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WvW Roaming Teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeef :)


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Thanks for the input :) ill accept all :D only looking to ever get better :) > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> 16k+ 1 shot...nothing to be surprised here???. Anyhow; i'll give it to you

> (by the way; i would advice you to change the tittle to; 'Once again, Thief remain strong after the last 'balance' patch...nothing new to see here'



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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> 16k+ 1 shot...nothing to be surprised here???. Anyhow; i'll give it to you

> (by the way; i would advice you to change the tittle to; 'Once again, Thief remain strong after the last 'balance' patch...nothing new to see here'


Just look for the quality of these fights... nothing to See in here.


#Make thief great again


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Both thumbnails in those 2 posted vids are waaay too whiny, especially for one of the most efficient solo roaming class topkek


i mean, how can you even say that thief is bad when you can literally jump at someone out of stealth from like 2,4k range and burst them for 15k lul (while still having tools to disengage out of almost any situation, cmon guys,what else to you ask for ? more defenses? you have to give up SOMETHING for that kind of burst, mobility AND stealth) please atleast try to be realistic

also bullying that TFG warrior (who probably was the same rev in the northern camp) was not that hard, he played berserker gunflame warrior without auto endure pain (!) which shows that he has not even the slightest bit of understanding what is viable and what isnt

hes not even trying to change to a melee weapon while you just stand next to him beating down on him

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> @"Raiden The Beast.3016" said:

> > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > 16k+ 1 shot...nothing to be surprised here???. Anyhow; i'll give it to you

> > (by the way; i would advice you to change the tittle to; 'Once again, Thief remain strong after the last 'balance' patch...nothing new to see here'


> Just look for the quality of these fights... nothing to See in here.


> #Make thief great again



"Mobility doesnt win fights"


*everyone complains about mobility as the thing that makes people win fights*

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If you lose in a 1vs1 against a thief in WvW you got outplayed.

The exception are if you are a mesmer (heavy countered by thief), a necro (same as mesmer heavily counterer by thief), or if the thief plays deadeye and/or start with a zero tell malicious backstab on you.


In all the other cases you got outplayed, thief is not a 1vs1 profession, it's the best +1 profession to clean up kill or 2vs1 someone.


This being said I am not a thief main and I don't play it.


Good players of course are still able to use it efficiently and win fights.

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> @"Shining One.1635" said:

> I have to question the logic of these video creators. They say thief is weak and then make a video showing nothing other than thief winning fights to somehow illustrate the point that thief is weak. If you want to support your argument, wouldn't it make sense to include some losses?


They show these vids cuz no ones impressed with say ranger as example winning 1v1 fights. Picking a class that is the most difficult to 1v1 with and showing only mostly successful fights and not the many unsuccessfully leads to more of conclusion that the player is skilled with said class

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You seriousky dont understand balance if you say that a giod thief will win fights but a bad one will just get recked. If you want to balance a game around the mediocre ppl than the exceptional players will stomp everything in sight. Thats just not how it works, you cant create a class with a very high skill ceiling and still buff it so that mediocre players can beat classes with a lower skill ceiling.


I admit that thief has a very high skill ceiling, because if you get hit you will die very quick, but thats not an excuse to buff it alot more. Buff the mediocre builds and nerf the peak of the class, if you want that, go ahead, i dont care, but just buffing all sites of the class is just ridiculous.


I main warrior and you can start calling me a noob for playing such an "easy roflstomp class" like many others did, but ive met thiefs that i couldnt lay a finger on an who just destroyed me, literally pummeled me into the ground no matter how many times i tried, onky when they kittened up and got greedy i was able to maybe land a succesful burst on them.


Also to anyone who says "but thief is no 1v1 class, its just good to +1" seriously have not understood wvw in the slightest, not even roaming. The smallest part in wvw is about duelling 1v1, sure yiu can do that, i do too, but most of the time i try to cap stuff and fight various ppl. In that open pvp world mobility is waaaay more valuable than just 1v1 power, does that not get in your heads? You cant have everything, thats just unbalanced.


The thiefs in the vids seem more than capable to fight other ppl, even outnumbered, so if you dont have the level of skill that is required to play thief that successfull than you should maaybe turn to another class


Because after all thief is hard to master but very strong if you did. Especially with roaming requiring often stealthy and mobile actions

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> You seriousky dont understand balance if you say that a giod thief will win fights but a bad one will just get recked. If you want to balance a game around the mediocre ppl than the exceptional players will stomp everything in sight. Thats just not how it works, you cant create a class with a very high skill ceiling and still buff it so that mediocre players can beat classes with a lower skill ceiling.


> I admit that thief has a very high skill ceiling, because if you get hit you will die very quick, but thats not an excuse to buff it alot more. Buff the mediocre builds and nerf the peak of the class, if you want that, go ahead, i dont care, but just buffing all sites of the class is just ridiculous.


> I main warrior and you can start calling me a noob for playing such an "easy roflstomp class" like many others did, but ive met thiefs that i couldnt lay a finger on an who just destroyed me, literally pummeled me into the ground no matter how many times i tried, onky when they kittened up and got greedy i was able to maybe land a succesful burst on them.


