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Why do skilled roamers avoid fighting other skilled roamers?


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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Natar.3671" said:

> > Roaming scene is ded bois. I miss the days of when I had ppl to roam with and engage bigger groups for the fights.

> Thats the eqvivalent of seeing an empty music stage at some shady bar and proclaiming that music is dead.



Well if you hear the music lately :/ ....

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> The roaming community is small and for veteran roamers, many of the above average roaming players and guilds are pretty much well known across all the servers.

> One trend I've been seeing though, while playing and watching live streams on twitch, is that skilled roamers avoid fighting each other a lot.

> They run around the map, bump into each other, recognize each other from guild tag, looks etc. and move pass or detour without fighting.

> Then when they encounter a pug who might just be a zergling or a less skilled roamer, they jump on them and stomp them into the ground and thump their chest howling in victory.


> The vibe I get from skilled roamers who avoid fighting each other is like "Hey I know you're good and you know I'm good. So lets not risk fighting each other."

> Its like...why?!

> Isn't it more exciting to fight another skilled roamer than to stomp on a pug


Being a roamer myself, first id like to say that "skilled" is something that should always be put in quotes in this game mode mainly cuz most of these so called "skilled" roamers are just ppl exploiting broken game mechanics making the build "OP". Some may have quicker reflexes or quicker in thinking but ultimately this game carries the player.

Now that being said, "skilled" roamers dont fight other "skilled' roamers mainly cuz they know its the game and build that is doing everything and when you get 2 builds that are broken one is going to lose depending on who spams the fastest and who has the lowest ping. And when you run a build that is broken you get an ego and convince yourself youre "skilled" and when another broken build tears apart your broken build one would tend to get angry about this not only cuz unearned ego is popped but the broken build you have is no longer the broken build so what happens? Go get on the class that beat you with same broken build and run around taking down pugs. Its got nothing to do with respect or w/e. Its got everything to do with these "skilled" roamers knowing theyre not "skilled" and that "skill" doesnt actually exist in this dumbed down toxic spamming game mode. Its fun when youre the one killing everybody with the broken build but not fun when its you being killed.

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now you are reducing skill to mechanical abilities and reaction time. but knowledge about the game, its mechanics and manipulating your opponent is as much part of it.

you are right that one of the most deciding factors in an encounter is the build and the envoirement where the fight happens, this means failing to choose a good build is worse than an error in mechanical execution of it. many people enjoy especially training their mechanical skills or reaction and therefor overvalue those. but its hard to say someone is skilled if they keep losing because of their poor buildchoice, while they DO know better just refuse to use that knowledge because of 'fun' as the bit of competition in this game is not fun enough for em.

there is also things IMO that matter alot on the perspective if they are skill or not and you often cant tell. an obvious example : mirage eats a stun, opponent tries to burst, mirage dodges while still stunned and bursts back. on the one side several people have said in these forums that in such a case a mirage does not get punished for its mistake to eat the stun, wich would seem rather low skilled but carried. but the mirage might have knowingly eaten the stun to make you burst so they can dodge it and burst you while you are still on the offense, is it still a mistake then that needs punishing? or put other way: is it bad to use the tools you carry to their fullest?

but yeah 'skill' is often better in quotes as people just have different definitions of it.

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> @"Legendary Defender.5631" said:

> > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > The roaming community is small and for veteran roamers, many of the above average roaming players and guilds are pretty much well known across all the servers.

> > One trend I've been seeing though, while playing and watching live streams on twitch, is that skilled roamers avoid fighting each other a lot.

> > They run around the map, bump into each other, recognize each other from guild tag, looks etc. and move pass or detour without fighting.

> > Then when they encounter a pug who might just be a zergling or a less skilled roamer, they jump on them and stomp them into the ground and thump their chest howling in victory.

> >

> > The vibe I get from skilled roamers who avoid fighting each other is like "Hey I know you're good and you know I'm good. So lets not risk fighting each other."

> > Its like...why?!

> > Isn't it more exciting to fight another skilled roamer than to stomp on a pug


> Being a roamer myself, first id like to say that "skilled" is something that should always be put in quotes in this game mode mainly cuz most of these so called "skilled" roamers are just ppl exploiting broken game mechanics making the build "OP". Some may have quicker reflexes or quicker in thinking but ultimately this game carries the player.

> Now that being said, "skilled" roamers dont fight other "skilled' roamers mainly cuz they know its the game and build that is doing everything and when you get 2 builds that are broken one is going to lose depending on who spams the fastest and who has the lowest ping. And when you run a build that is broken you get an ego and convince yourself youre "skilled" and when another broken build tears apart your broken build one would tend to get angry about this not only cuz unearned ego is popped but the broken build you have is no longer the broken build so what happens? Go get on the class that beat you with same broken build and run around taking down pugs. Its got nothing to do with respect or w/e. Its got everything to do with these "skilled" roamers knowing theyre not "skilled" and that "skill" doesnt actually exist in this dumbed down toxic spamming game mode. Its fun when youre the one killing everybody with the broken build but not fun when its you being killed.


Thats not true whatsoever.Most duelers know each other,have respect for each other cus theyre the last few left having the balls to run around solo and actually perform well vs multiple foes.Where the gankers get jumped instantly because they lack the respect and only are here for easy loot and easy fights always atleast wanting to have 5 more ppl than you have and then still jumping on you when you die.So no,youre completely wrong,from my point of view its a sign of mutual respect/understanding.

