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How many characters do you have, and why?


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I have 11 characters. One for each profession originally. Then due to the lack of build templates (and I really hate changing builds and equipment manually) I created the 2nd character for classes I play the most - ranger and necro. The classes I don't play much are mostly used as storage mules and few of those less used ones are also grandmaster crafters.

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25 currently, but many came before that didn't make the cut (characters I kept for a short while, then deleted). But once they reach a certain age, they are there to stay (though may change form/name...even gender). I have multiples of the races except for Charr, I only have one of those just so I have one, but though I love watching them run on all fours, I don't care for their upright movements and fighting animations (or how they look on mounts). I have at least two of every class so I can try both elite specs, but the classes I like the most get multiples, some specially geared for WvW, some for Fractals, some for open world :) Love my alts.

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I just made my 8th...one of each profession minus engineer. I still have to get one of those... I actually don't like the class, but I want to complete all the specialization collections. I just hate leveling in this game so I'm saving books again to skip levels (I just used most of what I had to make a level 80 revenant). I have six human females and 2 female norns. Number 9 will be a human female again. I'm not into playing other races and male characters just look too caricatural to me. My main also gets 90% of my playtime (guardian).

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I have multiple reasons for making new characters. For example two of my characters are Halloween themed, and are designed to be "relatives" to Mad King Thorn. Some I've left at the end of jumping puzzles. Others I made so I can play different professions and specializations. And one I made as a joke to an old guildmaster.

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I have 25 of my 31 slots in use (I tend to buy slots when they are on sale, in case I want to make new characters later).


I started with all five base slots filled as of early access. Based on beta testing for what I enjoyed and planned to RP, I made a human male Thief, a charr female Elementalist, a sylvari female Guardian, an asura female Mesmer, and a human female Warrior (still have all of them). Then I bought up slots to get the remaining professions, adding a pair of Norn for Engineer and Ranger. Then I started getting more genders for the races, in different armor weights. Occasionally I'd make a character for RP reasons, or to play around with alternate builds, or just to get another weight of armor for cultural armor purposes. I always wanted some empty slots in case I just wanted to fiddle around with character creation -- it's a great way to make pictures of your characters' family members without using up slots -- and for the sporadic key running I occasionally remember to do. Once the expansions came out, if it didn't suit a character to be the new Elite, I had to make a new one designed to work with the new outlook. (Biggest example there was Firebrand -- neither my waifish sylvari Guardian nor my ex-Seraph slobby dimwit human Guardian made sense for a scholarly-oriented elite).


So now the tally is:

Human Male -- Daredevil, Dragonhunter, Chronomancer, Soulbeast, Weaver

Human Female -- Chronomancer, Scourge, Berserker, Holosmith, Deadeye, Firebrand

Sylvari Male -- Mirage, Spellbreaker

Sylvari Female -- Dragonhunter, Reaper

Norn Male -- Scrapper

Norn Female -- Druid, Reaper, Herald

Asura Male -- Reaper (made him to check a second racial PS)

Asura Female -- Chronomancer

Charr Male -- Herald

Charr Female -- Tempest


The remaining two are a name placeholder for the Sylvari Mirage's secret identity, now enough years old it will never be deleted due to birthday gifts, and a newish sylvari Thief likely to become a Daredevil once I figure out a name change. The RP story in which he was an NPC established a name that is taken in game. One of the two Heralds should become a Renegade, I just haven't gotten around to traiting and gearing and learning the mechanics of it yet.

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21, three full sets on the main screen. I actually have 22, because I have one on a second account, but I always intended to give it to someone else.

Initially it was a plan to have each class, then it became an interest in different builds, but I have no interest in carrying different gear so I make new characters. Also it allows me to come up with different outfits.


> @"Talindra.4958" said:

> I have exactly 20 at the moment

> two missing in the picture here, 1 of that is a key farmer :p

> I like to create characters so it will increase over time slowly :D

> ![](https://imgur.com/qyJrSC1.jpg "")

Are those to the correct scale? And if so, how did you manage it? I've tried but it never works well.

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> @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

> Are those to the correct scale? And if so, how did you manage it? I've tried but it never works well.

Hi, they aren't correct scale but I did try to make it as close as possible of their heights. :) I have tallest charr, shortest to medium heights human, tallest asura and sylvari, and average height norns. :)


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I have 9 Chars. But i have only played my necro wich is my old main (6k hours played) and also was my first char and my Mesmer (900 hours played) for a decent amount of time. The other chars are only there to stand at some farming spots and to do the fashion wars. Sometimes i wished i had played them more often but i have a real completist issue. It drives me mad over time if i don't have every map completed on a char wich i play more often. Also i wanted all ascendet gear/weapons/trinkets and at least the used main weapon as a leggy on a char wich i play regular. Can't really get over this, so i burned out on farming and doing map completion on all of this chars over and over again wich results in a longer break. Now i'm back in the game changed my main to a charrdian and so far i woul never looking back to my other toons. For me the Charrdian is the complete package.

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I have 10.

I made an asura ele a long time ago, but I wanted to be able wearing the light baelfire armor on a charr ele, so i stopped playing the asura.

I still have him because he has every crafting profession on max. If Anet every makes that accound wide than I'll delete him immediately.

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