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Everything that needs to be nerfed on soulbeast/ranger and a few other classes


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> @"UmbraNoctis.1907" said:

> > @"Ruufio.1496" said:

> > * **Ranger's pet death and merging with pet not punishing the ranger.** Killing the pet was supposed to be part of the counterplay to ranger and yet it does nothing. If a ranger merges with his pet then he should receive the conditions affecting the pet as well as a health loss relative to the pet current health. And for all other ranger builds, the loss of the pet needs to be more punishing as well.

> Players shouldn't get punished for something that is often out of their control. While i agree that soulbeast makes it too trivial to handle the "dead pet issue", core ranger has no reliable tools to protect pets and with the crazy dmg that is flying arround, it is often impossible to keep many not so tanky pets alive and the punishment for dead pets is already quite harsh on non-SB builds.

Especially since pets don't get the protections in WvW that they've been given in PVE.

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> @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> The only broken thing is the stackable attack buffs and the stackable unblockables.

> Everything else is counter playable.


requesting nerf because you do not like playing against a mechanic like that is wrong.


I will give a stupid example: FB has a skill in tome of courage called Valiant Bulwark, it is a spam bubble that can reflect bullets, guardian disposes has other blocks, it would be balanced then play LB soulbeast against a class that is able to reflect for such a long amount of time for himself and his companions?

Sometimes those 4 seconds of unblockable attacks are the only thing that can do damage with a LB in a game where almost everyone has skills to reflect / block projectiles.


I mainly play ranger / thief in wvw EU servers T1, during my gaming sessions I rarely find people roaming alone, they always run in groups of 2 or 3 people, sometimes we find ourselves fighting even in 5+ people for take a village and this build so "OP" is useless xD

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> @"Ruufio.1496" said:

> ....


ahahaha soulbeast has some issues to be balanced, but absolutely everything you pointed there are the **wrong** things. Dont be salty at the rangers because the balance team deemed thr elixir was overperforming ( Which i agree as you could stomp and were completely immune to damage for the duration of the skill )


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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> > The only broken thing is the stackable attack buffs and the stackable unblockables.

> > Everything else is counter playable.


> Ranger has low base dmg i agree with buffs but its also the best way for ranger to get dmg and its a problem of design


I think mainly the pet mechanic should be reworked. The oet should be mainly a utility tool and the dmg shouldn't be hamstrubg just by the abbility to do more dmg with an NPC. Pets are punishable and they can be downed so there is a counter play for pet utility. The over self buffing of soulbeasts shouldnt be as strong IMO and unblockables should be on a number of attacks and not duration.

This would make ranger more balanced vut still viable and fun to play.

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> @"anduriell.6280" said:

> > @"Ruufio.1496" said:

> > ....


> ahahaha soulbeast has some issues to be balanced, but absolutely everything you pointed there are the **wrong** things. Dont be salty at the rangers because the balance team deemed thr elixir was overperforming ( Which i agree as you could stomp and were completely immune to damage for the duration of the skill )

> ahahahaha


lol ... idd, this post is another post of a frustrated engineer (this time) ... I really don't know, why ppl like him, don't try harder to support their class, on their forum, instead to comes here and makes complains/cryings because some ranger killed him big time in WvW or sPVP.

Anyway, he made my day ...

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I love it when people who don't main ranger come crying for nerfs (prolly just got smashed by one)


1) Maul able to precast because the interaction with the pet


2) it's the damage reduction and regen stacking on ranger that's the overtooned part on ranger currently (every time they do that we run into a boring sustain build)


3) the unlockable should stay maybe a 1-2 sec instead of four making it a small window if you get cc'd well you lost your chance.


3) engies should loose boon duration and their aoe cc should be on higher CDs or smaller raidus.


4) all classes should get their blocks put on high CDs and do less aoe damage.


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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> I think removing unblockable from unstoppable union won't really hurt that much, deadeyes have adjusted so far and they don't have the same kind of sustain. I'd be ok with a range adjustment on lbow too. I'd be down for the lesser used pets getting some love as well.


The difference with DE that has access to invisibility on dodging, this allows him to reposition himself and hit again, then the generation of malice is different from using sickem, The build sniper ranger does not use utility to support himself, sometimes the only thing which separates ranger from death is the range that it has long bow.

