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3rd expansion this or next year?


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Yes, I know there is Season 5 after Season 4 of Living World, but it does not necessarly mean that the 3rd expansion won't hit this year, right?


Maybe they will suspend the Season after 2-3 episodes, then they will continue it after the expansion?


What do you think? Does Anet have enough money in the budget to invest them in the 3rd expansion?


I think they can do something like that seeing how amazingly this game is developed.


But I don't expect the expansion until the World Restricturing and Alliance won't be finished and they will likely want to ship it with the expansion rather than release it with a normal patch.


What is your opinion? :)


(Please don't be angry with me if I talk nonsense xD)

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Honestly I really like the idea of going stright into Season 5. Why? Because Elona is a huge region and it would be a shame to go to the new region while leaving so much of the map unexplored. Same thing with masteries. New expac would most likely mean end of mount development. And focus on new types of masteries tied to new region. But there are still so many ways to expand upon mounts. That's also the reason why I don't think we are gonna get expansion in the middle of Season 5.


My guess is we are gonna get expansion 3 during the second quarter of 2020 (assuming that seasons 4 & 5 will have 6 episodes and ANet will stick to the 2-3 months release cadence).



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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> Does Anet have enough money in the budget to invest them in the 3rd expansion?


Their revenue is much higher than in between the two expansions so money isn't a problem. And besides, in 2018 we got less content in the game than in 2017, so they MUST be working on something very big and not just a living world season. Now when is the next expansion coming is anyone's guess but I believe it's not gonna be in 2019 but rather in 2020.

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I dont want new story, or a a expansion... its boring same wheel being reinvented... I would Like a change in direction and do a "Re work" change up all world bosses, make them current, tie in all the new parts of the world (season 3 is maps are redundant) whats the point in spending months of designing beautiful maps, for them to have a 3 month shelf life, this concept needs a shake up, sort out dungeons while your at it.. rework all the elements of the game that have become stagnant.. and tie in the whole world... this is what I want for 2019!

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I expect there will be an expansion after season 5 but when it'll drop is anyones guess..

We don't know how long season 5 will be but the best bet is sometime next year (2020)

It is possible Anet will surprise us with a late 2019 expansion release but I doubt it..


I have a feeling that this next expansion is going to be the big one that fans have been asking for for a long time now.. and one of the reasons we're getting 2 years of living world instead of 1 is to buy the devs the time they need to get it done.

I expect there will still be a reasonable wait after season 5 wraps up before the next expansion drops but if it delivers that big expansion feeling that most of us have been longing for then there's a good chance it will pay off and most of us will be happy.

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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> if so, then the moderator will take care of this.




They should not have to constantly clean all these needless posts up. People should have the decency just to search and scroll down like 1 or 2 more posts and see the others.


I am wondering if they sticky a post right at the top will people even see them there or is it just about having a selfish need to make your "own" thread?


Since they have not said no one actually knows and speculation gets a little old when there is no more data thus far.

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> @"jbrother.1340" said:

> > @"Arden.7480" said:

> > if so, then the moderator will take care of this.

> >

> >


> They should not have to constantly clean all these needless posts up. People should have the decency just to search and scroll down like 1 or 2 more posts and see the others.


> I am wondering if they sticky a post right at the top will people even see them there or is it just about having a selfish need to make your "own" thread?


> Since they have not said no one actually knows and speculation gets a little old when there is no more data thus far.


I actually scrolled down A LOT, thought i would be the first one that may think like that.


Can you link the existing thread, that I should have seen?

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> @"Assic.2746" said:

> Honestly I really like the idea of going stright into Season 5. Why? Because Elona is a huge region and it would be a shame to go to the new region while leaving so much of the map unexplored. Same thing with masteries. New expac would most likely mean end of mount development. And focus on new types of masteries tied to new region. But there are still so many ways to expand upon mounts. That's also the reason why I don't think we are gonna get expansion in the middle of Season 5.


> My guess is we are gonna get expansion 3 during the second quarter of 2020 (assuming that seasons 4 & 5 will have 6 episodes and ANet will stick to the 2-3 months release cadence).




I'm with you on this. It would be a shame to leave so much of Elona unexplored. I'd really love the seasons to carry us over to the **Realm of Torment** too. There's so much to Elona! Map is massive and I feel we should really just open up all the areas and get to meet more of the ancient Elonian history from GW1.

Realm of Torment is all I want and need right now!


As for expansion, late 2020 sounds like a possible thing. It would be neat to get to explore Charr Homelands and Far Shiverpeaks then. Still dreaming about Cantha too...Q.Q

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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> I actually scrolled down A LOT, thought i would be the first one that may think like that.


> Can you link the existing thread, that I should have seen?


Use the forum's search?


100 pages of results show up for me when I use "next expansion: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/search?Search=next+expansion


You can narrow them down by expanding the search parameters. Doesn't take too long. ;)

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> @"Assic.2746" said:

> Honestly I really like the idea of going stright into Season 5. Why? Because Elona is a huge region and it would be a shame to go to the new region while leaving so much of the map unexplored. Same thing with masteries. New expac would most likely mean end of mount development. And focus on new types of masteries tied to new region. But there are still so many ways to expand upon mounts. That's also the reason why I don't think we are gonna get expansion in the middle of Season 5.


> My guess is we are gonna get expansion 3 during the second quarter of 2020 (assuming that seasons 4 & 5 will have 6 episodes and ANet will stick to the 2-3 months release cadence).






We don’t know that season 5 will stay in Elona (even the next episode is taking a break from the area), and even then we can’t come close to mapping all those regions entirely.

