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The new balance - a conclusion


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after giving the new meta a few days of my life spend theorycrafting, tried out several different comps. Theres one thing thats become crystal clear to me.


Balance team and raid/fractal design team do NOT talk with each other.


The biggest issue with the current balancing, and something the balance team really SHOULD have been able to foresee, is that you get punished hard everytime you have to leave the group "stack" for some mechanic. You leave with minimal boon duration left on you, have to survive somehow doing your "thing", and you come back without any boons most of the time. And of course, mechanics usually are staggered, so that means, if you are unlucky enough, you are the poor guy that has to wait 20seconds SoI extension of any boons you might get while waiting, meaning you are left with low might, low fury uptime, low protection uptime, etc.


Now, most raid encounters and a lot of fractal encounters, as well as most fractal instabilities FORCE you to leave the stack, or prevent you from stacking tightly in the first place. This dichotomy makes for very unpleasant gameplay.


On top of that some boons are so elusive (fury, vigor, stability), or one build is so OP at providing them (druid -> might, herald -> protection/fury) that it really limits any kind of alternative comp.


All in all, current balancing might not make raiding impossible. But it sure makes it unpleasant, unfun and frustrating. Especially if you are trying to optimize squad dps.

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You mean the Chrono has a weakness in its boon application, interesting tell me more.


There have been some solutions that I've seen that look pretty good for solving the well issue. Such as making wells tick or giving them a larger radius.

This would still tie in to the drawback they currently have, poor on-the-move application of Quickness / Alacrity, but make moving less punishing but spreading out the application so it isn't all tied to the end tick of the well.


You could also take Time Warp and use Shield 5 to apply the first set of boons. That way you can gurantee (almost) that everyone will have the boons on them for the first use of SoI and it being much quicker to apply then waiting for the wells.

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Increase well size by 20%.


Make wells tick their boons.


Keep chrono cc lower as is right now.


Remove Signet of Inspiration from any rotation as to remove core build contamination and power creep interactions with elite specializations. Also rework SoI so it doesn't promote massive boon geemneration from builds that have no boon duration.


This puts chrono in a better spot as duo combo for fights where stacking is possible yet keeps Firebrand and Renegade for everything else since they require near no stacking. Fb+renegade comp was as strong as druid+chrono last patch if not stronfer (only that chrono started to share all boons and people are used to chrono).


Fb+Ren can achieve perma boon without committing to 100% boon duration, chrono can not (and should not). This gives Fb+Ren an itemization advantage.


When rebalancung Fb (since the build is insanely op atm) don't over do it and keep their ability to provide permanent quickness.

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Problem is that the re-application time of boons is too long with chrono, but ren/fb comp struggles to reach 100% uptime on might, fury, protection and 25 might.


Believe me, 20 seconds is a really long time without protection if you come back just when stonespirit dies without any boons on you. Not to mention how much your dps suffers without fury/quickness/might.


Alacrity has a bigger stacksize, so you can stack it high enough to survive most mechanics. Its atm the least problematic boon imo.

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> @"Yasi.9065" said:

> Hey,


> after giving the new meta a few days of my life spend theorycrafting, tried out several different comps. Theres one thing thats become crystal clear to me.


> Balance team and raid/fractal design team do NOT talk with each other.


> The biggest issue with the current balancing, and something the balance team really SHOULD have been able to foresee, is that you get punished hard everytime you have to leave the group "stack" for some mechanic. You leave with minimal boon duration left on you, have to survive somehow doing your "thing", and you come back without any boons most of the time. And of course, mechanics usually are staggered, so that means, if you are unlucky enough, you are the poor guy that has to wait 20seconds SoI extension of any boons you might get while waiting, meaning you are left with low might, low fury uptime, low protection uptime, etc.


> Now, most raid encounters and a lot of fractal encounters, as well as most fractal instabilities FORCE you to leave the stack, or prevent you from stacking tightly in the first place. This dichotomy makes for very unpleasant gameplay.


> On top of that some boons are so elusive (fury, vigor, stability), or one build is so OP at providing them (druid -> might, herald -> protection/fury) that it really limits any kind of alternative comp.