They are completely different builds, the only thing that unites them is a strong attack from long distance, and having such a long and easy access to invisibility makes the DE build better than a ranger and not a little. That's why removing those 4 seconds of unblockable attacks would destroy the build.


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> @"Dragana.1497" said:

> > @"Dami.5046" said:

> > No ranger player would start this kind of thread.


> You would be surprised. :/


TBH not really, If it's 'cool' to demand nerfs. Someone in PvP was moaning about them and mesmers (again) . It gets a bit tiresome. Then the same people will moan the games dead.


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> @"Ruufio.1496" said:

> * **Cast ____ when using a heal skill.** Not just muddy terrain, they all need to be removed entirely. Just leave them as fall dmg traits. It's spammy and bad.

> * **Ranger's pet death and merging with pet not punishing the ranger.** Killing the pet was supposed to be part of the counterplay to ranger and yet it does nothing. If a ranger merges with his pet then he should receive the conditions affecting the pet as well as a health loss relative to the pet current health. And for all other ranger builds, the loss of the pet needs to be more punishing as well.

> * **Unstoppable Union trait.** Leave the stunbreak, remove the unblockable effect. Instead, add unblockable to a/some of the other lesser used pets. This creates more build variety and creates less "one build can do it all" gameplay which is good for balance.

> * **Troll Unguent**. Just increase the cast time to 1s instead of 0.75 seconds.

> * **Swoop(bird) and all other overpowered mobility skills on classes (eg. Mirage Thrust).** For swoop in particular, nerf the range to 900 and increase the cooldown from 10s to 15s. It's fine if you want GW2 to have mobile combat but it's so ridiculous right now that the mobility just lets players play as bad as they want and then get out unharmed. Please nerf mobility like this on all classes for grenths sake. Yes, nerf traited rocket boots from 1200 range down to 900 as well- leave the superspeed. (And make it a leap finisher since the blast is totally useless when you leap 900 range away) **Remember why ride the lightning was nerfed oh so many years ago? Why are we in this disgusting state now?** Even if you're going for "fun" balance rather than skillful balance, it is entirely unfun to play against this for everyone.

> * **Maul.** Make the attack of opportunity only trigger if the ranger did damage. No precast, no triggering on aegis or blind.

> * **Unflinching Fortitude and Signet of Stone.** It's Endure Pain. Nerf both cooldowns to 50s. Id say 60s but for some spammy reason all 60s cooldown skills like this were reduced to 50s over the years. Last Grasp used to be 60s, was buffed to 50s and is now entirely removed. Really??? SMH. Endure Pain used to be 60s as well and...! It's entirely horrible to play against 2x Endure Pain with Balanced Stance (haha immunity to crits btw) Nerf Endure Pain to 60s each again please. This ranger skills as well while you're at it. You keep buffing skills by reducing the cooldowns and then removing said skills entirely because the spam has no counter. PLEASE STOP. You buffed Elixir S to be immune to conditions then removed it entirely because it became spammy and had no counter. STOP WITH THE LOW COOLDOWN SPAM PLEASE.

> * **Supportive.** Why is this a % modifier? And for healing at that? What is druid for??? You are going to run into some serious balance issues with future elite spec if none of the elite specs have a "purity of purpose". It's fine for a damage class to do "some" healing, but tacking on a huge 25% increase to healing? Make it 200 healing power instead. All specs have this issue. There is no purity of purpose for any of them.

> * **Protection Spam**. Not sure how, but it needs nerfed as well.


> And for some other quality of life changes:


> * **"On My Mark!"** This should inflict reveal in a 600 radius rather than a single target.

> * **Corrupt Boon.** This should not be an ammo skill and scepter traited should not be AOE corrupt either. Just.... why....

> * **Mercy Runes.** Perhaps nerf them to 10% revive speed instead of 20%? Certain comp are unkillable with revives. Also, bring back quickness stomping since it was fine - but make sure you nerf the abundance of quickness spam as well. (Eg. Reaper perma quickness...) Unfathomable. Alternatively, add more stomp abilities like the daredevil elite that allow for a unique way of killing an opponent. Eg. Wild Blow (berserker skill) could be changed to instantly kill a downed foe.

