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Stop calling it class


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> @"Cloud Windfoot Omega.7485" said:

> > @TheSlothArmada.6709 said:

> > It makes no sense to call if a profession.

> > armorsmith is a profession, warrior is a class ._.

> > I don't know why the devs thought it'd be cool to call classes professions. . .


> Warrior is a profession...

> dictionary

> 1. a paid occupation, especially one that involves prolonged training and a formal qualification.


> Warriors are generally paid, and generally have prolonged training.

> Warrior class would be a level of ranking, such as commander.


oye, you want to pay my warrior ? No? I will call it a class if I like

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Theoretically I agreed with OP's pov for a long time. However, Anet has made it official that warrior, guardian, etc. are called classes with the Versatile achievement (maybe others too but I can't think of any example).

So you now have these referred to as classes in game, as rarely as it is. Which means the whole point OP was trying to make is now invalid. And whether the devs have started calling them classes because most players did or for another reason is irrelevant. It's happening, therefore it's now the correct nomenclature.

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> @"Astra Lux.2846" said:

> > @"Cloud Windfoot Omega.7485" said:

> > > @TheSlothArmada.6709 said:

> > > It makes no sense to call if a profession.

> > > armorsmith is a profession, warrior is a class ._.

> > > I don't know why the devs thought it'd be cool to call classes professions. . .

> >

> > Warrior is a profession...

> > dictionary

> > 1. a paid occupation, especially one that involves prolonged training and a formal qualification.

> >

> > Warriors are generally paid, and generally have prolonged training.

> > Warrior class would be a level of ranking, such as commander.


> oye, you want to pay my warrior ? No? I will call it a class if I like


But your warrior IS paid. What, do you earn all your in-game gold by swiping your own credit card? No? Then whachu talkin bout?

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> @TheSlothArmada.6709 said:

> > @"Cloud Windfoot Omega.7485" said:

> > > @TheSlothArmada.6709 said:

> > > It makes no sense to call if a profession.

> > > armorsmith is a profession, warrior is a class ._.

> > > I don't know why the devs thought it'd be cool to call classes professions. . .

> >

> > Warrior is a profession...

> > dictionary

> > 1. a paid occupation, especially one that involves prolonged training and a formal qualification.

> >

> > Warriors are generally paid, and generally have prolonged training.

> > Warrior class would be a level of ranking, such as commander.


> <_<

> This is a game. Warrior is a class


Well all professions in this game get paid for there work via karma, gold or drops, so yea its profession not class.

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It bothers me too tbh. In the world of Guild Wars 2, it is profession.

Crafting has disciplines.

Armor weights are listed as armor classes.


All of these are confirmed proper terminology per ArenaNet.


So often I would,be talking to someone and they mention "i hate this class" and I respond with something about how there are three professions in that armor class, just try a new one. I would get confused responses.

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> @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > @"Astra Lux.2846" said:

> > > @"Cloud Windfoot Omega.7485" said:

> > > > @TheSlothArmada.6709 said:

> > > > It makes no sense to call if a profession.

> > > > armorsmith is a profession, warrior is a class ._.

> > > > I don't know why the devs thought it'd be cool to call classes professions. . .

> > >

> > > Warrior is a profession...

> > > dictionary

> > > 1. a paid occupation, especially one that involves prolonged training and a formal qualification.

> > >

> > > Warriors are generally paid, and generally have prolonged training.

> > > Warrior class would be a level of ranking, such as commander.

> >

> > oye, you want to pay my warrior ? No? I will call it a class if I like


> But your warrior IS paid. What, do you earn all your in-game gold by swiping your own credit card? No? Then whachu talkin bout?


touché ._.

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> @"Tenrai Senshi.2017" said:

> This... is really just far too inconsequential to even care about. Why does it matter? Lol. XD


People need something to complain about to pass the time. Just look at a few tumblrinas for a prime example of that. This thread is the gw2 equivalent of a tumblr complaint.


Wrongthink! You don't use the words I want you to use! Evil!


I'm just surprised that this thread has been going on for a few months now. Its highly amusing, and I suppose its indicative that the rest of the game is in pretty golden conditions for this to be a focus.



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> @Aplethoraof.2643 said:

> > @"Tenrai Senshi.2017" said:

> > This... is really just far too inconsequential to even care about. Why does it matter? Lol. XD


> People need something to complain about to pass the time. Just look at a few tumblrinas for a prime example of that. This thread is the gw2 equivalent of a tumblr complaint.


> Wrongthink! You don't use the words I want you to use! Evil!


> I'm just surprised that this thread has been going on for a few months now. Its highly amusing, and I suppose its indicative that the rest of the game is in pretty golden conditions for this to be a focus.




