.

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