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I don't know how this happened.

I was selling materials on the TP as I was trying to get a bit of gold for the new Griffon mount when i accidentally sold The Legend. I was clicking on things really fast and before the item description even loaded it was sold. Has this ever (or anything similar) happened to anyone before, and if so, can the devs help? I've submitted a ticket but I'm just anxious.

![](file:///C:/Users/oem/Documents/Guild%20Wars%202/Screens/gw437.jpg "")


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Support is pretty helpful from the anecdotes I've read, but I'm not sure if it's at all possible to help you here since another player has the item. If you'd destroyed it they would almost certainly help you, but I don't know if they will duplicate a precursor or yank it away from the other player.

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Happened to me as well, but only with smaller amounts of gold, maybe 5 - 10g, so I didn't contact the support. However, if I think about it, it happened quite often and it feels like I've lost a greater amount of gold over the time.


The trading post is slow and buggy, sometimes it just takes your items and won't give you anything in return. Of course it's even worse if it's something as valuable as a precursor. As Fluffball already said, the situation could be tricky since another player got your item. But maybe you'll have luck with your ticket.

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There is notihng in the TP api saying that you sold it on tp for 1 silver. You probably just sold it to the vendor. Small tip, never sell items to tp while talking to a merchant, it ads new right click button "sell" right next to "sell on tp" . One goes to tp, other to the merchant.


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> @Ashantara.8731 said:

> > @Aenaos.8160 said:

> > Why ascended items are sellable to vendors in the first place,only a dev can enlighten us about this.

> > Items that cost anything from a few dozen up to hundreds of gold can be sold for a few silver.

> > GG I guess.


> Precursors are exotic, not ascended.


HoT precursors are Ascended, but I don't think they can be vendored.

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> @onevstheworld.2419 said:

> Were you selling on the TP or to a vendor? Sounds more like a vendor cos the TP doesn't let you sell lower than the highest offer. The bottom vendor tab is a "sold" list which you can use to retrieve any accidentally sold items. It will only reset when you leave me map or log out.




You can't sell below highest bid offer on the TP.


If it is a merchant issue, I'm sure customer support will be able to help you. Be polite, explain the situtaion once contacted and they'll surely restore it.

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> @Thelgar.7214 said:

> The highest bid on The Legend was 1s 16c?


> @onevstheworld.2419 said:

> Sounds more like a vendor cos the TP doesn't let you sell lower than the highest offer.


> @Cyninja.2954 said:

> This.

> You can't sell below highest bid offer on the TP.


It's a bug that doesn't care about bids or anything like that. If you press 'sell' before the trading post loaded correctly, you'll sell it for a weird, small amount of silver. No matter what you're selling and how much it is worth.

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> @Tekey.7946 said:

> > @Thelgar.7214 said:

> > The highest bid on The Legend was 1s 16c?


> > @onevstheworld.2419 said:

> > Sounds more like a vendor cos the TP doesn't let you sell lower than the highest offer.


> > @Cyninja.2954 said:

> > This.

> > You can't sell below highest bid offer on the TP.


> It's a bug that doesn't care about bids or anything like that. If you press 'sell' before the trading post loaded correctly, you'll sell it for a weird, small amount of silver. No matter what you're selling and how much it is worth.


It's the vendor value, which is also the minimum sell price on the TP. If you don't give it time to load it defaults to that price.


OP - contact Support, they're the only ones who could help you.

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On the bright side, no The Legend has passed through the Trading Post for 1 Silver 16 Copper this past week according to the API. So you can probably get some assistance from your ticket to Support. You may have sold it to a Merchant. Keep in mind that they are likely flooded with inquiries right now due to Path of Fire, so it may take a while for them to get back to you. Remember to not make multiple tickets as that puts you further back in the queue. I'd make sure it's not on a different character or in the Bank as well, as you may have put it somewhere for safe keeping and forgotten about it.


PS: You tried to link an image that is located on your own computer. You need to upload it to, e.g., Imgur before you can link the (image) URL so that others can see it.

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> @Absconditus.6804 said:

> On the bright side, no The Legend has passed through the Trading Post for 1 Silver 16 Copper this past week according to the API. So you can probably get some assistance from your ticket to Support. You may have sold it to a Merchant. Keep in mind that they are likely flooded with inquiries right now due to Path of Fire, so it may take a while for them to get back to you. Remember to not make multiple tickets as that puts you further back in the queue. I'd make sure it's not on a different character or in the Bank as well, as you may have put it somewhere for safe keeping and forgotten about it.


> PS: You tried to link an image that is located on your own computer. You need to upload it to, e.g., Imgur before you can link the (image) URL so that others can see it.


If it truly was not actually sold to another player in the TP, the OP has a chance with Customer Service. Anet will not help with actual TP sales no matter what.

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  • 3 weeks later...

> @Absconditus.6804 said:

> On the bright side, no The Legend has passed through the Trading Post for 1 Silver 16 Copper this past week according to the API. So you can probably get some assistance from your ticket to Support. You may have sold it to a Merchant. Keep in mind that they are likely flooded with inquiries right now due to Path of Fire, so it may take a while for them to get back to you. Remember to not make multiple tickets as that puts you further back in the queue. I'd make sure it's not on a different character or in the Bank as well, as you may have put it somewhere for safe keeping and forgotten about it.


> PS: You tried to link an image that is located on your own computer. You need to upload it to, e.g., Imgur before you can link the (image) URL so that others can see it.


The API can't say anything about that one way or the other. The various sites shows the list of of buy and sell orders and some sites make assumptions about changes to those lists. In this case it is completely invisible.


> @Thelgar.7214 said:

> The highest bid on The Legend was 1s 16c?




Regardless of whether it is through accident or on purpose if you try to sell something for less than the highest buy order the item will sold to the highest buyer and the buyer is refunded the difference.

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> @Cynn.1659 said:

> There is notihng in the TP api saying that you sold it on tp for 1 silver. You probably just sold it to the vendor. Small tip, never sell items to tp while talking to a merchant, it ads new right click button "sell" right next to "sell on tp" . One goes to tp, other to the merchant.



It wouldn't show up on the api. If you hit sell for a price that is lower than the highest bid, the highest bidder gets the item and is refunded the difference between their bid and whatever you had in the price box when you hit sell. So, for example, if they had a 600 gold bid on The Legend and OP accidentally hit sell at 1s, the bidder gets the item and 599g99s in the pickup tab. All API sees is that a buy order for 600g was filled or taken down.


See example and an explanation of why it is this way in the comments [here](

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