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psa to afk'ers

Stand The Wall.6987

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> @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> Just keep calm, /report AFK players for idling carry on with the game. There will be new matches where you will win again.


Because the afk guy is on the other team!!!


On a more serious note, I dont mind the afk guy if he leaves match, its the ones sitting in spawn spewing verbal bowel movements that make me wanna reach through thier screen and slap them silly... Best solution is to alt + F4 after that and play something else...

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> when the going gets tough the trick is to double down instead of giving up.

> words to live by kiddos.


Just came out of a match: huge margin lost 500-lesser numbers. We didn't have any afk but suddenly i was thinking about the afk's. The amount of toxic high damage spams mindlessly by bad design and broken mechanics, i asked myself: if we had afk's, would we report them?


I do not support afk but if one promote a game mode having competitive scene why so many refusing to engage in combat?


It's just doens;'t make any sense to me. I rarely report Afk's but after thinking about this, I will not be reporting any until Anet stand by their vision of pvp


**Going in tough was never the problem: it is what Pvp was advertise as, is the problem**





"**Player versus Player (PvP) is a game mode where a player participates in competitive gaming against other players,** as opposed to co-operative Player versus Environment.


'All PvP game modes mostly follow the same established game mechanics, with the exception of certain individual traits and skills which might be adjusted for PvP **to ensure game balance**'

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To the AFKers: Most matches will have high times and low times and you aren't guaranteed a win every game. If you pull out during the low times, you aren't cut out for PvP. Stop being self-entitled wimps who think the world owes you a win every game you play. If you don't do your part and learn from both your mistakes and your team's mistakes then you'll always be a crappy PvPer.


Anytime you lose, start asking yourself "what can *I* do better?". Keyword "I". Not your team, not anyone else but yourself. Unless you are playing tournaments (which you aren't with this attitude) with pre-made 5 man teams, all you can do is improve what you are doing.


And remember, win or lose you still get a prize. So just focus on having fun and improving your own performance and stop worrying about how much you are winning. If you do well, you'll win more. You'll never win 100% of the time, but you'll win more.


Also, remember to report AFK players. They don't deserve to be banned (being self-entitled is an unfortunate human condition, but it isn't the worst quality someone can have), but they should probably be locked out of PvP for a days to a few weeks, depending on the severity of the situation and their history of AFKing. We don't need those kinds of people in sPvP.

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> @"Aplethoraof.2643" said:

> To the AFKers: Most matches will have high times and low times and you aren't guaranteed a win every game. If you pull out during the low times, you aren't cut out for PvP. Stop being self-entitled wimps who think the world owes you a win every game you play. If you don't do your part and learn from both your mistakes and your team's mistakes then you'll always be a crappy PvPer.


> Anytime you lose, start asking yourself "what can *I* do better?". Keyword "I". Not your team, not anyone else but yourself. Unless you are playing tournaments (which you aren't with this attitude) with pre-made 5 man teams, all you can do is improve what you are doing.


> And remember, win or lose you still get a prize. So just focus on having fun and improving your own performance and stop worrying about how much you are winning. If you do well, you'll win more. You'll never win 100% of the time, but you'll win more.


> 'Also, remember to report AFK players. They don't deserve to be banned (being self-entitled is an unfortunate human condition, but it isn't the worst quality someone can have), but they should probably be locked out of PvP for a days to a few weeks, depending on the severity of the situation and their history of AFKing. We don't need those kinds of people in sPvP'


Why not start to locking out toxic professions who prevents them in engaging in combat than? Toxicity reaps self-entitlement and is to be blame in their unhealthy behaviors which effects every players.


Lastly,, where is having fun and improving performance where toxicity is encouraged and promoted? The increasing amount of toxic bad design and broken mechanics which are given the green light to run amok in waves in pvp, where does fun exist and the improvement of performance?


Have you not read threads and posts by new players providing same evidence and same results?


(no disrespect- keep telling them to improve and to have fun will only open back door for them to escape to other game companies who work hard, who strive to improve a fun, engaging improving healthy competitive experience for them )


**Toxicity is the killer of fun, performance, improvement and competitiveness**-

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IMO, if you can't find a way to work around *certain* builds while other people can. . .well, that is an l2p issue. Or an issue with an unwillingness to switch to a counter.


