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Ele is OP and needs nerfs.


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I'm not disagreeing that Elementalist is not Op but to those whose been here in the game in a while, knows that Elementalist is a misunderstood profession. Yes, this profession has an identity crisis and it need to be seriously addressed.


Unlike thief and mesmer who remain-Entitle Professions-under Anet eyes since the beginning of Gw2, elementalist including Necromancer always gets the spotlight and sacrifices for abundance of nerfs in their place which hinders their identity,


-Sympathy for Elementalist-


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Let's do the math.


Let's give the ele 2645 power (rune/zerker amu/fire bonus/weaver bonus and 25 might, which equals 3395 power. Let's assume you are light armor (1920). Let's assume the ele with it's modifiers equal 432% crit damage (every modifier in the book however contradictory). Dagger weap strength max is 981. Churning's coefficient is 3,5.


3395×981×3,5 = 11656732,5

11656732,5/1920 = 6071,2

6071,2×4,32 = 26227,6.


The far more likely **and obtainable** ferocity value is 900+225+150+133+180+240 and two 10% modifiers. This gives the crit damage a 3,29 coefficient.


Which means at best with the numbers above he could do:

6071,2×3,29 = 19974 damage.


However, there are ways to get your numbers even here. We have 2 skills that could achieve this (which give no defense whatsoever).

- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Arcane_Power

- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Glyph_of_Elemental_Power


Let's account for arcane power. The coefficient is then 3,53.

6071,2×3,53 = 21431.


What about if we add the glyph damage **on top** of that? (Meaning he had Arcane Power, Glyph of Elemental Power and Lightning Flash as utilities, zerker amulet, power/ferocity runes):

21431×1,25 = 26789


Oh no, I forgot the 5% sigil he might have had:



There. This is what it takes to reach those numbers. These are the highest possible numbers an ele can reach realistically, and that's wasting all their utilities and traits for damage using their hardest hitting skill on a light armor class.


The way more likely explanation is simply that the opponent wasn't wearing armor. What would it take? Don't worry I got you!


Zerker+scholar gives 2375 power.


Air ferocity traits+the one in arcane gives ~2,5 crit dmg, 3,0 with fire modifiers.

This gives 8154×3=24462. Add either utility skill and you got yourself the number on the screenshot. See how this setup require way less to reach the same numbers?


If you need to check the numbers, all modifiers are on the wiki. He didn't proc lightning strike before churning earth so no FA bonus, and he attuned away from fire to cast it so no fire power bonus.


Just 1 second of protection and we would be below 20k. The math don't lie ;)


Edit: Mesmers were also around, so vuln stacking might also have been a factor to more easily reach this damage

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> @"Imperadordf.2687" said:

> P L E A S E

> N E R F

> S H A T T E R S T O N E


I disagree. If my fix is used and CE damage is cut down by 30%, Shatterstone should get a 2.71% damage increase. To compensate. That might be far too generous though. It would need at least 9 months of testing to be sure Shatterstone doesn't become over powered.


I know. I know. I'm a genius. Don't worry, in my spare time I might start providing fixes for ALL the classes. I mean, I think mesmer is under powered. I suspect the problem lies with the clones and phantasms. We should move forward as a community to force Anet to make them permanent. Who wouldn't want to see clones and phantasms casted by someone who logged out four hours ago, still lingering around every zone? I certainly do. Besides, it would add more flavor to the class.


See? I got you all covered with fixes that will please everyone. You are welcome.

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> @"Zenix.6198" said:

> Woah woah woah ....slow down buddy

> this whole "X is trash and needs buffs" meme was fun and all.

> But plz dont call for ele nerfs ....knowing Anet they might just do it.


fair point. it's clear they have no idea what to do with the class anymore, so let's just make it more and more useless

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All jokes aside, I wonder if the balance team (which by now I imagine it is conformed of 2 senior and 2-3 poor interns fresh out of highschool) just pull up an excell with the win-rates of certain classes at the end of the season and then decide to balance based on those. I have a positive win rate with ele (probably around 53-57%) , made it to plat 2, however, since there are so few eles playing already, those of us who still sticked around are doing relatively ok because we put the extra time and effort to get better with crutches, ankle weights and steelbackpacks. My winning rate with Soulb and DH is probably around 80%, so to me that screams that when I play stronger classes I do better than weaker classes, but, somehow, I imagine those poor 17 years old interns dont know any better and see the 53-57% win rate on ele and say:


-"Yup, they are ok! Sample size and outliers? Hmm, didnt pay attention in my statistic classes, ha HA!"


