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List of legendary characters Revenant could channel to use Greatsword in the next elite spec


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It certainly seems like the majority of us Revenants are hoping for a Greatsword for our next elite weapon. So with that in mind, here's a list of some legends that would allow us to wield greatswords. Feel free to add more as I came up with all these in like 15 minutes of racking my memory of Guild Wars lore. Will update this post with your legends or if I remember more.


1. -Balthazar: He's dead so he's fair game


2. -Balthazar's Father: Likely wielded a GS like both his sons


3. -Menzies: Not confirmed dead but most likely


4. -Trahearne: Boring choice but there nonetheless


5. -Mad King Thorn: Come on, he's awesome and despite using the Fellblade with only one hand, it's still a GS. Just means he lifts a lot more than the Commander does!


6. -Queen Nadijeh: Is a ghost NPC and Canonically uses a GS in GW2. Imo, this one shoulda been our legend for PoF as it's literally the founder of the Sunspears.


7. -Jora: She used a longsword in GW1 but the skin for her default weapon is now a GS in GW2 and also it would be our first Norn legend! [Plus look at this sick concept art with her wielding a greatsword.](https://wiki.guildwars.com/images/thumb/a/ac/%22Jora%22_concept_art.jpg/422px-%22Jora%22_concept_art.jpg)


8. -Lord Odran: Kind of a stretch as he's described as a wizard lord who opened portals to the mists but Adelbern was described as a Sorcerer King and he wielded a flaming sword so I don't see why Lord Odran couldn't have used a magical greatsword to tear the fabric of reality. On top of that, the **Risen High Wizard** in the Gates of Arah meta event uses a greatsword adding more viability of Lord Odran having used one as well. Which brings me to my last one...


9. -Zhaitan: The only time we have ever seen Eternity being used canonically in-game was when the Risen High Wizard used it. I could totally see us channeling Zhaitan to gain the skills of the Risen High Wizard in our weapon skill slots while Zhaitan's abilities would appear in our utility slots. It could be a really cool spec!



10. -Belinda Delaqua: While her soul resides in Marjory's greatsword, if the story expands on the lore behind that and Belinda's soul gets released, maybe she'd make for an interesting legend.

11. -Riannoc: One of the wielders of Caladbolg. Much cooler pick than Trahearne and would be our first Sylvari legend!

12. -Asgeir Dragonrend: He freakin knocked a tooth off of Jormag! It would be fantastic to have such a cool legend to channel. While it looks like he wields a one handed sword, it's massive enough to be a Greatsword for smaller races haha.

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I actually might not hate GS on Rev if they make it all bushido moves with like a highly mobile Belinda Delaqua spec or something... Not that she's great or anything, but just more for the thematics. Or pick like some Tengu warrior with a mix of Wing dashes and katana strikes. I could see a rev with ghostly Tengu wings out of his back as he dashes from foe to foe landing big crits and throwing up windwalls, etc.

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I did consider Turai Ossa but he unfortunately wields a Sword/Shield.


> @"narcx.3570" said:

> I actually might not hate GS on Rev if they make it all bushido moves with like a highly mobile Belinda Delaqua spec or something... Not that she's great or anything, but just more for the thematics. Or pick like some Tengu warrior with a mix of Wing dashes and katana strikes. I could see a rev with ghostly Tengu wings out of his back as he dashes from foe to foe landing big crits and throwing up windwalls, etc.


Oh I completely forgot about Belinda. While she wouldn't be as exciting, she's also a potential legend I suppose. A Tengu would be cool though. I'd like to see a Talon Silverwing spec someday but mainhand dagger would fit better. I hope we at least get the GS before moving on to more singlehanded weapons.


> @"Catchyfx.5768" said:

> That Jora concept art is cool!


> If Legend will be Norn and weapon GS I can imagine more "bruiser" style combat. That is nice on new legends. They change how you play the game.


I completely agree. I'd love to see a CC heavy GS type spec with a block and "Bull's Charge" type of attack. Like a combination of Mace and Shield on Warrior but with good damage!


> @"Ertrak.9506" said:

> It doesn't have to be limited in scope to "characters that had a GS" either, It just has to relate to them somehow. Last I checked, Mallyx the Unyielding didn't wield a mace and axe.


Also, I am aware that the weapon doesn't have to fit the legend perfectly but I think Anet still tries to make it make sense. For example, Mallyx didn't use a Mace but considering he used two different Smash moves, I think they figured a Mace would be perfect to replicate his fighting style. Same goes for Glint. I remember they mentioned something about her protecting or shielding the people of Tyria from Kralkatorrik's wrath so a shield fit her well.

