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Infusions revive this game !

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> @"sereniity seven.5603" said:

> Let’s be real infusions are considered the real legendarys to this game.


Maybe in your game. I find them all ugly beyond words, because they significantly alter my character's appearance (even if it is "just a color thing"). Why would I spend hours perfecting my characters' looks (which includes the right shade of skin color, eye color and other seemingly "little" things) only to then deface them in such a profound way?


Hence I don't see acquiring one of the current effect infusions in existence a "legendary goal." Heck, I even reskinned some of my legendary weapons because there are prettier skins - but you can't deactivate those infusions' effects ;) , so I prefer to stick with the normal attribute infusion. :)


P.S. The whole point to those infusions is that they are hard to obtain. If they weren't, many wouldn't use them (which, of course, I would regard as a progress in the right direction :p ).

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The same old dilemma:


Desire to make something more accessible without realizing that a major draw to said something is its rarity. To preserve the desire for said something, the rarity would need to be preserved too.


Simply put, even if Arenanet were to add infusions to old content (which they won't), those infusions would be so rare that playing the content to get them will be unrealistic thus resulting in exactly the same acquisition as now: buying them off the TP.


Not sure which dead zones you are talking about. It is unrealistic to assume that every part of every zone will be crowded with players. Vanilla zones still see a lot of activity around world bosses and dungeon events. Same goes for HoT and PoF zones.

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If they are the new legendaries, why would making them easier to get be a good thing?


Personally I find them fairly horrible mostly. They seem to take away from, more than enhance a look when i see others with them.


Each to their own of course. Certainly i think they should be as rare as possible to limit their overuse and keep them as something to work towards.

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> @"sereniity seven.5603" said:

> infusions are considered the real legendarys to this game

I don't. I mean, I like them. They have fun effects and I like what some people do with them. But they aren't anything close to legendary-like in my opinion


> It’s pathetic how hard they are to obtain

Buying off the TP is difficult? There are only a few that cannot be reliably obtained that way and those can be obtained via /r/gw2exchange.


> I think anet could bring a lot to the table and revive this game a bit more .

I don't think any of them have done anything to attract a substantial cohort of new players. I think they help maintain a tiny fraction of veterans. Again, they are fun; they just aren't something that people join the game for or stay to acquire.


> Indrocuce more infusions designated to drop in dead zones . Easy fix to these waste lands !

I wouldn't mind seeing more infusions. Be fun if more of them dropped from various meta events (Vabbi's meta especially). I just don't think it's going to have the impact you think it will.

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No...just no...Not only that i consider infusions the worst addition to the game but everyone who uses infusions usually stacks them until they look like a ball of light or Christmas tree, just poor taste. Just give me the option to hide all the infusion effects and they can add as many as they want.

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I'm all for infusions. If you have 2+ infusions stacked, they're a daily reminder that your character is a literal meme. And some of us strive to become memes.


A few ideas I have are:

• Doppelganger Infusion: make a darker, staticy clone of yourself follow you as you move around. When idle, you're surrounded by a darkish aura (since the clone is inside you). Drops from Doppelganger bosses in Elon Riverlands (nobody ever collects Wild Energy anymore so the infusion addition might spark it up more often)


• Branded Shard Infusion: floating purple shards around your character. A lightning-purple streak traces your hand as you move (similar to Chak infusion). Drops from the Vabbi meta.


Just wanna point out the Confetti Infusion is probably the biggest reason people still bother with Casino Blitz. A lot of us already have the kites/tonic.

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Most of them are ugly to me. I only like Confetti and Chak ones but they are so expensive that I'd rather just take the gold instead of an effect.


I also hate the way they are implemented.... as in: I made all +9/+7 to have 150 AR cap, and now, if I happen to like any infusions the ones that I previously made are wasted because even though I have all 9 professions I only main mesmer.


If they allowed Infusion skinning it'd be better a little bit, because then if I did like any, I can just skin my +9/7 instead of keeping them in my bank for nothing.

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> @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> Most of them are ugly to me. I only like Confetti and Chak ones but they are so expensive that I'd rather just take the gold instead of an effect.


Finally someone I can agree with! :p The Confetti and Chak ones are okay, even though I don't find them overwhelming and therefore don't strive to obtain one or the other.


> I also hate the way they are implemented.... as in: I made all +9/+7 to have 150 AR cap, and now, if I happen to like any infusions the ones that I previously made are wasted because even though I have all 9 professions I only main mesmer.


> If they allowed Infusion skinning it'd be better a little bit, because then if I did like any, I can just skin my +9/7 instead of keeping them in my bank for nothing.


That is a good point. It only shows that those are meant to be merely cosmetic, which makes you wonder why they gave them AR in the first place. It should be +5/+7, to be fair, especially at those prices.


> @"Nury.3062" said:

> No...just no...Not only that i consider infusions the worst addition to the game but everyone who uses infusions usually stacks them until they look like a ball of light or Christmas tree, just poor taste.


Well, as pointed out by Illconceived Was Na, not _everyone_ does that, but enough people do so that we perceive it that way.


> Just give me the option to hide all the infusion effects and they can add as many as they want.



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> @"sereniity seven.5603" said:


> > Just wanna point out the Confetti Infusion is probably the biggest reason people still bother with Casino Blitz


> This is one reason I pointed out this post . You can agree these uniqu items lure players to doing content .




I'd guess that the attraction is _the value_ of the confetti infusion, not the infusion itself. So no, I don't agree that it's necessarily the _items_ that draw people out.


In fact, the main reason I bother with Casino Blitz is for the kites and other items I can get with casino blitz coins.

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Would be ok with this if 1 or 2 of 2 things happened to compensate.


1. We get a proper way to disable the effects of infusions.


2. The infusions introduced with this idea are ALL toned down.


If neither of these are given. Then imma have to go with no. _**No**_ with the power of all the gods combined into that one word.

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No, what cosmetic infusions need is a rework and similar system to Novelties: limit them to 4 and remove the ability to stack them (people abuse this and it's disgusting). I only use one infusion (Celestial Blue because it makes me look like an alien instead of a plant) but I hate it when people annoy others with their auras on purpose.

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> @"Clyan.1593" said:

> I know this one is considered ugly. But honestly I wished infusions were generally more subtle. The amount of glowing and crazy stuff running around in tyria is concerning. It just destroys the feeling totally for me.


This, so much this. Still wishing i had a way to turn them off, i dont want to see them. The grey infusion they added with Halloween was done correctly and they need more like it, lots more.

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I do like infusions as a cosmetic addition, since you can sometimes achieve attractive (and hilarious) effects by combining them with certain armors and character skins. The two improvements I'd like to see are infusion skin unlocks (complete with a show/hide box in the equipment tab), and the ability to shut off the visibility of other people's effects (Attacks, infusions, mini sounds, etc.) with the click of an option in settings.


I also agree that infusions, like any dangling shiny object, _will_ get people to do content. Whether they do it for the item or for the payoff of selling it is totally irrelevant.

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