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Anyone else find if funny


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how literally basic ass warrior does more damage than a necro in lich form lol

Lich form is the laziest designed ult. You cant even use it lol Its almost like anet.... _doesn't care at all_ about it XD


Class bias is real


EDIT: let me be real for a second


I know they cant make _everything_ viable on a necro but the fact is necromancers have been the least cared-for class (aside from maybe rev).

In the first year or so necromancers only had like 3 skills in deathshroud. The bugs were atrocious, minions didn't even work, they couldn't even down anyone in shroud or otherwise and couldn't res anyone. AngryJoe himself had to ask the previous lead game designer (forgot his name) specifically about necromancers. This game has historically been so uninterested in this profession its almost mind-boggling how people still play it.

It's also the "noob" class of the game. The entire class has like the lowest skill ceiling ever. There's no progressing into more skillful play, you just have to rely on your allies at later stages of the game, namely gaurdian (see sig below)


But there is a clear reason as to why its played so often

1. Its the noob class. Players can get adjusted to it fairly quick and win some games. It doesn't help you later on though. Thats when they decide to move on to the _real_ classes.

2. Aesthetic. I think there are lots of people who just enjoy necromancers as a theme. But anet has done such a wonderful job to let other classes look and almost feel like a necromancer anyway with all the outfits and wardrobe options. So when players advance to other professions, the can still keep the necro look at least.

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> @"TheDevice.2751" said:

> how literally basic kitten warrior does more damage than a necro in lich form lol

> Lich form is the laziest designed ult. You cant even use it lol Its almost like anet.... _doesn't care at all_ about it XD


> Class bias is real


> EDIT: let me be real for a second


> I know they cant make _everything_ viable on a necro but the fact is necromancers have been the least cared-for class (aside from maybe rev).

> In the first year or so necromancers only had like 3 skills in deathshroud. The bugs were atrocious, minions didn't even work, they couldn't even down anyone in shroud or otherwise and couldn't res anyone. AngryJoe himself had to ask the previous lead game designer (forgot his name) specifically about necromancers. This game has historically been so uninterested in this profession its almost mind-boggling how people still play it.

> It's also the "noob" class of the game. The entire class has like the lowest skill ceiling ever. There's no progressing into more skillful play, you just have to rely on your allies at later stages of the game, namely gaurdian (see sig below)


> But there is a clear reason as to why its played so often

> 1. Its the noob class. Players can get adjusted to it fairly quick and win some games. It doesn't help you later on though. Thats when they decide to move on to the _real_ classes.

> 2. Aesthetic. I think there are lots of people who just enjoy necromancers as a theme. But anet has done such a wonderful job to let other classes look and almost feel like a necromancer anyway with all the outfits and wardrobe options. So when players advance to other professions, the can still keep the necro look at least.


tbh i think no class is really difficult to Play, but People constantly try to Claim they are playing "the most difficult class against all odds" because they can feel like Heros than in their own mind.


currently 8 of 9 classes in game are chaining blocks,invulns and dodges to nearly perma uptimes and the 9th class just go yolo-spin-to-win. we have reached ez to Play step Long time ago. there is no real difference between classes.


and People are playing necro often because its the only real boonspam counter, and it is hard to kill boonbeast,holo, Fb,... without. thats it.






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> @"Zero.3871" said:


> currently 8 of 9 classes in game are **chaining blocks,invulns and dodges to nearly perma uptimes** and the **9th class just go yolo-spin-to-win**.


You do realize that the first 8 classes are countering that "9th" class right? How can you spin-to-win against "chaining blocks,invulns and dodges to nearly perma uptimes"?



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> @"everyman.4375" said:

> Wait are you saying that necro is in a worse state than warrior ? Are you joking ?


In my opinion both reaper and scourge are efficitive. They are not as ridiculous as they used to be in the past, but both offer a good package, unless the objective is to be solo hero (which most of the PvP population think the game is balanced around).


SB on the other hand is highly derivative. Holo, scrapper, mirage and most importantantly ranger, fulfil the same role, and arguably some builds (ranger) do it better. Also, incorrectly people assume SB does high damage. It does not. It is a CC machine with good mobility and high sustainability. It does okay damage. If high damage is what you are looking for SB is not what you want to be playing.


I think the OP was talking about core shroud. It is not really relevant. If you think reaper shroud does less damage the SB, you are either clueless or trolling.

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> > @"everyman.4375" said:

> > Wait are you saying that necro is in a worse state than warrior ? Are you joking ?


