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Most absurd thing you heard in game...

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> “Precursors actually drop from creatures”

> Thats just complete skritt talk. Anet puts a few on the trading post, and when you hear rumours of people who got precursors dropped, they got one from a dev with the contract that they have to say “it dropped from a creature”


That's how I got Storm. /shrug

Bound it right when Wardrobe came out to unlock the skin. ..didn't see the other text until after I bound it, so I went ahead and made it, sold it, and bought a merchant contract and hair contract. :3


Assuming some sort of ANet conspiracy is . . actually absurd. >.>

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> One guy in my guild didn't buy the copper fed salvomatic because he didn't have that much copper. He thought you had to mine copper ore to run it.


It's okay. My girlfriend thought the exact same thing until I JUST read this to her now. Thank you for the laughs!

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Heard these doozies from a supposedly experienced player I met a couple years ago...


After suggesting that they use a nearby crafting station to access their bank:

"I don't have crafting trained on any of my characters, so I can't access those."


After finally convincing them to try it anyways:

"Wow, I never knew I could access my bank from this. Even the materials! Just a sec while I deposit those too."


After asking about why they don't just use the Deposit All option for mats, then realizing they don't know what I'm talking about, and finally explaining there's the Deposit All option under the gear symbol above the inventory window, or they could right click to deposit a selected stack of mats in their inventory:

"WHAT! YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! I've been manually depositing all this stuff ever since I started playing."

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> @"kurfu.5623" said:

> > @"Hugheszie.6291" said:

> > Two people fighting in WVW (because thats what you're supposed to do) I run up, nuke the guy on the other team and my team mate says "Why'd you do that Assh***?"

> >

> > =)


> They were dueling... I had the exact same thing happen to me once, got called an assh***, too.


Well if they want to duel, don't do it in World V World, an open battle where my objective is to kill the enemy. The literal reason for the game mode :P



Just thought of another:

I was tagged up doing a world boss, helping low level players, A few others and myself were mounted and a random guy ran up to us (around level 20) and said:

"Pay to win fags!"


We had to explain mounts were not pay to win and in fact, part of the game, unlockable by playing the story. It went on for some time.

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> @"Hugheszie.6291" said:

> > @"kurfu.5623" said:

> > > @"Hugheszie.6291" said:

> > > Two people fighting in WVW (because thats what you're supposed to do) I run up, nuke the guy on the other team and my team mate says "Why'd you do that Assh***?"

> > >

> > > =)

> >

> > They were dueling... I had the exact same thing happen to me once, got called an assh***, too.


> Well if they want to duel, don't do it in World V World, an open battle where my objective is to kill the enemy. The literal reason for the game mode :P



> Just thought of another:

> I was tagged up doing a world boss, helping low level players, A few others and myself were mounted and a random guy ran up to us (around level 20) and said:

> "Pay to win kitten!"


> We had to explain mounts were not pay to win and in fact, part of the game, unlockable by playing the story. It went on for some time.


To be fair, you have to buy the PoF expansion to have access to these unlockable mounts.

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> @"Kodama.6453" said:

> > @"Hugheszie.6291" said:

> > > @"kurfu.5623" said:

> > > > @"Hugheszie.6291" said:

> > > > Two people fighting in WVW (because thats what you're supposed to do) I run up, nuke the guy on the other team and my team mate says "Why'd you do that Assh***?"

> > > >

> > > > =)

> > >

> > > They were dueling... I had the exact same thing happen to me once, got called an assh***, too.

> >

> > Well if they want to duel, don't do it in World V World, an open battle where my objective is to kill the enemy. The literal reason for the game mode :P

> >

> >

> > Just thought of another:

> > I was tagged up doing a world boss, helping low level players, A few others and myself were mounted and a random guy ran up to us (around level 20) and said:

> > "Pay to win kitten!"

> >

> > We had to explain mounts were not pay to win and in fact, part of the game, unlockable by playing the story. It went on for some time.


> To be fair, you have to buy the PoF expansion to have access to these unlockable mounts.


To be fair, every MMO includes "pay to win elements" in expansions, as in expansions raise your level and thus make you more powerful. Expansions were never factored into pay to win ever, in any MMO. No one calls WoW pay to win, even though without buying the new expansion you're behind in power. Expansions are your buy in for the game. Cash shop purchases are pay to win if you can buy power.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> “Precursors actually drop from creatures”

> Thats just complete skritt talk. Anet puts a few on the trading post, and when you hear rumours of people who got precursors dropped, they got one from a dev with the contract that they have to say “it dropped from a creature”


This isn't remotely true. There have even been a few examples saved to video.


It's a pretty common situation when drop rates are a million to one: most people won't get the drop, a tiny number of players will.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> “Precursors actually drop from creatures”

> Thats just complete skritt talk. Anet puts a few on the trading post, and when you hear rumours of people who got precursors dropped, they got one from a dev with the contract that they have to say “it dropped from a creature”


I've had a precursor drop from a creature and my wife has had two. One was from a ogre in WvW. They can drop from anything that can drop an exotic 80.

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> @"Kalendraf.9521" said:

> Heard these doozies from a supposedly experienced player I met a couple years ago...


> After suggesting that they use a nearby crafting station to access their bank:

> "I don't have crafting trained on any of my characters, so I can't access those."


> After finally convincing them to try it anyways:

> "Wow, I never knew I could access my bank from this. Even the materials! Just a sec while I deposit those too."


> After asking about why they don't just use the Deposit All option for mats, then realizing they don't know what I'm talking about, and finally explaining there's the Deposit All option under the gear symbol above the inventory window, or they could right click to deposit a selected stack of mats in their inventory:

> "WHAT! YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! I've been manually depositing all this stuff ever since I started playing."


