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Wintersday Raid

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Why the heck wasn't this a five man? No one will join to do it? It baffles me that games like FFXIV and WoW have been doing raid finding for years, but we still can't get a solid way of gathering 10 players for a friggin holiday festival "raid!" I fricking HATE the way this game handles any type of >5 man content. It's absurd.


Next time put in a fricking queue!

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I have had no trouble getting people to join this, regardless of whether I have started with me alone or with others. (Although once I merged my group of 2 with their group of 3, because I'm impatient.) The longest I've waited to fill from LFG was 5 minutes; the longest I've waited for my own invitees to join was 10-15.

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> @"SteepledHat.1345" said:

> Why the heck wasn't this a five man? No one will join to do it? It baffles me that games like FFXIV and WoW have been doing raid finding for years, but we still can't get a solid way of gathering 10 players for a friggin holiday festival "raid!" I fricking HATE the way this game handles any type of >5 man content. It's absurd.


> Next time put in a fricking queue!


You want to do it if on eu you can do it with me

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> @"SteepledHat.1345" said:

> Well, I'm glad you've had a good time with it.

Actually, I didn't address the issue of whether it's fun. The thread seems to be about whether people join or not and, presuming that they don't, that maybe it should have been a 5-person instance instead of a 10-person raid.


Accordingly, I stated my opinion: I don't think it's nearly as time consuming to form a group as implied. Every group I was in took anyone/everyone who wanted in, we didn't check for prof or DPS. I've been bringing the mercy scourge because it allows people to learn as they go, but it hasn't always mattered. And again, it's taken longer to gather friends/guildies/acquaintances; the PUG groups have been quick to coalesce.


It takes less total time than either Infinirarium or Toypocolypse.

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Have you put your request the right lfg for it? There's a "festival" lfg at the end of the panel. Here in EU it usually doesn't take any longer than 10-15 minutes to get a group going during the afternoon or early evening. I did it almost every day now besides one time the first days and yesterday because the 24th is christmas time in a lot of countries.

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No, you all are just white knighting for Anet, as per usual forum conduct. There's no excuse to inconvenience your customers. A queue is a basic modern mmo feature. Implement one - your experience is irrelevant. This is a baseline feature of nearly every other mmo on the market. I've been here since beta and the level of phoning in these boards let slide still amazes me.

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> @"SteepledHat.1345" said:

> No, you all are just white knighting for Anet, as per usual forum conduct. There's no excuse to inconvenience your customers. A queue is a basic modern mmo feature. Implement one - your experience is irrelevant. This is a baseline feature of nearly every other mmo on the market. I've been here since beta and the level of phoning in these boards let slide still amazes me.


That is a different issue though.


You original point was that you were unable to play the wintersday raid and no one was doing said content.


Being inconvenienced versus being unable to do something are two very different things.


Sure, a group finder would be nice and also comes with a ton of downsides:


- makes the act of finding people a lot easier

- grouping often gets taken over by the finder meaning players don't have to understand group compositions

- it is a great shortcut to faster rewards since it allows for more members of the community to interact with the content



- very un-personal (often a major complaint in all those other MMOs)

- it reduces content even more to simply: go in, get loot, get out. This is even more unfitting for GW2

- even less interaction between players. I've seen the majority or even close to all groups I've joined be completely without interaction in WoW for hours

- absolutely breaindead


We aren't white knighting, we were disagreeing with your initial assessment. If you had strait gone to: I want a group finder tool and provided useful arguments, people might have engaged and agreed or disagreed. Writing nonsense stuff or making things up is not in the sphere of useful arguments.

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> @"SteepledHat.1345" said:

> No, you all are just white knighting for Anet, as per usual forum conduct. There's no excuse to inconvenience your customers. A queue is a basic modern mmo feature. Implement one - your experience is irrelevant. This is a baseline feature of nearly every other mmo on the market. I've been here since beta and the level of phoning in these boards let slide still amazes me.


Seriusly never had problem you think everyone is lying. Problem with que is you can get people whos not intrested in playing just want rewards. For i not had any problem getting ppl to join

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> @"SteepledHat.1345" said:

> No, you all are just white knighting for Anet, as per usual forum conduct. There's no excuse to inconvenience your customers. A queue is a basic modern mmo feature. Implement one - your experience is irrelevant. This is a baseline feature of nearly every other mmo on the market. I've been here since beta and the level of phoning in these boards let slide still amazes me.


You're in the wrong subforum for calling the corresponding members "white knights". Your assumption couldn't be worse. :D


But yeah, never expect anything from a rage kiddie. I'm really curious you survived that long in the game without using the lfg in a reasonable way. Hint: It's easy even for raids I'm finding enough groups to join every day.

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Play "Toypocalypse". It has an autofiller option if you talk to the npc on the ground and not using the portal the stairs above. It's also content where such a system can work because it's braindead content. Autofill wouldn't work for alsmost all fractal groups especially not for groups running T2 or higher (including CMs) on a daily basis. For GW2 raids this system would result in 99% of the groups not being able to kill any of the bosses. But yeah, "modern convenience"...you should really think ahead.

