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Next expansion selling point ⇒ Cast your votes!


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> @"Opopanax.1803" said:

> Not going to vote, but:


> I would pay for an updated gw2 engine with new maps and new specializations and being able to turn down/off particle effect.


> I like the core that they have established, just work on better balance and making sure old skills are still viable and new ones aren't OP.


This! I doubt there will be an expansion, the engine couldnt handle it, it would need to be upgraded and i dont think they are going to bother doing that. You can tell if they are just maintaining or not by the way they future proof. Win 7 goes bye bye in 2020 that means support drops, and it becomes a vulnerability, all games that have an eye toward the future are upgrading knowing most people will be buying new pcs or OS. If they dont it will be very risky, and game companies are not going to offer support to a dead OS. Thats how you can tell if a game company has plans for the future.

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No more single player content please, massive multiplayer! Online, gw2 needs A LOT more coop content. I think something like gw1 grouping would work very well. A linear progression that can only be done with groups and rewards those helping first timers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> HoT blew my socks off with phletora of innovations like vertical maps, gliding, adventures, mastery system, collections, outposts, and ofc elite specs. I will not soon forget that massive fun and challenge this xpac offered. For me HoT was a milestone, that despite some issues (sales and content draught) was worth it's asking price, and worthy of being guild wars' 2 xpansion.


> So while new professions is the biggest sales pitch, i most of all value huge world changes and bold new mechanics in it.


Glad to see HoT getting more love. Both HoT and LW3 gave us some of the best MMO zones ever, specially Tangled Depths and Draconis Mons.


I get why some people hated them, but I think that's more of a presentation problem, rather than a problem with the zones themselves.


> @"neoteo.3975" said:

> No more single player content please, massive multiplayer! Online, gw2 needs A LOT more coop content. I think something like gw1 grouping would work very well. A linear progression that can only be done with groups and rewards those helping first timers.


That's one of the reasons why I want classic questing back, just to see other people while you do stuff.


GW2 could reinvent quests using a hybrid between map meta events and classic story instances, making them repeatable (daily reset after completion) with branching paths depending on personal options or performance.


For example, you might have to choose between saving A or B, and then the quests changes. Or you might have to save A, but have a failure option that changes the whole quest. That kind of stuff would be awesome, and doable through player-activated dynamic events.


Other players would be able to join you in your quest, or just start theirs. That's what MMOs should be about.

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I wish there was a way to choose multiple options, as there were some I'd also choose, but if I had to choose only 1, I'd want dyeable weapons. We had it in GW1, and it makes no sense to exclude it from GW2. So it would be neat to see it return. New playable races aren't really a selling point for me personally, as I play mostly human characters. New weapon types I'd like to see though. I could see the necro with a scythe, the warrior with a greataxe, the elementalist with a longbow, etc. - I'd love to see new classes too - I say bring back the ritualist as light class, dervish as medium class, and paragon as heavy class. Would be neat to see more use of spears via bringing back the paragon. And bring back the dyeable voltaic spear! My aliraska spear just doesn't cut the mustard - the black voltaic spear with the animation in GW1 was AMAZING. A legendary spear in terms of animation - in my opinion.

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  • 3 weeks later...

> @"Zaoda.1653" said:

> I wish there was a way to choose multiple options, as there were some I'd also choose, but if I had to choose only 1, I'd want dyeable weapons. We had it in GW1, and it makes no sense to exclude it from GW2. So it would be neat to see it return. New playable races aren't really a selling point for me personally, as I play mostly human characters. New weapon types I'd like to see though. I could see the necro with a scythe, the warrior with a greataxe, the elementalist with a longbow, etc. - I'd love to see new classes too - I say bring back the ritualist as light class, dervish as medium class, and paragon as heavy class. Would be neat to see more use of spears via bringing back the paragon. And bring back the dyeable voltaic spear! My aliraska spear just doesn't cut the mustard - the black voltaic spear with the animation in GW1 was AMAZING. A legendary spear in terms of animation - in my opinion.


I don't want new classes/professions, but I'd like for elite specializations to feel like real subclasses, right now they're just glorified skill unlocks with barely any differences between each other. Just some gimmicks here and there and that's it. They can and should be far more than that.


> @"DoRi Silvia.4159" said:

> All I want, and from day one i been wanting this.......

> Please bring back the Dervish class


Crossing my fingers to see it as an elementalist elite specialization some day.


> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> At this point it seems that the next point of the new expansion would be solely that it would exist.


Even if they never release a third expansion, these features could be released through the Living World instead.


> @"dceptaconroy.7928" said:

> All those points minus old content stuff can be funneled into GW3. Enough 'patch' ups, everything's a mess of late, chk the leg armour stat swapping now..ergh. Fresh game and perhaps fresh developers and team, let's go the whole hog. Disco inferno.


Don't forget to vote!

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> @"BrotherBelial.3094" said:

> > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > Only people who voted as I have, are true scholars and gentlemen.


> Bad news is weapons can.not.be dyed, they where coded in a way that they where never meant to be. To give weapons that ability they would have to redo each and every weapon in the game. It was something that came up when HoT was being talked about and people asked then. Same for mix and match armor weights. They where never designed to be and would be impossible to do unless they had unlimited resources and people willing to do the work of redesigning every weapon and item in the game.


New weapons could be coded to be dyed.

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New races with new specializations, large zones with multiple levels and a way for players who don't raid a path to legendary gear. A dark theme that actually carries consequences for players.

A new major city that is leveled up by the players input consisting of consequences similar to WvW where the player base is required to defend or they lose ground.

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> @"Lonami.2987" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > At this point it seems that the next point of the new expansion would be solely that it would exist.

> Even if they never release a third expansion, these features could be released through the Living World instead.

If they decided to change expac release model for LS-only, it definitely wasn't so they could give us the same stuff they could have sold us for free. I mean, same work, less hype and less income doesn't sound to me like a good strategy. So, if you expect and expansion-worthy content through LS, you are most probably going to be very disappointed.

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  • 3 months later...

> @"Zahld.4956" said:

> > @"BrotherBelial.3094" said:

> > > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > > Only people who voted as I have, are true scholars and gentlemen.

> >

> > Bad news is weapons can.not.be dyed, they where coded in a way that they where never meant to be. To give weapons that ability they would have to redo each and every weapon in the game. It was something that came up when HoT was being talked about and people asked then. Same for mix and match armor weights. They where never designed to be and would be impossible to do unless they had unlimited resources and people willing to do the work of redesigning every weapon and item in the game.


> New weapons could be coded to be dyed.


Exactly, and old weapons don't need to get upgraded to be dyed anyway. There's plenty armor pieces with zero dye channels as well.


> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> Pointless new playable races thats not realistically feasable given the amount of armor pieces in the game outweighing *actual* improvements to core game mechanics such as WvW by **5:1**...


> Because priorities!


Why should old armor work with the new races? That doesn't happen in any game, you can look at the other MMOs in the market and see how their new playable races were implemented. Hell, look no further than GW1, where the new professions got [no new armor sets](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Prestige_armor) linked to the old content when they were introduced, sans the obsidian armor.

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