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get rid of placement matches


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  • ArenaNet Staff

It sounds like what you want is a full skill rating reset. This wouldn't accomplish what you want, and actually I think would have the complete opposite effect. Matches at the start of the season would be complete chaos. You could have completely new ranked players in with people who were legendary previous season.


We've talked about changing the soft mmr reset between seasons to be even softer. We probably don't want to remove reset all together, otherwise we'd see quite lot of accusations of unfairness.

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I think there's a middle ground that can be said to be had here.


What if there wasn't a soft reset between seasons if you have a certain threshold of games in the previous season ?

Lets say on average the Rating System takes 300 games to accurately place you, if you played 301 or more you wouldn't be subject to doing placements, if you played less you would.


That would in part incentivize people playing more games and lead to more accurate rating in general without the drawbacks of having the upper tiers of play feeling like a coin flip at the start of each season.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> It sounds like what you want is a full skill rating reset. This wouldn't accomplish what you want, and actually I think would have the complete opposite effect. Matches at the start of the season would be complete chaos. You could have completely new ranked players in with people who were legendary previous season.


> We've talked about changing the soft mmr reset between seasons to be even softer. We probably don't want to remove reset all together, otherwise we'd see quite lot of accusations of unfairness.


Just do it. Chaos is fine. Seen many of the edgelords on the forums say "l2p", or that's where you probably belong. Let us see if it's true.


Edit: We have accused the devs of worse lol

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > It sounds like what you want is a full skill rating reset. This wouldn't accomplish what you want, and actually I think would have the complete opposite effect. Matches at the start of the season would be complete chaos. You could have completely new ranked players in with people who were legendary previous season.

> >

> > We've talked about changing the soft mmr reset between seasons to be even softer. We probably don't want to remove reset all together, otherwise we'd see quite lot of accusations of unfairness.


> Just do it. Chaos is fine. Seen many of the edgelords on the forums say "l2p", or that's where you probably belong. Let us see if it's true.


> Edit: We have accused the devs of worse lol


Next season is season 15.


Your suggestion has been done already.


That’s how we got here.



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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> It sounds like what you want is a full skill rating reset. This wouldn't accomplish what you want, and actually I think would have the complete opposite effect. Matches at the start of the season would be complete chaos. You could have completely new ranked players in with people who were legendary previous season.


> We've talked about changing the soft mmr reset between seasons to be even softer. We probably don't want to remove reset all together, otherwise we'd see quite lot of accusations of unfairness.


I think a softer reset is the best way to go. But I’d agree with the notion that tying the degree of reset to number of matches played in the previous season would address most concerns. More reset the less you play is fair.


I think newer players don’t mind being placed low to start (low MMR base). What they mind of facing top tier players after favorable seeded early matches and being repeatedly stomped.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> It sounds like what you want is a full skill rating reset. This wouldn't accomplish what you want, and actually I think would have the complete opposite effect. Matches at the start of the season would be complete chaos. You could have completely new ranked players in with people who were legendary previous season.


> We've talked about changing the soft mmr reset between seasons to be even softer. We probably don't want to remove reset all together, otherwise we'd see quite lot of accusations of unfairness.


yes full reset its no fun to be pushed into a low rank bcs of having ppl in placement match dc and u have those unwinable matches now. Also the i forgot how to say it loosing rating when not play for a while. This system put me into silver at start the next season.


how about a compromise ?

games with 4v5 dont count towards the placement matches and add 5 more games to the placement matches that would give a more error free chance imho u are the pro u know ofc better than me.


what annoyed me in general last season was when i was 2 wins away from gold and than get a loosing streak back to gold 1 without knowing what did i do wrong to become suddenly worse.


another idea add a profanity filter perma in pvp i curse a lot later im sorry after i cool down

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> how about a compromise ?

> games with 4v5 dont count towards the placement matches and add 5 more games to the placement matches that would give a more error free chance imho u are the pro u know ofc better than me.



if you have 4v5 match it says its a loss but if you check rating on gw2efficiency you see it doesnt count and keeps your rating same. so if you have rating 1500 rating and 10 dc's 4v5 games you have 10 losses but end up with 1500 placement rating

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> It sounds like what you want is a full skill rating reset. This wouldn't accomplish what you want, and actually I think would have the complete opposite effect. Matches at the start of the season would be complete chaos. You could have completely new ranked players in with people who were legendary previous season.


> We've talked about changing the soft mmr reset between seasons to be even softer. We probably don't want to remove reset all together, otherwise we'd see quite lot of accusations of unfairness.


This makes sense. Although It would be nice to see everyone start in bronze and then you'd see the good players climb and carry out of low rating to prove all the people who say it's impossible are wrong.

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> @"UfoCoffee.2084" said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > It sounds like what you want is a full skill rating reset. This wouldn't accomplish what you want, and actually I think would have the complete opposite effect. Matches at the start of the season would be complete chaos. You could have completely new ranked players in with people who were legendary previous season.

> >

> > We've talked about changing the soft mmr reset between seasons to be even softer. We probably don't want to remove reset all together, otherwise we'd see quite lot of accusations of unfairness.


