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[Spoiler] Caithe´s future.


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> @"Hesione.9412" said:

> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > The commander is there to command and empathy is detrimental for the commander job.


> No. https://www.forbes.com/sites/prudygourguechon/2017/12/26/empathy-is-an-essential-leadership-skill-and-theres-nothing-soft-about-it/#2ab294f12b9d

> and https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/12/what-a-navy-seal-can-teach-business-leaders-about-empathy/



I disagree. Some of the most successful people in world history had low empathy. Also empathy is nothing you can learn. But you can lose it for example if your amygdala gets damaged or even removed.

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> @"Hesione.9412" said:

> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > The commander is there to command and empathy is detrimental for the commander job.


> No. https://www.forbes.com/sites/prudygourguechon/2017/12/26/empathy-is-an-essential-leadership-skill-and-theres-nothing-soft-about-it/#2ab294f12b9d

> and https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/12/what-a-navy-seal-can-teach-business-leaders-about-empathy/



Thank you! Empathy is absolutely required for leadership. Besides the fact that the people around us are supposed to be "family". Also, our characters aren't in the pact nor are we a "commander" any longer. Let's face it, the label is used because Anet needed a generic name for the voice actors to use. Maybe the Living story would sell better if our character had more emotional range to match what we have in real life. Sure, there are low empathy sociopaths and psychopaths but, I wouldn't go that route as the majority won't identify with that.

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Empathy is not required for leadership. Even if that does not result in positive results for the majority of people involved with such a person, the low empathy person often has an above average personal success in life. There is a reason why you often find such people in CEO positions, in politics, as lawyers, in journalism and medicine.

Also Anet never talks about the personality of the player character, so it leaves lots of room for interpretation. Low empathy (there are at least 3 different kind of empathies by the way) is not only a symptom of psychopathy/sociopathy but of a wide range of neurological differences and personality disorders.

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

>Even if that does not result in positive results for the majority of people involved with such a person, the low empathy person often has an above average personal success in life.


Sure, but there's a difference between leadership and a personal talent for climbing into positions of power. Doing well by yourself isn't leading anyone, it's just exploiting that position of power... something that comes up frequently in most of the careers you listed.


Either way, though, I think it's a bit of a moot point. The only time our PC ever leads anyone is by delivering the occasional motivational speech. Outside of that, all they do is try to herd a small number of cats, with decidedly mixed results.

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good leadership needs empathy.


a lot of CEOs and other 'economical leaders', also politicians lack empathy


which is why they are horrible leaders and only interested in their own well being.


Please show me a good politican working for the good of his/her nation?




a good CEO that does more than artificially pumping the stock prize to make his options more valuable?




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  • 2 weeks later...

I found this article which seems like a counterpoint to @"Hesione.9412"



> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> good leadership needs empathy.


> a lot of CEOs and other 'economical leaders', also politicians lack empathy


> which is why they are horrible leaders and only interested in their own well being.


> Please show me a good politican working for the good of his/her nation?


> hm....


> a good CEO that does more than artificially pumping the stock prize to make his options more valuable?


> eh....



CEOs in the US are obliged to maximize shareholder value as far as I know. So how would they be horrible leaders if they succeed at that goal? Just because you don't agree with it?

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> I found this article which seems like a counterpoint to @"Hesione.9412"

> https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5005963/


> > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> > good leadership needs empathy.

> >

> > a lot of CEOs and other 'economical leaders', also politicians lack empathy

> >

> > which is why they are horrible leaders and only interested in their own well being.

> >

> > Please show me a good politican working for the good of his/her nation?

> >

> > hm....

> >

> > a good CEO that does more than artificially pumping the stock prize to make his options more valuable?

> >

> > eh....

> >


> CEOs in the US are obliged to maximize shareholder value as far as I know. So how would they be horrible leaders if they succeed at that goal? Just because you don't agree with it?


Ok cool, but the story goes to shit, if the Commander is a robot psychopath. It makes for shit and lazy writing with a terrible story.

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> @"Svennis.3852" said:

> Honestly I’ll be disappointed if the plan is for Caithe to just die. Her entire life will have been tragedy and sacrifice for others.


> I suppose it’ll match the rest of her character journey, but still. What a let down.


Agreed lol. i vote for some a bit of "glory" to her.

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> I found this article which seems like a counterpoint to @"Hesione.9412"

> https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5005963/


> > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> > good leadership needs empathy.

> >

> > a lot of CEOs and other 'economical leaders', also politicians lack empathy

> >

> > which is why they are horrible leaders and only interested in their own well being.

> >

> > Please show me a good politican working for the good of his/her nation?

> >

> > hm....

> >

> > a good CEO that does more than artificially pumping the stock prize to make his options more valuable?

> >

> > eh....

> >


> CEOs in the US are obliged to maximize shareholder value as far as I know. So how would they be horrible leaders if they succeed at that goal? Just because you don't agree with it?


there is a difference between artificial pumping and healthy grow.

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Don't forget, Empathy doesn't necessarily equate to you using that emotional understanding for the good of others. All it means is that you have a high degree of control over your own emotional state, you understand your emotional state, you understand other's emotional states and in its highest form, you know how to exert control over other's emotional state (aka push buttons, to help or hinder).


Empathy is 100% an essential trait for leadership because an effective leader will be able to understand other people's emotional states, stay in control of their own, and figure out ways to press others towards a certain emotional state (riling up a crowd for a particular cause, for example). If you don't understand what makes other people tick, you'll need someone who does in order to effectively move them towards your vision as a leader.


Some leaders (many poorer ones) aren't empathetic and do have poor control over their own emotional state or a poor understanding of other's emotional states. But no leader alive has ever worked alone and you can bet that if the leader lacked empathy and was successful, they had someone empathetic advising them.


I'd say the commander probably has a poor understanding of other people, but good control over their own emotions (staying calm in the heat of the moment, etc.). But the commander does have advisors. Such as, before they made their speech after Balthy was killed, the commander asked all 3 of his companions "what should I say?". Then they made a decision based on their advisor's expertise, rather than his own.

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> I found this article which seems like a counterpoint to @"Hesione.9412"

> https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5005963/


> > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> > good leadership needs empathy.

> >

> > a lot of CEOs and other 'economical leaders', also politicians lack empathy

> >

> > which is why they are horrible leaders and only interested in their own well being.

> >

> > Please show me a good politican working for the good of his/her nation?

> >

> > hm....

> >

> > a good CEO that does more than artificially pumping the stock prize to make his options more valuable?

> >

> > eh....

> >


> CEOs in the US are obliged to maximize shareholder value as far as I know. So how would they be horrible leaders if they succeed at that goal? Just because you don't agree with it?


You are conflating a lack of empathy with autism, using one paper that does historical revisionism. Seriously?

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