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[QoL] Idea/Inspiration Collection for the devs


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**Hello Tyrians, Hello ArenaNet-Employees from an alternate universe called "Real life",**

I collected some ideas for new features and/or reworking some existing features.


_Since I'm bad at intros ... I'll just start right away._


# 1. Filtering / Search for Vendors

Adding a search bar for selling to vendors.

This feature/idea is a bit outdated since runes/sigils are salvageable. But still useful if you can filter the view to do not show any material/rare item (for example).


# 2. Configurable Blacklist for Salvager

There are things you may not want to salvage...for example: Piece of Unidentified Gear... (also Common and rare versions of it)...

Other example: You are lvl 22 and already bought gear for lvl 25... You do not want to salvage it… and you do not have invisible bags there yet, also do you want to carry it with you, so you can equip it as soon as you reach lvl 25... BUT you do not want to salvage everything separate, you want to just click "Salvage all" - and done.

Correct me if I am wrong. Of course there are workarounds. But the best solution is to make things more user friendly (in my opinion).


So a context-menu entry "_**Add Item to blacklist**_" (prevent salvage for only THIS item) and "_**Add Itemtype to blacklist**_" (to prevent salvageing of every item of this type/id) for salvagers.


# 3. More Guild-Halls

For the veterans out there… when you are thinking back to Gw1... there were lot more themes of halls for all the orders there… so why not in gw2 too?

What kind of halls are I am thinking of? Some examples:

## Race-themed halls:

-**Human**, _style of krytan village/city. (May be even a ascalonian themed, and old orrian themed)_

-**Asuran**, _an cru-laboratory or something_

-**Norn**, _something snowy_

-**Charr**, _metal-based hall_

-**Sylvari**, _something with this living plants_

## Order-themed halls:

-**Pact**, _maybe the main-base since we all are an pact-commander_

-**Durmand Priory**

-**Order of Whispers**, _maybe an cave-hall_

-**Vigil**, _a castle_

## _“New”_- Order-themed halls:

-**Sunspear** camp

-**Joko temple**

-**Temple of the old gods**

-**The Mists** Like mistlock sanctuary

-**Shining Blade**

-**Dwarven** city

## Some “Enemy”-based themes:

-**Mordrem** theme




-**Undead / Awakened** theme


# 4. Mount-Stable in home-instance

Mounts are a kinda personal thing...we all love our mounts - _don’t we_?

So it would be awesome if there is a stable in the home instance with all unlocked mounts(+current skin) of the instance-owner.

It is not only an roleplay aspect… what I mean is: It is our _“home”_... and the mounts are part of the family!

There is not even a need to interact with them... maybe if they only wander inside the stable (or maybe in the entire home-instance?). At least they are present!


# 5. Expand Special Forces Training Area

There's an golem to train rotations, test dps...

So how to _"expand"_ something like this?

## a) Customize equipment.

Sometimes you want to experiment with an build that you had not built yet _(you may just want to test if it is worth to build or just wanna test the gameplay of a class/build etc.)_...

That is no problem for legendary-armor/trinket owners at all… but for them without.

So it would be nice, if there is an customizator for builds just like in pvp, select stat+rune/sigil for every slot, select food without waste actual food. Everything only available as long as you stay inside the Special Forces Training Area of course.

## b) Mechanics

Also an additional area... to train actual mechanics:

**Why?** Currently the only possible way to learn a Boss is to read a external guide. Or to wipe random groups in LFG - and even they assume you read a guide before . Lucky ones have a guild teaching them everything. Where it does not matter if you fail or not.


The goal of the Idea: An **ingame solution** to train newcomers boss-mechanics. An place where they can watch, test and train fights and mechanics live.


So how could it possible? There should be an area - just like the existing, eg. another part of the cave... with a field where you can simulate a scripted view of the actual boss-fights. There is not actual any boss to kill...replace the "boss" with another kitty-golem _(or holograms like inside Taimis trainings-program)_, doing same stuff as the boss and it will simulate any mechanics of that boss. With Scripted 10-man-NPC-groups.

There's an console, choose the boss and choose your role (none/spectator, tank, heal, dps, kite, ...depends on boss.)... depending on this selection you take place of one of the 10-man-NPC-group.

This should work for both, raid and fractal bosses _(mai trin, shattered, nightmare, etc)_.


# 6. Rework of the friend-list...

That's a problem everyone has with a lot of friends/follower...

First of all.... **please separate LFG and Friend-List...** sometimes you want look in LFG and want to have a look parallel in your friendlist if any of them is active/available... so sometimes you want to open friend-list AND LFG **simultaneous**.

