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Can't complete Storm Tracking

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I'm trying to complete the Storm Tracking mission at the end of Season 4 Episode 4. But, jumping around on the rocks inevitably leads me to jump to a position which is outside the map, and that kills me. I can see the ball of energy I'm supposed to jump to, but I can't jump to it.


What's the secret? (There's a very poorly worded statement about a bug, but as best as I can tell, it's talking about a different bug.)

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For others who might find this thread: The trick on raptor once in the long floating section is to keep holding your forward key (or if you mouse move, your LMB/RMB) after you jump. Your motion will be eerie and floaty and slow but you'll land on the next island so long as you never let go of that key and steer to the island.

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Yes, that's correct. But, that's not what I was having problems with. About 2/3 of the way through, you're jumping from island to island, and all of a sudden, you're dead. There's a very brief message about exiting the instance area, but it doesn't kick you like other maps. You're just dead.


I know I was in the right place, because later I made it. I was aiming for the globe, but I had to aim a little to the right of it, and turn after I landed.

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This exact thing happened to me when it was released. People didn't believe me I think, but I would go 'outside' of map trying to reach that glowing ball time after time. I died about 2 dozen times before I was able to complete.


I noticed that the first time through as well, I had moved into the area without obstruction. On my eventual successful run, I ran into a blast that knocks you backward before you start. I THINK I was moving into the area faster than intended, and that was somehow disrupting the normal operation of the area.


Either way it was a very unpleasant slog.

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In this instance, if you're too fast you will be autostopped by a strong current (wind) blowing you backwards. Sometimes you can see this in advance because rocks didn't appear yet. If you are too slow, the brand (purple fog) will grab you and you will die and set back to last checkpoint. Somewhere in the middle of the rock without gravity jumping you may also end up in this fog if you aren't fast enough (because the path makes a curve back towards the fog area). You basically have to keep move and can't stand still. If you have ping issues (read big lag), its wise to ask someone else along because you will then simply be ported to the last checkpoint they reach (even if they fail). Tho with a companion along that has the story instance lead (read he/she activated the instance), it may occur that the ahead path doesn't update all the time as it seems its somehow in line with the instance owner even if the person is way back... when that person dies you have no issues in the front but you may be out of time at the halfway rocks part described earlier.

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No, that's not it. The message (which only lasted 1/2 second) said you have left the instance area and will be kicked, just like if you were in an old storyline mission and ran outside the edge of the map.


But, there's no edge of the map showing. It's all just fog. And, I was heading directly towards the next globe. I couldn't get it to work until I headed to just right of the globe. Then, I could turn and get the power-up globe (so it clearly isn't over the edge of the map.)

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