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I want to see a proper racing mode (similar to how sPvP and WvW are their own game modes) with real race tracks, not these improvised OW ones or the obstacle course we got for halloween. Beetle races in particular have a lot of potential and I hate to see it wasted like that. Put it in the mists so we have an excuse to use any kind of environment.

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I think the only thing that tempted me in that list was "Hard Mode".


The only thing I really want is for ANet to start making fun and challenging enemies, not just hard hitting hp sponges (or useless grunts that just die to AA), but enemies using the same skill and builds that we got, and some decent AI to match it. Have the enemies fight with the same build rules that we have.

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> @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> I think the only thing that tempted me in that list was "Hard Mode".


> The only thing I really want is for ANet to start making fun and challenging enemies, not just hard hitting hp sponges (or useless grunts that just die to AA), but enemies using the same skill and builds that we got, and some decent AI to match it. Have the enemies fight with the same build rules that we have.


iirc: in gw1, enemies used the same skills as players and this caused serious issues because whenever they re-balanced a skill it could break encounters that used these skills

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> @"Lonami.2987" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > As for Guildwars 3.. Pfft no way.

> > We're not even remotely done with the games main story about the Elder Dragons and there is so much potential for other stories to be told both before and after.

> > We don't need a Gw3 and won't need one until the Devs decide they can't do anything more with Gw2 mechanically.. and I doubt the game will get to that point for a very long time yet.

> > I'd bet Guildwars 2 has at least 5-7 more years left in it before we've even finish up the main story.


> Any game can last forever if the developers want to. The problem here is profitability, which depends a lot on marketing and player retention.


> GW2 did very poorly on release. Yeah, we got a lot of players, but we lost too many as well, which has led to lot of people to believe, still today, that GW2 flopped and is a dead game. If they were to make GW3, using GW2 assets (same models and mechanics), lot of those who were disappointed by GW2's first impressions would give it another opportunity, even if it's pretty much the same game.


> That's why GW3 has a lot of potential. Many of GW2's mistakes were fixed, but lot of the people who left because of those mistakes is never going to come back.


> The story is pretty stale and doesn't help any bit either. The whole worldbuilding around GW2 has been a huge mess without direction since day one, feeling like a soap opera, instead of an epic fantasy tale. GW3 could be a huge reset button, an opportunity to ditch the current plots and start anew.


Far to great a risk imo..


The Gw1 fanbase that left did so in part because of how different the games are.. recapturing that fanbase would likely require returning many of the Gw1 elements that the devs removed for a reason.. such as the excessive skill/build system and the team based PvE content.


Gw2 has succeeded Gw1 in terms of total player population.. I think it was something like 6 Million for Gw1 vs over 8 Million for Gw2 last time I checked (which was a while ago admittedly)

I can speak from personal experience however that I feel Gw2 is far more populated than Gw1 was, Even with Gw1's freedom to transfer between region servers for free.. Gw2 since the Megaserver update has always felt significantly more active than Gw1 ever was.. and I played that game more or less from the launch year and still do on occasion to this day.


A Guildwars 3 at this point would be very foolish to attempt just to recapture a smaller player base than the one Gw2 already has.. specially if it ment cutting Gw2's story short just to push out a sequel game.

This would infuriate the current Gw2 playerbase who would rightly feel betrayed by this decision.. specially now when the game's story etc has never been better.


If it payed off.. sure Gw3 would succeed Gw2 and Anet may turn a decent profit..

If it didn't Gw3 would be literally DoA as the Gw1 fans didn't come back as hoped and the Gw2 fans had no faith left in the company and refused to support it either at all or in the same way they have with Gw2.. and Anet would be completely screwed at that point.


That's way to big a risk imo.. specially when it means killing off Gw2 by rushing into a poor quality finale.

I can speak as someone who has put a lot of money into this game since 2012.. if they did such a thing I would be absolutely one of those who would not have faith in Gw3..

I may play it sure but I sure as hell wouldn't put any money into the game outside of the base game costs and maybe expansions.. and I sure as hell wouldn't continue investing money into Gw2 either... and I really doubt i'm the only one who feels that way.

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> > I think the only thing that tempted me in that list was "Hard Mode".