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I just do not get the obsession with greatsword. Or Balthazar for that matter (I don't think they would give us a god, let alone one whose presence would conflict with the rest of the game's story. Balthazar as a Legend pretty much spoils PoF). However, if we had to get greatsword then Riannoc would be nice.

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You can also say that about Glint though. Kinda doesn't make sense as a Revenant to have Glint in your head but she never mentions anything about Aurene or gives comments on the situation. Also messages from Glint are always relayed through other characters instead of directly to you.


As for the greatsword obsession, it's the coolest melee weapon with the coolest skins. Swords are super hit or miss but Greatswords usually look amazing. Not to mention everyone loves the legendary GS's.


Forgot about Riannoc! Good pick btw. Much more interesting than Trahearne imo.

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Yeah that Jora idea is really sticking with me too! I love the concept of a CC heavy GS brawler. I really hope Anet sees the Jora love and heavily considers it. Out of all of them Jora honestly seems the most viable being a GW1 character, referred to as the strongest Norn, and would be pretty appropriate as she fought an Elder Dragon's forces too.


Either her or Menzies would be what I'd like to see, personally. I just hope they don't pull a Kalla Scorchrazor where she is clearly shown wielding a GS in the Black Citadel but turns out we get a shortbow instead cuz her ancestor Pyre Fierceshot used one.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> a spellcaster espec is far more interesting that a boring greatsword. Shiro already covers the melee powerdps role. Roll guardian or warrior if you want to edgelord it with mistward and twilight.


ok but hear me out...


-insert aliens guy meme- revenant.........mesmer


eh?!? eh?!? eh?!?????? spell casting with a GS eh!???? no? i'll see myself out :c

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> a spellcaster espec is far more interesting that a boring greatsword. Shiro already covers the melee powerdps role. Roll guardian or warrior if you want to edgelord it with mistward and twilight.


Not to mention that it would bring a sorely needed shake up to our gameplay. Ritualist spec with scepter and focus on Channeling Magic, yes please.

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> @"Dace.8173" said:

> I just do not get the obsession with greatsword. Or Balthazar for that matter (I don't think they would give us a god, let alone one whose presence would conflict with the rest of the game's story. Balthazar as a Legend pretty much spoils PoF). However, if we had to get greatsword then Riannoc would be nice.



Aye, but he wasn’t really a god in PoF? > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> a spellcaster espec is far more interesting that a boring greatsword. Shiro already covers the melee powerdps role. Roll guardian or warrior if you want to edgelord it with mistward and twilight.


The legend itself doesn’t have to be dps alone. Besides that, I look at shiro as more of a mobility legend. If you’re referring to sword/sword, those are more or less single target dps. Revenant needs an good cleaving weapon as it’s the last missing weapon type in the arsenal. That’s why GS makes more sense here.

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> @"Elric.4713" said:

> > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > a spellcaster espec is far more interesting that a boring greatsword. Shiro already covers the melee powerdps role. Roll guardian or warrior if you want to edgelord it with mistward and twilight.


> Not to mention that it would bring a sorely needed shake up to our gameplay. Ritualist spec with scepter and focus on Channeling Magic, yes please.


This ^


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> @"Lonewolf Kai.3682" said:

> > @"Dace.8173" said:

> > I just do not get the obsession with greatsword. Or Balthazar for that matter (I don't think they would give us a god, let alone one whose presence would conflict with the rest of the game's story. Balthazar as a Legend pretty much spoils PoF). However, if we had to get greatsword then Riannoc would be nice.



> Aye, but he wasn’t really a god in PoF? > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > a spellcaster espec is far more interesting that a boring greatsword. Shiro already covers the melee powerdps role. Roll guardian or warrior if you want to edgelord it with mistward and twilight.


> The legend itself doesn’t have to be dps alone. Besides that, I look at shiro as more of a mobility legend. If you’re referring to sword/sword, those are more or less single target dps. Revenant needs an good cleaving weapon as it’s the last missing weapon type in the arsenal. That’s why GS makes more sense here.


It doesn't change that he was a god and that you do spoil the end to PoF. There is no way around the spoiling of PoF since the lore for Revenant is that you channel dead people in the Mists and going into PoF fresh you don't know whether or not you actually kill him. If he's a Legend then you know for a fact that he gets killed at some point. For people who are story focused, that's a big downer. After all, it is possible to defeat him otherwise by the end of that expansion. Death is not the only option on the table for how that story gets resolved.