> * **Dagger Storm**. Just revamp the skill completely. It's either too good or too bad to use.

> * **Nerf Mirage.** Nerfing the mobility may help (like I said with Mirage Thrust) Mirage should actually be forced to stay in close combat if the theme is to trick opponent by being a "mirage". If you can run away so easily then you are unkillable.

> * **Shadow Meld.** Get rid of the reveal removal which quite literally removes counterplay.


> And of course there are a plethora of other things to nerf but these are probably the biggest, currently.



> By the way, nerf (fix) ranger longbow to 1500 range since it's 1800. Imagine being able to swoop 1000-1200 range every 10s and having a longbow with 1800 range. Fix it with the suggested changes above.


> **Disclaimer:** If you wont nerf mobility skills like swoop and rocket boots from 1200 range to a more reasonable 900 range, or Mirage Thrust from a 600 spammable leap (or mirage cloak) then please buff ride the lightning.


Since you bring up some other professions... I took the liberty of reviewing the Engineer for you and came up with a quick list of changes in the name of “balance”... I’ll do more review soon!


Engineer “balance” changes...


Remove this trait, it’s pretty game breaking...



Boon output, and this damage reduction trait, needs some major nerfing... Way over the top stuff here...








Remove the ammo mechanic and have 1 use on a 15s cooldown. Range 600 normally and 900 when traited...





Reduce distance to 900...



Increase cooldown to 10s. This should not be a 2s cooldown spam-able 600 range movement skill that removes movement impairing conditions when traited...



Internal cooldown of 30s...



Skill should not speed up recharge on other sword skills...



There needs to be a nerf somewhere with these...







Increase cooldown to like 30s. Reduce distance to 1,200...



Reduce distance to 1,200...



Reduce critical chance to 33%...



This need to be reduced to 1,200 range on all skills...


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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > @"Ruufio.1496" said:

> > * **Cast ____ when using a heal skill.** Not just muddy terrain, they all need to be removed entirely. Just leave them as fall dmg traits. It's spammy and bad.

> > * **Ranger's pet death and merging with pet not punishing the ranger.** Killing the pet was supposed to be part of the counterplay to ranger and yet it does nothing. If a ranger merges with his pet then he should receive the conditions affecting the pet as well as a health loss relative to the pet current health. And for all other ranger builds, the loss of the pet needs to be more punishing as well.

> > * **Unstoppable Union trait.** Leave the stunbreak, remove the unblockable effect. Instead, add unblockable to a/some of the other lesser used pets. This creates more build variety and creates less "one build can do it all" gameplay which is good for balance.

> > * **Troll Unguent**. Just increase the cast time to 1s instead of 0.75 seconds.

> > * **Swoop(bird) and all other overpowered mobility skills on classes (eg. Mirage Thrust).** For swoop in particular, nerf the range to 900 and increase the cooldown from 10s to 15s. It's fine if you want GW2 to have mobile combat but it's so ridiculous right now that the mobility just lets players play as bad as they want and then get out unharmed. Please nerf mobility like this on all classes for grenths sake. Yes, nerf traited rocket boots from 1200 range down to 900 as well- leave the superspeed. (And make it a leap finisher since the blast is totally useless when you leap 900 range away) **Remember why ride the lightning was nerfed oh so many years ago? Why are we in this disgusting state now?** Even if you're going for "fun" balance rather than skillful balance, it is entirely unfun to play against this for everyone.

> > * **Maul.** Make the attack of opportunity only trigger if the ranger did damage. No precast, no triggering on aegis or blind.

> > * **Unflinching Fortitude and Signet of Stone.** It's Endure Pain. Nerf both cooldowns to 50s. Id say 60s but for some spammy reason all 60s cooldown skills like this were reduced to 50s over the years. Last Grasp used to be 60s, was buffed to 50s and is now entirely removed. Really??? SMH. Endure Pain used to be 60s as well and...! It's entirely horrible to play against 2x Endure Pain with Balanced Stance (haha immunity to crits btw) Nerf Endure Pain to 60s each again please. This ranger skills as well while you're at it. You keep buffing skills by reducing the cooldowns and then removing said skills entirely because the spam has no counter. PLEASE STOP. You buffed Elixir S to be immune to conditions then removed it entirely because it became spammy and had no counter. STOP WITH THE LOW COOLDOWN SPAM PLEASE.