> All in all, current balancing might not make raiding impossible. But it sure makes it unpleasant, unfun and frustrating. Especially if you are trying to optimize squad dps.


It's almost like they're trying to tell you.....



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Don't even know where to start with this hot mess.


If not having permanent protection is an issue go bring a hammer guard.

If quickness is an issue instead of 2 druids take 1 druid 1 firebrand (for fotm dont take the druid and use a FB instead). Previously mentioned guard could take Feel my wrath elite shout.

If vigor is an issue druid could take Spirited Arrival over Windborne notes to get 16s of vigor for the party every 20s for simply swapping a pet. Or have engi take medkit (infusion bomb, AoE 10s vigor, 30s cd)


> @"Yasi.9065" said:

> On top of that some boons are so elusive (fury, vigor, stability), or one build is so OP at providing them (druid -> might, herald -> protection/fury) that it really limits any kind of alternative comp.

Druid providing might or herald providing prot/fury is OP but chrono providing LITERALLY EVERYTHING is the baseline right? its meta dont change it. rofl

> All in all, current balancing might not make raiding impossible. But it sure makes it unpleasant, unfun and frustrating. Especially if you are trying to optimize squad dps.

My english isnt good enough to properly mock this, again not Anets fault that you cant make adjustments.




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> @"Ertrak.9506" said:

> I guess its finally time to think outside the box a little and actually solve that problem rather than whining, hm?


Are you talking to Mesmer players or Arenanet?


You do understand that the Mesmer community has had 0 influence on any balance changes over the last year right?


Or are you going to blame players for balance changes they had 0 influence on?

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Ertrak.9506" said:

> > I guess its finally time to think outside the box a little and actually solve that problem rather than whining, hm?


> Are you talking to Mesmer players or Arenanet?


> You do understand that the Mesmer community has had 0 influence on any balance changes over the last year right?


> Or are you going to blame players for balance changes they had 0 influence on?


Read his comment, read the part where he says to solve the problem rather than whining. Ask yourself, is Arenanet whining or the players?

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> @"Morte de Angelis.7986" said:

> You mean the Chrono has a weakness in its boon application, interesting tell me more.


> There have been some solutions that I've seen that look pretty good for solving the well issue. Such as making wells tick or giving them a larger radius.

> This would still tie in to the drawback they currently have, poor on-the-move application of Quickness / Alacrity, but make moving less punishing but spreading out the application so it isn't all tied to the end tick of the well.


> You could also take Time Warp and use Shield 5 to apply the first set of boons. That way you can gurantee (almost) that everyone will have the boons on them for the first use of SoI and it being much quicker to apply then waiting for the wells.


So far I know rev has everything you mentioned mainly most boons comes instantly : https://snowcrows.com/raids/builds/revenant/herald/support/

The reason nobody picked it earlier is no boonsharing , a bit less cc and nearly no utility


In the other thread we already disgust the combo of FB + Rev which is actually the wvw meta but there is a lots of problems with this :

1.) Still no boonsharing this is important because even if you stack at the beginning of a fight there are a lot of encounter were you keep dodging/running /jumping the whole fight actually I think this is the biggest hit which came with the patch. I also noticed that the fractals who had rework meaning Mai Trin and Molton Boss got some of their pre stack possibilities removed with it. I still I agee constantly reapplying the boons will help or it is at least better then before but this doesn't solve the main issues.


2.) This meta isn't safe if you would take the developers by the word they would need to also nerf FB and Rev into the ground.


3.)The built isn't safe means the developers said they want to introduce new star combination by my guess properly for rev something like berserker + concentration or viper + concentration because funny the rev and the FB are both healer with harrier stats. (or FB as condi DD but this has also short coming mainly no real stabi)


4.) You don't get players who have this easily, for FB you could simply change a DH by using new equip but Revs ? Really the only revs I see playing are in wvw and they won't give you their players.( this would be easier if the wvw and the fractals wouldn't have different infusions)


5.) This patch isn't safe so ridiculous it sounds ^^ It is many years ago since I saw a patch this broken in an MMO. The developers there also thought we want to make the content more challenging because this f2p had ever increasing stats which resulted in a huge mana pool the developer thought hm lets the spells consume % amount of the mana with each use. Can you guess what they forgot ?




