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World Linking Error 21 December 2018

Gaile Gray.6029

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  • ArenaNet Staff

An error was made in configuring the world links for North America. The list of linked words that was [posted ](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/63915/bug-relink-issue-reports "posted ")on 21 December 2018 was accurate. However, two links – one each meant for the Crystal Desert and Gates of Madness worlds – were accidentally applied to Yak’s Bend. We’re aware of this error and are very sorry that it took place.


Unfortunately, due to technological limitations, we cannot amend this error until the next scheduled reset, which will take place on 28 December 2018. Again, we apologize for this issue and intend to take steps to prevent this sort of problem from happening in the future.

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Since the re-links last night there probably was a lot of transfers going on. Are links going to be re-calculated to take consideration of this?


Like prior to vs now today CD + Mag is going to be an extremely weak pair as Mag just lost likely a ton of active players as an example. I think "re-running the link algorithm" or whichever you guys may call it would probably come out with different link pairings >today< than they were >yesterday<.

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> @"Towelie.9504" said:

> Since the re-links last night there probably was a lot of transfers going on. Are links going to be re-calculated to take consideration of this?


> Like prior to vs now today CD + Mag is going to be an extremely weak pair as Mag just lost likely a ton of active players as an example. I think "re-running the link algorithm" or whichever you guys may call it would probably come out with different link pairings >today< than they were >yesterday<.


I can't see any reason for a recalc; they'll go with the original plan.


I think it might be worth it for anyone who transferred to one of YB's linkages to open a support ticket to refund and reverse the transfer. I think it's possible that ANet might honor the request (on the other hand, given the holidays, it might be a while before you get traction on this, so perhaps identify where you want to end up, too).

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So what about the servers stuck in the erroneous match up for a week? Are they going to see any compensation for allowing four servers to profit from a developer mistake? Why is the mode not being disabled until a patch can be applied if technical limitations are limiting the speed with which the mistake can be corrected? Are the people who transferred to take advantage of the developer mistake going to see their gems refunded once its corrected? What about the scores and placement on the reset on the 28th? You've stacked the deck will the servers have to correct through the remainder of this pairing? What steps are you taking to prevent this in the future and why did it happen in the first place? If the system is so inflexible why wasn't there a system to check and double check it before the pairings went live? These are some of the questions I have.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Towelie.9504" said:

> > Since the re-links last night there probably was a lot of transfers going on. Are links going to be re-calculated to take consideration of this?

> >

> > Like prior to vs now today CD + Mag is going to be an extremely weak pair as Mag just lost likely a ton of active players as an example. I think "re-running the link algorithm" or whichever you guys may call it would probably come out with different link pairings >today< than they were >yesterday<.


> I can't see any reason for a recalc; they'll go with the original plan.


> I think it might be worth it for anyone who transferred to one of YB's linkages to open a support ticket to refund and reverse the transfer. I think it's possible that ANet might honor the request (on the other hand, given the holidays, it might be a while before you get traction on this, so perhaps identify where you want to end up, too).


I kind of just stated the reason in that post.


If Mag just lost say 60 active players >last night< does a CD+Mag match still make sense? Or should it be CD + some linked server that is stronger >now<?

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A lot of people are gonna xfer to ET as well just because BG got paired with them, and people have a weird fascination on overstacking BG in any way they can


If anything I have a feeling whatever metrics Anet uses to calculate link pairing, ET should go to a weaker host server based on its population >today< than it was last night prior to relinks.

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I know of at least one major guild who transferred off the 4link last night, so @"Gaile Gray.6029" the algorithm really needs to be re-run at this point. Great practice reset, but looks like next week is happening anyway lol


EDIT: In addition, Mag is a cloud EBG server at this point and FC had a mass exodus last week. To me, the algorithm worked as intended as CD and GoM were recently stacked with bandwagoners. Sounds to me like this algorithm needs to account for how people bandwagon around more quickly than it currently does.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"oninsagun.5019" said:

> > Is there recompense regarding this error?


> An extra bouncy chest if your server ‘loses’ because of it? Because that is the only ‘reward’ for ‘winning’


To be fair a lot of wvw rewards come from multiple sources that could be impacted by the developer mistake. These include rank up chests, reward track gain, drops from killed enemy players (probably the largest source of income and most impacted by this mistake.) As well as skirmish rewards. More importantly the mode is a competitive mode which a lot of players find enjoyment in. For that gameplay experience to be impacted through no fault of the players on a limited number of servers simply because an employee screwed up isn't really fair. While I'm not one to get too upset by this as life isn't fair it would be nice for the company to make a gesture, however token it may be, to those affected players as a way to show their appreciation and consideration of them.



(edited for clarity )

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@"Mr Pin.6728" Some of those have some very obvious answers...


> So what about the servers stuck in the erroneous match up for a week?


Yes, the servers will have this garbo matchup for a week.


>Are they going to see any compensation for allowing four servers to profit from a developer mistake?


No, I don't think there will be any compensation for this mess since it's being fixed.


>Why is the mode not being disabled until a patch can be applied if technical limitations are limiting the speed with which the mistake can be corrected?


Disabling WvW would just anger the community even further than just allowing it to continue. This also would most likely change the reset date as they would have to start a new matchup post relink.


>Are the people who transferred to take advantage of the developer mistake going to see their gems refunded once its corrected?


Anyone who rage (or whatever reason) transfered did it on their own will and will most likely not get refunded.


>What about the scores and placement on the reset on the 28th?


Assuming it's a relink reset, I belive they will be using glicko again, but this one is actually a good question.


> You've stacked the deck will the servers have to correct through the remainder of this pairing?


Not even sure what this question means.


>What steps are you taking to prevent this in the future and why did it happen in the first place?


Problably none, this was simply human mistake...


>If the system is so inflexible why wasn't there a system to check and double check it before the pairings went live?


Who knows... Maybe they never expect this to happen...

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So the server that received the erroneous links will get to advance due to this "Bug"? Or are you going to fix the match and repeat the match-ups from this week? Very unfair to the other servers facing them. YB will now just roll over everyone. Look at the current match-up between YB, HOD and SOS - YB is walking away with it and the other servers can't stop or slow them down, and they know it. Should have been as simple as going in like you do on Friday night and re-linking the servers and zeroing the scores. If I worked there and made that mistake I would want to fix it. Professionalism should be job one. Enjoy the Christmas present YB.

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> @"Jeknar.6184" said:

> @"Mr Pin.6728" Some of those have some very obvious answers...

> >What steps are you taking to prevent this in the future and why did it happen in the first place?


> Problably none, this was simply human mistake...


> >If the system is so inflexible why wasn't there a system to check and double check it before the pairings went live?


> Who knows... Maybe they never expect this to happen...


They can prevent it by having a process of double checking, its honestly remarkable that clearly no-one from anet checks the actual links. As for waiting a week this just reads like an excuse cause its christmas.

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