> > * **Supportive.** Why is this a % modifier? And for healing at that? What is druid for??? You are going to run into some serious balance issues with future elite spec if none of the elite specs have a "purity of purpose". It's fine for a damage class to do "some" healing, but tacking on a huge 25% increase to healing? Make it 200 healing power instead. All specs have this issue. There is no purity of purpose for any of them.

> > * **Protection Spam**. Not sure how, but it needs nerfed as well.

> >

> > And for some other quality of life changes:

> >

> > * **"On My Mark!"** This should inflict reveal in a 600 radius rather than a single target.

> > * **Corrupt Boon.** This should not be an ammo skill and scepter traited should not be AOE corrupt either. Just.... why....

> > * **Mercy Runes.** Perhaps nerf them to 10% revive speed instead of 20%? Certain comp are unkillable with revives. Also, bring back quickness stomping since it was fine - but make sure you nerf the abundance of quickness spam as well. (Eg. Reaper perma quickness...) Unfathomable. Alternatively, add more stomp abilities like the daredevil elite that allow for a unique way of killing an opponent. Eg. Wild Blow (berserker skill) could be changed to instantly kill a downed foe.

> > * **Dagger Storm**. Just revamp the skill completely. It's either too good or too bad to use.

> > * **Nerf Mirage.** Nerfing the mobility may help (like I said with Mirage Thrust) Mirage should actually be forced to stay in close combat if the theme is to trick opponent by being a "mirage". If you can run away so easily then you are unkillable.

> > * **Shadow Meld.** Get rid of the reveal removal which quite literally removes counterplay.

> >

> > And of course there are a plethora of other things to nerf but these are probably the biggest, currently.

> >

> >

> > By the way, nerf (fix) ranger longbow to 1500 range since it's 1800. Imagine being able to swoop 1000-1200 range every 10s and having a longbow with 1800 range. Fix it with the suggested changes above.

> >

> > **Disclaimer:** If you wont nerf mobility skills like swoop and rocket boots from 1200 range to a more reasonable 900 range, or Mirage Thrust from a 600 spammable leap (or mirage cloak) then please buff ride the lightning.


> Since you bring up some other professions... I took the liberty of reviewing the Engineer for you and came up with a quick list of changes in the name of “balance”... I’ll do more review soon!


> Engineer “balance” changes...


> Remove this trait, it’s pretty game breaking...

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Automated_Medical_Response


> Boon output, and this damage reduction trait, needs some major nerfing... Way over the top stuff here...

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Iron_Blooded


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elixir


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/HGH



> Remove the ammo mechanic and have 1 use on a 15s cooldown. Range 600 normally and 900 when traited...

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rocket_Boots


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gadgeteer


> Reduce distance to 900...

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rocket_Charge


> Increase cooldown to 10s. This should not be a 2s cooldown spam-able 600 range movement skill that removes movement impairing conditions when traited...

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Holo_Leap


> Internal cooldown of 30s...

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Crystal_Configuration:_Zephyr


> Skill should not speed up recharge on other sword skills...

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gleam_Saber


> There needs to be a nerf somewhere with these...

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Medical_Dispersion_Field


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Energy_Amplifier


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Health_Insurance


> Increase cooldown to like 30s. Reduce distance to 1,200...

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Orbital_Command


> Reduce distance to 1,200...

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Aim-Assisted_Rocket_(trait_skill)


> Reduce critical chance to 33%...

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Static_Discharge_(trait_skill)


> This need to be reduced to 1,200 range on all skills...

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elite_Mortar_Kit


I know this is just a revenge response to the guy starting this thread, but you sound serious when alot of stuff you mention here don't make any sense.


Mortar Kit: Why does this skill need all the ranges reduced to 1200? It is the only long range option that engineer has, yet everything it does is so highly telegraphed and slow and you can't hit anything with it outside of a big WvW fight.


"Reduce critical chance to 33%" for Static Discharge... what do you even mean by that?