> >

> > The only thing I really want is for ANet to start making fun and challenging enemies, not just hard hitting hp sponges (or useless grunts that just die to AA), but enemies using the same skill and builds that we got, and some decent AI to match it. Have the enemies fight with the same build rules that we have.


> iirc: in gw1, enemies used the same skills as players and this caused serious issues because whenever they re-balanced a skill it could break encounters that used these skills


Yup, I remember, and it was still one of my favorite things about the game. Quite possibly we would get some balance fixes that way ;)

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> @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> > > I think the only thing that tempted me in that list was "Hard Mode".

> > >

> > > The only thing I really want is for ANet to start making fun and challenging enemies, not just hard hitting hp sponges (or useless grunts that just die to AA), but enemies using the same skill and builds that we got, and some decent AI to match it. Have the enemies fight with the same build rules that we have.

> >

> > iirc: in gw1, enemies used the same skills as players and this caused serious issues because whenever they re-balanced a skill it could break encounters that used these skills


> Quite possibly we would get some balance fixes that way ;)


do you believe that yourself?

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> > > > I think the only thing that tempted me in that list was "Hard Mode".

> > > >

> > > > The only thing I really want is for ANet to start making fun and challenging enemies, not just hard hitting hp sponges (or useless grunts that just die to AA), but enemies using the same skill and builds that we got, and some decent AI to match it. Have the enemies fight with the same build rules that we have.

> > >

> > > iirc: in gw1, enemies used the same skills as players and this caused serious issues because whenever they re-balanced a skill it could break encounters that used these skills

> >

> > Quite possibly we would get some balance fixes that way ;)


> do you believe that yourself?


Honestly, nope. At least not beyond fixing the absolutely most broken stuff. Since NPC's likely wouldn't be using killer meta builds, nor using them well even if they where. There is a reason for that smily.

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  • 4 weeks later...

> @"Tails.9372" said:

> I want to see a proper racing mode (similar to how sPvP and WvW are their own game modes) with real race tracks, not these improvised OW ones or the obstacle course we got for halloween. Beetle races in particular have a lot of potential and I hate to see it wasted like that. Put it in the mists so we have an excuse to use any kind of environment.


Yeah, I would love these too. Just copy the mechanics from other games like Mario Kart.


> @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> I think the only thing that tempted me in that list was "Hard Mode".


> The only thing I really want is for ANet to start making fun and challenging enemies, not just hard hitting hp sponges (or useless grunts that just die to AA), but enemies using the same skill and builds that we got, and some decent AI to match it. Have the enemies fight with the same build rules that we have.


That's one of the things I miss from GW1 the most :I.

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> @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> > > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > > @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> > > > > I think the only thing that tempted me in that list was "Hard Mode".

> > > > >

> > > > > The only thing I really want is for ANet to start making fun and challenging enemies, not just hard hitting hp sponges (or useless grunts that just die to AA), but enemies using the same skill and builds that we got, and some decent AI to match it. Have the enemies fight with the same build rules that we have.

> > > >

> > > > iirc: in gw1, enemies used the same skills as players and this caused serious issues because whenever they re-balanced a skill it could break encounters that used these skills

> > >

> > > Quite possibly we would get some balance fixes that way ;)

> >

> > do you believe that yourself?


> Honestly, nope. At least not beyond fixing the absolutely most broken stuff. Since NPC's likely wouldn't be using killer meta builds, nor using them well even if they where. There is a reason for that smily.


Think of how much harder enemy AI would be if they learned to dodge again. You could do less HP sponge if they did that alone.


Even now the most frustrating enemies block, evade, or apply blind.

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**New Profession Content**: no. Anet hasn't been able to handle balancing what we have. We don't need more.

**New Playable Races**: no. no. no. kitten no. It would wind up being a hack job at best, and would leave huge gaping holes in the story, etc. because they would, at best, have to shoehorn in a new personal story segment that somehow is relative, but doesn't require a rewrite of the entire personal story line for all current races so the new race could be included. Tengu is not going to happen. Accept it.

**New PvE game modes**: we have enough of these. We don't need more.

**New PvP game modes**: If an expansion was sold on this, there would have to be some pretty enticing PvE content as well, otherwise I'd not bother buying.

**New single player activities**: This one might get my attention. Changing the crafting system is out though. That's a major overhaul, and while I'd love for a dev to confirm this, I personally see it as impossible at this point in the game.

