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Disallowed pet names? [Answered]

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Recently, I tried to name a pet 'Cumulus' - like the cloud - and was told that it was inappropriate. All right, that one I guess I kind of understand. It's got the word 'cum' in it. A little excessive, but I get it.


Then I tried to name my wolf Gmork, like the wolf from the Never Ending Story - but that one was also inappropriate. ... why? I genuinely can't figure out why that one is disallowed. Am I missing something here? Is it because it's copyrighted? But I could name my warthog Snuffleupagus without issue. D:

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If pet names use the same banned letter combinations list as character names (which seems logical) it could be because it has the letters G and M next to each other.


It seems a bit extreme but that's not allowed even in the middle of a word to stop players putting GM in their name and trying to pretend to be Anet staff.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> They applied the same filter as for names. Cumulus contains.. well, the first letters. And Gmork has "GM" in it, of which any combination is disallowed due to scam prevention from people who pretend to be "GM"s ingame


ah! This makes sense. A shame, but at least I know the reason now haha


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> @"kettering.6823" said:

> Then I tried to name my wolf Gm**ork**, like the wolf from the Never Ending Story - but that one was also inappropriate. ... why? I genuinely can't figure out why that one is disallowed. Am I missing something here? Is it because it's copyrighted? But I could name my warthog Snuffleupagus without issue. D:


Perhaps ANet dislikes Orks. ;)

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There are two main types of filters used:

* Name specific, e.g. it might be that "Gaile Gray" is specifically disallowed, but "Gaile Grey" is ok

* Regular expressions, where a formula is used. This might disallow anything that starts "GM..."


Either type can be adjusted, but only if someone asks ANet about it. They can build in exceptions so that "GM O" isn't usable but "Franken G M O Foodie" is.


tl;dr file a report if a name is disallowed; ask if ANet can grant an exception.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> still a dumb reason, i can understand character names but pet names doesn't have any kind of scam possibility.


They probably use the same filter for both pets and character names. Again, the only way for them to know that there are "mistakes" is to file a support ticket and ask for an exception to be made. They might agree with you that "GM Ork" isn't problematic for a pet name, or they might decide that it introduces unnecessary ambiguity.

(Or it might even turn out that their filter isn't set up to distinguish between pets and character names).

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