Do you mean it shouldn't get affected by precision and always crit with 33% chance? If you are referring to the tooltip, what it actually states s that this skill deals 100% additional damage if it crits, giving you a reason to solely run this trait if you are going for precision in your build. It seems you didn't understand what this actually does.


Rocket Charge range decreased to 900... again, why? This ability does not even work currently well as a movement spell, you almost get no additional ground covered over simply walking.


Really hard to tell if you are joking or serious, I hope it is the first one tho.

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> @"Kodama.6453" said:

> > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > @"Ruufio.1496" said:

> > > * **Cast ____ when using a heal skill.** Not just muddy terrain, they all need to be removed entirely. Just leave them as fall dmg traits. It's spammy and bad.

> > > * **Ranger's pet death and merging with pet not punishing the ranger.** Killing the pet was supposed to be part of the counterplay to ranger and yet it does nothing. If a ranger merges with his pet then he should receive the conditions affecting the pet as well as a health loss relative to the pet current health. And for all other ranger builds, the loss of the pet needs to be more punishing as well.

> > > * **Unstoppable Union trait.** Leave the stunbreak, remove the unblockable effect. Instead, add unblockable to a/some of the other lesser used pets. This creates more build variety and creates less "one build can do it all" gameplay which is good for balance.

> > > * **Troll Unguent**. Just increase the cast time to 1s instead of 0.75 seconds.

> > > * **Swoop(bird) and all other overpowered mobility skills on classes (eg. Mirage Thrust).** For swoop in particular, nerf the range to 900 and increase the cooldown from 10s to 15s. It's fine if you want GW2 to have mobile combat but it's so ridiculous right now that the mobility just lets players play as bad as they want and then get out unharmed. Please nerf mobility like this on all classes for grenths sake. Yes, nerf traited rocket boots from 1200 range down to 900 as well- leave the superspeed. (And make it a leap finisher since the blast is totally useless when you leap 900 range away) **Remember why ride the lightning was nerfed oh so many years ago? Why are we in this disgusting state now?** Even if you're going for "fun" balance rather than skillful balance, it is entirely unfun to play against this for everyone.

> > > * **Maul.** Make the attack of opportunity only trigger if the ranger did damage. No precast, no triggering on aegis or blind.

> > > * **Unflinching Fortitude and Signet of Stone.** It's Endure Pain. Nerf both cooldowns to 50s. Id say 60s but for some spammy reason all 60s cooldown skills like this were reduced to 50s over the years. Last Grasp used to be 60s, was buffed to 50s and is now entirely removed. Really??? SMH. Endure Pain used to be 60s as well and...! It's entirely horrible to play against 2x Endure Pain with Balanced Stance (haha immunity to crits btw) Nerf Endure Pain to 60s each again please. This ranger skills as well while you're at it. You keep buffing skills by reducing the cooldowns and then removing said skills entirely because the spam has no counter. PLEASE STOP. You buffed Elixir S to be immune to conditions then removed it entirely because it became spammy and had no counter. STOP WITH THE LOW COOLDOWN SPAM PLEASE.

> > > * **Supportive.** Why is this a % modifier? And for healing at that? What is druid for??? You are going to run into some serious balance issues with future elite spec if none of the elite specs have a "purity of purpose". It's fine for a damage class to do "some" healing, but tacking on a huge 25% increase to healing? Make it 200 healing power instead. All specs have this issue. There is no purity of purpose for any of them.

> > > * **Protection Spam**. Not sure how, but it needs nerfed as well.

> > >

> > > And for some other quality of life changes:

> > >

> > > * **"On My Mark!"** This should inflict reveal in a 600 radius rather than a single target.

> > > * **Corrupt Boon.** This should not be an ammo skill and scepter traited should not be AOE corrupt either. Just.... why....

> > > * **Mercy Runes.** Perhaps nerf them to 10% revive speed instead of 20%? Certain comp are unkillable with revives. Also, bring back quickness stomping since it was fine - but make sure you nerf the abundance of quickness spam as well. (Eg. Reaper perma quickness...) Unfathomable. Alternatively, add more stomp abilities like the daredevil elite that allow for a unique way of killing an opponent. Eg. Wild Blow (berserker skill) could be changed to instantly kill a downed foe.

