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Your thoughts on balancing professions in wvw


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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> Weaver and soulbeast boon bunkering sustain. Its obnoxious in smallscale but I am not sure it should be nerfed. I just don't see the point in balancing stuff with nerfs as it only results in tears.


This is a terrible train of thought that people use a study that doesn't correlate well to back up. You need nerfs otherwise you end up with power creep which kills the game also. You think a lot of people left and stayed gone just because of desert border? You think they will come back when Alliances come? No the meta is not fun to play, you spam as much and as hard as you can and it will take you much further than it ever would in previous meta's.


We need everything scaling back several notches, it's not an FPS.

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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > Weaver and soulbeast boon bunkering sustain. Its obnoxious in smallscale but I am not sure it should be nerfed. I just don't see the point in balancing stuff with nerfs as it only results in tears.


> This is a terrible train of thought that people use a study that doesn't correlate well to back up. You need nerfs otherwise you end up with power creep which kills the game also. You think a lot of people left and stayed gone just because of desert border? You think they will come back when Alliances come? No the meta is not fun to play, you spam as much and as hard as you can and it will take you much further than it ever would in previous meta's.


> We need everything scaling back several notches, it's not an FPS.


You read way too much into that. Its just a game.

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > Weaver and soulbeast boon bunkering sustain. Its obnoxious in smallscale but I am not sure it should be nerfed. I just don't see the point in balancing stuff with nerfs as it only results in tears.

> >

> > This is a terrible train of thought that people use a study that doesn't correlate well to back up. You need nerfs otherwise you end up with power creep which kills the game also. You think a lot of people left and stayed gone just because of desert border? You think they will come back when Alliances come? No the meta is not fun to play, you spam as much and as hard as you can and it will take you much further than it ever would in previous meta's.

> >

> > We need everything scaling back several notches, it's not an FPS.


> You read way too much into that. Its just a game.

He may have read to much into it but he does have a point. This sort of discussion tend to errupt on forums from time to time and it is almost always moot. Developers tend to consider balance from both buffing and nerfing and then choose the best route. No one just buffs or nerfs.


As per the thread and recent threads of the same type. I'm not sure if there are any classes that stick out as over- or underperforming in WvW at large at the moment but there are certainly abilities and mechanics that needs to be looked at (that contribute to popularity at different scales but breaks gameplay in different ways).


WoD is still an issue, Shades are still an issue, Sic 'Em is an issue, Burst of Strength is an issue, Peak Performance may need to be looked at etc.


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> @"subversiontwo.7501" said:

> Shades are still an issue, Sic 'Em is an issue,


You've got to be careful with shades. Its only an "issue" because there are 30 Scourges spamming them. If you run into a single scourge, their well placed shade skills are potent, but hardly overperforming. Diminishing returns on overlapping AoEs isn't a thing that's in this game, but if it was, Scourges would be the main target of that. Or is it fair to continue nerfing an elite spec's complete overall potency because it overperforms in _specific_ situations?


Sic 'Em is definitely overturned, but like other 'more damage now, not later' skills I don't feel an increase to the cooldown without touching the effect is the correct solution. That won't stop people from getting angry whenever a soulbeast gets the better of them with Sic 'Em. Some of these abilities need their actual effects nerfed, even if that nerf also comes with a cooldown reduction. For example if Sic' Em only increased damage by 10% (on the soulbeast) but had a 20s cooldown, or an ammo mechanic that allowed them to use it _more_ fewer people would complain though rangers would still get use out of it. Before Soulbeast came along (and especially before smokescale was a thing) Sic 'Em was a pretty pants utility.


Perhaps there should be a blanket nerf to all traits on elite specs that say "Get +x% damage in y situation", or a limit of such a trait to 1 per profession because all of these 10k+ attacks that people whine about are coming from specific situations where the stars have aligned for [insert profession], usually involving traits that increase damage by a percent amount rather than boosting power or condition damage.


It may be an old story, but I'm still not fond of the potency of condi thieves and mirages simply due to their ability to reliably deliver the mail then disappear/evade spam whilst the ticks do their thing. I don't mind the burst potential of their power counterparts because they're more punishable when they screw up.


~ Kovu

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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> You've got to be careful with shades.

Very true. Personally I would just cut the range on them. Given the size of their AoE that means their reach from center-out is still far too long for how potent they are overall but most importantly for how it affects gameplay at larger scale. The reach isn't necessarily important at smaller scale and I would rather pull down range than size as size have broader implications. Cutting down the range and letting it spread from there feels more precise at targetting the issue with them and the issue more or less alone.


