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Ideas for the next "Balance Patch"


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> @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > STOP nerfing i think anet is addictive to nerfing at this point. The game is in a worst places because of the last update.


> Yep. They should just let power creep spiral out of control by only buffing things. /s


No just stop touching the skills that are at the end all be all power creep and push every thing else up. Every time they try to nerf the power creep skill they make them stronger some how and every time they try to touch a class that is lower they just nerf it even more.


Anet dose not want to nerf over used classes they only want to nerf the underused classes because they are scared of the gw2 player base quitting.

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I actually like power creep. It allows people that aren't good to work on older content while challenging better players with new content. This often becomes unbalanced, though, as power creep and content difficulty don't always go hand-in-hand. Also, if new content is less interesting or comes out too slowly, it kind of falls apart. I still prefer buffing to nerfing, though.

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Stronger scrapper and core rifle engie.

Seriously, instead of making scrapper giving weakness, add piles of might + hammer recharge time diminution. Boost gyros.

For core rifle: re-add 1 immobilization = 5 weakness for the enemy trait.


PLZ some love for engie or they will quit.

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More synergies between classes : More combo finishers of varied types on skills for one, better boon sharing. Let classes support one another in a meaningful way,


Warrior banners are low in damage, meaning almost all warriors leave them planted on the ground. Which negates the bundle mechanic. Make it more appealing to carry a banner, so players are more incentivized to wield the banner. A trait that boost the damage of banner bundle would be a nice addition, alternatively, make the first 3 skills give some short timed boons to allies within the banner range. This can also be tied to a trait.


Return Mesmer Bountiful Disillusionnement, with 1 might per clone shattered, instead of 5, and make it Apply only when 3 clones are shattered (thus ensuring all boons are applied 1 at a time). Shorten Fury and Regeneration granted by it by 5 seconds.


Give Engineer some offensive option with elixirs in some capacity, Replace Big Boomers trait by Acidic Elixir : Elixir Toss gives a light explosion, making it more likely Engineers pick an elixir in their setup so that engineers can support groups while still providing some back damage if they pick Explosives.


I can probably think of other things, but I think that even if the solution for my suggestion isn't accepted, maybe the areas I mentionned warrant a look.


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> @"Jski.6180" said:

> > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > STOP nerfing i think anet is addictive to nerfing at this point. The game is in a worst places because of the last update.

> >

> > Yep. They should just let power creep spiral out of control by only buffing things. /s


> No just stop touching the skills that are at the end all be all power creep and push every thing else up. Every time they try to nerf the power creep skill they make them stronger some how and every time they try to touch a class that is lower they just nerf it even more.


> Anet dose not want to nerf over used classes they only want to nerf the underused classes because they are scared of the gw2 player base quitting.


You are crazy if you think that is a good idea. Outliers must be bought down and into line. The balance would spiral out of control if you buffed things higher and higher


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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > > STOP nerfing i think anet is addictive to nerfing at this point. The game is in a worst places because of the last update.

> > >

> > > Yep. They should just let power creep spiral out of control by only buffing things. /s

> >

> > No just stop touching the skills that are at the end all be all power creep and push every thing else up. Every time they try to nerf the power creep skill they make them stronger some how and every time they try to touch a class that is lower they just nerf it even more.

> >

> > Anet dose not want to nerf over used classes they only want to nerf the underused classes because they are scared of the gw2 player base quitting.


> You are crazy if you think that is a good idea. Outliers must be bought down and into line. The balance would spiral out of control if you buffed things higher and higher



But they are not that the thing anet is not doing the real nerfs that they need to in fear of super angering the meta players. So they are only doing part nerfs or side nerfs. Its better if they simply buff the weaker skill to be on part with the outliers. Right now meta has not changed and has only gotten worst. What they are doing is not working in a way your crazy to think anet doing the same thing over and over is going to work better then the last time it did not work.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > > STOP nerfing i think anet is addictive to nerfing at this point. The game is in a worst places because of the last update.

> > >

> > > Yep. They should just let power creep spiral out of control by only buffing things. /s

> >

> > No just stop touching the skills that are at the end all be all power creep and push every thing else up. Every time they try to nerf the power creep skill they make them stronger some how and every time they try to touch a class that is lower they just nerf it even more.

> >

> > Anet dose not want to nerf over used classes they only want to nerf the underused classes because they are scared of the gw2 player base quitting.


> You are crazy if you think that is a good idea. Outliers must be bought down and into line. The balance would spiral out of control if you buffed things higher and higher



Like I would agree. If they actually managed to nerf the things that were overperforming in a meaningful way that didn't have a ripple effect and also destroy build diversity within the class itself. Or when they nerf the entirely wrong thing about a class that made it overperform and instead kill niche or underperforming builds while not touching the broken one.


Honestly I want the devs to stop doing anything until they rearrange their teams with people that actually play the game and open up a Test server so people can try the changes first. But most importantly

I want them to play and understand their own game. Because every balance patch since March has left most of us completely confused.

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> @"Leinhart.2981" said:

> > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > > @"Leinhart.2981" said:

> > > I want to play as a necro in raids without being kicked because I am a necro.

> >

> > You can as scourge just not with speed runners


> I am sorry but we don't play the same game :)

Thats silly some bosses have scourge as good (mainly condi ones) necro is more viable then spellbreaker is


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Sword skills for a Warrior. Off-hand is just terrible. The Main hand is alright, but I can't but wish it to be a viable power-based weapon, I really do not dig it being so clunky in design, condition damage based AA and Burst, with 3rd skill being power-based spike ability. The hybrid weapon does not have a place in this game in my book. Change 3rd skill into condition based skill, or make the sword power-based OR give us a real option to spec into full condition or a power-based weapon depending on traits chosen.


Whole Arms traitline is just terrible in design. It is made for hybrid damage in mind, the one that isn't viable. Just look at it! It is all over the place.

Furious Burst, condition based build do not want it.

Wounding precision. Yeah, I would rather not have precision in a condition build.

Signet Mastery, ferocity again. Opportunist, the same thing.

Deep Strikes, alright trait, but only because it gives condition damage, still crap in design.

Unsuspecting Foe...just why, again with crits!

Sundering Burst...again, hybrid trait.

Blademaster...the only real trait for a condition sword build.

Bloodlust...on crit, again.

Burst precision...lol, crit again.

Furious...hybrid again.

Dual Wielding...don't even know how to feel about this one.


Even Berserker traitline is all over the place, being more hybrid than condition based spec.


I want these traits to be changed, no more hybrid traits. Rather give clear options to spec into condition or power-based weapons depending on trait selection.

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Warrior longbow needs to have burning baseline so warrior has a second Condi weapon. Trait should move to Arms and still reduce CD plus another effect, maybe a 1sec cripple.


Warrior mh sword burst needs to unroot. Oh sword needs help.


Spellbreaker has lost its identity and needs to find it again. It's not dps, its not a tank,its no longer a counter...what is it?

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Arms is awesome for power crit build that focus on fury and ferocity. So I don't want changes to impact that build.


Spec lines can't be too tunnel vision. You want Arms line to be all about condi builds. But you know what, this fits flavor of Warrior. Their condi is tied to crit.


(Now that you mention it, i may take up the challenge to build a good condition Warrior. Viper/Grieving gear both seem fitting under Arms line.)

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