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Official Feedback Thread: LWS4 Episode 5: All or Nothing

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* The story was rushed. In general I find the living story to be more of "a lot of small stories" rather than "a long evolving story". But there's ultimately a dragon to kill, so once that episode comes it seems like everyone is rushing into it while nothing built up to this. Also the world doesn't seem open, all living story maps feel like small instances where nothing you do have any consequence on the rest of the world.

* That said, the finale was good. I really felt like this was a big moment with an emergency feeling. You-know-who's death surprised me, but the problem is that it only did so because the characters kept insisting on putting her in action, without anyone questioning if this was a good idea. Had I actually been there I'd have called everyone crazy for even suggesting putting her in the fight so early...

* The mastery feels even more out of place than the previous one (what's the point of having a limited endurance if you're going to have flat cooldowns to increase it? Just increase it baseline). It's basically a dismount button on a 30 seconds CD... Why not just let us dismount mid air? The animation doesn't look like there was a lot of work behind it either. "Yea just strap the same thing that we used during HoT and already reused once to make a glider combo.". Also the "Aurene allows you to do this" justification starts to feel less and less valid. What else can Aurene allow us to do with our mounts? Can't it just be justifyed by "you are mastering your mount skills"? That would remove the obligation to put some out of place wings on that new mastery just to tell us "Hey you see, crystals! There you have it, Aurene is behind it.". Just have it "you can now jump off your mount". I'd remove the wings animations if there was an option to do it. Please?

* That's more of a personnal preference, but I don't like snow maps. I don't like when there are almost no colours and everything is just black and white. I miss HoT for that... That said, I can't deny that it was well crafted. All mounts seem to be useful at some point. I with there was a vista on top of the airship. And that the Moorage waypoint was inside it. It would be mutch more fun to have a base of operation so high in the sky instead of it just being another farming area.

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Episode was great, loved cinematic camera on Kralkatorrik fight, can't really say much more right now. I kinda hope for Aurene to STAY dead(Yeah I'm a monster I know D:). I liked her, but Just please don't make character death into something completely meaningless and easily reversible by plot.


One more thing... in that scene where we were discussing the last details of the battle with Rytlock and Logan at the table, and Caithe not far away, again with the team, so pretty much most of what if left of Destiny's Edge I realised how stupid is the fact that Zojja is STILL missing for some irrelevant to plot IRL reasons....

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The tooltip-change for item-stacks is a real QOL improvement, big thanks. The map also runs pretty stable, intro mission worked, transfers to the new map worked (in most cases). Thinking about the last few times, this is a huge improvement and a proof that your optimization efforts finally pay off. Congratulations!


When I compare the story missions of today with the ones of LS2, we are more newbie-friendly now. Dying is less complicated. While the automated self-resurrection breaks the immersion, it drastically improves the playability for new players. Thinking about all the fingernails I crunched during the Shadow of the Dragon encounter(s), this is a lot less frustrating. And for the veterans, there are always the achievements to make up for a real challenge. I really like that approach.


The map is huge and offers some possibilities for flying and acrobatic flights. The chests are also quite challenging. The new skins look awesome as well.


The new stat-combo is a little controversial. The map is going to be grinded for months one way the other. It is the ONE stat combo the farmers and speed-runners were demanding for ages. It will replace the recommended gear in a lot of builds. The community will always complain that the costs are too high and the work is too much, no matter how ridiculously low you place the requirements.


Separating story-content & fractals from class-balances seems to work. I like it.


I have encountered a lot of people who played the entire story in one sitting, and also several who tried to get all achievements + map-completion in the first night. Please keep that in mind, the next time someone asks you to hurry up with new patches. It takes as long as it takes, if you need more time for testing and fixing bugs, just take it. Guildwars 2 has very good endgame-content nowadays, it is not your fault that some people try to rush everything asap. I still feast on the weapon-sets of Istan, elgy and requiem armors as well as countless of unfinished achievements (even in the pof main section). There is so much stuff to do, yet so little time to do it.


At last, there is one little thing that bothers me since LS3:

Whenever you create a new map, you almost ignore the water-level completely. In most cases it is just empty and barren, not many creatures, boring structures and no secret places (except for the deep hole in Kourna). Water is still part of the game and you even invested some resources into reworking several underwater-abilities not so long ago. In the LS(3+4) maps, water always appears to be only the decoration for the land-masses without any further purpose. That is sad.