I came from GuildWars1, so the bank was named "Xunlai chest", I played a free account manually leveling to 80, very slowly, never could figure out where the Xunlai chest was, I used the deposit all, but due to limited bag space, no Trading post, I deleted black lion tickets/scraps, a ton of random things, someone showed me where the bank was after I was level 80, was nice finding all those mats.

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> @"Shrimpkin.4851" said:

> > @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> > > @"Shrimpkin.4851" said:

> > > "Get good"

> > > "L2P"

> >

> > This is not absurd, it's just true.


> It is absurd. There are some things in the game I will never be able to do, there are things others will not be able to. There could be any number of reasons why someone cannot accomplish something; physical limitations, time constraints, etc, and even with trying over and over, I or they may still not complete it. To have someone automatically conclude that the reason is because they are not good or need to learn to play is dismissive and callous.


From this perspective. But I see another point here: Overcome a challenge. Without learning a pattern or some rules, you won't be able. Learning something is a general rule in life. You could argument that you don't like to learn during leisure time but what I see is a development in gaming in general that everything has to be served on a silver platter. People feel eligible to get everything they want without any hassle or 'work'. I remember playing games back in the 90ies and I couldn't finish a lot of games on all those consoles, but if I did I had the feeling of achievement and joy to finally overcome the intricacies. This is - for me - an important part of gaming: the challenge. Not always and I surely don't need it anytime. But a game can't serve every purpose and every need.


As of short: git gud etc. is absolutely true: people are lazy and don't want to learn anything and they want it fast without hassle. And that's why games get toned down and get streamlined which I think is the downfall of gaming in general. At least there are a lot of indie games which do the opposite. Also, there are a lot of videos from noobs playing Dark Souls and overcome the hardest parts in the game out of will, and that's a great thing.

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> @"Aaron Forestman.4758" said:

> Had a guy in PvP freaking out because one of our teammates wasn't wearing armor. "Armor gives you your stats, you have to wear it!"


> You do you, naked PvP'er. The rest of us trust you're using an amulet lol


LOL if you go naked you lose armor and become much squishier. He was correct.

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> @"Jeknar.6184" said:

> > @"Aaron Forestman.4758" said:

> > Had a guy in PvP freaking out because one of our teammates wasn't wearing armor. "Armor gives you your stats, you have to wear it!"

> >

> > You do you, naked PvP'er. The rest of us trust you're using an amulet lol


> I remember needing to have Chest, Leg and Boots equiped to gain the base armor value of the character tho. Not sure if this have changed.


It hasn't.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > “Precursors actually drop from creatures”

> > Thats just complete skritt talk. Anet puts a few on the trading post, and when you hear rumours of people who got precursors dropped, they got one from a dev with the contract that they have to say “it dropped from a creature”


> This isn't remotely true. There have even been a few examples saved to video.


> It's a pretty common situation when drop rates are a million to one: most people won't get the drop, a tiny number of players will.


I think people took my comment a little too serious ;)

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> @"Tsan.6431" said:

> Read on LFG :

> "Cita P1, full berserk, GEAR CHECK" ... gear check for a dungeon ??? (for cita P1 !!!)


Azeroth refugees need may some time to adapt to our Tyrian culture and way of life but this fresh diversity is important. If they revitalise our ailing dungeons, then I welcome them. Eventually, they'll be as unnecessarily sparkly as we are and we can all FPS-drop together.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > “Precursors actually drop from creatures”

> > > Thats just complete skritt talk. Anet puts a few on the trading post, and when you hear rumours of people who got precursors dropped, they got one from a dev with the contract that they have to say “it dropped from a creature”

> >

> > This isn't remotely true. There have even been a few examples saved to video.

> >

> > It's a pretty common situation when drop rates are a million to one: most people won't get the drop, a tiny number of players will.


> I think people took my comment a little too serious ;)


Might've could, maybe~


People need to /s more often when they spout ridiculous stuff. (Like some of the stuff in the last three pages. :P)

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> @"Gulbasaur.1865" said:

> > @"Tsan.6431" said:

> > Read on LFG :

> > "Cita P1, full berserk, GEAR CHECK" ... gear check for a dungeon ??? (for cita P1 !!!)


> Azeroth refugees need may some time to adapt to our Tyrian culture and way of life but this fresh diversity is important. If they revitalise our ailing dungeons, then I welcome them. Eventually, they'll be as unnecessarily sparkly as we are and we can all FPS-drop together.


Can confirm... I hail from Azeroth, although I never been much of a fan of gear check and other bullshit (like linking Kill Proofs) and often prefer letting people prove themselves.

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> @"Jeknar.6184" said:

> > @"Gulbasaur.1865" said:

> > > @"Tsan.6431" said:

> > > Read on LFG :

> > > "Cita P1, full berserk, GEAR CHECK" ... gear check for a dungeon ??? (for cita P1 !!!)

> >

> > Azeroth refugees need may some time to adapt to our Tyrian culture and way of life but this fresh diversity is important. If they revitalise our ailing dungeons, then I welcome them. Eventually, they'll be as unnecessarily sparkly as we are and we can all FPS-drop together.


> Can confirm... I hail from Azeroth, although I never been much of a fan of gear check and other kitten (like linking Kill Proofs) and often prefer letting people prove themselves.


I'm also an Azeroth re-fug-iee *american dad joke* and when I see gear check I'm like "Aww, it's like the old times".


Apart from in GW2 you can paste any gear you have a link too haha... I like trolling by posting legendary weapons my toon can't use.

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