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Thoughts on the new fractal?

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My biggest gripe is the bug where if you die, all of the enemies become invisible and laggy. That made the cannon section harder than it needed to be.


I'm not sure if it was just the instabilities or if my teammates were just potionless pugs, but I found the final fight to be really difficult. I'm not sure what the best strategy is yet, since I don't know if the adds have a fixed spawn rate or if they just respawn when killed, but in later stages my entire team would just get bogged down with conditions and murdered.


Otherwise, everything seems fine. Decent environment, decent music, decent ideas for mechanics, etc.

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I like it more than Deepstone.

But I'm disappointed that there is no real bossfight or cm.

The whole fractal plays like one big chain of events and ends with a siege that is won by spamming three different cannon skills off cd...

Soo... yes, the maze is my favorite part of the whole fractal and I look forward to the next new fractal release in 6 months.

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First impression. "Ahoy land ho!" The enviroment is beautiful and awesome with the dinos (tad disappointed when we obliterated them with ease, was T1 :smile:).


For the final boss, no idea what's happening or even how it looks like :lol:. The boss went invisible after the first phase. Saw a large amount of enemy health bar at shore but cannons wasn't hitting anything. *Speculated* that those mobs went invisible as well and has moved up onboard the ship, right next to us (those HP bar is just a misconception).


Took a fair amount of time for the middle section due to everyone being new, triggering and cleared every encounter. Need to run it a few more times for practice, but with the amount of mobs... scaled to T4, not very optimistic for it to be a short cash-out daily.




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Pocket Raptors... Anet listened. =)

It was alright, I think it will a fractal that people will actually do in T4 when its the daily without much reserve(not sure what instability is has though).

Almost a cheery theme for fractals. Seems like they went for fun for all rather than a challenge for hard cores on this one.


I am wondering though with the last fight. Whats the deal with the green collapsing circle with the shark jumping out. Is it like VG where you need to stack to split the damage? Cant find any info yet and Captain Crowe wasn't going to hang on to let me test it out.


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I only did it once as the T3 recommended last night, but it is different, and I did enjoy it more than Deepstone (my most hated fractal atm)


I feel it puts an over emphasis on AoE. The last few fights have so many adds, I can't imagine trying to play it on a Deadeye, LB Ranger, or any other profession that leans more towards single target damage. By contrast I can imagine the glee someone playing Scourge or Weaver would have; I was playing Power GS Guardian + Smite Conditions, so there was plenty of melting going on.


I don't know what I think about the maze. My group seemed to split up, and I don't like that concept in group content. I can accept it as a map mechanic in Underground, but I'm not a fan of it there either.


Will need more play time on this fractal to make a solid judgment, but so far I'm ok with it.


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Did it on T4 the other day (patch day) and it was fun but short and the bosses are unfortunately a bit unmemorable. A huge Dino boss would've been awesome. Like the one in isle of the giants in WoW/Pandaria (Oondasta). The atmosphere is great though. A tad too many conditions, but we had an easy run with 4 necroes and one auramancer (me).

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I would liked it if they made the ship at the end a LOT bigger. Like a big pirate ship with many coridors and trap room like caudicus manor that is like a mini maze on water and the deck where you fought the last boss should be much bigger so the wind tunnels and aoes are more fun to deal with

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This fractal is horrible. There is so much mob spam, so much AOE/Displacement, and so much damage reduction that it's ridiculous. You need perfect, 0 ping internet for some parts, like the shark AOE which is instant death unless dodged but is on such a sensitive dodge timer as to be impossible with real world internet. My regular group which runs every fractal including CMs in one go with no rezzing tried for 2 hours to get through the fractal before giving up. The difficulty is completely out of line with all the other fractals, exceeding even the CMs at T4.

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> @"Boogiepop Void.6473" said:

> This fractal is horrible. There is so much mob spam, so much AOE/Displacement, and so much damage reduction that it's ridiculous. You need perfect, 0 ping internet for some parts, like the shark AOE which is instant death unless dodged but is on such a sensitive dodge timer as to be impossible with real world internet. My regular group which runs every fractal including CMs in one go with no rezzing tried for 2 hours to get through the fractal before giving up. The difficulty is completely out of line with all the other fractals, exceeding even the CMs at T4.


For shark aoe just stack on green to share damage, no need for perfect dodge

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The aoe spam is ridiculous the conditions are constant and all I can think is that it is supposed to be raid training but mostly it is just embarassing garbage. Quite honestly I will avoid it after have done it twice totally not worth the time and effort. In otherwords absolute garbage, since I play this game to relax and enjoy my leisure time not pound my head against a wall.

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> @"Boogiepop Void.6473" said:

> This fractal is horrible. There is so much mob spam, so much AOE/Displacement, and so much damage reduction that it's ridiculous. You need perfect, 0 ping internet for some parts, like the shark AOE which is instant death unless dodged but is on such a sensitive dodge timer as to be impossible with real world internet. My regular group which runs every fractal including CMs in one go with no rezzing tried for 2 hours to get through the fractal before giving up. The difficulty is completely out of line with all the other fractals, exceeding even the CMs at T4.


No, you just don't know the mechanics well yet, while CM's have been done so many times at this point that they can almost be done with closed eyes.


The shark AoE is green, to signal to stack in it (kind of like green at Arkk), to share the damage.

People don't have strategies yet when to man cannons, cleave adds, burst bosses. What to avoid, where to move etc.

It's no where near "release difficulty" of the CM's.


The fractal is alright and will be on farm in less than a month.

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> @"Perkysaurus.2630" said:

> The aoe spam is ridiculous the conditions are constant and all I can think is that it is supposed to be raid training but mostly it is just embarassing garbage. Quite honestly I will avoid it after have done it twice totally not worth the time and effort. In otherwords absolute garbage, since I play this game to relax and enjoy my leisure time not pound my head against a wall.


I dont think its aimed to be training material for raids. But tbh diff ppl like diff things i guess and theres something for everyone.

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