> > > * **Dagger Storm**. Just revamp the skill completely. It's either too good or too bad to use.

> > > * **Nerf Mirage.** Nerfing the mobility may help (like I said with Mirage Thrust) Mirage should actually be forced to stay in close combat if the theme is to trick opponent by being a "mirage". If you can run away so easily then you are unkillable.

> > > * **Shadow Meld.** Get rid of the reveal removal which quite literally removes counterplay.

> > >

> > > And of course there are a plethora of other things to nerf but these are probably the biggest, currently.

> > >

> > >

> > > By the way, nerf (fix) ranger longbow to 1500 range since it's 1800. Imagine being able to swoop 1000-1200 range every 10s and having a longbow with 1800 range. Fix it with the suggested changes above.

> > >

> > > **Disclaimer:** If you wont nerf mobility skills like swoop and rocket boots from 1200 range to a more reasonable 900 range, or Mirage Thrust from a 600 spammable leap (or mirage cloak) then please buff ride the lightning.

> >

> > Since you bring up some other professions... I took the liberty of reviewing the Engineer for you and came up with a quick list of changes in the name of “balance”... I’ll do more review soon!

> >

> > Engineer “balance” changes...

> >

> > Remove this trait, it’s pretty game breaking...

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Automated_Medical_Response

> >

> > Boon output, and this damage reduction trait, needs some major nerfing... Way over the top stuff here...

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Iron_Blooded

> >

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elixir

> >

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/HGH

> >

> >

> > Remove the ammo mechanic and have 1 use on a 15s cooldown. Range 600 normally and 900 when traited...

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rocket_Boots

> >

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gadgeteer

> >

> > Reduce distance to 900...

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rocket_Charge

> >

> > Increase cooldown to 10s. This should not be a 2s cooldown spam-able 600 range movement skill that removes movement impairing conditions when traited...

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Holo_Leap

> >

> > Internal cooldown of 30s...

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Crystal_Configuration:_Zephyr

> >

> > Skill should not speed up recharge on other sword skills...

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gleam_Saber

> >

> > There needs to be a nerf somewhere with these...

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Medical_Dispersion_Field

> >

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Energy_Amplifier

> >

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Health_Insurance

> >

> > Increase cooldown to like 30s. Reduce distance to 1,200...

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Orbital_Command

> >

> > Reduce distance to 1,200...

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Aim-Assisted_Rocket_(trait_skill)

> >

> > Reduce critical chance to 33%...

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Static_Discharge_(trait_skill)

> >

> > This need to be reduced to 1,200 range on all skills...

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elite_Mortar_Kit


> I know this is just a revenge response to the guy starting this thread, but you sound serious when alot of stuff you mention here don't make any sense.


> Mortar Kit: Why does this skill need all the ranges reduced to 1200? It is the only long range option that engineer has, yet everything it does is so highly telegraphed and slow and you can't hit anything with it outside of a big WvW fight.


> "Reduce critical chance to 33%" for Static Discharge... what do you even mean by that?

> Do you mean it shouldn't get affected by precision and always crit with 33% chance? If you are referring to the tooltip, what it actually states s that this skill deals 100% additional damage if it crits, giving you a reason to solely run this trait if you are going for precision in your build. It seems you didn't understand what this actually does.


> Rocket Charge range decreased to 900... again, why? This ability does not even work currently well as a movement spell, you almost get no additional ground covered over simply walking.


> Really hard to tell if you are joking or serious, I hope it is the first one tho.


I’m being serious. I started with Engineer, but I’m gonna go down the list...


If we have concerns about mobility, healing, damage reduction, boons, range of skills... then we need to look at ALL professions right? That’s called “balance” is it not?


So for example... the OP wants to reduce mobility, mentioned other professions, but neglected to mention all the mobility that the engineer profession can build for... Only seems fair to review right? OP has a concern with ranger lb, and wants it reduced, so why should engineer have access to 1,500 range skills in this scenario? OP mentioned ranger protection yet failed to talk about that really nifty damage reduction trait that is increased by boons... and there are some pretty hefty boons an engineer can pump out for combat bonuses and to get high power and condition damage reduction... Fair is fair.


