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Target nearest ally and nearest enemy.


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For some reason, Anet found the need to make "Target Nearest Enemy" target Champions and Elites first, even if said Champion/Elite is all the way over there minding their own business.

Case in point...Octovine in north AB. You will always target the breacher first...then any and all the vines on the screen...then the Mordrem Arrowhead...then back to the breacher...even though the giant frog with the hammer is right in front of you.

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I would love for Anet to finally fix this, nothing more annoying than the mob your hitting doesn't tag up as your target. Instead it's something so far off you literally didn't know was there or it's on a different level. Either way it's completely out of range or unhittable. I would like for Anet to at least add that modifier to the targeting, that it has to be in striking range to auto target.

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Nearest ally looks useless since it only seems to consider things with green nameplates.


Nearest enemy isn't that great either since it is taking things quite literally. The main problem is that it only considers distance but not camera direction. Other than that it seems to work correctly. While standing next to two enemies like this.


With the red circles being the enemies and the green dots being my own position by switching between the two green dots nearest enemy also switches to the closer enemy.


I rarely ever use these keybinds. Nearest ally is only used for selecting stacked guild banners or sometimes when people being annoying and dropping stuff in stupid places.


Nearest enemy is generally covered by Next enemy(Tab) which does prioritize based on rank so it will go for legendary then champion before others.

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Thanks all, pity it cant be fixed or at least made a bit more logical.

I also would have thought that an enemy is a target thats red, but it likes targetting jungle boars which are normally yellow.

It also wont target the bomb in the AB meta south lane no matter what you try and left clicking it is also problematic as you have to hit exactly the right spot.


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