Resolution : The normal mana potions had still a fixed amount of mana regeneration which were also way too low for the increased stats. Result you burned through a whole stack of potion(99st) after 10 minutes by just doing dailies . You could play the game but is it fun? Players said no stopped login in , CEO in panic , patch got undone.


This here isn't as bad because people still doing raids and still trying to find fun in the fractals also the problem is really endcontent specific also the metric is possible messed up because Arena NET could be thinking people are just in holiday or just doing winterday and then there are people who are responsible in holiday .


My guess is at some point people will stop running certain content and it will be show up in the metrics sooner or later and then yeah panic..... This is also have tried fractals today again after the 7ten wipe I could only say I'm sry but this is awful.


If this wouldn't be so frustrating this would be a great source for jokes and puns like : We have true agony in the fractals now not that VR rubbish.

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I don't see a reason they need to ... it's not like there are so few comps that can complete content where raids need to be toned down to those comps. Maybe if people didn't try to just play how some website tells them, they would realize there ARE solutions to complete content outside of their narrow ideas of what they have been told is optimal.


See, this is the problem with pushing meta ... hardly any players know how to figure out how to play for themselves anymore. The can't figure out what to do when something changes.

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> @"Setz.9675" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"Ertrak.9506" said:

> > > I guess its finally time to think outside the box a little and actually solve that problem rather than whining, hm?

> >

> > Are you talking to Mesmer players or Arenanet?

> >

> > You do understand that the Mesmer community has had 0 influence on any balance changes over the last year right?

> >

> > Or are you going to blame players for balance changes they had 0 influence on?


> Read his comment, read the part where he says to solve the problem rather than whining. Ask yourself, is Arenanet whining or the players?


Honestly, after a year of having the class reworked and nerfed every single time without avail, who do you think is whining and why?


The playerbase has been giving constructive suggestions along the road the entire time. To now pretend that all Mesmers do is whine is a shitty move. Especially since the majority of whining came from a lot of other players about balance, something which Mesmer players also had no influence on.


EDIT: and going along those lines, I assume you have already heard about the new meta comp statics are running? 7 mesmer for constant SoI boon copy. Take a guess who will be whining if that actually moves into the mainstream PUG meta. Take a guess how much influence the player base had on this balance decision?

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> @"Setz.9675" said:

> If not having permanent protection is an issue go bring a hammer guard.


You do realize hammer guard symbol only works if you can stack and is 5 man? So you'd need to bring 2 of those. Loosing 12k dps on each, thats 24k less squad dps. Sorry, unacceptable.


> @"Setz.9675" said:

> If quickness is an issue instead of 2 druids take 1 druid 1 firebrand (for fotm dont take the druid and use a FB instead). Previously mentioned guard could take Feel my wrath elite shout.


FB in fractals actually sucks because your pulls are too small, you dont have a port for skips. If you want to stack might on a fb you have to bring scepter. That means you run into trouble with fury uptime. If you bring fury and leave might stacking to PS-bannerwarrior, that bannerwarrior needs strength runes. Ren might stacking means you have to stack tightly for alacrity again, which is kinda the point of this thread.


Most importantly though... the last time I raided with 2 druids was hm... when anet changed gotl to 10man might. Not to mention, solving quickness issues in one group with a fb healer doesnt solve them in the other subgroup. And it adds another supporter to the mix, lowering your squad dps quite a lot, opening up a whole other can of worms because your dps drops below "can skip" point on most encounters. Not to mention, too low squad dps means your fullclear turns from < 3 hours to > 4 hours. Extra time spend on content thats not fun in current balancing.


> @"Setz.9675" said:

> If vigor is an issue druid could take Spirited Arrival over Windborne notes to get 16s of vigor for the party every 20s for simply swapping a pet. Or have engi take medkit (infusion bomb, AoE 10s vigor, 30s cd)


Actually, vigor isnt a problem, but its a symptome. A boon that should be accessible to all support builds - like fury and protection - thats only available to a select few.