You peeps better be careful with what you all wish for... Just sayin’.



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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > @"Kodama.6453" said:

> > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > > @"Ruufio.1496" said:

> > > > * **Cast ____ when using a heal skill.** Not just muddy terrain, they all need to be removed entirely. Just leave them as fall dmg traits. It's spammy and bad.

> > > > * **Ranger's pet death and merging with pet not punishing the ranger.** Killing the pet was supposed to be part of the counterplay to ranger and yet it does nothing. If a ranger merges with his pet then he should receive the conditions affecting the pet as well as a health loss relative to the pet current health. And for all other ranger builds, the loss of the pet needs to be more punishing as well.

> > > > * **Unstoppable Union trait.** Leave the stunbreak, remove the unblockable effect. Instead, add unblockable to a/some of the other lesser used pets. This creates more build variety and creates less "one build can do it all" gameplay which is good for balance.

> > > > * **Troll Unguent**. Just increase the cast time to 1s instead of 0.75 seconds.

> > > > * **Swoop(bird) and all other overpowered mobility skills on classes (eg. Mirage Thrust).** For swoop in particular, nerf the range to 900 and increase the cooldown from 10s to 15s. It's fine if you want GW2 to have mobile combat but it's so ridiculous right now that the mobility just lets players play as bad as they want and then get out unharmed. Please nerf mobility like this on all classes for grenths sake. Yes, nerf traited rocket boots from 1200 range down to 900 as well- leave the superspeed. (And make it a leap finisher since the blast is totally useless when you leap 900 range away) **Remember why ride the lightning was nerfed oh so many years ago? Why are we in this disgusting state now?** Even if you're going for "fun" balance rather than skillful balance, it is entirely unfun to play against this for everyone.

> > > > * **Maul.** Make the attack of opportunity only trigger if the ranger did damage. No precast, no triggering on aegis or blind.

> > > > * **Unflinching Fortitude and Signet of Stone.** It's Endure Pain. Nerf both cooldowns to 50s. Id say 60s but for some spammy reason all 60s cooldown skills like this were reduced to 50s over the years. Last Grasp used to be 60s, was buffed to 50s and is now entirely removed. Really??? SMH. Endure Pain used to be 60s as well and...! It's entirely horrible to play against 2x Endure Pain with Balanced Stance (haha immunity to crits btw) Nerf Endure Pain to 60s each again please. This ranger skills as well while you're at it. You keep buffing skills by reducing the cooldowns and then removing said skills entirely because the spam has no counter. PLEASE STOP. You buffed Elixir S to be immune to conditions then removed it entirely because it became spammy and had no counter. STOP WITH THE LOW COOLDOWN SPAM PLEASE.

> > > > * **Supportive.** Why is this a % modifier? And for healing at that? What is druid for??? You are going to run into some serious balance issues with future elite spec if none of the elite specs have a "purity of purpose". It's fine for a damage class to do "some" healing, but tacking on a huge 25% increase to healing? Make it 200 healing power instead. All specs have this issue. There is no purity of purpose for any of them.

> > > > * **Protection Spam**. Not sure how, but it needs nerfed as well.

> > > >

> > > > And for some other quality of life changes:

> > > >

> > > > * **"On My Mark!"** This should inflict reveal in a 600 radius rather than a single target.

> > > > * **Corrupt Boon.** This should not be an ammo skill and scepter traited should not be AOE corrupt either. Just.... why....

> > > > * **Mercy Runes.** Perhaps nerf them to 10% revive speed instead of 20%? Certain comp are unkillable with revives. Also, bring back quickness stomping since it was fine - but make sure you nerf the abundance of quickness spam as well. (Eg. Reaper perma quickness...) Unfathomable. Alternatively, add more stomp abilities like the daredevil elite that allow for a unique way of killing an opponent. Eg. Wild Blow (berserker skill) could be changed to instantly kill a downed foe.

> > > > * **Dagger Storm**. Just revamp the skill completely. It's either too good or too bad to use.

> > > > * **Nerf Mirage.** Nerfing the mobility may help (like I said with Mirage Thrust) Mirage should actually be forced to stay in close combat if the theme is to trick opponent by being a "mirage". If you can run away so easily then you are unkillable.