> Also to anyone who says "but thief is no 1v1 class, its just good to +1" seriously have not understood wvw in the slightest, not even roaming. The smallest part in wvw is about duelling 1v1, sure yiu can do that, i do too, but most of the time i try to cap stuff and fight various ppl. In that open pvp world mobility is waaaay more valuable than just 1v1 power, does that not get in your heads? You cant have everything, thats just unbalanced.


> The thiefs in the vids seem more than capable to fight other ppl, even outnumbered, so if you dont have the level of skill that is required to play thief that successfull than you should maaybe turn to another class


> Because after all thief is hard to master but very strong if you did. Especially with roaming requiring often stealthy and mobile actions


Seems like u don’t understand thief in wvw lol but u are correct not all of thief roaming consist of 1v1 often it’s outnumbered not in thiefs favor,best to avoid unless u kno the opponents are incompetent.if u luck out and come across a lone reaper or mesmer give it a go,decent match up. Meet any other class if u outplay them it’s possible but ull be at a disadvantage and will have to out skill them or hope opponent makes some serious mistakes. The best strategy and reason why it’s WIDELY known as a +1 class is because u will have the greatest successes taking down an opponent that’s other wise engaged ie a small group fight u stumbled across while roaming due to its poor dueling potential these days. Lastly u can follow a Zerg,u prob wont get an invite to join it but u can follow it and continue to +1 around it’s outer perimeter or if DD jump in the middle of the Zerg and bound/vault spam like a monkey and hope for best than dagger storm /shadowstep away not really contributing much lol. U can say thief strong and use the argument that I’ve seen players do well so it can’t be weak but that means little. Thief was known to be one of the harder classes to be effective at since the beginning before all the nurfs, there was good players on it then and there still is now. If a player is skilled enough on a class that has serious disadvantages he will still out play a lot of players that are less skilled on other classes,does not mean the class is strong. A player evenly skilled on a ranger or even guard would step on the thief to n a 1v1 but again a good thief would just avoid the fight until he has advantage like a +1 lol. I’m referring to core/DD not DE

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I think the issue most thief players are having is they USED to be so much better, im actually newer to thief as of only playing since a year after PoF was released but I do know that since I have played thief still has only ever received hits, not major one to make the class unplayable but more of inconvenient ones that really had no need to be changed, example the recent change to lead attacks. correct me if this seems incorrect :) ALSO FWI I wasn't whining with my post of video I was actually saying that even though thieves take a hit every patch we stay strong and stay with our mains :P thanks for all the comments :) love seeing everyones PoV <3

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> @"sinsrock.1702" said:

> I think the issue most thief players are having is they USED to be so much better, im actually newer to thief as of only playing since a year after PoF was released but I do know that since I have played thief still has only ever received hits, not major one to make the class unplayable but more of inconvenient ones that really had no need to be changed, example the recent change to lead attacks. correct me if this seems incorrect :) ALSO FWI I wasn't whining with my post of video I was actually saying that even though thieves take a hit every patch we stay strong and stay with our mains :P thanks for all the comments :) love seeing everyones PoV <3


I’m an embarrassment lol I said screw this and jumped to guardian, I was weak and couldn’t take the fear of the next hammer drop lol

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also I think this thread got off topic :P I was mainly looking for input on my video and what I can do to make better content XD GW2 is a pretty old game at this point and im new to the scene so the "nothing new to see here" comments don't really help me with trying to make my content better, im looking to make something entertaining and fun to watch so I make what I think looks fun the above audience doesn't seem to think this haha, SO I would definitely like some input on my video itself and what to do to make it better :) I know there are better creators and more established ones, im just trying to branch out and learn without being called a "copycat" hence why my build is different from the others, my build isn't meant to just 1shot its meant to get the most on the initial burst of backstab as I can, when dead eyes run zerk armor then its easy to 1shot them, anyone have a better utility skill? feel free to leave me comments :) I noticed my video has more thumbs down then thumbs up :/ let me know what to do! my content is my hard work Thanks in advance to everyone here :)

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> @"sinsrock.1702" said:

> also I think this thread got off topic :P I was mainly looking for input on my video and what I can do to make better content XD GW2 is a pretty old game at this point and im new to the scene so the "nothing new to see here" comments don't really help me with trying to make my content better, im looking to make something entertaining and fun to watch so I make what I think looks fun the above audience doesn't seem to think this haha, SO I would definitely like some input on my video itself and what to do to make it better :) I know there are better creators and more established ones, im just trying to branch out and learn without being called a "copycat" hence why my build is different from the others, my build isn't meant to just 1shot its meant to get the most on the initial burst of backstab as I can, when dead eyes run zerk armor then its easy to 1shot them, anyone have a better utility skill? feel free to leave me comments :) I noticed my video has more thumbs down then thumbs up :/ let me know what to do! my content is my hard work Thanks in advance to everyone here :)


Well, guess someone above said they want to see you being defeated too, I don't know, maybe accompanied with some commentary about what was your mistake, i would presume. As for me, since you seem to have the skill to do it, I'd suggest you posting some real fights, against people who at least react and fight back, without the backpedaling and afk. I know that might be a bit hard with your build that is more meant to "1shot" & finish the job quickly or die, and I also know the scenes where you nuke someone have the most impact, but I'm sure you'd be able to find some more balanced encounters.