> This makes sense. Although It would be nice to see everyone start in bronze and then you'd see the good players climb and carry out of low rating to prove all the people who say it's impossible are wrong.


I'm doing this on stream next season. On a core account.

Edit; in solo queue.

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> @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > @"UfoCoffee.2084" said:

> > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > It sounds like what you want is a full skill rating reset. This wouldn't accomplish what you want, and actually I think would have the complete opposite effect. Matches at the start of the season would be complete chaos. You could have completely new ranked players in with people who were legendary previous season.

> > >

> > > We've talked about changing the soft mmr reset between seasons to be even softer. We probably don't want to remove reset all together, otherwise we'd see quite lot of accusations of unfairness.

> >

> > This makes sense. Although It would be nice to see everyone start in bronze and then you'd see the good players climb and carry out of low rating to prove all the people who say it's impossible are wrong.


> I'm doing this on stream next season. On a core account.

> Edit; in solo queue.


Do it on Ele and you got yourself a viewer lol



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> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > It sounds like what you want is a full skill rating reset. This wouldn't accomplish what you want, and actually I think would have the complete opposite effect. Matches at the start of the season would be complete chaos. You could have completely new ranked players in with people who were legendary previous season.

> >

> > We've talked about changing the soft mmr reset between seasons to be even softer. We probably don't want to remove reset all together, otherwise we'd see quite lot of accusations of unfairness.


> yes full reset its no fun to be pushed into a low rank bcs of having ppl in placement match dc and u have those unwinable matches now. Also the i forgot how to say it loosing rating when not play for a while. This system put me into silver at start the next season.


> how about a compromise ?

> games with 4v5 dont count towards the placement matches and add 5 more games to the placement matches that would give a more error free chance imho u are the pro u know ofc better than me.


> what annoyed me in general last season was when i was 2 wins away from gold and than get a loosing streak back to gold 1 without knowing what did i do wrong to become suddenly worse.


> another idea add a profanity filter perma in pvp i curse a lot later im sorry after i cool down


Being decayed in a lower rating does not affect your matchmaking, it only affects your position on the leaderboard, meaning you weren’t playing with lower rated players because you were decayed, your matchmaking was still using you actual rating.

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> @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > @"UfoCoffee.2084" said:

> > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > It sounds like what you want is a full skill rating reset. This wouldn't accomplish what you want, and actually I think would have the complete opposite effect. Matches at the start of the season would be complete chaos. You could have completely new ranked players in with people who were legendary previous season.

> > >

> > > We've talked about changing the soft mmr reset between seasons to be even softer. We probably don't want to remove reset all together, otherwise we'd see quite lot of accusations of unfairness.

> >

> > This makes sense. Although It would be nice to see everyone start in bronze and then you'd see the good players climb and carry out of low rating to prove all the people who say it's impossible are wrong.


> I'm doing this on stream next season. On a core account.

> Edit; in solo queue.


Nice what's your channel name? New season is nearly here :#

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> @"UfoCoffee.2084" said:

> > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > > @"UfoCoffee.2084" said:

> > > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > > It sounds like what you want is a full skill rating reset. This wouldn't accomplish what you want, and actually I think would have the complete opposite effect. Matches at the start of the season would be complete chaos. You could have completely new ranked players in with people who were legendary previous season.

> > > >

> > > > We've talked about changing the soft mmr reset between seasons to be even softer. We probably don't want to remove reset all together, otherwise we'd see quite lot of accusations of unfairness.

> > >

> > > This makes sense. Although It would be nice to see everyone start in bronze and then you'd see the good players climb and carry out of low rating to prove all the people who say it's impossible are wrong.

> >

> > I'm doing this on stream next season. On a core account.

> > Edit; in solo queue.


> Nice what's your channel name? New season is nearly here :#


[twitch.tv/infinitemath](http://twitch.tv/infinitemath "twitch.tv/infinitemath")

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All start from the rank pts wouldnt be fun at all. I let my nephew do my placement matches last season, his first time playing gw2, placed silver 2. After that I won 15 games in a row, took 18 games to reach gold 3 where I belong. Do you think the ppl I played against those matches had fun, for them I was this unkillable warrior that run into fights and kills everybody, and you need at least 4 ppl to kill. Seriously this may be the origin of the nonsense "nerf pls op" we see in the forums. Your Idea would lead to an even longer placament matches where plats are placed with silvers till they all reach the right rank ruining everybody experience.

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> @"UfoCoffee.2084" said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > It sounds like what you want is a full skill rating reset. This wouldn't accomplish what you want, and actually I think would have the complete opposite effect. Matches at the start of the season would be complete chaos. You could have completely new ranked players in with people who were legendary previous season.

> >

> > We've talked about changing the soft mmr reset between seasons to be even softer. We probably don't want to remove reset all together, otherwise we'd see quite lot of accusations of unfairness.


> This makes sense. Although It would be nice to see everyone start in bronze and then you'd see the good players climb and carry out of low rating to prove all the people who say it's impossible are wrong.