> In my opinion both reaper and scourge are efficitive. They are not as ridiculous as they used to be in the past, but both offer a good package, unless the objective is to be solo hero (which most of the PvP population think the game is balanced around).


> SB on the other hand is highly derivative. Holo, scrapper, mirage and most importantantly ranger, fulfil the same role, and arguably some builds (ranger) do it better. Also, incorrectly people assume SB does high damage. It does not. It is a CC machine with good mobility and high sustainability. It does okay damage. If high damage is what you are looking for SB is not what you want to be playing.


> I think the OP was talking about core shroud. It is not really relevant. If you think reaper shroud does less damage the SB, you are either clueless or trolling.


I'm just saying that necro as a whole is in a way better state than warrior.

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> @"everyman.4375" said:

> > @"otto.5684" said:

> > > @"everyman.4375" said:

> > > Wait are you saying that necro is in a worse state than warrior ? Are you joking ?

> >

> > In my opinion both reaper and scourge are efficitive. They are not as ridiculous as they used to be in the past, but both offer a good package, unless the objective is to be solo hero (which most of the PvP population think the game is balanced around).

> >

> > SB on the other hand is highly derivative. Holo, scrapper, mirage and most importantantly ranger, fulfil the same role, and arguably some builds (ranger) do it better. Also, incorrectly people assume SB does high damage. It does not. It is a CC machine with good mobility and high sustainability. It does okay damage. If high damage is what you are looking for SB is not what you want to be playing.

> >

> > I think the OP was talking about core shroud. It is not really relevant. If you think reaper shroud does less damage the SB, you are either clueless or trolling.


> I'm just saying that necro as a whole is in a way better state than warrior.


Do you like your coffin black or dark wood. Asking before every necro in spvp starts performing a death ritual on you ??

Hope you got that shield on lil homie?

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> @"Solori.6025" said:


> Do you like your coffin black or dark wood. Asking before every necro in spvp starts performing a death ritual on you ??

> Hope you got that shield on lil homie?


its because its a shamelessly ridiculous statement that doesn't even need to be addressed. It's common knowledge that wars are not only played by the design team quite often but are simply a better class than necromancers and have been for about 5 years save the months after launch they weren't so great.


Its ridiculously obvious how strong they are. Wars are nearly immune to all condi damage, have some of the lowest cooldowns in the game hands down, and have stupid amounts of mobility (paired with them low cooldowns). Its to fit the devs fantasy, period. They also are known to frequently play warriors. Thems just hardcore facts bros.


There was some dev on a while back who said he "mains reaper". That particular dev has no influence on game design in terms of class strengths and their gameplay content.


There has been bias in this game since the start, and its not going to end. Its just the way it is lol. They dont care XD. not like anyone is playing this game professionally so why should they care if some classes just completely outperform others? Think about the evades, the blocks, then the invulns then the mobility in and out of combat, the armor, the stuns and chain cc paired with their own stunbreaks. None of that has anything to do with boons even XD. Think about that. Now think about all their boons on top of all that. Even if you take those boons away.... even if you do that, you're left with everything i just said. Their boon placements are also on lower cooldowns than necro boon strips XD.


Its clearly a joke statement to say wars are having any kind of trouble at all.

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> @"TheDevice.2751" said:

> > @"Solori.6025" said:


> > Do you like your coffin black or dark wood. Asking before every necro in spvp starts performing a death ritual on you ??

> > Hope you got that shield on lil homie?


> its because its a shamelessly ridiculous statement that doesn't even need to be addressed. It's common knowledge that wars are not only played by the design team quite often but are simply a better class than necromancers and have been for about 5 years save the months after launch they weren't so great.


> Its ridiculously obvious how strong they are. Wars are nearly immune to all condi damage, have some of the lowest cooldowns in the game hands down, and have stupid amounts of mobility (paired with them low cooldowns). Its to fit the devs fantasy, period. They also are known to frequently play warriors. Thems just hardcore facts bros.


> There was some dev on a while back who said he "mains reaper". That particular dev has no influence on game design in terms of class strengths and their gameplay content.


> There has been bias in this game since the start, and its not going to end. Its just the way it is lol. They dont care XD. not like anyone is playing this game professionally so why should they care if some classes just completely outperform others? Think about the evades, the blocks, then the invulns then the mobility in and out of combat, the armor, the stuns and chain cc paired with their own stunbreaks. None of that has anything to do with boons even XD. Think about that. Now think about all their boons on top of all that. Even if you take those boons away.... even if you do that, you're left with everything i just said. Their boon placements are also on lower cooldowns than necro boon strips XD.


