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Yes or No! ANET should increase the number of specialization you can choose. (Elite + 3)


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> @"James.1065" said:

> > @"Trise.2865" said:

> > In a word: Why?


> More varity and flexibility to customise your character without adding more elites etc


and that's good because...?

it's not gamebreaking because...?

it adds value without removing it because...?


Come on, man, support your premise.

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> @"James.1065" said:

> > @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

> > Certainly not. Why would anyone suggest that? The amount of balance headaches that would cause would be unreal.


> This could solve the unbalanced situation!


By making it utterly hilariously unbalanced and beyond any scope of good and evil? True.

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> @"James.1065" said:

> > @"Trise.2865" said:

> > In a word: Why?


> More varity and flexibility to customise your character without adding more elites etc


Ironically, there are 10 possible core specialization combos along the chosen elite specialization in the case of elite+2 **and** in the case of elite+3. Thus all you're getting is pure power creep.

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As a warrior player I would welcome this. Having more than 3 traitlines I like to have at the same time is very annoying and choosing between them is rarely an option. This would allow me to have all the good things! But in turn make choice even less of an option because now you have everything at once.


I don't even want to know the problems this would cause for other classes. They would have to severely reduce the impact of single traitlines if they wanted to do this, which isn't very fun nor exciting.

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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> > @"James.1065" said:

> > > @"Trise.2865" said:

> > > In a word: Why?

> >

> > More varity and flexibility to customise your character without adding more elites etc


> and that's good because...?

> it's not gamebreaking because...?

> it adds value without removing it because...?


> Come on, man, support your premise.


It's good because it offers players a chance to be more colourful and creative with third builds


It wouldn't break the game, because it's already broken!


It adds way more value to the theory crafters and people looking to make more hybrid out of the box builds

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some profs are useless without it's elite spec, others can easily go without, others have horrible elite specs.

i would personally love to be able to use two at a time, even if it locks the special F keys behind it's weapon/connected spec i would still do it.


for instance, necro's own as reaper but i find the scourge to be a really lame addition, any new elite spec can only be an improvement yet i really wanna keep using the greatsword.

being able to use the new elite spec would be a big plus in my book, having a way to change the staff for something better.

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> @"AstralDusk.1670" said:

> I had actually assumed they would eventually do this once they had multiple elites for us to choose from.

> I'm not too invested on whether they actually do or not, I just assumed they would.


Exactly, it's would open up alot more play styles and synergies and ways to customise your character to chose from. It's a logical progression

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"James.1065" said:

> > > @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

> > > Certainly not. Why would anyone suggest that? The amount of balance headaches that would cause would be unreal.

> >

> > This could solve the unbalanced situation!


> By making it utterly hilariously unbalanced and beyond any scope of good and evil? True.


Why do you automatically assume it would make the situation worse and not better? Giving people more options to work with would allow them to make more elaborate builds and ways to combine existing skills, which would make for much more interesting situations.

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> @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

> > @"James.1065" said:

> > > @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

> > > Certainly not. Why would anyone suggest that? The amount of balance headaches that would cause would be unreal.

> >

> > This could solve the unbalanced situation!


> I feel that the old phrase "less is more" is pertinent when attempting to balance class mechanics.


I agree with you, and I think the simple answer is you would still only have access to the same amount of attacks and utilities so it would not become overwhelming, it would simply allow you to modify them in new ways that are not possible at the moment

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> @"James.1065" said:

> Why do you automatically assume it would make the situation worse and not better? Giving people more options to work with would allow them to make more elaborate builds and ways to combine existing skills, which would make for much more interesting situations.


Probably for the same reason you automatically assume this idea is good ?


It's not good. It's a really bad idea for the game as it reduces player agency and choice. In addition to that it just adds more power creep to the game, not only in damage but durability and utiltiy too. Due to the following encounters become trivial and due to the trivial nature players become bored and leave at a faster rate meaning there's less people in your MMO.


So maybe, just maybe.... We don't buff everyone to absurd levels by using such fallacious arguments like it increases build diversity or adds interesting situations when neither of those things are the net outcome in this proposed scenario.

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