> @"Setz.9675" said:

> Druid providing might or herald providing prot/fury is OP but chrono providing LITERALLY EVERYTHING is the baseline right? its meta dont change it. rofl


Did I say this anywhere? Stop projecting please. Ill spell it out just for you: the problem isnt that chrono got nerfed, the problem is that it was done in a way that doesnt properly work in most raid/fractal encounters, while leaving gaps that have been there for ages in alternative comps.

Lowering cooldown on SoI to 20seconds, reducing boon extension time to 3 seconds would probably solve already quite a lot of the mentioned issues. Reducing cooldown on wells, pulsing boons on wells and reducing duration would also help. Increasing radius of shield4 illu procc to 300 or 360.

Still leaves problems with fury and might. But well, at least it would be a start.


> @"Setz.9675" said:

> My english isnt good enough to properly mock this, again not Anets fault that you cant make adjustments.


Please refrain from answering without having properly reading the post you are answering to. Its bad form. Thank you. As I already said all the way up at the beginning. I tried, Ive done adjustments. The result is unsatisfying because -> see first post for reasons.


> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> I don't see a reason they need to ... it's not like there are so few comps that can complete content where raids need to be toned down to those comps. Maybe if people didn't try to just play how some website tells them, they would realize there ARE solutions to complete content outside of their narrow ideas of what they have been told is optimal.


> See, this is the problem with pushing meta ... hardly any players know how to figure out how to play for themselves anymore. The can't figure out what to do when something changes.


Im sorry to burst that bubble, but Im actually quite proficient in theorycrafting, come up with builds usually by myself and/or adjust builds to work for me. I never copy builds from anywhere. I take "those" builds as pointers and integrate them - or not.


Ive tried for days to find a comp that can be used for a fullclear without having to waste time switching around everything after each boss. Or blowing lfgs out of proportion. Tried finding a good chrono player that also can switch to heal fb and quickness fb every other boss? Sorry, only a select few of those in existence. Hell, if you are lucky you find a chrono that can play tanky and dps oriented, but thats already stretching it.


Also, raids isnt only about "completing content". This is still a game, and it SHOULD be fun to do raids. For me and my static that translates into having a comp that:


* doesnt have to be adjusted on every boss with 3+ minutes downtime each time, turning raiding into a big waiting meme,

* forgives small mistakes, but

* is still challenging


Id say most statics think similarly about raiding. God knows, we dont do it for the loot.

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> @"Yasi.9065" said:

> Im sorry to burst that bubble, but Im actually quite proficient in theorycrafting, come up with builds usually by myself and/or adjust builds to work for me. I never copy builds from anywhere. I take "those" builds as pointers and integrate them - or not.


That's maybe why you have such a difficult time ... being successful in raids isn't about any individual persons build. You're not going 'theorycraft' your way into success because it's not enough to be successful. In fact I would hypothesize that it's a waste of time of theorycraft to attempt finding success because you don't need it.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Yasi.9065" said:

> > Im sorry to burst that bubble, but Im actually quite proficient in theorycrafting, come up with builds usually by myself and/or adjust builds to work for me. I never copy builds from anywhere. I take "those" builds as pointers and integrate them - or not.


> That's maybe why you have such a difficult time ... being successful in raids isn't about any individual persons build. You're not going 'theorycraft' your way into success because it's not enough to be successful. In fact I would hypothesize that it's a waste of time of theorycraft to attempt finding success because you don't need it.


Maybe that's why he mentioned his static and cooperating with another chrono and changing classes? Just my guess.


Every build starts out as theory until tested unless you get super lucky and find the right set of traits, skills, gear and class composition via pure luck. Highly unlikely I might add.

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> @"Ertrak.9506" said:

> I guess its finally time to think outside the box a little and actually solve that problem rather than whining, hm?


Do you have any idea how much time people like OP or me, who have significantly more experience in this game, spent on this unsolvable puzzle until we came to this conclusion? This patch is fundamentally broken. It feels bad to play it.