> Its clearly a joke statement to say wars are having any kind of trouble at all.


Speaking of evades.

Lets play a game.

Which class has the most access to vigor?


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> @"Solori.6025" said:

> > @"TheDevice.2751" said:

> > > @"Solori.6025" said:

> >

> > > Do you like your coffin black or dark wood. Asking before every necro in spvp starts performing a death ritual on you ??

> > > Hope you got that shield on lil homie?

> >

> > its because its a shamelessly ridiculous statement that doesn't even need to be addressed. It's common knowledge that wars are not only played by the design team quite often but are simply a better class than necromancers and have been for about 5 years save the months after launch they weren't so great.

> >

> > Its ridiculously obvious how strong they are. Wars are nearly immune to all condi damage, have some of the lowest cooldowns in the game hands down, and have stupid amounts of mobility (paired with them low cooldowns). Its to fit the devs fantasy, period. They also are known to frequently play warriors. Thems just hardcore facts bros.

> >

> > There was some dev on a while back who said he "mains reaper". That particular dev has no influence on game design in terms of class strengths and their gameplay content.

> >

> > There has been bias in this game since the start, and its not going to end. Its just the way it is lol. They dont care XD. not like anyone is playing this game professionally so why should they care if some classes just completely outperform others? Think about the evades, the blocks, then the invulns then the mobility in and out of combat, the armor, the stuns and chain cc paired with their own stunbreaks. None of that has anything to do with boons even XD. Think about that. Now think about all their boons on top of all that. Even if you take those boons away.... even if you do that, you're left with everything i just said. Their boon placements are also on lower cooldowns than necro boon strips XD.

> >

> > Its clearly a joke statement to say wars are having any kind of trouble at all.


> Speaking of evades.

> Lets play a game.

> Which class has the most access to vigor?




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> @"everyman.4375" said:

> > @"Solori.6025" said:

> > > @"TheDevice.2751" said:

> > > > @"Solori.6025" said:

> > >

> > > > Do you like your coffin black or dark wood. Asking before every necro in spvp starts performing a death ritual on you ??

> > > > Hope you got that shield on lil homie?

> > >

> > > its because its a shamelessly ridiculous statement that doesn't even need to be addressed. It's common knowledge that wars are not only played by the design team quite often but are simply a better class than necromancers and have been for about 5 years save the months after launch they weren't so great.

> > >

> > > Its ridiculously obvious how strong they are. Wars are nearly immune to all condi damage, have some of the lowest cooldowns in the game hands down, and have stupid amounts of mobility (paired with them low cooldowns). Its to fit the devs fantasy, period. They also are known to frequently play warriors. Thems just hardcore facts bros.

> > >

> > > There was some dev on a while back who said he "mains reaper". That particular dev has no influence on game design in terms of class strengths and their gameplay content.

> > >

> > > There has been bias in this game since the start, and its not going to end. Its just the way it is lol. They dont care XD. not like anyone is playing this game professionally so why should they care if some classes just completely outperform others? Think about the evades, the blocks, then the invulns then the mobility in and out of combat, the armor, the stuns and chain cc paired with their own stunbreaks. None of that has anything to do with boons even XD. Think about that. Now think about all their boons on top of all that. Even if you take those boons away.... even if you do that, you're left with everything i just said. Their boon placements are also on lower cooldowns than necro boon strips XD.

> > >

> > > Its clearly a joke statement to say wars are having any kind of trouble at all.

> >

> > Speaking of evades.

> > Lets play a game.

> > Which class has the most access to vigor?

> >


> Engineers.




Here have a metaphorical cookie cause I can't bake real ones :(

I'm really bad at baking :I

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> @"TheDevice.2751" said:

> > @"Solori.6025" said:


> > Do you like your coffin black or dark wood. Asking before every necro in spvp starts performing a death ritual on you ??

> > Hope you got that shield on lil homie?


> its because its a shamelessly ridiculous statement that doesn't even need to be addressed. It's common knowledge that wars are not only played by the design team quite often but are simply a better class than necromancers and have been for about 5 years save the months after launch they weren't so great.


> Its ridiculously obvious how strong they are. Wars are nearly immune to all condi damage, have some of the lowest cooldowns in the game hands down, and have stupid amounts of mobility (paired with them low cooldowns). Its to fit the devs fantasy, period. They also are known to frequently play warriors. Thems just hardcore facts bros.