Or you could go the opposite way for all-out meme and add some funny and trollish effects over the fights, lol. Add a story, create some drama.

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> @"NuhDah.9812" said:

> > @"sinsrock.1702" said:

> > also I think this thread got off topic :P I was mainly looking for input on my video and what I can do to make better content XD GW2 is a pretty old game at this point and im new to the scene so the "nothing new to see here" comments don't really help me with trying to make my content better, im looking to make something entertaining and fun to watch so I make what I think looks fun the above audience doesn't seem to think this haha, SO I would definitely like some input on my video itself and what to do to make it better :) I know there are better creators and more established ones, im just trying to branch out and learn without being called a "copycat" hence why my build is different from the others, my build isn't meant to just 1shot its meant to get the most on the initial burst of backstab as I can, when dead eyes run zerk armor then its easy to 1shot them, anyone have a better utility skill? feel free to leave me comments :) I noticed my video has more thumbs down then thumbs up :/ let me know what to do! my content is my hard work Thanks in advance to everyone here :)


> Well, guess someone above said they want to see you being defeated too, I don't know, maybe accompanied with some commentary about what was your mistake, i would presume. As for me, since you seem to have the skill to do it, I'd suggest you posting some real fights, against people who at least react and fight back, without the backpedaling and afk. I know that might be a bit hard with your build that is more meant to "1shot" & finish the job quickly or die, and I also know the scenes where you nuke someone have the most impact, but I'm sure you'd be able to find some more balanced encounters.


> Or you could go the opposite way for all-out meme and add some funny and trollish effects over the fights, lol. Add a story, create some drama.


I for example wouldnt be for that last approach, memeing on ppl that just play the game for fun and might not understand what they are doing yet is basically just mocking them and making them feel bad, better to try to find worthy opponents and try to commentate on why and when you did what, maybe slow down the videos to make certain fast combos easier to follow for newer players.


> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"RedShark.9548" said:



> Seems like u don’t understand thief in wvw lol but u are correct not all of thief roaming consist of 1v1 often it’s outnumbered not in thiefs favor,best to avoid unless u kno the opponents are incompetent.if u luck out and come across a lone reaper or mesmer give it a go,decent match up. Meet any other class if u outplay them it’s possible but ull be at a disadvantage and will have to out skill them or hope opponent makes some serious mistakes. The best strategy and reason why it’s WIDELY known as a +1 class is because u will have the greatest successes taking down an opponent that’s other wise engaged ie a small group fight u stumbled across while roaming due to its poor dueling potential these days. Lastly u can follow a Zerg,u prob wont get an invite to join it but u can follow it and continue to +1 around it’s outer perimeter or if DD jump in the middle of the Zerg and bound/vault spam like a monkey and hope for best than dagger storm /shadowstep away not really contributing much lol. U can say thief strong and use the argument that I’ve seen players do well so it can’t be weak but that means little. Thief was known to be one of the harder classes to be effective at since the beginning before all the nurfs, there was good players on it then and there still is now. If a player is skilled enough on a class that has serious disadvantages he will still out play a lot of players that are less skilled on other classes,does not mean the class is strong. A player evenly skilled on a ranger or even guard would step on the thief to n a 1v1 but again a good thief would just avoid the fight until he has advantage like a +1 lol. I’m referring to core/DD not DE


Ive roamed several hundreds of hours bro, i know what roaming is about

I also played in public zergs and dedicated wvw fight/gvg guilds

and what are you trying to get across here saying "even guard would step on the thief" OF COURSE guards are crushing thiefes they were and probably will always hardcounter thief, they are literally THE class to fight thiefes

And ranger with bow and a melee set of weapons is in favor of thief because they hit hard from melee and from range, meaning that its harder for thief to do what they are so good at (hit n run until red is dead), its just natural that they have the edge there.


Why are you even telling me that only thiefs need to outplay their opponent, in the end EVERYONE has to outplay their opponent, if they didnt, they wouldnt kill their opponent.


in a perfect world every class had the same chances of killing other classes, making it purely based off of skill who wins.

In another perfect world there are matchups that have specific counters and an equal amount of builds that they themself counter while in the middle havin builds that are just pure skill based.

The way you sound like is as if you want thief to automatically win vs any other class in the game without needing any skill, which is quite silly.


Oh and also, atleast you can get away from classes you dont want to fight, i get chased around the whole map on a daily basis while roaming, from either builds that i know i cant rly fight or a group of ppl that dont want to fight fair. And because i cant stealth and just arent as mobile as they are i often get clapped where thief wouldnt


You also still seem to not understand what skill ceiling means and how it affects balancing.


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Thank you for the input :) yea I think it’ll be a little harder to pull off some quality fights with the guild I currently have I may switch some things up maybe not run power sig and prolong the fights a little :) I messed Around with that today and I seemed to do okay so I’ll keep messing with it I’m sure I’ll get better fights and videos for everyone to watch just keep giving me input :) y’all are amazing !

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