So... now the main part of this... The Friendlist as it is currently... is kinda confusing...

For example ... me... I have **about 200+ Persons** on my friendlist... and about the **double-triple** amount on my follower list _(acted as commander in the past - so there's a lot ppl. I met)_

Even with less you cant overwatch this amount of people. So there is a need for some changes!

## a) Notes on friends.

At the moment the only workaround is to abuse the "nickname" feature to make any notes... the heck, that's not what a nickname is for! Adding notes for friends would be a big improvement!

##b) Nicknames & Account names

I mentioned nicknames... If a nickname is set, you do not see the account name of the contact anymore. So again you have to use an workaround to see the account-name _(Send mail)_.

**Solution?** Show both, nickname (just like it is currently), and smaller within brackets below the account name. If no nickname is set, show only the account name instead of nickname.

## c) Categories!

It would help a lot to let us creating categories to sort contacts in.

_(Example: “**Static**”, “**Old guildies**”, “**From fractals**”, “**Commanders**”, “**ANet-Dev**”)_

Before you ask…. Ofc i have some devs on my friendlist :<

##d) More... informations....!

I do **not** want some personal data for the players... what I mean is at least the date/time a friend was added to the list. Or for followers the date they added me.

Often I sit there... look at follower and think... _**“The heck? Where is he come from?”**_ - and I am pretty sure, I am not the only one!

With a date and/or the location of me when he added me it would more like - _**"Ahhhh ok, he added me as I commanded DS/Tarir/HP-Train/JP or inside Raid/Fractal..."**_ - or something like this.

**Optional information**: What Guild? (if he is representing any)

Ofc. only if both added each other (same criteria, as seeing someones lvl/location)


That points would help for managing the friend-list much better.

Also... nothing that relevant... but maybe an list with suggestions? Players you recently played with in a group/match?


# 7. Rework of Gift of Exploration

Ok this may be one of the bigger changes!

Looking into Gift of Exploration:

For 100% world you will get two Gifts of Exploration

For 100% PoF/HoT you will get a Gift of the Desert / Gift of Maguuma


PoF/HoT is each overall the same size as about two-Central Tyria regions _(more or less)_

So the basic idea is: For each region finished to 100% _(Kryta, Ascalon, Maguuma Jungle, Far Shiverpeaks, Orr)_ you will get an "Shard of Exploration"

Combining two "Shards of Exploration" _(Doubleclick)_ you will get 1 Gift of Exploration.


Gift of Exploration currently has a much larger area to explore… what is overall very demotivating. Compared to this: In HoT/PoF you will get for **EACH MAP** one Part of the final Gift...

With the change you will still get two Gifts of Exploration for 100% _(well... to be more precise it will 2,5...)_ but compared to the size of the map with the size of pof/hot ... this is fine in my opinion. **And would be much less frustrating!**


# 8. Instance scaling…

This is actually a big thing in discussions all the time...

A lot of players want harder content... others are frustrated because some content is to hard for them. Some are handicapped, and there are also some older players.

Ofc. _“It is a MMO - they could just ask”_... but sometimes you just wanna enjoy, and feels stressed when playing a story with others. When solo, you can took all the time you want without worry about your teammates…


So the idea is basically... make **every** instanced content scalable…

And with _“every instanced content”_ I include **every!** Story-instances... Dungeons _(make them great again!)_... Raid… etc…

_(May be not Fractals, since they are already scaled into different tiers)_

Just start with Easy... then Normal… Hard... Expert... Master… (Or even more!) _#TotallyNotInspiredFromDiablo_

Where Easy is like 50% of the current difficulty, Normal is the current, then scaling percentual.

The scaling would take effect on the hp and the damage of enemies.

Also adapt scaling for gold/karma/exp and loot chances...


Actually... it's no _“new”_ content at all... but would make dungeons great, since its more effort to beat them. and the gold-reward scales too... And higher levels would add some needs for some other tactics than _"just burst em down"_.




This are ideas I collected over the past months... All of them would fit into the game without breaking it. And everything should be doable for the devs.


Hopefully I can inspire ANet with some of the ideas above...

Would be awesome if any of them will get into the game!


**So have a nice day, Tyrians!**





### **Edit #1:** Bringing Ideas I posted later in this post to the main Topic: (26. April. 19)


# 9. Rework Launcher

Since _-email_ and _-password_ were disabled, an rework of the Game-Launcher is **essential**.

An feature to store multiple account-data in the official client. And also an commando-line option to autologin with saved account "_xyz_" using stored account information in the official launcher.