It's also worth noting, standard Revenant is almost 100% melee. We have the hammer but it is slower than molasses in the winter. Renegade isn't all that special either. We could really use another ranged option since it is unlikely that Renegade will get the love it needs.


> @"Rain.9213" said:

> You can also say that about Glint though. Kinda doesn't make sense as a Revenant to have Glint in your head but she never mentions anything about Aurene or gives comments on the situation. Also messages from Glint are always relayed through other characters instead of directly to you.


> As for the greatsword obsession, it's the coolest melee weapon with the coolest skins. Swords are super hit or miss but Greatswords usually look amazing. Not to mention everyone loves the legendary GS's.


> Forgot about Riannoc! Good pick btw. Much more interesting than Trahearne imo.


Glint doesn't spoil the outcomes of any story material. As a matter of fact, she's the one that helps to create the Revenant in the first place. Since Glint was the one to teach Rytlock the ways of the Revenant she 100% makes sense as a Legend. The only reason messages from Glint is relayed to us from other characters is just to reduce the workload of creating story material. It's just one of those realities of game design that you have to accept if you want story material to be released at a steady stream.


As for the greatsword being the coolest weapon with the coolest skins, hard pass on that. I know everyone loves the Legendary greatsword but it is one of the least creative Legendaries that we have. It's a giant rectangle with a pointy end and different colors. I don't think I will ever get why folks find that to be cool. They have been more creative with their non-Legendary greatsword skins than they were with the Legendary one.


> @"Catchyfx.5768" said:

> Still think Jora would be awesome...:) or Eir. There was lot of disscous why there is no Norn Legend..D I V E R S I T Y :D for once I agree.


Eir spoils story outcomes. We could get a Norn one at some point but I have doubts it will be anyone that we actual party with so that they don't spoil story material for new players.


> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> a spellcaster espec is far more interesting that a boring greatsword. Shiro already covers the melee powerdps role. Roll guardian or warrior if you want to edgelord it with mistward and twilight.


I think a more spellcaster like path would be fun. In that regard, I would love, just hands down love, Vizier Khilborn. The possibilities for what he could do are endless. The man sunk an entire nation under the seas. I get shivers thinking about the kind of magic he would throw down for a Revenant or the kind of scepter he could give us. The only real issue I could see is that we only have two off-hand weapon choices and so that kind of limits the potential. Still, it would be worth it. His gameplay could support a more long-range style of combat as opposed to the slow long-range we have or the faster mid-range that we have. We could get actual utilities with long-range potential.



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I would say Asgeir Dragonrender would also be a good contender for a legend that could wield a greatsword. To lesser extent if we want more of a notorious legend anet could choose Svanir. though I do feel like Svanir would be better suited with daggers or a claw-like weapons. I just hope the next legend is Norn focused they need some love.


As for the greatsword it does not have to be a melee weapon it can be a ranged weapon. I was thinking something similar to how a necromancer's axe works excepted that the greatsword would be able to cleave foes around the target. It could fit the theme of revenant because the greatsword slashes could open up mini portals to the mist that damage foes.

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Oh hell yeah! Asgeir Dragonrender would be absolutely sick!


I'm also all for the greatsword acting like Necro Axe. I figured the auto attack could be ranged like Necro axe while it would have one big burst ranged skill and the rest could be melee ranged attacks with a CC and a block or maybe even a leap or targeted teleport to reposition if an enemy gets too close. All that would be really cool. But I think the ranged Greatsword theme would go better with Lord Odran.


If we do get a melee GS though, I would like Jora or Asgeir for sure. Ranged GS would be super interesting with Lord Odran though :D

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Of your list, I would love Riannoc or Jora. Anything Sylvari or Norn would add some nice diversity to the Revenant's thematic arsenal. Naturally I'm not the biggest fan of GS and I don't think it's really necessary to the Revenant's kit, but if they did something less edgelordy with it, I would be happy.

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> @"Rain.9213" said:

> But then it'll literally just play like either Guardian or Mesmer Scepter.


That's the best you can do while at the same time suggesting we should play more like warrior?


> @"Justine.6351" said:

> Mragga


> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/29809/elite-specialization-mragga#latest


While I'm not completely opposed to a Vampiric spec, I also feel like it would make more sense on a Necro. Also Mragga who, let's not pull another Kalla please.


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> @"Elric.4713" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > Mragga

> >

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/29809/elite-specialization-mragga#latest


> While I'm not completely opposed to a Vampiric spec, I also feel like it would make more sense on a Necro. **Also Mragga who, let's not pull another Kalla please.**



What is that even supposed to mean? The perceived failures of renegade/kalla are not the theme itself but instead was the execution of its implementation.

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