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Please stop changing our camera zoom


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Please stop changing our camera zoom! I'm not referring to the FOV setting, I am talking about the actual zoom that you control with your mouse-wheel.


This is not new, I'm just finally getting around to posting...


It is most notable at world bosses such as Teq and Jormag. I'll have the camera zoomed all the way out, and then for whatever reason it jumps back in, and I have to zoom out again. It's highly distracting.


I have the collision slider moved all the way to the right, if that makes any difference.

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  • 1 month later...

I couldn't agree more. This drives me crazy, too.


1) I don't get the purpose of it. For me, seeing a wider view with my camera zoomed out helps me to know what's going on around me in a boss fight. If I want a closer view, I can zoom in manually, no problem.


2) I do not understand why Anet imposes this on us, taking control of our camera and not offering us a disable function so we can play these fights the way we want.


This has bothered me for a long while but the THK fight has brought it to my attention once again. I have to repeatedly use my scroll wheel to get my camera view the way I want it and that distracts me from the fight. It's counterproductive.


A quick search brings up previous threads on this subject and I would not be surprised if there were more, older ones lost after the forum changeover. In short, I doubt there's any chance that this will be changed since it's been around so long with no response I could find and no fixes offered.

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> @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> I agree this sucks, i hate when im fighting a boss and my camera just zooms in on its own. I have enough to do in a fight without having to adjust my camera multiple times. Is this something new? i dont remember the camera doing this on my low levels.


From my experience, it's in meta boss fights. Others have said it happens in fractals, too, but since I don't do them, I can't say.

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> @"Sarpan.9074" said:

> > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > I agree this sucks, i hate when im fighting a boss and my camera just zooms in on its own. I have enough to do in a fight without having to adjust my camera multiple times. Is this something new? i dont remember the camera doing this on my low levels.


> From my experience, it's in meta boss fights. Others have said it happens in fractals, too, but since I don't do them, I can't say.


Yep, happens to me too in meta events. Specifically, the last time I noticed it was in Dragon's Stand. I was wondering why my camera was so zoomed in when the fight ended, and my camera dizzily zoomed out on its own. Ow, my eyes...

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> @"Sarpan.9074" said:

> > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > I agree this sucks, i hate when im fighting a boss and my camera just zooms in on its own. I have enough to do in a fight without having to adjust my camera multiple times. Is this something new? i dont remember the camera doing this on my low levels.


> From my experience, it's in meta boss fights. Others have said it happens in fractals, too, but since I don't do them, I can't say.


Raid bosses also, as i found out.

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Elementalist's under water elite skill Whirlpool. Camera zooms very far out. If I try to zoom in just a tick, it goes into first-person mode. There is no in-between max-zoom and first-person. This is very irritating because it makes it hard to see where my character is and how close I am to the enemies, causing me to swim around mindlessly trying to hit something.


Whirlpool is literally the only elite skill for core ele that can be used under water. The elites from tempest and weaver can be used under water, but if you have no use for those skills, whirlpool is your only other option. None of the racial elites skills from any race can be used under water. So your only options for ele are whirlpool and whatever the elite spec your'e using (if any) gives you.

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I've found this annoying since day one.

From a usability standpoint, this is a really poor design - it is changing a setting (zoom level) that the player had set. If the game change settings in the setup menu on the basis of 'we think this setting is better' everytime you logged in, people would be really annoyed.

I agree that the simplest solution is just some setup option like 'lock zoom setting'. I'd like that beyond these metas - sometimes when moving around, something temporarily blocks view and it zooms in, and then zooms out again as you continue moving. But at least in that case, it resets back to the original value.

The annoying thing for the meta events is that it does not reset back to original value - if they must change zoom for some reason, they should at least reset it back to what it was.


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  • 5 months later...

IIRC the camera used to zoom out to a normally unavailable distance during world boss fights and it was kind of a big deal when anet starting letting us manually zoom out that far -- and farther? -- all the time. I always figured this was just the camera defaulting to the old world boss zoom at the start of the fight, as it always did back when that used to be a zoom out rather than in . . .

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Evidently, this also happens when entering the Ley-Line Confluence in Tangled Depths, even when not in a meta event/fighting a boss. Walk a few paces toward the center of the area - camera dizzily changes the depths-of-field effects, zooming in on your character while the background zooms *out*. Walk a few paces back where you came from - camera dizzily changes back to whatever normal settings you had before.


I gave up on doing the chak gherent meta after experiencing that from running back and forth through that area several times...by the end of it I felt like throwing up. :weary:


Please let us turn off this camera zoom effect, ArenaNet...

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  • 1 year later...

> @"VanWilder.6923" said:

> Big YES from me.


> Please stop this automatic zoom in when collide an object. Players should have full right control when and where they want to zoom in or out.


It wouldn't be so bad if it actually remembered the original setting and zoomed you back to it as soon as possible. Unfortunately, it only works partially - it works for zooms that happen due to narrow confines (where camera gets zoomed so it won't show stuff inside objects/outside map limits etc). It doesn't work in places where you get rezoomed because the max zoom limit changed (stuff like that happens often in boss encounters/major map events). And that causes problems when your preferred zoom setting for those boss fights is well outside normal open world limits.

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> @"Silkjar.8596" said:

> this is still a problem. @ARENANet please please fix this !


It really is so annoying playing in Drizzlewood and the camera constantly changing height, it really ruins the experience, instead of being able to focus on the fight I am then forced to change my camera back to the position I like it, and this just continues to happen again and again and again. I have said it before, stop taking control of my camera Arenanet, give me a checkbox option to lock camera, I do not need you deciding where my camera should be....

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