# 10. Raid Opener

Ok - this is another Raider-QoL-Thing. It would be nice, to let the instance-opener **select the progress-state** he will open an instance - of course, not further than he has cleared it the week. So if you dont have killed any boss this week, you cannot open Qadim for example.

But if you have cleared w6, you got an choice what boss you want open the instance - you also can reopen largos-twins...


Just **like the SAB-Zone Selection** in each world. You cant open Zone 3 if you never did zone 3, but when you cleared world 1/2 you can choose by yourself what zone you wanna start with.

Same Feature should be in raids. If you cleared a boss, or a wing - you should get a selection what progress-state you wanna open the instance.


You guys from ArenaNet needs some more income for Gw2 - correct? So what about... this:

# 11. Ranger-Pet Skins

Well... I know most of the community will hate me for even more gem-store content. But special skins always were the gem-content in Gw2.

* Gliders...

* Mounts...

* Outfits (God I hate outfits not are armor-skins-sets... I would buy all of them, but never as an outfit)


So... What about Ranger-Pets. I would love to have a "bit" more costumization for my pets. Ofc. I "could" just use another pet.... but the other pets may have not the utilities i want them for (I am a raider - u know?)

So how awesome it would be to have pets with similar effects as we know them from several mount-skins? I do not need a entire new model like the hummingbird was for the skimmer. But at least a "bit" more costumization than just changing the name.


Ok - i did some video-recording few days ago ... and hey i got some more QoL-Things for you:


# **12. Hotkeys for Camera-Options**

If you want to make awesome looking pictures, or a better view for a video - the camera options are the most powerful tool you have.

For screenshots - they are the non-plus-ultra.... but after i recorded several hours of raw-material... i have to say... i want "more". Not more options - the camera-options we have are perfect! But its hard to control them "on the fly" - i have always to switch UI back on, open options - change the camera - hide UI...


So what am i asking for? I want a category in the Hotkey-Options, to bind the camera-options - field of view, horizontal and vertical positions. Also an "smooth" camera-option to "smoothen" the mouse input. (Currently i am thinking about using an xbox controller for the next time i have to be camera-man, just for the smoother camera-handling with the sticks... - would be nice to have an option doing this for me)


So - help us creative souls being even more creative in this beautiful game and world. And bring some powerful stuff for video-recording! ... Just by adding the feature to "bind" the existing options to some keys...

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I dont think we will get so many guild halls as theres no guild team so id at least suggest decorations of these themes, but then again... theres no guild team.


I agree with friendlist being reworked. I never understood the follower system and its so distanced from propper friend systems i find myself challenged to even rememer who most of the guys in my followed list are.


Plus over the years a number of players have come out and shared their experiences on how the system if fundementally flawed when it comes to stalking and stuff like that.


Instance scaling: bring back nm/hm from gw1, its an excellent system and theres no excuse to not have it.


Well except "no dev resources" but that can apply to everything and if thats the case i dont see the reason for them to push so hard the gemstore if we dont see some of that income be reinvested into making the game better.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> I dont think we will get so many guild halls as theres no guild team so id at least suggest decorations of these themes, but then again... theres no guild team.


I dont think so either, but I listed just some examples of what kind of halls I am thinking of. I would be happy if there would be any Order/Race themed halls... I do not expect they are adding them all. Adding them all would be too much!

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Awesome ideas.


Orders themed guild hall:

Priory => Church/Cathedral with a ton of bookshelves, tablets and so on..


About race ones: Norn

Braseros, spirits sculptures, taverns and houses, meats and beers.


You have me for Asuran guild hall/ Inquest one. They don't neccessary need to be huge; just do like Lab Sigma-05, add hexagonal elevators, that way it can have like 5 floors.


Also don't take it bad but most of those suggestions will never happens for 3 reasons:

-They are no guild hall dedicated team anymore.

-Nobody is actively working on ghall decos.

-They only mostly care about things that generate money like the gemstore.


What that should be made first is a collective of devs with the only goal of adding guild halls/gh decos.



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> @"hugo.4705" said:


> Also don't take it bad but most of those suggestions will never happens for 3 reasons:

> -They are no guild hall dedicated team anymore.

> -Nobody is actively working on ghall decos.

> -They only mostly care about things that generate money like the gemstore.


> What that should be made first is a collective of devs with the only goal of adding guild halls/gh decos.




they should employ me - i am a developer by myself. I would develop the features i am suggesting! :joy:

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Maybe not that much indeed, Inquest/Asuran can be the same one as example, It's not rare to meet places where static~synergetic~dynamic cohabit with Inquest, it's the case at Rata Sum.


For the attribuated spaces, very easy to find:

-Asuran: The space at the north of Rata Sum.

-Sylvari: The coast under Metrica Province.