Surely this is hyperbole (.....right....?!), but at times it feels like that, considering that soulbeast received a HUGE buff last patch, mirage, despite all the "nerfs" it is still as strong as ever (which speaks volumes as how strong it was before...!!), and eles.....well...... all it gets are memes and hate in ranked.


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Yes...please nerf! Also, shatterstone is too strong now and needs a longer cast time. Please make it happen!


> @"Fortus.6175" said:

> All jokes aside, I wonder if the balance team (which by now I imagine it is conformed of 2 senior and 2-3 poor interns fresh out of highschool) just pull up an excell with the win-rates of certain classes at the end of the season and then decide to balance based on those. I have a positive win rate with ele (probably around 53-57%) , made it to plat 2, however, since there are so few eles playing already, those of us who still sticked around are doing relatively ok because we put the extra time and effort to get better with crutches, ankle weights and steelbackpacks. My winning rate with Soulb and DH is probably around 80%, so to me that screams that when I play stronger classes I do better than weaker classes, but, somehow, I imagine those poor 17 years old interns dont know any better and see the 53-57% win rate on ele and say:


> -"Yup, they are ok! Sample size and outliers? Hmm, didnt pay attention in my statistic classes, ha HA!"


> Surely this is hyperbole (.....right....?!), but at times it feels like that, considering that soulbeast received a HUGE buff last patch, mirage, despite all the "nerfs" it is still as strong as ever (which speaks volumes as how strong it was before...!!), and eles.....well...... all it gets are memes and hate in ranked.



Problem with balancing around win-rate: it is a function of personal skill, build power, and MMR. Since MMR tries to adjust you to the point where you get about 50% win-rate, you only see a tail effect of people adjusting up in a new season if their build got stronger, or down if it got weaker, and maybe a long term trend as they improve. If you really want to compare, you either need to compare players who have similar statistics between seasons, or compare amongst players who play multiple classes with about equal effectiveness. This gets really hairy, and you cut out a huge portion of your base players who often only play 1 class, with maybe a second or third at lower efficiency. Better would be to compare popularity of a class's distribution usage at different levels of MMR. If a class is stronger, you will see a natural shift in MMR vs. some normal distribution. If a class is weaker, you will see it fall the other way. However, even this will be noisy, especially if you split it by specialization, and I honestly don't think ANet even has enough players for statistics that rely on large numbers to even work all that well. There are probably just a handful of people playing core ele, or tempest, for instance. This is why most better games rely on an expert (group of experts) who keeps a pulse on performance at different levels and responds to issues appropriately. Some spec dominates at low levels but stinks at high levels, reduce the easy to use powerful skills and add some more power that requires more skill cap. Instead, Anet relies on dumb statistics and doesn't really understand underlying reasons why something is used a lot or not used. Maybe something is used a lot because every other option is hot garbage (like eles using solely cantrips for the first 2-3 years of the game). Maybe something is never used because, while strong, there are options that are just so oppresively powerful that you can't just take something else). Maybe it is never used because no reasonable person expects to be able to complete a 2 second cast for a skill like that...etc.

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> @"BlackBeard.2873" said: words



Well yes exactly my point, if I have a winning rate of +70% on meta "picks" and all Im doing is going agaisnt these meta picks, and my non meta pick is at ~55%, then chances are that I as a player cannot fully display my skills on said class since I have hit the maximum limit the class allows me to display (i guess you also need to take into consideration that some builds just "click" with some people better than others, but generally if I do better on builds that Im less experienced in than those I know like the back of my hand, then maybe there is something there worth checking!!)


At this point i dont think there are many people who disagree that ele's are probably on the weaker side of the spectrum, my concern is, does Anet see this? Are we, as a community wrong (or have we convinced ourselves that way?). Does Anet have any data that says otherwise? Does anet even plan to do anything about it, do they feel the need to?

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