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[Bug] Relink Issues


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This week had the most unbalanced match up I can recall in ages. I could barely even farm tickets since most of EU dead hours only had 1 or 2 camps in total on all the maps that was not ours already so there were nothing to refresh participation. Good to see that the situation is actually a bug.


> @"Panicbutton.9426" said:

> What a shambles. The most frustrating part about this is that the community had to tell Anet. I find it really hard to believe that a person isn't checking the servers after they relink, just to make sure that one of the most fundamental and important things that happens to servers for the WvW game mode goes ahead smoothly.


A somewhat hidden truth, but gw1 and gw2 has a lot of manual labour for things which should be automatic. I hope at least that the outcome of this event is that someone find time to write tests so that they can verify automatically that the linking outcome is correct (assuming that the intended end result are stored correctly somewhere on the system).

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> @"Balthzar.3807" said:

> apparently Anet is off until the new year. but its ok I am through gold and look forward to getting through diamond by tomorrow night ..... thanks Anet outnumbered sweet sweet pips. funny thing is I just moved from YB to HOD along with probably half of the guilds more or less and they still have the population as very high (1800 gems to transfer to) but linked up with 3 other servers.


> and come to think of it I am still wondering how HOD is still in T3 when we won last week?


> if anyone is interested there is a sale on WOW cards at Walmart


Before the relink, HoD was considered Full according to the wiki, but good to see HoD actually might have some coverage finally. It's usually dead around late night NA to OCX time.


And yeah HoD was t3 before, but I don't think they move people up a tier on relink week. Whatever tier you were at the previous week is what you would stay at iirc.

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> @"Panicbutton.9426" said:

> What a shambles. The most frustrating part about this is that the community had to tell Anet. I find it really hard to believe that a person isn't checking the servers after they relink, just to make sure that one of the most fundamental and important things that happens to servers for the WvW game mode goes ahead smoothly.


Yep the lack of a quick manual check is poor considering how much of it is done manually.



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> @"Vegeta.2563" said:

> > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > I'm hoping we'll have an update soon. This is a Friday and the weekend preceding a holiday, and I imagine some people are travelling. Still, I'm talking to folks about this and again, hope we'll be able to share more info soon. In the meantime, know we're aware of the situation and very sorry about the confusion!


> fighting against 4 servers isn't fun.. I hope we don't have an entire week of this garbage.


Good luck my dude... Dh+EBay had to fight CD+BP+ET+Kn for 8 weeks last time Anet did a 4-server link.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"HazyDaisy.4107" said:

> > I so want to be a fly on the wall, once this is corrected and the angry threads start popping up from those that transferred tonight.


> I am also wondering how many moved, and how many ‘Refund my gems for YOUR error’ threads pop up


I don't think there should be any refunds. Price you pay for trying to stack a server in your favor for wins. I wouldn't mind if they did this again tbh. lol

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So the only thing wrong is the actual forum post information.


The system can’t foresee who is going to log in when or what the exact outcomes will be, because that come down to the human element.


Queues, outnumbered and actual scores are not indicative of an incorrect linking, or lack of foresight from Anet.


Reset night numbers are also not the gauge used for balancing match ups, the numbers are derived from longer term stats.


I feel like some people just like to complain about their match ups constantly, and are using the forum post mistake as a means to justify their negativity.

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Honestly, at this point, I don't see simply relinking according to what was planned as the answer.


The road map to snaf-uzzle up the plan is already out for everyone to see. Those that were on one of those servers, chose to stay and managed to beat the ques have already gotten theirs and will continue to until it's fixed. The opponents that chose to stay have no doubt gotten theirs through outnumbered. Everyone else has no doubt gotten infused with warm bodies either looking for refuge from ques or trying to tank the plan assuming it would get fixed soon, either way, the numbers have no doubt changed in the hours since reset.


The damage is already done, we can't punish people for transferring regardless of why they did it and we can't relink according to the published plan, we need fresh re-links come the new year, perhaps world wide.

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would need fresh relink because guilds already moved around since last night. Et already appears to be a new choo choo train bandwagon worse then the 4 server yb. Some of these post crack me up says people should be fired welcome to wvw its been awful for years they have 1 guy working on it part time

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The problem has been reported to ANET, a senior staff member has contacted those employees responsible for WvW. Upset Players should relax until Anet gets a chance to make changes.


If this issue is that upsetting to you, I suggest you enjoy something else... complete the Wintersday achievements, watch that movie you've been meaning to watch, wrap presents, eat some cookies or get outside and do something else I am sure they will fix it as soon as they can.



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