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Legendary War Ingisht


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Hello fellas,


I'd like to quickly complain about the Trophy named "Legendary War Insight". I don't play PvE that much so my only option to get legendary armor is either through WvW or PvP. Looking at requirements for PvP, it feels a lot less (currency-wise) to craft a legendary armor piece.


Now, what I mean is that Skirmish Tickets and such capped currencies are naturally, harder to obtain. As also stated in the Wiki, one can obtain a maximum of 365 Tickets, which requires 1450 Pips. I'm gonna be honest here, I can never see myself getting that 365 Tickets in one week. My complaint is that it takes too long to craft just one piece of armor mostly because of Legendary War Insight/Precursor Armor. Starting from scratch one needs at least 21 weeks of farming pips. For people who work/study/can't be online all the time, this is a huge loss imo. Minimum time required to get a full set is roughly 40 weeks, give or take 5.


I'd really appreciate some balance around WvW legendary armor crafting.

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You dont have to get max tickets per week. It is a game, youre supposed to have fun. It is not a job. So, you either enjoy wvw - and the tickets that come, naturally, with it- and craft the leggy armor in 22 weeks, or you go into pve raids (which is much faster to craft time-wise), or into pvp (good luck with that).

It is a legendary armor, with a huge QoL feature. It is meant to take time and effort.

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Don't expect to get WvW theme stuff if you don't play WvW.

I have full legendary WvW gear and 7119 WvW tickets spare.

![](https://i.imgur.com/WfTqWvn.jpg "")


And 2500 skirmish chest (I have used about 1000 so far, the rest I save them).

![](https://i.imgur.com/8P9SfUy.jpg "")


If you don't play WvW don't expect things to come for free or at a reduce time cost. PLAY WvW.

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> @"Hitman.5829" said:

> Don't expect to get WvW theme stuff if you don't play WvW.

> I have full legendary WvW gear and 7119 WvW tickets spare.

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/WfTqWvn.jpg "")


> And 2500 skirmish chest (I have used about 1000 so far, the rest I save them).

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/8P9SfUy.jpg "")


> If you don't play WvW don't expect things to come for free or at a reduce time cost. PLAY WvW.


Look at all that Kralkatite. You know you can right click and consume for Volatile Magic unless you're going to craft?

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> @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> > @"Hitman.5829" said:

> > Don't expect to get WvW theme stuff if you don't play WvW.

> > I have full legendary WvW gear and 7119 WvW tickets spare.

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/WfTqWvn.jpg "")

> >

> > And 2500 skirmish chest (I have used about 1000 so far, the rest I save them).

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/8P9SfUy.jpg "")

> >

> > If you don't play WvW don't expect things to come for free or at a reduce time cost. PLAY WvW.


> Look at all that Kralkatite. You know you can right click and consume for Volatile Magic unless you're going to craft?


Conversion eating them is bad.

Just buy caches from vendor near Astralarium.

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I can understand where you're coming from OP.

When you have a strong desire to obtain a best in slot item (not just stats related which ascended provides, but most desired form of that armor which is legend), but is gated behind 10 months due to real life restrictions on your playing time, that can seem like a really long time to wait.


But as others have pointed out, it is currently the best form of armor in the game and so some extra effort and time is required to obtain it.

Is the effort and time currently pegged at the right level?

Honestly I'm split on this.

For a WvW veteran of high rank, obtaining the pips for tickets is a breeze compared to a WvW low rank.

In a way, it rewards high rank veterans but overly punishes low rank players who may also be veterans but just not the exp farming kind.

I would prefer to see more tickets given out at lower tiers of the pip chest so that it is not such a massive time sink for low rank players.


Although I've said that, ultimately I do agree with the advise given by others in the thread - enjoy WvW as a journey and before you know it, you would have achieved the rewards.

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If you're playing the game on a relatively casual basis, craft yourself a couple sets of ascended armor and call it good. You've got the same exact stats as the legendary armor, so you're at no competitive disadvantage. The main benefit to leggies is the ability to swap stats, which really only matters if you're constantly trying different builds.

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> @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> > @"Hitman.5829" said:

> > Don't expect to get WvW theme stuff if you don't play WvW.

> > I have full legendary WvW gear and 7119 WvW tickets spare.

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/WfTqWvn.jpg "")

> >

> > And 2500 skirmish chest (I have used about 1000 so far, the rest I save them).

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/8P9SfUy.jpg "")

> >

> > If you don't play WvW don't expect things to come for free or at a reduce time cost. PLAY WvW.


> Look at all that Kralkatite. You know you can right click and consume for Volatile Magic unless you're going to craft?


Or he may want to craft Stellar weapons, each requires 500 kralkatite ore.


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