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> @"SteepledHat.1345" said:

> Just update the game with the base modern convenience. I really couldn't care less about any of your opinions. It's unacceptable and it needs to change.


Welcome to the forums. People have varying opinions.


If you want to only submit ideas for change and demands there is customer support and customer feedback emails from Arenanet.


Obviously to some fo us the current state is absolutely acceptable.

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> @"SteepledHat.1345" said:

> Just update the game with the base modern convenience. I really couldn't care less about any of your opinions. It's unacceptable and it needs to change.


Why post on forum if u dont care about other people's opinions? The very essence of a forum is for people to exchange opinions. You should just send a ticket to support and demand w/e u wanna demand. Wont get far with that attitude though....

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Automated queues are easier done in other games than gw2 tho since other games have a hard trinity and the build costumisation is much more limited there.



I could see them adding a queue and then ppl running into the problem where 10 zerk eles join or something and you have no one to tank or no one to heal.


U can say "then add role selection" but then how does the game know whats a good class for that role, what if a thief or a warrior queue as healers or a ranger queues as tank.


I dont think it cant be done but it fir sure would be harder than most other mmos.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> Automated queues are easier done in other games than gw2 tho since other games have a hard trinity and the build costumisation is much more limited there.



> I could see them adding a queue and then ppl running into the problem where 10 zerk eles join or something and you have no one to tank or no one to heal.


> U can say "then add role selection" but then how does the game know whats a good class for that role, what if a thief or a warrior queue as healers or a ranger queues as tank.


> I dont think it cant be done but it fir sure would be harder than most other mmos.


This is literally the situation in elder scrolls online. They have queues and require certain aspects of a build be present to queue as a role.

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> @"SteepledHat.1345" said:

> It's unacceptable and it needs to change.


It really doesn't need to change, because the current system works. Plenty of people accept it. Some even like it.

The problem is... you just really prefer how party management is set up in other games.


And that might even turn out to be better for GW2. But (a) you haven't convinced me and more importantly (b) you haven't made any effort to convince ANet. Regardless of what any of your fellow players post here, if your goal is to change the system, you might want to actually offer something other than a blanket statement that you're right.


Of course, if you just wanted to blow of some steam during this often stressful time of year, hopefully that's mission accomplished.



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> @"SteepledHat.1345" said:

> Just update the game with the base modern convenience. I really couldn't care less about any of your opinions. It's unacceptable and it needs to change.


Just becuse one game works one way so dont i mean all shall use exact same mechanics. And also you dont care of other ppls opinion. Big news this is a forum. A que system has big issues also since ppl can troll and you will have ppl who will que to then afk. A que dont neccesery work better. Current system works.

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> Play "Toypocalypse". It has an autofiller option if you talk to the npc on the ground and not using the portal the stairs above. It's also content where such a system can work because it's braindead content. Autofill wouldn't work for alsmost all fractal groups especially not for groups running T2 or higher (including CMs) on a daily basis. For GW2 raids this system would result in 99% of the groups not being able to kill any of the bosses. But yeah, "modern convenience"...you should really think ahead.


For almost all fractal groups? Really? Is that a joke? The t4 content can be completed with 5 dps no supports and certainly don’t _need_ specific meta setups in order to be completed easily. Plus a properly implemented queue would filter for supports/dps etc. just like in **every mmo** that has a queue.

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> @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> The t4 content can be completed with 5 dps no supports and certainly don’t _need_ specific meta setups in order to be completed easily.

There's a difference between "can be completed" and "is being completed." I agree that the meta isn't required, but it's not the case that 5 random people running DPS are succeeding.


I imagine if GW2 and queuing for instanced PvE, they'd realize this and figure out some sort of solution. But let's try to remember that this MMO has some mechanics that different strongly from other MMOs and it probably wouldn't work the same.


Regardless, it's moot. The current system works; it's just not convenient for everyone's needs. It's going to take something more than "but everyone else does it" to convince ANet that GW2 should, too.


I'm not at all against the idea; I just haven't seen a compelling argument as to why it's necessary, let alone urgent and/or important.


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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> > The t4 content can be completed with 5 dps no supports and certainly don’t _need_ specific meta setups in order to be completed easily.

> There's a difference between "can be completed" and "is being completed." I agree that the meta isn't required, but it's not the case that 5 random people running DPS are succeeding.



I’ll agree to disagree with you on this point then, but only because my own personal experience tells me otherwise. Nevertheless, like you and I both have mentioned if they did implement a queue they would be completely stupid not to include filters for support/healing. I don’t think it’s necessarily a pressing matter to implement it, I mostly commented to disagree with anyone in this thread that thinks it _can’t_ work as a matter of principal; it’s clearly doable even with gw2’s “unique non-trinity” structure it would just require a little extra thought is all.



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