> > > > * **Shadow Meld.** Get rid of the reveal removal which quite literally removes counterplay.

> > > >

> > > > And of course there are a plethora of other things to nerf but these are probably the biggest, currently.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > By the way, nerf (fix) ranger longbow to 1500 range since it's 1800. Imagine being able to swoop 1000-1200 range every 10s and having a longbow with 1800 range. Fix it with the suggested changes above.

> > > >

> > > > **Disclaimer:** If you wont nerf mobility skills like swoop and rocket boots from 1200 range to a more reasonable 900 range, or Mirage Thrust from a 600 spammable leap (or mirage cloak) then please buff ride the lightning.

> > >

> > > Since you bring up some other professions... I took the liberty of reviewing the Engineer for you and came up with a quick list of changes in the name of “balance”... I’ll do more review soon!

> > >

> > > Engineer “balance” changes...

> > >

> > > Remove this trait, it’s pretty game breaking...

> > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Automated_Medical_Response

> > >

> > > Boon output, and this damage reduction trait, needs some major nerfing... Way over the top stuff here...

> > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Iron_Blooded

> > >

> > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elixir

> > >

> > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/HGH

> > >

> > >

> > > Remove the ammo mechanic and have 1 use on a 15s cooldown. Range 600 normally and 900 when traited...

> > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rocket_Boots

> > >

> > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gadgeteer

> > >

> > > Reduce distance to 900...

> > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rocket_Charge

> > >

> > > Increase cooldown to 10s. This should not be a 2s cooldown spam-able 600 range movement skill that removes movement impairing conditions when traited...

> > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Holo_Leap

> > >

> > > Internal cooldown of 30s...

> > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Crystal_Configuration:_Zephyr

> > >

> > > Skill should not speed up recharge on other sword skills...

> > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gleam_Saber

> > >

> > > There needs to be a nerf somewhere with these...

> > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Medical_Dispersion_Field

> > >

> > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Energy_Amplifier

> > >

> > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Health_Insurance

> > >

> > > Increase cooldown to like 30s. Reduce distance to 1,200...

> > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Orbital_Command

> > >

> > > Reduce distance to 1,200...

> > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Aim-Assisted_Rocket_(trait_skill)

> > >

> > > Reduce critical chance to 33%...

> > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Static_Discharge_(trait_skill)

> > >

> > > This need to be reduced to 1,200 range on all skills...

> > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elite_Mortar_Kit

> >

> > I know this is just a revenge response to the guy starting this thread, but you sound serious when alot of stuff you mention here don't make any sense.

> >

> > Mortar Kit: Why does this skill need all the ranges reduced to 1200? It is the only long range option that engineer has, yet everything it does is so highly telegraphed and slow and you can't hit anything with it outside of a big WvW fight.

> >

> > "Reduce critical chance to 33%" for Static Discharge... what do you even mean by that?

> > Do you mean it shouldn't get affected by precision and always crit with 33% chance? If you are referring to the tooltip, what it actually states s that this skill deals 100% additional damage if it crits, giving you a reason to solely run this trait if you are going for precision in your build. It seems you didn't understand what this actually does.

> >

> > Rocket Charge range decreased to 900... again, why? This ability does not even work currently well as a movement spell, you almost get no additional ground covered over simply walking.

> >

> > Really hard to tell if you are joking or serious, I hope it is the first one tho.


> I’m being serious. I started with Engineer, but I’m gonna go down the list...


> If we have concerns about mobility, healing, damage reduction, boons, range of skills... then we need to look at ALL professions right? That’s called “balance” is it not?


> So for example... the OP wants to reduce mobility, mentioned other professions, but neglected to mention all the mobility that the engineer profession can build for... Only seems fair to review right? OP has a concern with ranger lb, and wants it reduced, so why should engineer have access to 1,500 range skills in this scenario? OP mentioned ranger protection yet failed to talk about that really nifty damage reduction trait that is increased by boons... and there are some pretty hefty boons an engineer can pump out for combat bonuses and to get high power and condition damage reduction... Fair is fair.


> You peeps better be careful with what you all wish for... Just sayin’.




Oooooooh...........do Scourge next!!!! Plz!!

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