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Please remove Slippery Slope from the game

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Just remove it completely. Thank you.



- Losing control of your character is unfun

- Goes against established game mechanics

- Just breaks the game on uneven ground and... heh: slopes

- you're already trying to bruteforce it by removing it from certain fractals and certain spots on other fractals


Just admit your failure and remove it. This is a completely unfun mechanic that will annoy anyone who plays fractals more than once a week. And please hurry, the enemies might bleed fire now, but you bleed players, anet.

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At least give it counterplay like someone had suggested. Maybe make Stability or Resistance nullify it, but that would only encourage people to spam more Dragonhunters on fractals since the balance patch made sure power herald is more garbage than it already was.


Maybe change the instability so slippery slope makes your dodge dash dodge farther or cut the animation of dodge frames in half so it makes timing dodges more challenging.


Anything but this current garbage.

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Since the goal is to spend/lost the biggest amount of time in fractal with pretty annoying gameplay, i suggest a new insta :

- "The pocket raptor multiplicator : Fractal avengers are replaced by 5 pocket raptors who divide themself in twice when they die. Accumulative multipilcation depending of the fractal level."


Seriously slippery slope is this kind of nightmare, please to remove it entirely.

Like, for good.

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Slippery Slope + 30% reduced hp is quite entertaining on art. Almost impossible to not step in at least one circle and if you do you lose easily 50% of your health.

It's okay in snowblind though and would go with the theme.


Would be a nice thing to have as fractal specific thing but its terrible as an instability.

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> @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> Slippery Slope + 30% reduced hp is quite entertaining on art. Almost impossible to not step in at least one circle and if you do you lose easily 50% of your health.

> It's okay in snowblind though and would go with the theme.


> Would be a nice thing to have as fractal specific thing but its terrible as an instability.

Yes, it's okay if the instance is designed with it in mind (like for example in Freezie's case where it probably comes from). Current fractals _aren't_ designed that way.

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I play T4 and CM daily. Not going to play fractals anymore until this instability is removed. I spend 1h avarage per day to do all fractal daileis I dont have time to sit all day and slippery slope around the fractal. Over all I think Im not only one who avoid doing fractals because of this isntability. If that is Anet interest to make less people do fractals., gratz.

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At the very least it either needs to be restricted by hand for each Fractal (and given a visual indication on the ground, like an icy texture) on where it applies, like mostly just the boss arenas, or be completely negated by Stability, if not both.


As it currently is, it's just annoyance without counter and a waste of time.

I want to fight the encounters, not the controls.

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Ok, I swore to myself never to come back to the official forums, but I'll make an exception for this one. GW2 is a game that, in theory, values correct positioning, movement and situational awareness a lot. Bullshit like Slippery Slope, which does not even have counterplay, has no place in here. Just remove it completely, it cannot be fixed anyway. Going the lazy route and making stability negate it will certainly backfire as long as the distribution of multitarget stability remains as terribad as it is.

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I have to agree. Its just plain unfun to play with. Sure i finished 100CM 2 days ago with it without problems (was my first time encountering the instab), but after it had the same instab again yday i just skipped it entirely and probably wont play any fractals with this instab again.

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Don't remove it. I see the potential of this instability, but a rework would be nice. it just needs to be less invasive to the players, because currently, it is VERY broken and annoying and does not offer any repetition value.


A "less-than Slippery Slope" would make more sense, and not the current "propel me half way across the map with a tap of my W key Slippery Slope.

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I would rather it be removed, though I do recognize many players say it is fun. I've only experienced it once and while it wasn't an awful experience and this isn't something I would enjoy having to deal with on a regular basis. Is it possible to code a way to enable this instability similar to the Challenge Mote system, where players have vote to enable it? That way everyone wins, as those who truly enjoy this instability could continue to do so.

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It's fun only the few 1st times or fun if you only do fractals once or twice a week or even less... if you do fractals every single day it's an horrible instability. Same problem with SA, at least they should remove it when you are out of combat.


Also I don't enjoy fractals anymore. I'm so sick of instabilities, and now even more than before with this new ones. To be honest I think they did a mistake with the addition of instabilities on fractals, becacause they don't really make diversity just punish and annoy the players that do fractals daily.


Anyway, devs have the data/info and they will see at what point people stop playing fractals.

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