I'm not saying stuff like condi mirage, core warrior, or boonbeast aren't absurdly strong. But there are ways to work around it. It can be killed while anet works on balancing it. People do kill condi mirages, people can kill boon-vomit. They are OP, not immortal.


A person just needs to work on it instead of kicking down their gloves and whining and refusing to play. If you refuse to play against it, of course you'll never beat it. But that is YOUR fault, not the game's, at the point where you just give up. That is a kneejerk reaction that once serves to diminish your position. You can't complain something is OP if you refuse to even play against it. At that point, you have no experience playing against it anymore. You won't know if it has changed or if there is a new strategy you can exploit to fight it if you aren't even playing. You can't find new strategies if you refuse to play.


AFKing players aren't prevented to engage in combat. They make the toxic choice, both to the detriment of themselves and their team and DECIDE to not engage in combat.


In short, AFKing players are scum who choose to spread out their vapid vitriol to the rest of the community.


Mind you, these are just the AFK players who decide to go AFK. I can understand if something has to pop into IRL, IRL>Games all the time. That can make it hard to judge, but usually the toxic AFKers will hang around and whine about how their life is unfair in chat. Those ones are easy to identify as scum.

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> @"UfoCoffee.2084" said:

> People in my games afk after losing the initial battle at mid.... Just unbelievable.


Happens all the time; last night...game starts, we wipe at mid, score is like 20-0


in map chat: _"I quit, everyone is an idiot -- enjoy your free win"_ then sits in spawn the rest of the game.

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> @"Cicada.6298" said:

> > @"UfoCoffee.2084" said:

> > People in my games afk after losing the initial battle at mid.... Just unbelievable.


> in map chat: _"I quit, everyone is an idiot -- enjoy your free win"_ then sits in spawn the rest of the game.

why did you wipe? who went close/mid/far?



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> @"Buran.3796" said:

> > @"UfoCoffee.2084" said:

> > People in my games afk after losing the initial battle at mid.... Just unbelievable.


> Most of the time is easy to accurately predict the match after 2-3 minutes of gameplay.


Even if that's true, people who refuse to play unless they're sure of winning are pathetic. And it's not like there's nothing else to be gained by playing - you can meet daily requirements for leading categories, you can get practice, etc. If people only play when they can steamroll the other side, they will never improve.

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The main problem is once a game hits a gap of 200+ it is over. Id argue the opposite to the OP, our team is 3 capped, the score is like 60 to 258, that is game over. I think I have come back once ever from a deficit close to this, and that was due to a LD on the opposing team. You can pretty much predict how the game will pan out after 3minutes and by team comps. Enemy team has a scourge/FB duo on mid, other relevant meta builds and specs rotating. Your team has a Spirit Ranger, Turret Engineer and someone who picked up the game yesterday.


I will say after losing mid in the opening fight is far too early to predict the game. Did you get home? Did someone rotate from mid to pressure far?


Game needs a resign function, but it needs to be workable by having to be unanimous by the team. This would also be useful for rage loggers and link death games where the team could vote to quit. Rather than just dueling until the timer runs out. Alternatively the game needs to review how it rates losses, close games should result in fewer points lost, closer rewards. Especially a game that ends say 470-500, these are the game that are genuinely great that everyone loves to play in. winning 500-100 is just as boring as losing 500-100.


GW2 isnt the only game like this, watch the Starcraft competitive scene, a lot of the games are blowouts before ever teching to 2nd tier.

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> @"Czerny.6530" said:

> Except in Starcraft you can just type "gg" and press F10+N to end the game when you've clearly lost.


Id say a difference of 200 points is a clear loss in a competitive environment. This means the game has been going for quite a while and your team has failed to gain any real traction in the matchup. It's not a case of 'oh we lost the first mid battle time to afk'.


It would be more like lost multiple mid attempts, maybe home has seesawed back and forth, you have probably managed to decap far but not take it.

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