-Human: At the left of Queensdale.

-Charr: At the right of Iron Marches.

-Norn: At the north of Snowen Drifts.


-Inquest (If separated): Upper Part of Sandswept Isles

-Bandits: North of Lake Dorik

-Awakened: West of Domain of Istan

-Nightmare: West of Southsun Cove

-Mordrem = Lost Precipice


Map: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/9/97/Tyria_map_with_zones.jpg


Reflexion: Can be abandonned areas, no need to create a reclaiming mission.


I'm thinking, why not a new serie of guild halls working like sun refuge?

1-No reclaiming

2-Ruins everywhere when you arrive.

3-You simply restore things related to the theme. Eg: Asuran

Restore the asuran gates network, reactivate lab defenses, fix electric issues.

"4"-To make gh more living add a ton of basic npcs: Static researcher, peacemaker, dock worker...

"5"-Create a timer for a guild hall invasion event, like every 3h.

Have to defend it against several ennemies like destroyers, sons of svanir... with as a reward, 3 guild recommendations, 2 exo gears, 1 gold coin.

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  • 2 weeks later...

# **9. Rework Launcher**

Since _-email_ and _-password_ were disabled, an rework of the Game-Launcher is **essential**.

An feature to store multiple account-data in the official client. And also an commando-line option to autologin with saved account "_xyz_" using stored account information in the official launcher.

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**Yes to everything you have said.** It gives a quality to everything that is stale in this game.

We need more racial based things and something more for our mounts.


There is definitely more quality of life changes to revamp this game we will never see because it's not chair, gathering tool or mount skins.



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  • 2 months later...

# **10. Raid Opener**

Ok - this is another Raider-QoL-Thing. It would be nice, to let the instance-opener **select the progress-state** he will open an instance - of course, not further than he has cleared it the week. So if you dont have killed any boss this week, you cannot open Qadim for example.

But if you have cleared w6, you got an choice what boss you want open the instance - you also can reopen largos-twins...


Just **like the SAB-Zone Selection** in each world. You cant open Zone 3 if you never did zone 3, but when you cleared world 1/2 you can choose by yourself what zone you wanna start with.

Same Feature should be in raids. If you cleared a boss, or a wing - you should get a selection what progress-state you wanna open the instance.

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5. special forces training area

- adding an armor scale that goes from 2k to whatever the top armor raid boss is (an increase of 500 armor each time?)

- agony resistance check (dunno if this is in or not)

- basically have all the raid bosses available here for dps testing

- breakbar (again dunno if its in or not)

- multiple golem spawns, up to 5

- an update to the dps test ping (have it update more often)


my own additions

condense banner buffs into one single icon

fix the pvp q pop so it doesn't override everything and take up the entire screen

condi and boon duration caps, as well as condi stack caps for pvp/ wvw

.+ damage multiplier caps for pvp/ wvw

make it impossible to gain and maintain 25 might solo in pvp/ wvw



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You guys from ArenaNet needs some more income for Gw2 - correct? So what about... this:

# **11. Ranger-Pet Skins**

Well... I know most of the community will hate me for even more gem-store content. But special skins always were the gem-content in Gw2.

* Gliders...

* Mounts...

* Outfits (God I hate outfits not are armor-skins-sets... I would buy all of them, but never as an outfit)


So... What about Ranger-Pets. I would love to have a "bit" more costumization for my pets. Ofc. I "could" just use another pet.... but the other pets may have not the utilities i want them for (I am a raider - u know?)

So how awesome it would be to have pets with similar effects as we know them from several mount-skins? I do not need a entire new model like the hummingbird was for the skimmer. But at least a "bit" more costumization than just changing the name.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok - i did some video-recording few days ago ... and hey i got some more QoL-Things for you:


# **12. Hotkeys for Camera-Options**

If you want to make awesome looking pictures, or a better view for a video - the camera options are the most powerful tool you have.

For screenshots - they are the non-plus-ultra.... but after i recorded several hours of raw-material... i have to say... i want "more". Not more options - the camera-options we have are perfect! But its hard to control them "on the fly" - i have always to switch UI back on, open options - change the camera - hide UI...


So what am i asking for? I want a category in the Hotkey-Options, to bind the camera-options - field of view, horizontal and vertical positions. Also an "smooth" camera-option to "smoothen" the mouse input. (Currently i am thinking about using an xbox controller for the next time i have to be camera-man, just for the smoother camera-handling with the sticks... - would be nice to have an option doing this for me)


So - help us creative souls being even more creative in this beautiful game and world. And bring some powerful stuff for video-recording! ... Just by adding the feature to "bind" the existing options to some keys...

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