Also, quick note: Yes, 100% quickness and alacrity uptime are necessary in raids and during fights in fractals (after fights, it's good to have alacrity left over). In WvW and PvP it's not necessary, because you fight differently. If this uptime can not be achieved, the group composition will be adjusted until we have that uptime. If it is not possible, the game feels bad to play - that's not balance.


This thread really shows who knows how to approach this game at a high skill level and who does not. Keep in mind that there is nothing wrong with having fun and playing suboptimally, but don't force that on people who want to optimize. There will always be a most efficient build and setup from a boss-to-boss basis, it just turns out that this time, you


a. have to relog all the time (optimal for encounters) or

b. are forced to have bad boon uptime which makes all other classes feel bad to play for good players

c. are forced to play chronos, which feel incredibly bad to play this patch


There is no winning. There is no solution to this puzzle. This patch is incomplete and a broken mess, and we're expected to play with it until the next update, just like we were expected to play with the mess that was Mimic-SoI with 13 perma boons, which no one wanted either.


Also I highly recommend double checking your approach on problem solving, especially when it comes to the use of sources. We rely on others. Kierkegaard said it best:


> Søren Kierkegaard, The Concept of Dread

> According to my notion, he who would write a book does well to think a good deal about the subject on which he would write. Neither would he do ill to form acquaintance, so far as possible, with what has previously been written on the same subject. If along that road he should encounter an individual who has dealt exhaustively and adequately with one or another part of the subject, he does well to rejoice as does the friend of the bridegroom when he stands and gives ear to the bridegroom's voice. When he has done that in perfect silence and with the enthusiasm of a lover, which always seeks solitude, then no more is needed — then he writes his book straightway as the bird sings its ditty, if there be one who profits by it and finds joy in it, so much the better; then he publishes it, carefree and unconcerned, without any self-importance, as though he had said the last word, or as though by his book all generations would be blessed. Every generation has its task and need not disturb itself overmuch to be everything for the preceding and the following generations.


EDIT: put a better fitting quote in that came to mind.

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http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vlAQNAscmnXMnNSumzJRZzNlst5oSY38UJ4bOskFNl6PIPylsdACgGYtJmiqA-jBhXAB6eCA8X9nQfAAAs/AA-e Dedicated Healer

You can also take Invocation if you have issue with energy, you lose the +150 ferocity but it helps a lot if you need more CC, more heals etc.


http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQRAnf7fnsADFBjdBDODBEEhF/BzKAUBqTZJhKUGavimRHpA-jhgEhAAq/Yu/AA-e DPS/support. There is a variant "Power" DPS with harrier + zeal retaliation ; more heals more boons, but big DPS drop.

Perma alacrity, perma quickness, perma retaliation, perma regen, perma fury, perma protection, 25 might, aegis (or stab etc, talk to the FB), condi cleanse, projectile hate, +150 ferocity, Soulcleave's summit, CC with FB axe renegade staff and darkazor (careful about energy)...


HoT is over guys, bye bye chrono, time to see further than the tip of your nose.


There is solutions, may be it's not as easy to play (I really doubt about renegade +fb, but each his own) or as obvious.

But flaming compo you obviously didn't try, and claim the game is broken when visibly you just argue about chrono, won't help.

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No good pulls, no entangles, no spirits (ress spirit? cc from storm?), lower CC, no good pushes, no active damage mitigation/blocks/distortion for tank, awkward use of buffs (mantra aoe, renegade alacrity aoe and their respective ranges), awkward mechanics like renegade energy management that reduce how freely you can use your already limited utility, low base hp and armor... and a million other things I forgot. We've been through this list a million times.


Forced to go 2x firebrand means you'll run 4x hybrid builds if you want druid buffs, resulting in overall less personal damage, less utility and less group damage.


