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[POLL] Would you change your character's race?


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> @Alchofas.8243 said:

> Adding new playable race is also not possible because the lore of guild wars is already solid and great, adding a new race is like having a 3rd gender.


lolwat. How exactly does the lore being good make it impossible for a new race to be added? There are a number of races that are already established that could be made playable without conflicting with existing lore.


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I voted no, partly because race is a trivial thing that has very little effect on how you play and partly because if you want race change, you can create a new character of that race and rebuild it from scratch (map exploration, story, etc) and if you think its not worth it, maybe you dont need it that much.

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I Voted NO cause i won't change my main character's race.


I have many other characters but i don't play em ( i just enjoyed previously the old tyria exploration and map completion, but now they are unused since years ).

I could indeed change their race but i guess it wouldn't mind that much.


Btw, Race Change will, in my personal opinion, bring many $ to ANET. I know there could be issues with the story itself as they stated, but if that's the problem, why don't you simply ( for now, and not promising anything for the future ) allow that choice with a warning ( Personal story will be disabled probably forever if you chose to change your race ).


Then players will have a choice, and there will not be a way back ( but they'll know it before the race change ).


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Nope, I just make a new character. If it turns out I like it better, it makes it through to being a regular.


I'll go out on a limb here and say that should a race change ever become possible (highly doubtful, given it's tied to story and whatnot), it'll be more expensive to transact than simply buying another character slot.

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I voted no simply because I like my characters the way they are now.

However I can see why some people would want to change their race. If ANet ever finds a way to implement race-change I'm not going to oppose it. The big problem is: IF they ever find a way to implement it without breaking the story.


You might say "just disable the story, allow it only on characters that have completed the story, ..." but it's really not that easy. Apparently completing a story step doesn't just flip a bit that says "ok, chapter completed" but triggers all kinds of different things. In HoT there is a healer who will remember you if her husband died on your mission. Even in PoF there are references to choices you did during your personal story. Changing your race could easily result in a Charr with a human sister called Deborah.

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I do not like any of the other races, the Charr being at the bottom of the list. I do not want to play as a Cat (hate the walking on all 4s thing), leafy stick, miniature race or a big Oaf. Might also be of how Anet has stereotyped these races. Charr too warlike and aggressive, Asura arrogant and annoying, Norn "me not think me smash" and the Sylvari are just too 70's attuned to nature for me. :(


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No, cause i eventually want one of each race/class combination, so race change would kind of defeat that purpose.


I understand there's a desire from the community for race change, but it'll never happen unless they resolve the personal story issues, which i'm not sure is their top priority right now. Hopefully it'll happen at some point.

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For some of them, just to have a different experience. For example, most of my soldiers are Charr, most of my scholars are Asura, and most of my Explorers(?) are humanoid. Might be fun to mix it up, though the elite specs do give me some different gameplay so I guess maybe it wouldn't be necessary.

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Having the option to change a character's race would be nice, but I personally wouldn't as of right now. I mainly only play on my human Renegade, and I have absolutely no intentions of changing his race now because I've had him since the beginning of HoT and he's exactly how I want him to be.

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