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I imagine season 5 will release faster as Anet finally nails down their process and the big holiday season is over, and it will probably be 4-5 episodes, slightly shorter to make the wait a little less, still, probably 2020 although PoF’s release date was surprisingly quick.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Arden.7480" said:

> > I actually scrolled down A LOT, thought i would be the first one that may think like that.

> >

> > Can you link the existing thread, that I should have seen?


> Use the forum's search?


> 100 pages of results show up for me when I use "next expansion: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/search?Search=next+expansion


> You can narrow them down by expanding the search parameters. Doesn't take too long. ;)


I did that and there aren't actually that many threads with a **title** that would indicate the topic relates to the **date** of the expansion. The word "expansion" is going to show up in threads about balance, should someone buy HoT vs PoF, and so on.


If we restrict the search to threads with `expansion` & `next`, there are [fewer than 40 threads](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/search?adv=1&search=&title=expansion%2C+next). Most discuss what features one wants to see. Only [one](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/54297/whats-your-prediction-for-the-month-and-year-that-the-next-expansion-will-be-publicly-announced) is about the date, and that was from September, long off the front page. If the search is for [expansion & third](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/search?adv=1&search=&title=expansion%2C+next), there are only three, none of which about the timing. Change that to [expansion and 3rd](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/search?adv=1&search=&title=expansion%2C+3rd), and the only thread about the date is this one.



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At the present rate of development, we can probably expect LS5 to run through 2019 and into 2020, with the next expansion coming in the second half of 2020 or first half 2021. The exact timing will depend on the number of episodes in LS5, and of course how smoothly things go at ANet. I'd think they're aiming for a traditional fall release in 2020 followed by a big holiday sale to bring in new players, but that's just a guess.

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I personally don't want to move for the moment, we are starting exploring cool locations: after sandswept we got jahai bluffs, a beautiful map and now thunderkeep. Why not now scavenger's causeway? Stigmatized mountain under the Desolation?

Will bet on next year. Just by finishing ls4, adding ls5 and doing all the festivals: Abandonned SAB etc... Will start I would say around april- june 2020. Worst case in August 2020.

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@"Ashantara.8731" How could I even notice this thread?




I thought I was just blind, and started feeling bad I even posted on this forum, because I annoy everybody while there are 2+ lively threads on Expansion 2 date, but there is only one and from september...


Why are you so cheesy? If you don't like it, just simply ignore it... As you said it's not hard to find the posts, so you can find easily the posts that disappeared from the first page.


Am I discussing with some proper people or with some barbaric guys that wait for a victim and just want to lynch him?


I have been an active member of this forum for years and we all have had sooo many discussions together and sometimes arguments, so I'm surprised you still want to throw tomatoes on me, instead of just write down on your keyboard your point of view on this topic, or leave it be. I respect you, and when I see Randulf or Konig or Ashantara or any other forumer, I respectfully read your thoughts and posts because I like you. It's not like I care so deep of your affections, but I feel like I have a bond with those Forums and everyone in it.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:


> Their revenue is much higher than in between the two expansions so money isn't a problem. **And besides, in 2018 we got less content in the game than in 2017, so they MUST be working on something very big** and not just a living world season. Now when is the next expansion coming is anyone's guess but I believe it's not gonna be in 2019 but rather in 2020.


I will try a guess: They are working to the second generation Legendary Great Sword. It will be a **big** piece of metal, needing only +26 k **wood** to complete it. I think the Legendary Weapons represent the reason of the less content in 2018 and also the reason of the delayed episode in LS (because they will release another **big** weapon - the new Legendary **Long** Bow).

These weapons were already bought by the players with the first Expansion, so I think ANet used all the resources available to speed up the process in order to compensate for this minor delay.

But for a new Expansion I think they will work carefully, without haste, testing everything, balancing every aspect of the new specializations (as usual I can say), checking and rechecking every possible bug to deliver us a perfect product (as we are already used).


> @"Arden.7480" said:


> But I don't expect the expansion until the World Restricturing and Alliance won't be finished and they will likely want to ship it with the expansion rather than release it with a normal patch.


> What is your opinion? :)


Well, if this is the trigger for the next Expansion, then ..... we should use all of our patience. Because the developer working to the World Restructuring said that despite the progress made until now the end of the journey is still far away (so far that the result is unclear and nobody knows when (or **if**) this end line will be reached).


Be patient.

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> @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> I will try a guess: They are working to the second generation Legendary Great Sword. It will be a big piece of metal, needing only +26 k wood to complete it. I think the Legendary Weapons represent the reason of the less content in 2018 and also the reason of the delayed episode in LS (because they will release another big weapon - the new Legendary Long Bow).


When I said we got more content in 2017 I meant at nearly every aspect of the game, even we exclude the expansion, this includes Legendary Weapons.

We got only 3 legendary weapons in 2018 while we got 5 legendary weapons in 2017.

We also got 1 backpack, 1 armor and 1 accessory in 2017, while we got 0 other legendary items in 2018


That must be a really **BIG** sword if it alone causes content delays! Maybe we'll get 2 legendary greatswords, that you will then combine to get an even bigger sword. Then add another recipe to combine the new combined sword with Eternity to create the ULTIMATE Greasword that is 4 legendary weapon combined.

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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> Yes, I know there is Season 5 after Season 4 of Living World, but it does not necessarly mean that the 3rd expansion won't hit this year, right?


Yes it is, because S4 will end in April with Episode 6.

S5E1 will hopefully start 3 months later, in July.

I highly doubt it'll have only 2 Episodes, so it'll continue in 2020 (S5E2 in October 2019 and S5E3 and subsequent ones in 2020).

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