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Building sites blocking tactivators


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Hard to tell on my phone, but if it’s friendly seige or enemy seige, you can still manually select the tactics.


Same-server trolls will do this on supply huts, and tactics.


Enemy servers will do it with food as well as seige.


I would only suggest practicing selecting the tactivators carefully, as this is by far, not an uncommon tactic.

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1) This particular seige isn't built, so it will eventually expire.


2) You already have 1 tactivator selected, so you're halfway there


3) Unfortunately, in this case, there are no tactics slotted, so both the seige and this post are pountless.


4) An addendum to #3, if no tactics are slotted because you are standing in a freshly capped SMC, then the trolls are likely on your server and it is not the victim here.

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> @"HazyDaisy.4107" said:

> 1) This particular seige isn't built, so it will eventually expire.


> 2) You already have 1 tactivator selected, so you're halfway there


> 3) Unfortunately, in this case, there are no tactics slotted, so both the seige and this post are pountless.


> 4) An addendum to #3, if no tactics are slotted because you are standing in a freshly capped SMC, then the trolls are likely on your server and it is not the victim here.


These siege sites were deployed while fighting to cap the castle obviously. And yes, unfortunately by my server.

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> @"soulreaping.9312" said:

> > @"HazyDaisy.4107" said:

> > 1) This particular seige isn't built, so it will eventually expire.

> >

> > 2) You already have 1 tactivator selected, so you're halfway there

> >

> > 3) Unfortunately, in this case, there are no tactics slotted, so both the seige and this post are pountless.

> >

> > 4) An addendum to #3, if no tactics are slotted because you are standing in a freshly capped SMC, then the trolls are likely on your server and it is not the victim here.


> These siege sites were deployed while fighting to cap the castle obviously. And yes, unfortunately by my server.


It STILL shouldn’t keep you from pulling them. If it does, you need to either work on selecting them, or don’t depend on them.


> @"JayKay.5649" said:

> SM shouldn't have any tactivators to begin with.


I know what you are going for here, and I’d rather see the gates not fortify. The tactics on SMC are insignificant. If those hold up your group, you’re not doing it right.


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I think to many people here are getting caught up on the fact you can still select the tactics. Yes, you can, however in the middle of a fight or rush in with a zerg on lords to pull something when you run into this, you will be long dead before you get it. However, it is trolling, plain and simple, what server did it doesn't matter, the OP sees it as a problem, even though it was his own server doing it....That is a GOOD thing.


It has a simple fix as I stated above, among other options, but has not been done. I don't understand the mentality of those on this forum to defend and even attack people who talk about trolling or abuse of game mechanics, yes, there might be a way around some of them, others not so much, however we should not have to deal with it, or try and work around trolling.

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I don't see the problem here. First, its enemy siege so you get no interactive option with it. Second, you can select the tactivators before you even get into the room, set them as your target and that is what you interact with. There are target choices available for you to keybind, from game menu - options. It is much simpler for people to learn to use the tools provided than for anet to seek out random trolls or recode more areas as none siege.


No fix needed.

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> @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> If you’re waiting until they’re in Lords to pull the tactivator then you’re too late.. At that point covered tactics are irrelevant.


That is the exact time to pull some tactics, such as airship or chilling fog etc etc. However this is more common to happen from players on your own server, and are often placed just before the other server attacks, or build siege from the start fully on tactics and just refresh them. This comes and goes, as it seems to depend on who the links are and if people have alts on those servers.


Still don't understand why people still choose to defend the behavior.

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Probably because they have done it themselves and don't see an issue with doing it. At least that is my guess. I think Anet should try to do as many things as possible to keep the trolling down to a minimum. They should also make it more difficult to tag a keep and block WP just by running by the keep and drawing the fire off the guards. There are a lot of things that need fixing in WvW. Just not sure it will ever get fixed tbh.

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> @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

> > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > If you’re waiting until they’re in Lords to pull the tactivator then you’re too late.. At that point covered tactics are irrelevant.


> That is the exact time to pull some tactics, such as airship or chilling fog etc etc. However this is more common to happen from players on your own server, and are often placed just before the other server attacks, or build siege from the start fully on tactics and just refresh them. This comes and goes, as it seems to depend on who the links are and if people have alts on those servers.


> Still don't understand why people still choose to defend the behavior.


airship I guess. I’ve found either one fairly ineffective when used against us so all in all it really makes this whole complaint fairly moot. imo.

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> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> Probably because they have done it themselves and don't see an issue with doing it. At least that is my guess. I think Anet should try to do as many things as possible to keep the trolling down to a minimum. They should also make it more difficult to tag a keep and block WP just by running by the keep and drawing the fire off the guards. There are a lot of things that need fixing in WvW. Just not sure it will ever get fixed tbh.


Agreed. A single perma stealth thief tapping keep or SMC etc to keep WP contested should not be a thing.


> @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

> > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > > If you’re waiting until they’re in Lords to pull the tactivator then you’re too late.. At that point covered tactics are irrelevant.

> >

> > That is the exact time to pull some tactics, such as airship or chilling fog etc etc. However this is more common to happen from players on your own server, and are often placed just before the other server attacks, or build siege from the start fully on tactics and just refresh them. This comes and goes, as it seems to depend on who the links are and if people have alts on those servers.

> >

> > Still don't understand why people still choose to defend the behavior.


> airship I guess. I’ve found either one fairly ineffective when used against us so all in all it really makes this whole complaint fairly moot. imo.


You can play ignorant if you wish but trying to down play how effective a tactic is does not change the fact it is trolling and only takes away from the game play. Trolling/abuse should always be fixed, particularly easy to fix situations.

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I guess what I would ask is what tactics are acceptable and what aren't?

- tactic pulling by trolls?

- Troll building of Seige?

- Placing food/seige on tactics?

- placing food/seige on a dead lord?

- Pin sniping?

- Pin watching by a friendly?

- Ganking players trying to get back to the Zerg?

- Gank squads?

- Building seige within reach of a waypointed enemy structure to Afro guards?

- Tapping keeps/towers?



There are probably many more. Which are OK? Which aren’t?


As there are more than one person on this thread that either has advocated for, or used some of these tactics.

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> @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

> > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > Probably because they have done it themselves and don't see an issue with doing it. At least that is my guess. I think Anet should try to do as many things as possible to keep the trolling down to a minimum. They should also make it more difficult to tag a keep and block WP just by running by the keep and drawing the fire off the guards. There are a lot of things that need fixing in WvW. Just not sure it will ever get fixed tbh.


> Agreed. A single perma stealth thief tapping keep or SMC etc to keep WP contested should not be a thing.


> > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > > @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

> > > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > > > If you’re waiting until they’re in Lords to pull the tactivator then you’re too late.. At that point covered tactics are irrelevant.

> > >

> > > That is the exact time to pull some tactics, such as airship or chilling fog etc etc. However this is more common to happen from players on your own server, and are often placed just before the other server attacks, or build siege from the start fully on tactics and just refresh them. This comes and goes, as it seems to depend on who the links are and if people have alts on those servers.

> > >

> > > Still don't understand why people still choose to defend the behavior.

> >

> > airship I guess. I’ve found either one fairly ineffective when used against us so all in all it really makes this whole complaint fairly moot. imo.


> You can play ignorant if you wish but trying to down play how effective a tactic is does not change the fact it is trolling and only takes away from the game play. Trolling/abuse should always be fixed, particularly easy to fix situations.


Ouch... personal shots not necessary are they? Not ignorant.. to me I haven’t seen a lot of benefit except maybe some from airship which is easy to wait out.

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