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Not sure I understand what the big deal is. Sometimes you are in the mood for some fight or flight and sometimes you are in the mood for a fair competition. There is more to solo roaming than just dueling the same handful of people you know from the dueling area. The same people you have clashed with what feels like hundreds of times before while your server stagnates in Tier 1 for weeks. This gets really stale after a while.


Thus it is more exciting to go out and look for whatever you are able to find for a bit of fresh air. Rabbits, deer, elephants and possibly other lions you do not know yet. Even deer might put up a good fight if they come as a full herd. It is not like your enemies will hold back if they have you outnumbered or find you low on cooldowns. That's where the real spice lies.


You may as well have asked why map blobs of 60+ never hold back on fighting squads of 40+, why top guilds don't only stick to completely fair GvGs against equally skilled opponents. Wasn't aware that there is some rule of never engaging in advantageous fights that only applies to high skilled roamers.

If anything, knowing how to pick your fights is exactly one of the things that makes you a good roamer in the first place.

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I'll say this from my perspective. I play a Power Soulbeast Marauders/Zerker gear. I run longbow, axe, warhorn. I run a pretty copy/pasta spec. I prefer the snow owl because of the movement.


Now, my account has been around since pre-order, but I have not. I just came back two weeks ago after a 5 year hiatus. I'm using a keyboard that isn't known to me (I used to have Steelseries Merc Stealth that last 10 years, but is no longer) so I'm having to relearn gaming muscle memory, and an entirely new aspect to the class I'm playing. So, I'm pretty much a newb again mechanically.


If I'm in a 2v2 or a 3v3, sure, no problem, but solo. I don't have the confidence to turn and face /you/ vs booking it the hell out of there. Chances are, I don't even know wtf you are, because of all these new symbols for the epic class specs.

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> @"Ghoulina.2976" said:

> I'll say this from my perspective. I play a Power Soulbeast Marauders/Zerker gear. I run longbow, axe, warhorn. I run a pretty copy/pasta spec. I prefer the snow owl because of the movement.


> Now, my account has been around since pre-order, but I have not. I just came back two weeks ago after a 5 year hiatus. I'm using a keyboard that isn't known to me (I used to have Steelseries Merc Stealth that last 10 years, but is no longer) so I'm having to relearn gaming muscle memory, and an entirely new aspect to the class I'm playing. So, I'm pretty much a newb again mechanically.


> If I'm in a 2v2 or a 3v3, sure, no problem, but solo. I don't have the confidence to turn and face /you/ vs booking it the hell out of there. Chances are, I don't even know kitten you are, because of all these new symbols for the epic class specs.


If you're close enough to a spawn and don't care about deaths too much it doesn't hurt to slow down and treat them like training NPCs. Narrow escapes are better but a few deaths here and there are worth the combat log to mill over with your new traits/skills/utility combos and what's landing on you that might be new since you last played. I imagine it's a tall order to jump in and try to gather up all the elites with their professions to sort out targets fast enough so don't worry about trying to react fast, a lot of flashy stuff is throwaway junk anyway so you want to take your time to see pulls and stuff coming.

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while i roam the map and kill npcs for the pips, i roam too to see if there are Hard Counter builds/classes for my toon. this certain mirage condi+damage which is played consistently by i think 4-5 players already always kills me (yea resistance less than 10 seconds + the recharge and they spam bombard you with phantasms and condis and unblockable hits and they go evade while standing and invulns. like lel.). warriors, most i can handle the first kill but sometimes a rally from their downed state after interrupting my stomp (2x already) kills me and they walk away with the victory. and the others, win some, lose some.


so that's basically it.

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  • 1 year later...

I've been noticing this a lot more lately.


Good roaming guilds actively avoid fighting other good roaming guilds.

They don't want to worry about having their ego stomped in the event that they actually lose to the other guild.

They would rather gank loners/zerglings.

Then complain there are no good fights left ?

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I spent seven years roaming due to the game's bad performance on Linux. In all that time I only reached rank 300 because roaming is perhaps the least rewarding thing you can do in the entire game, even in regards to bare WXP. When the game started running better due to new technologies like D9VK, I started zerging instead, and I gained hundreds of ranks in weeks, not years.


This is the bottom line: There is no participation, no reward in roaming. Its fun, but once you've duelled the same person a few times, and they finally figure out how to beat your build, it gets pretty boring. I've gone from curbstomping people to them curbstomping me in a single day, just from lessons learned, and after that it just becomes an arms race of us trying to make better builds or gameplay while receiving nothing for it. Meanwhile if I decide to just run over newbies instead, the game just rains down karma, Reward Tracks and Skirmish Chests on me.


I love small scale, 1v1, 2v2, even up to 10v10..but the game was just designed for more (which is also less in its own way). So when I come across that person I've fought for the dozenth time or more, I just find something else to do instead.


I've even been thinking of Commanding again..something I haven't done since 2015 or so.

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Most players ran away because you want a 2 vs 1 fight? Why not pick on a group of 4 - 5 skilled players and see if you will run away too? Well, unless you are suicidal. Both of you are from sPvP and you come to WvW to pick on solo roamers. Seems more like looking for easy wins and free bags.

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I’m not going to name the guilds but I saw two strong roaming guilds on opposing servers run past each other without fighting.


It was 2 vs 2 on both sides. Perfect to have a mighty good fight. But they didn’t engage.


And a few minutes later after riding around the south area without encountering anyone else, one of them said WvW is dead.


Like smh ?‍♂️ you guys had the perfect fight to engage in earlier.


On a separate note, there were still positive guilds though. Like I saw SWAT engaged COCO earlier even though they were outnumbered. That was very brave of them ?

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