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* The choir song about aurene.

* The new map is really nice; i like the beautiful dwarven architecture

* I really liked the lair of glint, the light effects are so amazing

* except for the ending, i really liked the story


**points for improvement:**

* The story ends on a very sad note, but after a few seconds you get teleported back to the new map. That made me very confused. Bc I was very sad, but my character was telling how great her loot was, and an annoying skritt was screaming about shiney's. The sound does not match my emotions. I think it would have been more respectfull to upset players like me, if you teleported me back to a more quiet place or the place with the choir aurene song, or if you did not teleport me back to the map.

* If you make a really sad story moment, dont end it so abruptly. Give people time and space for their emotions. DO something with those emotions, dont leave people hanging for 3 months to have a scene to mourn. To me that feels a bit unrespectfull to players who had a deep connection with the character.

* Dont have devs making "/hug" jokes about players emotions. That is just not nice and not funny :(.





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Tombs poorly implemented.

The is no direction on how to use the plates, map chat gives vague answers that caused some misdirection.

Once I got the Meta plate made I went down the cave in path which you can return and when I got an answer how to use it properly from map chat. I way pointed and guess what. It removed the 14gold item buff and all the possible loot I could have gotten for NO good reason. Really, Does it have to be removed if I wp withIN the map.

I shouldnt need to rely on MULTIPLE people on map chat to figure out how to use this to get map meta rewards.

I mean right now probably 20% of map chat is how the hell to do the tombs, should be an indication.

Neat Idea, Poorly Executed. Maybe better tool tip descriptions.

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Loved the new map, by far one of the best, you can see how much work was put into it. Same with the story.


One thing I need to complain though is that everything is SO SHINY in a way it hurts to stare. Like the brande areas of the map are too shiny, the meta event seems like there are fireworks coming out of the screen right into your retina, the last instance is shiny shiny shiny everywhere. It took me a little longer than other episodes to finish cause I had to actually stop playing cause I was getting headaches and I'm not that kind of person who get dizzy with some extra brightness. It reminded me of that pokemon episode that was banned cause there was too many lights and kids were having seizures.


But overall, you guys keep making it better, bringing bigger updates with so much effort, trying to add some stuff to keep things "fresh" and interesting. Well done anet.


EDIT: did I miss the cinematic from the trailer that shows Kralk passing beside the mountais and then his head coming down from the clouds or it just wasnt there?

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I was in need of something to keep me away from the game for a while, and it was hard for me, because I enjoy doing many stuff in the game specially stories, and that was keeping me around to finish doing it. But now, after the way this story ended, it was a relieve. I can finally go away from the game for a long time and not willing to come back so soon. Thank you a lot to all story writers and developers who put your hard work on this, you really did a great job, killing ithe game for me ^^.

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> @"yoni.7015" said:

> I really liked the episode and it was really an example of good storytelling. But I guess not everyone can appreciate that.


For some people it needs to be puppies and rainbows every episode.


I'm glad that ANet isnt catering to that. The story would be terrible if they did.

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> @"Radiobiology.6185" said:

> I dont mind the story itself in this episode but it is getting pretty tiring with all these cliffhangers and every episode leaving us with more questions than answers.


Pretty much this. The "Elder Dragon current threat" storyline finally needs to come to an end. It's been dragging on for too long.

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I dunno, making you feel sad means it's content that is emotionally engaging. Compare and contrast with the eleventy billion people that died in PS, where you're like "Oh, that's too bad. Oh well." And your character is hardly better, usually saying something like "We'll always remember the sacrifice that what's his face made to defeat Zhaitan. Now, next quest."


I just... I mean, they already showed you what would happen last episode. The only thing that really changed is Aurene's attitude about it.

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Story 10/10 Everything else 6/10

The ending left me despondent and at a loss. I sat in silence for a minute. Job well done!

I hope not to see any more of the 'wind'/slippery mechanic. I still don't quite understand the first trial.

I'm not moved to stay on the map. The hearts don't require repeating, and nothing's compelling to explore it more than once, except once I maybe figure out how to start the dwarven tomb quests.

I'm left wondering if the fractal instabilities really needed two effects. ex. No Pain, No Gain, it was clear they needed to be boon stripped. Now there's an added reward for doing so?