Not quite. It's more like grammar "fascists", if no one corrected anyone's text ever on the internet, things would have degenerated into internet speek that wouldn't be comprehensible to anyone on the internet today that doesn't spend 18 or more hours online.


If you're worried about "tumblrinas", that battle was lost when these forums dropped the thumbs down option.

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Yet, class is comprehensible to the majority of players. As is profession. Its more of a situation of the game(s) (gw1 too) trying to push an alternative term for class and an amount of the community choosing to reject it in favor of "class".


People who have difficulty distinguishing what a player means between class and armor "class" have difficulty distinguishing the context of the statement they are reading. Its not so much a grammer issue as a semantics issue.


MMO players have a certain vocabulary for MMOs. Most are used to classes being called classes (some games call them different things. Archtypes, professions, etc.) and will call them classes regardless if the game tries to push another term instead. If GW2 tried to say AoEs were actually say. . .Impact Zone (IZ) people would in all likely-hood still refer to them as AoEs as that is the universal language of MMOs (and indeed, games in general as well).

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> @Aplethoraof.2643 said:

> Yet, class is comprehensible to the majority of players. As is profession. Its more of a situation of the game(s) (gw1 too) trying to push an alternative term for class and an amount of the community choosing to reject it in favor of "class".


> People who have difficulty distinguishing what a player means between class and armor "class" have difficulty distinguishing the context of the statement they are reading. Its not so much a grammer issue as a semantics issue.



Right, but when people use the canon term of profession, and that minority of player that uses class and is confused by the term profession, bringing up what the canon term is every now and then serves the purpose of educating those individuals so confusion won't continue. This is what I'm alluding to in the post you quoted.


> @Aplethoraof.2643 said:

> MMO players have a certain vocabulary for MMOs. Most are used to classes being called classes (some games call them different things. Archtypes, professions, etc.) and will call them classes regardless if the game tries to push another term instead. If GW2 tried to say AoEs were actually say. . .Impact Zone (IZ) people would in all likely-hood still refer to them as AoEs as that is the universal language of MMOs (and indeed, games in general as well).



None of what you said is an excuse for ignorance of a game you spend hours playing.


But the use of different terms hinges on what the terms actually represent (most games that use the term "Archetype" likely wouldn't make sense to exchange the term of Class for) and if its differentiated enough from similar terms. But even when it's not, it depends on the frequency of use (I present the boons/conditions vs buffs/debuffs example).


I'm not advocating for the use of one term over another or that people need to change their preferences, but at the very least, should have flexibility so they can understand the use of various terms and jargon.

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  • 4 weeks later...

> @Aetatis.5418 said:

> anybody here studied biology? reminds me of the fight between taxonomists. escpecially in the micro-organism-sector... and plants


You made me chuckle dude. :D


Dont know how this topic has grown si hard^^

In the end it is knitpicking and doesnt matter.

The main goal is that we understand eachother, everything else is negligable.

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> @BobbyT.7192 said:

> Profession has been used in the gw universe for the MMOs traditional term class since the game first began.

> Even in game lore refer warriors and elementalist as professions and not classes.

> Though profession is something most people from other MMOs won't understand right away. As the term is used mostly for crafting (gw2 call it disciplines). Added the fact that most people will take the lazy way, and go with the easier to say/type out class than profession. (I'm guilty of this :p)



They used the term professions in gw1 because there wasn't any proper crafting, so there was no need to differentiate between classes and professions.

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  • 4 weeks later...

For people who actually have played any other MMO than Guild Wars, profession stands for crafting preference and class is what GW means by profession.

Wouldn't make any problem out of it. After few years with GW2 I'm still getting confused myself when people ask for profession.

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> @"Majirah.5089" said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > @Majirah.5089 said:

> > > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > > I've always called it a class as that's what I knew them as since 2000. I'm not going to change that just because they decided to name it something else.

> > > > In FFXI, I remember they were called jobs and even then I still called them classes.

> > > >

> > > > I don't know, nor do I even care how WoW named them either.

> > > > I personally hate it when people call chars as "toons", but you know what? I don't tell them to not call it that because that's their kitten business. They grew up calling them "toons" while I grew up calling them chars.

> > >

> > > Haha I've called them toons since my first mmo city of heroes.

> >

> > Strange. I played CoH CoV and I don't remember them being called that on there. At least with the people I was around.


> That's weird everyone I played with in that game called them toons. Oh well.



I think it depends on where you started. Back in the 80's I played D&D, you created character profiles so I call them characters. Perhaps those that started with early pc games called them toons given the graphics of the time. Oh, and I call it a class.

