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Post the bad Mistlock instabilities combinations!

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Agree with post above. And to say on this situation.

If someone see Daily Siren's Reef, with Ouflanked Innstability, and wants to skip it, leaving party by doing so. There is no need to wishper-spam that person saying that he\she is noob, idiot... and any other bad word.


Siren's Reef with ouflanked Instability, have 90% chance to end in few hours long wipes.

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> @"Aeon.4583" said:

have 90% chance to end in few hours long wipes.


this is working as intended? Fractal farm was one of the best sources of gold in game, "farming" t4 =great rewards for time invested. Anet is toning down rewards for playing lately (hello Istan) makes sense they would look for ways to tone down fractal farm - in this case, prolong time needed to get clears.


Just look at today's meny : Frailty+boon overload , we bleed fire+no pain no gain...rng sure, plus traditional 0 testing in house.

(rng is weird like this sometimes - just ask Eric Reid about that xD )

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Siren's Reef is just overtuned on its own and like twilight the number position doesn't reflect how hard it is in truth. I was able to do it with the old meta today for the first time. With instabilities it is definitive around the hardness level of a raid with out it would be twilight 5 aoes you have to mange in closest space and minions and a elite which boost the minions. Until now we had only ugly instability combination when it was daily .


About the run itself I was really lucky to get such a competent pug group but still we wiped 1-2 on every boss and the stealth phase was omg like always. The final fight was also the usually we need to roll out our tongues to get there

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> @"Arioch.4810" said:

> > @"Aeon.4583" said:

> have 90% chance to end in few hours long wipes.


> this is working as intended? Fractal farm was one of the best sources of gold in game, "farming" t4 =great rewards for time invested. Anet is toning down rewards for playing lately (hello Istan) makes sense they would look for ways to tone down fractal farm - in this case, prolong time needed to get clears.


> Just look at today's meny : Frailty+boon overload , we bleed fire+no pain no gain...rng sure, plus traditional 0 testing in house.

> (rng is weird like this sometimes - just ask Eric Reid about that xD )


I thought that too but there is 1 problem with it everyone in the businesses know pressing people out of a content means usually lose of players which means lose of money . That grinding isn't the best answer is clear but this is the only way a MMO has between new content releases. The only way around it is not being an MMO.


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I never said that i support new instabilities, the are awful. Seems like they been given without tests.


Slippery Slope - awful on every fractal, especially with Social Awkwardness

Ouflanked is horrible as it is( 300% damage buff to mobs critical damage? who came up with this? ), Volcanic Fractal and Siren's Reef end bosses have 100% chance to simply spawn something behind you. Therefore i've found that outflanked triggers not only when you attacked from behind, but also when you attacked from below and above( Urban Battleground, end boss' meteor shower ), even if you are facing your target.

We bleed fire - does 6k initial damage and 1k-2k damage overtime out of Fire Condition. Combine that with Frailty and you will be in nightmare situation.


All of it is no fun, no challenge, it is... as it was mentioned - push away from content.

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> @"viniebc.9568" said:

> just remove the birds, slippery slope and outflanked please

This!!!!!! I'd add Frailty to the list.


**Slippery slope** + every fractal - this instability should not have existed in the first place. Slippery slope can be fun for some really easy and wide space fractal, but it doesn't work in most when movement precision is crucial. It's been giving me motion sickness and some disorient feeling during and after playing the fractal, playing a game shouldn't let players feel discomfort physically so much so that it not the matter of challenging anymore. Please remove it completely.


**Birds** - Initially I thought it was fun when I had this in Urban Battleground during recs, but when I've encountered that in T4 Siren reef - the one day that with **birds + boon**, after 10+ tries with party members come and go, I just gave up completing that fractal entirely because it was just absurd. There are so much visual clutter on that **way too tiny boat** and so many things to dodge in that final boss with **high frequency and huge aoe everywhere** (ie: wind, cone attack, water that drains too much health........ and trying to chase that green circle while trying not to get blown away etc....), I just can't cope with the amount of stress when my dodge is wasted on an instability when I could have saved it for more crucial moment. I've never felt that normal T4 is harder than 99/100cm or raid before but in that particular moment it kinda does.


**Frailty + Outflanked** is just..... way too damaging. Although Outflanked + any other instability is bad enough already when there are a ton of trash mob or during the phase where damage could come from every direction, I specifically hate this combo the most.


**We bleed fire** + any fractal - I wish this could just tune down a bit, only limited to the boss, and it should stop spitting fire when the boss is CC-ed.

