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Warrior build diversity poll.


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Warrior build diversity.


How many of you run discipline and other trait lines?

This poll will show us if warrior is held hostage by mandatory 5 sec cooldown on weapon swap discipline.

I just choose the most common builds because I cannot put all the possible builds for polling.

So if your build had discipline click the first option with Defense, Discipline and Spell breaker

If your build does not have discipline, then click Defense, X, Spell Breaker.

Please be honest.


And if you choose Discipline, please let us know why you have choosen that option?

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> Shouldn't you at least specify that you ask for PvP? I mean maybe it's obvious for you but for other it might not. I think stength with MMR can be a pretty fun pick for more evasion in a tankier build.


No this poll in in general. All modes!

personally in PvE i use Discipline too.

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* PvE Solo: Strenght/Arms/Discipline Axe/Axe + Mace/Mace

* PvE Group: Strenght/Tactic/ Dicsipline Axe/Axe + Mace/Mace

* PvE Pure Dps: None existent



* PvE Solo: Arms/Tactic/Berzerker Longbow + Sword/Torch

* PvE Group: Arms/Tactic/Berzerker Longbow + Sword/Torch

* PvE Pure Dps: Arms/Tactic/Berzerker Longbow + Sword/Torch



Offensive : Look at PvE Group builds

Defensive: None exsitent






As we can see, the only thing Warrior need currently is a option to play pure Power Dps when the group already has a Offensive Support Warrior and a Defensive Support Build.


Make Power Berzerker good and next elite spec defensive support.



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I never go without Discipline and Strength. In open world I exclusively use Berserker now, because I simply prefer the playstyle over Spellbreaker. In WvW I run Defense Discipline, but unless I am following a tag I never use Spellbreaker. I don't even find the weapon swap to be that important to the overall feel of the class, however the swapping enables you to do so many more things by giving you adrenaline and access to another burst skill, which makes the entire class feel more flexible and offers a quality of life other classes simply don't have.

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PvE Open world: Arms/Discipline/Spellbreaker

This build is all about Fury uptime. The most reliable way to do that is burst as much as possible, thanks to Arms. Meanwhile Discipline reduces both burst and Weapon swap recharge to around the same timer. Note each weapon set has their own burst cooldown. Thus it's simply burst and weapon swap whenever they fully recharge since they're on similar schedules. So Discipline is important for reducing both burst and weapon swap recharge, in order to proc more often from burst.

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Spellbreaker without discipline traitline just doesn't work. Level 1 adrenaline bursts, full counter and its ability to reset burst CD make whole spec with discipline fluid and fast paced. Without discipline, the adrenaline gain is just too slow to be able to spam all those things consistently and smoothly.

That is why core warrior is so great. Beacuse you basically always use discipline traitline. And other 2 core traitlines add flavor.

Discipline offers too much good stuff to not use it.


Non-discipline spellbreaker in pve is one of the most hideous things. Unfortunately, it is meta in fractals with No Pain No Gain...


To me, not using discipline traitline is like cripppling oneself.

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> @"Hitman.5829" said:

> Warrior build diversity.


> How many of you run discipline and other trait lines?

> This poll will show us if warrior is held hostage by mandatory 5 sec cooldown on weapon swap discipline.

> I just choose the most common builds because I cannot put all the possible builds for polling.

> So if your build had discipline click the first option with Defense, Discipline and Spell breaker

> If your build does not have discipline, then click Defense, X, Spell Breaker.

> Please be honest.


> And if you choose Discipline, please let us know why you have choosen that option?


What you should ask is how many people still run spellbreaker at all anymore and what is wrong with them.


There is no good spellbreaker pvp or wvw spec anymore, they are flat out unabashedly dead in all competitive modes.

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While spitballing some ideas out of boredom I came up with an idea:


Revert nerf, then slightly decrease the damage (10 or 20% max), but increase the cooldown? But here's the twist: If you hit a target with it it will refund a couple of seconds of the cooldown. This way you can still use it entirely defensively if you just want to survive a snipe, but you will have at least some power in it back. Cooldown should be around 8 seconds on (maybe multiple?) hits, giving you a bit more power in large fights, but the spec desperately needs it. They could also tie that idea in with a trait, I'd probably choose the one that applies Slow just because I don't want to powercreep the GM trait and maybe open up some more choices.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> While spitballing some ideas out of boredom I came up with an idea:


> Revert nerf, then slightly decrease the damage (10 or 20% max), but increase the cooldown? But here's the twist: If you hit a target with it it will refund a couple of seconds of the cooldown. This way you can still use it entirely defensively if you just want to survive a snipe, but you will have at least some power in it back. Cooldown should be around 8 seconds on (maybe multiple?) hits, giving you a bit more power in large fights, but the spec desperately needs it. They could also tie that idea in with a trait, I'd probably choose the one that applies Slow just because I don't want to powercreep the GM trait and maybe open up some more choices.


What about 12 to 15 second base CD, damage nerf remained, but now when successfully triggered, it would give 5 people nearby alacrity for xy seconds? :)

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I use Strenght/Defence/Spellbreaker in all game modes. I pick Might makes right if I need sustain, usually in pvp and I pick Berserker power if not. I used to play with disciplinr, but the lack of dammage really puts me on so many level... But We are really stuck with these spec for viability and conpetition though, never used tactic or arms for my warrior unless the group I play with puts me lots of pressure to do so (pve).

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I only play WvW these days. Multi-classing (warrior, elem, thief, engi), but when playing warrior then either:

* A roaming power build Strength/Discipline/Spellbreaker (http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAR8XjMdQZH25BmhApIWICMjAQEonh/jPyPZlvw0LGA-jVCEAB+r+DTK/2SJIAHBg20NAxFA4hDCQEPAA43fgMA5bB-w),

* A support group build Defense/Tactics/Spellbreaker (http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNBMhJ6kpDoyDszDwMEgZXskFYJngqWIAPDvhDxIDuCQAA-jFyHQBhb/BwpPAeHBQ9Hg9AAeoSQAcCAi3hAAgK/IEgsJA-w).


I agree that a competitive power warrior needs Fast Hands, plus it somehow makes the gameplay more lively. I would also have loved it being made baseline in time, however PVE does not really need it I think. Overall, I've found multiclassing a good way to enjoy the game (although I don't play much now, awaiting some unlikely new form of gameplay in WvW...).

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