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Should Anet double down on PVE and WVW, while developing a separate guild wars 1 themed pvp game?


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Many people in this community including people who no longer play, want or wanted a more competitive pvp scene. However due to balance, shifting priorities, and whatever else the reasons may be, it hasn't really ever taken off. Some have expressed, if Anet just made Guild Wars 2 into Guild wars 1, it may have reached that kind of status. I'm not advocating for either or. I've played Guild Wars 1 for 3 years, but enjoy Guild Wars 2's combat a lot more.


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They could just make GW1 pvp in GW2, look at the crazy crap that 1 dev did with SAB. Clearly the engine is very flexible.. they just rather have spamtastic aoe cancer I guess. I miss the slower combat without being blinded by supernovae constantly and actually being able to read the battlefield but I've adapted to the chaos, either way whatever :(

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GW1 is the superior game when it comes to pvp, but lets be realistic. Having a GW1 pvp mode wouldn't happen, unless there was a lot of money involved. What Anet can do is take some aspects of what made GW1 a great pvp game in the first place and apply it to GW2.

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