**New multiplayer activities**: Combined with new single player activities (meaning two selling points), now you have my attention. WvW could be so much more than it is currently.

**Aesthetic upgrades**: Definitely, though apparently dyes on weapons and back pieces are confirmed to be impossible. :(

**Old content upgrades**: Integrating season 1 would be next to impossible without using the fractal system (which isn't a bad idea). You'd need to have zones like Kessex Hills exist in two or three different states at one time. Also, how are gliding and mounts *not* integrated currently?

**Technical upgrades **: Templates should have been in game when the wardrobe was introduced. This is long overdue.

**Guild Wars 3 announcement**: Completely irrelevant to GW2 expansions.


The most important thing for me in an expansion is still maps. I want to see and explore new places. Path of Fire was an incredible addition in this respect, though it has it's annoyances (would like to see a Brandstorm mastery line that allows you to build up resistance to the effects)


Exploration is the biggest selling point for me. The second biggest selling point for an expansion, would be QoL and Polish on existing content (with more emphasis on fixing things and adding features, not on balance).

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+New weapons and armors to craft. =)


Playing for 3 years and at least 2 of them have been looking at this Ascended stuff I am wearing and tbh am bored with it.


Have not played for a while but some new type of Armors and Weapons to craft would be nice, at this moment I have no interest in GW2 anymore.


Rare - Exotic - Ascended - Legendary - Mythic - Celestial - something like that.. so move legendary to crafting costs comparable with Ascended.. and the *new* armor types a bit harder to get.

But keep it reasonable.. not the ridiculous grind it is today. :s


And add a slot in weapons for a *special* infusion.. that has a 5% to 15% chance to do a very cool character move.. just a thought, something anything ! B)


Anyway back to my Odyssey.. I got cultists to slay ! ;)

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  • 1 month later...

> @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

> > @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> > > > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > > > @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> > > > > > I think the only thing that tempted me in that list was "Hard Mode".

> > > > > >

> > > > > > The only thing I really want is for ANet to start making fun and challenging enemies, not just hard hitting hp sponges (or useless grunts that just die to AA), but enemies using the same skill and builds that we got, and some decent AI to match it. Have the enemies fight with the same build rules that we have.

> > > > >

> > > > > iirc: in gw1, enemies used the same skills as players and this caused serious issues because whenever they re-balanced a skill it could break encounters that used these skills

> > > >

> > > > Quite possibly we would get some balance fixes that way ;)

> > >

> > > do you believe that yourself?

> >

> > Honestly, nope. At least not beyond fixing the absolutely most broken stuff. Since NPC's likely wouldn't be using killer meta builds, nor using them well even if they where. There is a reason for that smily.


> Think of how much harder enemy AI would be if they learned to dodge again. You could do less HP sponge if they did that alone.


> Even now the most frustrating enemies block, evade, or apply blind.


AI was so good during the betas... Kinda sad they had to nerf it.


> @"Jemmi.6058" said:

> So weird that main story and new area isn't a listed item :|


It's in the main post: _Note that recurrent content is not considered for this thread. I'm assuming new elite specializations, new fractals and raids, new mounts, new PvE and PvP maps, new rewards, etc, will keep being included with every expansion. The topic of the discussion is new stuff we do not expect, which will be potentially featured as one of the next expansion selling points._

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New PvE modes could be fun, as long as I don’t have to collect or craft something else to be able to do it (the equivalent of agony resistance, for instance).


New aesthetic and profession options could be great — anything that let’s me customize the way my characters look and interact with the world! =)


WHY would some announcement about a GW3 make you want to buy an expansion to GW2??? Wouldn’t that make you LESS likely as that would signal an end to new content, fewer players, etc.?

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> @"Pirindolo.9427" said:

> I am sorry, but if you read about future plans for GW2, there is no expansion at all in them. LS5 is here for 1.5 or 2 years, and then we will see.

Yes, it's actually quite sad. Rereading this thread, looking at all that hopes and dreams people had only a very short time ago, and knowing they won't be realized.


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I would like to see them come out with something, delete the whole thing, then replace it, then break it from even being usable. Oh wait they did that with deadeye and mirage already thanks anet. Great reason for me to not buy another expansion.

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