Don't act as if these builds were something new that no one thought about. They just aren't good enough. But it seems like you hate Chronos and chrono players enough to play them out of spite based on your "bye bye chrono", so play what you want and feel free to dismiss the better, yet still bad build. But please don't act as if yours was superior. :D


I'd happily play fb+rene if it was any good *or* fun to play, preferrably both. It is neither. :)

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> @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vlAQNAscmnXMnNSumzJRZzNlst5oSY38UJ4bOskFNl6PIPylsdACgGYtJmiqA-jBhXAB6eCA8X9nQfAAAs/AA-e Dedicated Healer

> You can also take Invocation if you have issue with energy, you lose the +150 ferocity but it helps a lot if you need more CC, more heals etc.

> +

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQRAnf7fnsADFBjdBDODBEEhF/BzKAUBqTZJhKUGavimRHpA-jhgEhAAq/Yu/AA-e DPS/support. There is a variant "Power" DPS with harrier + zeal retaliation ; more heals more boons, but big DPS drop.

> Perma alacrity, perma quickness, perma retaliation, perma regen, perma fury, perma protection, 25 might, aegis (or stab etc, talk to the FB), condi cleanse, projectile hate, +150 ferocity, Soulcleave's summit, CC with FB axe renegade staff and darkazor (careful about energy)...


> HoT is over guys, bye bye chrono, time to see further than the tip of your nose.


And who do you think will play them? Who do you think will cover the support role in squads? (Hint, it's the same players who played support - Chrono among them - beforehand.)


Do you really think there have been Firebrand/Renegades in hiding the past couple months who will now happily enter raid/fractal groups left of right because the evil chrono overlords are gone?


Remove Chronojail and add Renegade/Firebrand jail. Amazing. Way to shift a problem rather than solving it. Also not going into what's wrong with Firebrand/Renegade from a playability PoV as that is another wall of text on its own.

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> @"Grogba.6204" said:

> And who do you think will play them? Who do you think will cover the support role in squads? (Hint, it's the same players who played support - Chrono among them - beforehand.)

? Rev or FB, I wrote it.

> Do you really think there have been Firebrand/Renegades in hiding the past couple months who will now happily enter raid/fractal groups left of right because the evil chrono overlords are gone?


Do you really think there were magi or cleric ranger, and concentration mesmer waiting for Hot and raids release ? What the point is this argument ? No I don't think there are that much people ; may be some guys who didn't wait for Uber guilds to do the job for them. And so ... ?

Change classes, change builds, change gear, change attitude, because nerfs, up and needs have change Meta ? No. Better, keep whining about dead chrono. Better play the same build all over again after 3 years.


> Remove Chronojail and add Renegade/Firebrand jail. Amazing. Way to shift a problem rather than solving it. Also not going into what's wrong with Firebrand/Renegade from a playability PoV as that is another wall of text on its own.


Revert patch will help, for sure.


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> @"rabenpriester.7129" said:

> No good pulls, no entangles, no spirits (ress spirit? cc from storm?), lower CC, no good pushes, no active damage mitigation/blocks/distortion for tank, awkward use of buffs (mantra aoe, renegade alacrity aoe and their respective ranges), awkward mechanics like renegade energy management that reduce how freely you can use your already limited utility, low base hp and armor... and a million other things I forgot. We've been through this list a million times.


> Forced to go 2x firebrand means you'll run 4x hybrid builds if you want druid buffs, resulting in overall less personal damage, less utility and less group damage.


> Don't act as if these builds were something new that no one thought about. They just aren't good enough. But it seems like you hate Chronos and chrono players enough to play them out of spite based on your "bye bye chrono", so play what you want and feel free to dismiss the better, yet still bad build. But please don't act as if yours was superior. :D


> I'd happily play fb+rene if it was any good *or* fun to play, preferrably both. It is neither. :)



There are not, because people don't build on them. (Like, the +100 precision)

In cm's druid + chrono is trash since the first day. Chrono DPS is trash, druid dps is trash, druid heal is not constant, war DPS is often trash, you lose 2 slots to support 2 DPS and a war. Did or do we see Harrier/Minstrel chrono ? Why ? Because people have copy/paste raid compo without thinking*. You were like "I'm chrono healer _Okai but we need a druid for frost spirit and mights" And you're like "Do you even Math ????????" War doesn't need rune of strenght to take the shout and be PS (actually it's even easier since the patch) (at worst it is worth than burden druid)

In raid I'm okai, with Kiting, mobile boss, various phases ... Ventari's skills are akward to manage and FB's mantra need a proper placement. Otherwise range is same as wells.