> There was some dev on a while back who said he "mains reaper". That particular dev has no influence on game design in terms of class strengths and their gameplay content.


> There has been bias in this game since the start, and its not going to end. Its just the way it is lol. They dont care XD. not like anyone is playing this game professionally so why should they care if some classes just completely outperform others? Think about the evades, the blocks, then the invulns then the mobility in and out of combat, the armor, the stuns and chain cc paired with their own stunbreaks. None of that has anything to do with boons even XD. Think about that. Now think about all their boons on top of all that. Even if you take those boons away.... even if you do that, you're left with everything i just said. Their boon placements are also on lower cooldowns than necro boon strips XD.


> Its clearly a joke statement to say wars are having any kind of trouble at all.


First, warrior is not better than necro. The play completely different roles. The comparison is not remotely viable.


Second, you need to be specific. Necro has two viable builds, while warrior really is only SB. So is it comparison with scourge, reaper or both and again, in what fucking role.


Third, why only warrior and necro? Are there no other classes? This is more regarding your original post. If you think reaper or scourge are under performing you can just say so and explain why.


This is more on a historic note (and does not really mean much), since HoT release necro always had a meta build in sPvP. Cannot say the same about warrior, which spent most of HoT marginalized in sPvP.





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> @"Zero.3871" said:

> currently 8 of 9 classes in game are chaining blocks,invulns and dodges to nearly perma uptimes and the 9th class just go yolo-spin-to-win. we have reached ez to Play step Long time ago. there is no real difference between classes.


I'm pretty sure Necro is in a much better state than Elementalist currently.



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> @"Jeknar.6184" said:

> > @"Zero.3871" said:

> > currently 8 of 9 classes in game are chaining blocks,invulns and dodges to nearly perma uptimes and the 9th class just go yolo-spin-to-win. we have reached ez to Play step Long time ago. there is no real difference between classes.


> I'm pretty sure Necro is in a much better state than Elementalist currently.





you are obviously missing the Point of my comment.


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> @"Jeknar.6184" said:

> > @"Zero.3871" said:

> > currently 8 of 9 classes in game are chaining blocks,invulns and dodges to nearly perma uptimes and the 9th class just go yolo-spin-to-win. we have reached ez to Play step Long time ago. there is no real difference between classes.


> I'm pretty sure Necro is in a much better state than Elementalist currently.




Two week old driven over rabbit lying on the side of a road in a hot summer is in a much better state than Elementalist.

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> @"everyman.4375" said:

> > @"otto.5684" said:

> > > @"everyman.4375" said:

> > > Wait are you saying that necro is in a worse state than warrior ? Are you joking ?

> >

> > In my opinion both reaper and scourge are efficitive. They are not as ridiculous as they used to be in the past, but both offer a good package, unless the objective is to be solo hero (which most of the PvP population think the game is balanced around).

> >

> > SB on the other hand is highly derivative. Holo, scrapper, mirage and most importantantly ranger, fulfil the same role, and arguably some builds (ranger) do it better. Also, incorrectly people assume SB does high damage. It does not. It is a CC machine with good mobility and high sustainability. It does okay damage. If high damage is what you are looking for SB is not what you want to be playing.

> >

> > I think the OP was talking about core shroud. It is not really relevant. If you think reaper shroud does less damage the SB, you are either clueless or trolling.


> I'm just saying that necro as a whole is in a way better state than warrior.


Didn't they mess up core and zerker? I heard zerker does sub par dmg too plus it got hit with the nerf bat in sustain.


And full counter got nerfed.Hopefully ANET doesn't do something like nerf spellcounter into the ground making everyone go core.

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Although I don’t think necro as a whole is in a great place warrior prob wasn’t the best for your comparison. They really aren’t in the greatest spot these days either, not a bad place but definitely not op enough to be used as a example imho. Mirage or boonbeast may have been better lol I’d say mirage and guard would be the classes arenet favours more so than warrior.if they loved warrior so much the deff didn’t show the love with SBr animations etc so bland

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Man, it's really sad to see this forum filled with that "...oh my class is sub-par" posts.

Didn't you guys learned that balance will change, so your class, maybe your playstyle? Just have all of them and be ready to have alternate fun, as simple as this.


But what i really can't understand is people bitching about necro atm, lol.

You can use both elite specs on both competitive game modes and it will be effective, right now. If you think not, you need to play more of the class.


As a personal note, i'm usually a gold pvp player (on every profession), and if i stick to one profession for 15 ~ 30 days, i'll reach plat. This season i've reached plat on reaper the same day i switched to play it.

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