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It's a map, with the regular POI's, vista's heart's etc .. standard stuff. OK

I has a few meta events and a **few** scattered OW events; much fewer than typical of other LS maps.

It doesn't have any of the following which I would have expected a few of, based on the other LS maps:

1. Bounties

2. Champs spawns/Legendary mobs

3. a JP

4. The cool 'Sun's Refuge' quest types. There was so much potential to do something similar with the Grotto.

It doesn't have many nodes to farm

It's got a significant amount of 'safe' zone where not much happens other than it looks cool.

It's not really hard to get anywhere which is part of the fun of exploring the map

The heart's are rather trivial and easy to complete

The new diviners gear and weapon skins a locked behind the meta; this wouldn't be bad if it wasn't the ONLY way to get serpentines


It just doesn't feel like the greatness we had with Jahai or Sandswept; I have a felling that once people get the achievements done, the only time it will get people is for the meta's ... and to be frank, even the meta's aren't that special or exceptional. Maybe it's Anet's intent but it still feels like they are trying to find some winning combination of content by experimenting with each LS map. This one doesn't hit the mark for me.




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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Hi,


> Please share your high-level feedback about Episode 5 of Living World Season 4: All or Nothing. Posting a synopsis here would be appreciated, maybe around 50 or 100 words or so?


> Bug reports can go into a Bug Report Thread specifically intended for the reports of any issues or bugs. It is posted in the Bugs Subforum and linked in the previous sentence.


Enjoyed the story up til the end. Love the dragon crystal shards all over.

First time posting so sorry if the tag didn't work.....but

Spoiler alert!

! I can't believe you killed my dragon. Not happy.




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> @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> Either give us a restart mote/option/gg, or stop putting in achievements that are One Tap And Fail. It's aggravating and not good design.

> I can't even reset it because it saved story progress...

> Reset is something we've asked for since Season 2. How has this not been made a priority QoL?


How do you miss that it's already been a thing for the entire season?


Finish it first, then you can start at checkpoints.

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The last fight was really well done. I like how the camera is being used more, but a couple of times it just randomly moved the camera for some dialogue, but didn't put anything into the frame.


I know some people seem to be upset about the ending ending, but there are enough story hooks spread throughout this chapter that it confuses me why.


The "go get bombs for Canach" step was needless and added nothing to the story. The dredge stuff made sense, we have to build a thing, but eh on the go to a crashed airship for a fetch quest.

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TLDR: Story is great, the map is interesting and the content is a disappointment


It's a map, with the regular POI's, vista's heart's etc .. standard stuff. OK

I has a large scale events and a few scattered OW events; much fewer than typical of other LS maps. I feel I'm left looking for the next thing to do in the map.

It doesn't have any of the following which I would have expected a few of, based on the other LS maps:

1. Bounties

2. Champs spawns/Legendary mobs

3. a JP

4. The cool 'Sun's Refuge' quest types. There was so much potential to do something similar with the Grotto.


These things are important to keep people busy in between meta events.


It doesn't have many nodes to farm

It's got a significant amount of 'safe' zone where not much happens other than it looks cool.

It's not really hard to get anywhere which is part of the fun of exploring the map

The heart's are rather trivial and easy to complete

The new diviners gear and weapon skins a locked behind the meta; this wouldn't be bad if it wasn't the ONLY way to get serpentines


It just doesn't feel like the greatness we had with Jahai or Sandswept; I have a felling that once people get the achievements done, the only time it will get people is for the meta's ... and to be frank, even the meta's aren't that special or exceptional. Maybe it's Anet's intent but it still feels like they are trying to find some winning combination of content by experimenting with each LS map. This one doesn't hit the mark for me; too thin on the content.


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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> > Either give us a restart mote/option/gg, or stop putting in achievements that are One Tap And Fail. It's aggravating and not good design.

> > I can't even reset it because it saved story progress...

> > Reset is something we've asked for since Season 2. How has this not been made a priority QoL?


> How do you miss that it's already been a thing for the entire season?


> Finish it first, then you can start at checkpoints.


Insufficient. When players are hunting a goal, they're not interested in 2+ minutes of prattle and tutorial they've been through repeatedly.




Fail Faster. Reduce iteration time.


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