> Forced to go 2x firebrand means you'll run 4x hybrid builds if you want druid buffs, resulting in overall less personal damage, less utility and less group damage.


But in raid, once again do we need to copy/paste group 1 to group 2? Ren+FB is (A healer + middling DPS) perma quickness+alacrity+fury+might+retaliation+prot+... it fills easily a Melee focused group; because yes, it is good. Druid/soulbeast and chrono can fill the other with war *and keep add 10 allies spirits etc, pull with focus, take aggro, agony, shroom whatever + the ren can help with alacrity to 10 players, so chrono can focus on mimic and time warp for example ...



Actually I don't see here people looking for a new composition, I see people looking for the same meta but how to fix chrono. It's not my definition of Balance.

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> @"Grogba.6204" said:

> > @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

> > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vlAQNAscmnXMnNSumzJRZzNlst5oSY38UJ4bOskFNl6PIPylsdACgGYtJmiqA-jBhXAB6eCA8X9nQfAAAs/AA-e Dedicated Healer

> > You can also take Invocation if you have issue with energy, you lose the +150 ferocity but it helps a lot if you need more CC, more heals etc.

> > +

> > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQRAnf7fnsADFBjdBDODBEEhF/BzKAUBqTZJhKUGavimRHpA-jhgEhAAq/Yu/AA-e DPS/support. There is a variant "Power" DPS with harrier + zeal retaliation ; more heals more boons, but big DPS drop.

> > Perma alacrity, perma quickness, perma retaliation, perma regen, perma fury, perma protection, 25 might, aegis (or stab etc, talk to the FB), condi cleanse, projectile hate, +150 ferocity, Soulcleave's summit, CC with FB axe renegade staff and darkazor (careful about energy)...

> >

> > HoT is over guys, bye bye chrono, time to see further than the tip of your nose.


> And who do you think will play them? Who do you think will cover the support role in squads? (Hint, it's the same players who played support - Chrono among them - beforehand.)


> Do you really think there have been Firebrand/Renegades in hiding the past couple months who will now happily enter raid/fractal groups left of right because the evil chrono overlords are gone?


> Remove Chronojail and add Renegade/Firebrand jail. Amazing. Way to shift a problem rather than solving it. Also not going into what's wrong with Firebrand/Renegade from a playability PoV as that is another wall of text on its own.


To answer your questions, ive been practice boon/heal FB for a couple months in fractal , now working on raid. Ive also met awesome rev player before and learn something I never think about it. The only problem is we both always lurking in the shadow because chrono/druid dominated the market before.


Now our time has come , get used to it.

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Boons has always been vital. The patch toned down chrono's boon sharing capabilities. What OP and players are experiencing is the absence of constant boons.


Chrono was upholding all boons previously making the class overturned. To change that, traits and SoI was toned down. Which resulted; Mimic was brought in, and one needed to go.


> The playerbase has been giving constructive suggestions along the road the entire time. To now pretend that all Mesmers do is whine is a kitten move. Especially since the majority of whining came from a lot of other players about balance, something which Mesmer players also had no influence on.


Some chrono defence are contradicting their own words in their same post is giving bad vibes. (Eg. Playing the weak victim card, but justifying they should remain strong. So are they weak or strong? :lol:)


> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> I don't see a reason they need to ... it's not like there are so few comps that can complete content where raids need to be toned down to those comps. Maybe if people didn't try to just play how some website tells them, they would realize there ARE solutions to complete content outside of their narrow ideas of what they have been told is optimal.


> See, this is the problem with pushing meta ... hardly any players know how to figure out how to play for themselves anymore. The can't figure out what to do when something changes.


The problem lies in the boons quantity & uptime. Many players are trying to fix chrono than fixing the real problem :smile:.


From the look, FB will be essential with the only class capable of sharing aegis and quickness reliably.



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