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Birds + conditions (Afflicted) or Birds + We Bleed Fire : is it by design that birds apply burning / poison cover conditions en masse or is it bugged?


* Birds also have synergy with boon application (Vengeance especially , also No Pain No Gain) and toxic trail.


Slippery slope on Aetherblade or Deepstone (pads/traps) might be problematic. I don't understand why stability is lengthened if it doesn't stop you from sliding.



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Mai Trin (or anything with lots of adds):

Birds + We Bleed Fire. When the adds come it becomes a meat grinder. Not only is there hellfire raining on you consistently, but the adds and Horrik blast you with fireballs. The birds just add insult to injury by making it impossible to pull the adds together to dispatch them quickly.


Honestly the birds in general are causing huge problems all over the place. Combined with other mistlocks they are absolutely ridiculous, and create so much visual clutter its annoying to play with them at all.

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I find social on sirens rly frustrating, hard to not get pushed off the boat. Tbh with all the adds on sirens instabs like: we bleed fire, afflicted, birds are making it way to hard as for t4. Even on lower tiers it may be hard

Birds + we bleed fire is kinda, hmmm. Op

Also imo we bleed fire should not work if boss is cced and dead(cuz dieing mobs still bleed with fire) and reflecting it should deal dmg to a source

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Fractal Mai Trin


Birds + We Bleed Fire + Fluxbomb


The Birds and the Fluxbomb takes away the rolls/evade which are heavily needed in this fractal . People learned how to use the absolute minimum of rolls so they have them when needed in this fractal the 2 influxes corner you easily and We Bleed Fire does the rest (6k are still to high). We tired 3-4 times and woops my group is away and I won't try it agian.

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> @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:


> Fractal Mai Trin


> Birds + We Bleed Fire + Fluxbomb


> The Birds and the Fluxbomb takes away the rolls/evade which are heavily needed in this fractal . People learned how to use the absolute minimum of rolls so they have them when needed in this fractal the 2 influxes corner you easily and We Bleed Fire does the rest (6k are still to high). We tired 3-4 times and woops my group is away and I won't try it agian.


My group didn't wipe but we had at least 10 or more down states during that fight. Once I was the only one left standing. The only thing that got us through it was I was playing a support mercy scourge and was able to bring up the party quickly after them going down. It was not fun. Felt like a chore.

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Went through 3 groups (with people playing classes such as firebrand, alacrity rev/ druid) failing T4 Twilight oasis's Amala with the we bleed fire + birds + adrenaline rush (enemies with low health do high damage).

I got on my chrono which I'm trying to avoid playing and it was much easier due to distortion and stacking on boss , but it shouldn't require broken classes to have a good shot at it.


Essentially "we bleed fire" and birds combination is pretty broken.

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Anything with birds in it is basically broken. I'm sorry devs, the new instabilities seem like a nice idea, but let's call them for what they are: crap! Birds is the most stupid one of them all, brings nothing interesting and in any combination is just aids. Players need to save doges for the mechanics of the boss why would you add something that only by dogging can be removed? Yesterday I did 98 with 7 different groups and we have We Bleed Fire with Birds....OMG the pain was real. Like people don't want to spend 1 h for 1 stupid chest just because someone feels like it's fun.

Remove birds and rework the new instabilities please or you are making fractals what you did with dungeons...crap.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Birds interaction with just about every other instability is really, really bad. Birds trigger:


* Last Laugh

* Afflicted

* Toxic Trail

* We Bleed Fire


And this doesn't even mention how problematic it is to waste a dodge to get rid of them in certain situations, particularly the puzzle portions of Deepstone, Challenge Mode of Shattered Observatory, or Twilight Oasis. Often you have to eat the birds damage in order to avoid the 1-hit KO. Nor does this mention that you can't rally off the birds, but they still trigger all these effects like normal foes.


The experience in Twilight Oasis yesterday highlighted this issue. Last Laugh + Birds + We Bleed Fire was an exercise in frustration. The only reason my group made it through was because I could cleanse and heal like crazy on my heal scrapper, and even then, it was by a narrow margin because our team was disorganized.


A few possible suggestions to improve birds:


1. Don't let them proc other instabilities. This would be the simplest solution while still making them annoying, but somewhat fair.

2. If they do proc other instabilities, allow players to rally off of the birds.

3. Allow some kind of counterplay to the bird attacks -- maybe dodging or blocking when you see their animation causes them to hit enemies instead of your team.

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