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Your Missing Final Mount...The Dolyak

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I liiiike the idea! Even more so for a multi-person mount, Doylak would be one of the best choices for that. Players are already familiar with them, especially guild wars 1 players.


As they are primarily found in the Shiverpeak Mountains, and there is a strong possibility we will go there, they could be one of the mounts to be introduced into the game.



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> @"Zin Dau.1749" said:

> Dolyak masteries:

> 1. Can't be damaged while riding dolyak.

> 2. Dolyak attack knockback AoE.

> 3. Can seat additional player.

> 4. Permanent +3 shared inventory slots.


I kinda like all those actually. It should not be a fast mount, though, especially since you can't be damaged. Maybe 25%, like Travelers ruins?

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> @"InfiniteRetro.9865" said:

> I am absolutely sure someone has said this before, but the one remaining mount that gw2 is missing is a multi person mount, so i'm nominating the Dolyak as the perfect multi person armoured transport thingy lol what do you guys think?

Terrible idea. As we don't have an underwater mount it certainly isn't the one remaining missing mount as it is and I'm not convinced of the usefulness of a two-seater.

> @"Zin Dau.1749" said:

> Dolyak masteries:

> 1. Can't be damaged while riding dolyak.

> 2. Dolyak attack knockback AoE.

> 3. Can seat additional player.

> 4. Permanent +3 shared inventory slots.

1. This will never happen. One of the Aurene abilities is that you can put your life points as the mount's life points but risk dying when the mount dies. This idea goes contrary to that set up.

2. Knockback is overrated. I personally hate it when people use kb's when you put down aoe damage. And the Springer already does a kb.

3. I really don't see the point of this. Even if you play together, why would you want to sit together on a landlocked mount? That just means one of the two players isn't playing.

4. Cute but silly. They can't be permanent because it makes no sense when you're using other mounts or are on foot. So it can only be temporary, which makes it pointless.


So nice try but I really don't see any value in this proposition.


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