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Colors - Too much contrast


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Hello everyone and dear ANet!

It has occurred to me that most of the Living Story maps and the new Elonian maps have this huge 'contrast' with colors, primarily affecting our characters and mounts. The maps themselves look OK lighting-wise, but our characters are lacking in detail due to high contrast which makes 'darker' armors lose on any kind of detail.

It started to bother me a lot, as if I want to go with a brown or grey palette I can't distinct the details on armor on these maps. Old maps are good, so are Maguuma maps where the lighting on our characters is more natural.

It's hard distincting detail on mounts too due to the contrast/lighting on these Elonian and LS maps. It can become quite annoying to eyes as well, I feel that my eyes are well rested when I move to jungle maps and old Tyrian maps.

Any way that this can be addressed so that our characters aren't so 'contrasted/saturated' in colors compared to the rest of the map?

Anyone else bothered with this?




EDIT: Examples of lighting from Elonian map (Sun's Refuge) and normal Tyrian Map (Bloodtide Coast). Needless to say I did NOT change the color palette. The armor is using the same dyes on both pictures, where on first picture it completely lost every single detail due to the insane contrast on the map.


Sun's Refuge (Jahai Bluffs) lack of detail and high contrast on character: ![](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/472504072600158229/526452067141943297/gw046.jpg "")


Bloodtide Coast (normal Tyrian map) where we can nicely see the detail and no eye-burn: ![](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/472504072600158229/526452068270080023/gw053.jpg "")


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Keep in mind that you lose some effects without post processing, namely things like the "drugged" effect in the mushroom area of the latest map, as well as some infusions getting wonky, like halloween infusions disappearing when hovering the cursor over them.


That said, I have been playing without post-processing for years now, and I think the game over all looks better without it.

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> @"Asum.4960" said:

> Keep in mind that you lose some effects without post processing, namely things like the "drugged" effect in the mushroom area of the latest map, as well as some infusions getting wonky, like halloween infusions disappearing when hovering the cursor over them.


> That said, I have been playing without post-processing for years now, and I think the game over all looks better without it.


A small sacrifice to be made no doubt, but I totally agree! The game looks so much better without PP on. It's more natural lighting that doesn't burn the eyes. Areas look so beautiful this way.


Cheers for the info, it truly never occured to me to disable it, fearing I'd lose on graphics greatly haha.

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I prefer how the game looks with PP on (exception being PoF, for the same reason OP stated). However, there are too many bright camera flashes from skills that hurt my eyes and I'm constantly on the fence whether I should play with PP off so that my eyes don't hurt as much (turning PP off reduces the brightness of the flashes a bit), or if I should keep it on so that the game looks more appealing. Probably the biggest reason I want to keep PP on is the glow of the Exalted Sky Sentry.

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I really wish we had more options regarding 'contrast' and the bloom/shine, that way it would be easier to customize the lighting and make it so it doesn't burn your eyes while using PP on.

In any case...I did notice that with PP off some areas turn a lot darker, but when you turn PP back on you get the sudden "AAAAA!" moment because it becomes way too bright!

Perfect example for that being snowy Divinity's Reach, Ember Bay and PoF maps. PP makes you go blind... x_x

I wish we had a middle ground somewhere.

Oh well, until then, PP OFF it is!

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