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I love that everyone is making it seem like GW is the only game that doesn't call them classes. This is not true. In Final Fantasy, they're called jobs. Honestly, of the three names, class is the newest one for me, and job is the oldest. FFXI was my first MMO, and GW1 was my second. Either way, I don't see the problem other than the fact that it can get a little confusing at times. Just my two cents on the matter.

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> @"DeadTreeJig.6714" said:

> > @"Majirah.5089" said:

> > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > > @Majirah.5089 said:

> > > > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > > > I've always called it a class as that's what I knew them as since 2000. I'm not going to change that just because they decided to name it something else.

> > > > > In FFXI, I remember they were called jobs and even then I still called them classes.

> > > > >

> > > > > I don't know, nor do I even care how WoW named them either.

> > > > > I personally hate it when people call chars as "toons", but you know what? I don't tell them to not call it that because that's their kitten business. They grew up calling them "toons" while I grew up calling them chars.

> > > >

> > > > Haha I've called them toons since my first mmo city of heroes.

> > >

> > > Strange. I played CoH CoV and I don't remember them being called that on there. At least with the people I was around.

> >

> > That's weird everyone I played with in that game called them toons. Oh well.

> >

> >

> I think it depends on where you started. Back in the 80's I played D&D, you created character profiles so I call them characters. Perhaps those that started with early pc games called them toons given the graphics of the time. Oh, and I call it a class.


I'm not too sure on that.

Even games that didn't have creation in them like old RPGs where you simply named the char, everyone... including me, been calling them "characters".


From old online games we've also been calling them that.

Before "grind" became the standard, I've always called leveling characters as... well... "I'm going to lvl up a bit" and never really called it "Going to grind my level".

First time I heard of grinding was in PSO, but it wasn't for characters and more of grinding your weapons. The more you grinded your weapon, the stronger they got, but for leveling your characters it was simply called leveling or lvling.


I will just assume that "Grinding" for leveling and "Toon" for chars started with WoW or something even though I'm not too sure why because... I don't know. I can never understand why they're called "Toons" when I think "Toon" I'm thinking cartoons or at least to be specific... Roger Rabbit.


I can't see an rpg char and then go "Yup, I can see this in Toon Town of Roger Rabbit."

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> @"archie.3074" said:

> For people who actually have played any other MMO than Guild Wars, profession stands for crafting preference and class is what GW means by profession.

> Wouldn't make any problem out of it. After few years with GW2 I'm still getting confused myself when people ask for profession.


Nope. FFXI called them crafts (there were also "hobbies" but no one called them that, which include stuff like gardening, mining, harvesting, ect). FFXIV calls them crafts (or crafting classes) as well as "Disiplines of the Hand" which is in contrast to "Disiplines of Magic" or "Disiplines of War". I don't recall what Tera calls it but since it doesn't stand out in my head, I'm going to guess they just call them crafts. Now Blade and Soul *does* call their crafting professions but their system is rather isolated because the player doesn't craft anything, they just commission *actual* crafters (aka NPCs) to create things for them but you need the material and when it's done you either pick it up or the crafter can mail it to your character for a small fee. City of Heroes called their system "Inventions" and you needed to go to a university and use their labs to combine materials you collect from defeated villains/heroes to create enhancements to slot into your powers.


I feel, calling crafts "professions" seems rather odd. I'm sure it's the coined term in standard PnP RPGs or games directly influenced from said RPGs but is it really that widely used?

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> @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > @"archie.3074" said:

> > For people who actually have played any other MMO than Guild Wars, profession stands for crafting preference and class is what GW means by profession.

> > Wouldn't make any problem out of it. After few years with GW2 I'm still getting confused myself when people ask for profession.


> Nope. FFXI called them crafts (there were also "hobbies" but no one called them that, which include stuff like gardening, mining, harvesting, ect). FFXIV calls them crafts (or crafting classes) as well as "Disiplines of the Hand" which is in contrast to "Disiplines of Magic" or "Disiplines of War". I don't recall what Tera calls it but since it doesn't stand out in my head, I'm going to guess they just call them crafts. Now Blade and Soul *does* call their crafting professions but their system is rather isolated because the player doesn't craft anything, they just commission *actual* crafters (aka NPCs) to create things for them but you need the material and when it's done you either pick it up or the crafter can mail it to your character for a small fee. City of Heroes called their system "Inventions" and you needed to go to a university and use their labs to combine materials you collect from defeated villains/heroes to create enhancements to slot into your powers.


> I feel, calling crafts "professions" seems rather odd. I'm sure it's the coined term in standard PnP RPGs or games directly influenced from said RPGs but is it really that widely used?


I remember FFXI calling them Jobs. It has been a while since I've last played though, so I could be wrong.

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