It will still let groups Shade-wall but there will be more counterplay both from true 1200y tactics and for crushing distance with melee. The problem with 900 is that the effect still reaches 1200. Cut it down to 600 and it will spread to 900 forcing Shade-heavy groups to be more agressive against other range-heavy groups and enables melee-heavy groups to go aggressive on Shade-heavy groups. It will create, well, calling it a rock-paper-scissor scenario would be a misnomer since nothing really counters the other, but that hints at the gist of the idea: You will create more tactical options building around short range, mid range and long range by firmly placing Shades in the mid range. The problem now is that they are mid range on paper but long range in effect. It is better to adress that as it was seemingly unintended rather than poking at its mechanics or damage.


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> @"subversiontwo.7501" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > > Weaver and soulbeast boon bunkering sustain. Its obnoxious in smallscale but I am not sure it should be nerfed. I just don't see the point in balancing stuff with nerfs as it only results in tears.

> > >

> > > This is a terrible train of thought that people use a study that doesn't correlate well to back up. You need nerfs otherwise you end up with power creep which kills the game also. You think a lot of people left and stayed gone just because of desert border? You think they will come back when Alliances come? No the meta is not fun to play, you spam as much and as hard as you can and it will take you much further than it ever would in previous meta's.

> > >

> > > We need everything scaling back several notches, it's not an FPS.

> >

> > You read way too much into that. Its just a game.

> Developers tend to consider balance from both buffing and nerfing and then choose the best route. No one just buffs or nerfs.


The developers barely consider WvW fullstop, which is why threads like this are just an exercise in delusion.

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> @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> I'd like to see 0.25-1s of CC immunity upon successfully stunbreaking.


Yes stunbreaking can obviously keep you alive but it feels like garbage to stunbreak and then get cc'ed again under a blanket of stuns. I don't think invulnerable would be good but every stunbreak giving 3 sec of stab after a **successful** stunbreak would be nice.

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**In General:**


Endurance gain by Food, Sigils and Runes:


-nerf sigil of Energy to pvp Version (25 Endurance gain every 9 sec)

-nerf Bowl of Orrian truffel and meat stew (20% Endurance reg)

-nerf rune of adventurer (25 Endurance gain with heal skill - 20 sec)


**Class specific:**


**Warrior** - remove Auto stunbreak, auto invuln

--Spellbreaker - increase FC cd


**Ranger** - Remove Auto invuln,

--Soulbeast - nerf sick'em (down to just 10 % dmg increase)

--druid - Celestial Avatar Change to pvp Version (20 sec cd)


**Rev** - Incensed Response Change to pvp Version (2 stacks of might per tick)


**Mirage** - Mirage cloak not usable while cc'd


**Holo** - Increase cooldowns on all Forged Form Skills by 50 %.


**Daredevil** - Reduce Vault Dmg by ~30%


**Guardian** - Reduce block uptime

--FB - Reduce Healing of Holy Strike and Empowering, and lower the healing modifier for Tome of Resolve Chapter 5. Replace Aegis from Mantra of solace with Regeneration.


**Scourge** - Rework Sand Savant Trait (Take out Big Shades and create something for support)



I think WvW is a pvp-mode so pve-versions of skills that are created to kill Boss-Enemies that have millions of lifepoints dont have a place in wvw without being overpowered. so some changes should bring traits/skills to pvp-versions. and in General most of PoF specs are still overperforming and should get tuned down.





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> @"subversiontwo.7501" said:

> > @"Kovu.7560" said:

> > You've got to be careful with shades.

> Very true. Personally I would just cut the range on them. Given the size of their AoE that means their reach from center-out is still far too long for how potent they are overall but most importantly for how it affects gameplay at larger scale. The reach isn't necessarily important at smaller scale and I would rather pull down range than size as size have broader implications. Cutting down the range and letting it spread from there feels more precise at targetting the issue with them and the issue more or less alone.


> It will still let groups Shade-wall but there will be more counterplay both from true 1200y tactics and for crushing distance with melee. The problem with 900 is that the effect still reaches 1200. Cut it down to 600 and it will spread to 900 forcing Shade-heavy groups to be more agressive against other range-heavy groups and enables melee-heavy groups to go aggressive on Shade-heavy groups. It will create, well, calling it a rock-paper-scissor scenario would be a misnomer since nothing really counters the other, but that hints at the gist of the idea: You will create more tactical options building around short range, mid range and long range by firmly placing Shades in the mid range. The problem now is that they are mid range on paper but long range in effect. It is better to adress that as it was seemingly unintended rather than poking at its mechanics or damage.



And this is why Necros will forever be out-ranged :s

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Stop with stacks and start using Diminishing Returns on Boons and Conditions. Do not make mobile AoE's. Have more utilities in classes so they can handle themselves against other classes. Even out the health pool a little bit better. Fix Stealth fighting. Make it so that all classes are viable in zergs. Make it so that all classes are viable as roamers. That's a good start imho.

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