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whats the draw to engineer?


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Do you mean core engineer?


The sword holo or hammer scrapper are pretty easy to play in comparison to core engi. Scrapper gets access to stealth and barriers so it's mostly support, holo gets access to higher damage and Photon forge.


I like playing hammer scrapper in open world due to the sustain , it's really relaxed in comparison to core engineer. It's also used in Wvw with rapid regen + medical dispersion field.


Holo has access to a bit of support via the utilities and you can bring bunker down even on core engineer. It's main use is damage.


Due to grenades and pistols being more used for condi that's the main use for core engineer. To maximize damage you need to rotate through kits much like other classes rotate through weapons (except elementalist which mainly uses fire/air attunement in PvE).

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> Once upon a time, I saw an engineer run away from a small horde of crab-scorpion-thingies. She deployed a turret and held the line. That got me thinking "awesome turrets, the tactical and strategical applications are endless!".


> Then they nerfed turrets.


> The end.


Ah, yes, the good old profession trailer.

Made me think the same thing and I leveled my engineer to level 80 running turrets on all slots. Loved the turret spamming thematic. But yeah, it seems they are not allowed to be good except for the Healing turret.




The whole mechanic theme still makes it the best profession in the game, tho. :)

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> @"Lucas.3718" said:

> I tried befriending myself with engineer, and i think he is fun to play but the technology-theme of him is kinda meh personally


The technology theme is great!!! It's one of the few fantasy MMOs that actually gives you a tech theme. It's more a steampunk kinda tech feel but some of us like steampunk. It's a very challenging profession to play. The skill cap for Engineer is higher than most, with the exception of Holosmith which is relatively easy to be good with. Thus you have to put in more work to be good with the profession and a lot of people find that fun. It's a micromanage profession, thus requiring you to be more aware of what you are doing, another fun aspect for some of us.


However, Engineers biggest selling point is its versatility. It can pretty much do most things. It's kinda like Elementalist, but whereas Elementalist has an answer for everything via magic Engineer has an answer for everything via gadgets. Kits provide a more unique set of weapon options. 8 professions make use of a sword (oh Necromancer, why must you be the black sheep?). Only one profession gets a flamethrower, Engineer. A lot of its abilities are more creative than other professions. In some regards they giving you the same effect that you might get else where (Engineer can boon spam just like Guardian/Revenant/Mesmer). However, the presentation of those bonuses is really creative (drinking or tossing Gatoraide for boons as opposed to simply just activating a power and having them take effect).


Engineer is what drew me to this game. When they previewed it I was hooked.

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One of the biggest draws to the engineer IMO is the toolbox. If you're creative, have problem solving skills, and are relatively new to the game, the engineer is great to play. Chances are, no matter what the situation you encounter, you'll have a utility or trait that can solve the problem. Because of this, I like to take my engineer headfirst into new content, and also when I go pugging fractals.

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I don't like the tech-theme of the engineer because it doesn't feel like a "tech-theme" to me. Pistols that shoot glue and weird bouncy electricity projectiles just seem like another type of magic to me. Same goes for rifle and pretty much all other weapons and abilities. They feel more like gimmicky magic. Kits kind of help but it's still, as you said "meh". I think arenanet had more of a "crazy alchemist" idea behind the engineer than a realistic high-tech solider type, even though they had this "commando" joke.

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> @"Misquesh.9504" said:

> I don't like the tech-theme of the engineer because it doesn't feel like a "tech-theme" to me. Pistols that shoot glue and weird bouncy electricity projectiles just seem like another type of magic to me. Same goes for rifle and pretty much all other weapons and abilities. They feel more like gimmicky magic. Kits kind of help but it's still, as you said "meh". I think arenanet had more of a "crazy alchemist" idea behind the engineer than a realistic high-tech solider type, even though they had this "commando" joke.


Mmmm no, ANet wasn't thinking crazy alchemist when they made Engineer. They were 100% think of science, they just were not using realistic high tech science as their inspriation. The Engineer draws inspirtation from steampunk and 1920s and 1930s brand of pulp science fiction. You are correct when you say they are a realistic high tech solider but we were never going to get that. The tech level of the game is nowhere near where it needs to be in order for Engineer to remotely be a realistic high-tech kind of Engineer. Realistic high-tech science really wouldn't fit in a fantasy game with dragons, gods, tree people, magic, cat beasts, etc etc. I'm not saying it could never fit but the entire setting itself would need a massive update to make it work. However, it leans in hard on steampunk tech and 1920-1930 pulp science, none of which is magic. If you haven't read or watched much in the way of pulp science fiction then I can understand why you don't see it as science. But I can assure you the themes that they lean into here are science based, just not 21st-century science based. Think Flash Gordon or Barsoom. Or stories about Hollow Earth. Hell, even some Call of Cthulu style stories employed science like this.


However, pulp science is not for everyone. It's real cheesy and if your thing is a more serious modern idea of high tech then you are likely not going to be satisfied with it. There is a great deal of diversity and variety in science fiction, as a genre. Just because they didn't opt to go with a realistic high-tech soldier does not mean that they created some kind of magic user or that it isn't science based at all (it is). No, they created a tech-themed profession that draws its inspiration for a different set of sci fi stories.

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  • 3 months later...

I really do not like the technology theme. Especially in a world of magic, this kind of semi-technology feels really weird. I hate how I have to use more buttons and tactics to defeat my opponent than a regular profession etc.

Yet I play engineer.


Because this friggin thing does not let me go. I liked to play with it, once. ONCE. Now I cannot play other professions for more than a week. I even tried to delete my engi to get rid of it. Guess what. I created it again (vicious cycle). I was a druid in wow you know. Nature, serenity, tranquility and stuff. Now I use grenades and a flame thrower.

Whenever I play something else and face a situation which that profession cannot handle, I always think "well I could've done it with my engi".

Also, apart from being the wizard of gw2 universe, I must admit that bringing a flamethrower to a dagger fight feels fun :)

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I really like the theme and the gameplay of engineer.


You have guns, turrets, flamethrower, grenades, energy drinks, gadgets, etc...


You want to deal some dammge? Just shoot monsters with your gun or throw some grenades at them.


Want to support others? Just throw some med packs and some stimpacks.


I always liked conventional things even in a world of magic. As such, my most played characters are my warrior and my engineer.

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