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Stuck at the oil spilling

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> @"voodoo.7412" There is a maximum number of oil puddles that you can have "active'" at one time. Fortunately, they age out and disappear.


So that's why it stops working, because there is a maximum. So obvious. Not.


Another terribly designed mechanic designed to infuriate players. Sometimes I wonder if the people designing these things just hate gamers, and come up with things like this to punish us.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> > Reading this thread just shows me how casual and unimaginative many players are. Holy... took me about 3 mins to do this without any help...

> It's quite easy, as long as it doesn't bug on you. If it does, you may end up spending half an hour and still not succeeding, even while completely understanding how it should work. It is that case, i'm sure, and not the normal, unbugged version people are complaining about.


> So, it didn't bug _for you_. Congratulations. Not everyone was so lucky, though.


Okay, didn't know it could bug out. That's very annoying - especially being a main story part.

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> @"Kranlor Greyhelm.8417" said:


> > @"voodoo.7412" There is a maximum number of oil puddles that you can have "active'" at one time. Fortunately, they age out and disappear.


> So that's why it stops working, because there is a maximum. So obvious. Not.


> Another terribly designed mechanic designed to infuriate players. Sometimes I wonder if the people designing these things just hate gamers, and come up with things like this to punish us.


Or it’s a basic puzzle which encourages players to find the best route between the fire vent and the tank. Just because some players struggle at doing that does not mean that it is terribly designed.

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"Palador.2170" said:

> >! ... it *is* possible to go around the fence. All you need is to make the puddles as far apart as you can get them to be and still light each other.


> @"voodoo.7412" There is a maximum number of oil puddles that you can have "active'" at one time. Fortunately, they age out and disappear.


Still doable. I have done this on several characters already, takes only a few seconds.

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It took me forever. Everyone I asked just said "you can pour through the fence". I did, and still the start of the trail was always gone before the end could be ignited. I'm not sure why it worked on attempt #23 or so, but it suddenly did. I guess you have to not only lay the trail as fast as possible, but it also has to coincide with the flame timing perfectly. An extremely annoying trial.

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> Or it’s a basic puzzle which encourages players to find the best route between the fire vent and the tank. Just because some players struggle at doing that does not mean that it is terribly designed.


Except that I for instance DID discover the best route, but it still took over 20 attempts to get it to light and reach the target before the trail started vanishing. I had the shortest possible route, and laid it out as fast as I could, still had to try over and over and over and over... etc. to get it to work.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Klipso.8653" said:

> > The game only let's you lay down 6 spills at a time


> Right. Spacing is very important, so I learned.


They should have put a charge counter on each bucket to make it more obvious.


I know buckets are limitless, but it doesn't have an obvious tell as to why it suddenly stops then starts again while pouring.

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> @"Klipso.8653" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > @"Klipso.8653" said:

> > > The game only let's you lay down 6 spills at a time

> >

> > Right. Spacing is very important, so I learned.


> They should have put a charge counter on each bucket to make it more obvious.


> I know buckets are limitless, but it doesn't have an obvious tell as to why it suddenly stops then starts again while pouring.


Right. I thought it was a bug in that you could only pour it in certain places because of that on/off issue.

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> @"Klipso.8653" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > @"Klipso.8653" said:

> > > The game only let's you lay down 6 spills at a time

> >

> > Right. Spacing is very important, so I learned.


> They should have put a charge counter on each bucket to make it more obvious.


> I know buckets are limitless, but it doesn't have an obvious tell as to why it suddenly stops then starts again while pouring.



The one with the fence had me cursing whoever designed it... It's just not working properly there, and it was the first one i did...

There's no way to account for when the oil is ending, and then theres the fact that even doing it correctly, it's such a distance that it takes some luck for the flame to ignite the oil before the first spills start fading.


So, to fix:

Add a counter for how many oil charges you have;

Add a way to force the flames to ignite the oil before it starts fading.

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> @"Chay.7852" said:

> > @"Palador.2170" said:

> >

If you're talking about the one where you have to work you way around the fence to the flame point, don't go around the fence. Spill oil right at the fence, and the flames will go right through the chain links.



> It didn't work for me, unfortunately. I have tried this path twice and the flames stopped at the fence. Don't know if its just a bug that doesn't occure every time but thats exactly the point where im stuck for now. Will try again tonight - maybe another path or so.

> Someone mentioned on reddit that you can have have 6 puddles.


Puddles can ignite even if they don't quite touch and use any kind of speed boost, and for the fence one pass it through, I'm very clumsy when it comes to timer events and I did all 3. Oh and sometimes you have to take a second drum. ;)

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> @"Klipso.8653" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > @"Klipso.8653" said:

> > > The game only let's you lay down 6 spills at a time

> >

> > Right. Spacing is very important, so I learned.


> They should have put a charge counter on each bucket to make it more obvious.


> I know buckets are limitless, but it doesn't have an obvious tell as to why it suddenly stops then starts again while pouring.


Wait, so all they needed to do was use... the ammo system?

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