It has been done by multiple streamers in the past.. people just ignore it and all the facts because it does not fit in the picture they create of themselves.

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> @"Khalisto.5780" said:

> All start from the rank pts wouldnt be fun at all.** I let my nephew do my placement matches last season, his first time playing gw2, placed silver 2. **After that I won 15 games in a row, took 18 games to reach gold 3 where I belong. Do you think the ppl I played against those matches had fun, for them I was this unkillable warrior that run into fights and kills everybody, and you need at least 4 ppl to kill. Seriously this may be the origin of the nonsense "nerf pls op" we see in the forums. Your Idea would lead to an even longer placament matches where plats are placed with silvers till they all reach the right rank ruining everybody experience.


Account sharing....Neat.

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> So, what do you think is going to happen if they get rid of placement everyone starts at the same rating? If the premise is that skill has no relationship to rating and placement is all that matters, then how is it going to be any easier to climb in that scenario?


To be honest, with the way match-maker works and picks your team members skill is hardly required.


You always end up at around 50% win rate with some games where you loose 500 - 100 while you play like a god and other matches where you can have your one thumb up your bum for half the match and win it 500 - 100


I doubt removing placement matches will make a huge difference


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> @"James.1065" said:

> > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > So, what do you think is going to happen if they get rid of placement everyone starts at the same rating? If the premise is that skill has no relationship to rating and placement is all that matters, then how is it going to be any easier to climb in that scenario?


> To be honest, with the way match-maker works and picks your team members skill is hardly required.


> You always end up at around 50% win rate with some games where you loose 500 - 100 while you play like a god and other matches where you can have your one thumb up your bum for half the match and win it 500 - 100


> I doubt removing placement matches will make a huge difference



I agree that getting rid of placement matches won't make a difference in terms of the final rank one achieves after playing a large number of matches. But I disagree that skill isn't the factor that determines whether or not you climb.


You're looking at it the wrong way. A 50% win rate is what you should expect if matchmaking is perfect. This means you've achieved rating equilibrium, otherwise known as your skill ceiling. When you're above or below that rating, you should expect to win or lose at a different rate until you reach equilibrium. The more time you spend at your skill ceiling, the closer to 50% your win ratio should be.


The blowout wins/losses in this scenario essentially don't count. Everybody gets them and you're as likely to win such games as lose them, as you have no control (practically speaking) over the outcome. What determines whether or not you climb is winning more games than you lose in those matches where you DO have some degree of control over the outcome. As you probably know, close matches usually come down to a few key plays, or turning points during the game. That's where factors that are within your control (i.e. "skill") come into play to determine your ability to climb over a large number of matches.


Do you make the difference for your team in those scenarios more often than not? If yes, then you'll climb over time. If no, then you won't. And it should become progressively more difficult to achieve these wins as you approach your skill ceiling. Luck isn't a factor unless you somehow believe that the system is holding only you back and giving you more blowout losses (again, on average - as in over a large number of matches) than everybody else.

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> @"SplendaDaddy.6980" said:

> > @"Khalisto.5780" said:

> > All start from the rank pts wouldnt be fun at all.** I let my nephew do my placement matches last season, his first time playing gw2, placed silver 2. **After that I won 15 games in a row, took 18 games to reach gold 3 where I belong. Do you think the ppl I played against those matches had fun, for them I was this unkillable warrior that run into fights and kills everybody, and you need at least 4 ppl to kill. Seriously this may be the origin of the nonsense "nerf pls op" we see in the forums. Your Idea would lead to an even longer placament matches where plats are placed with silvers till they all reach the right rank ruining everybody experience.


> Account sharing....Neat.


The kid doesnt even play the game lol


Report I shared my account during a weekend, and this happens 2,3 times/year when my sister come to visit me.


I will tell you more, I even gave him a level 1 character so he could level it, next level acc sharing

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> @"Khalisto.5780" said:

> > @"SplendaDaddy.6980" said:

> > > @"Khalisto.5780" said:

> > > All start from the rank pts wouldnt be fun at all.** I let my nephew do my placement matches last season, his first time playing gw2, placed silver 2. **After that I won 15 games in a row, took 18 games to reach gold 3 where I belong. Do you think the ppl I played against those matches had fun, for them I was this unkillable warrior that run into fights and kills everybody, and you need at least 4 ppl to kill. Seriously this may be the origin of the nonsense "nerf pls op" we see in the forums. Your Idea would lead to an even longer placament matches where plats are placed with silvers till they all reach the right rank ruining everybody experience.

> >

> > Account sharing....Neat.


> The kid doesnt even play the game lol


> Report I shared my account during a weekend, and this happens 2,3 times/year when my sister come to visit me.


> I will tell you more, I even gave him a level 1 character so he could level it, next level acc sharing


The "kid" did your placement matches, that is account sharing.

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> @"SplendaDaddy.6980" said:

> > @"Khalisto.5780" said:

> > > @"SplendaDaddy.6980" said:

> > > > @"Khalisto.5780" said:

> > > > All start from the rank pts wouldnt be fun at all.** I let my nephew do my placement matches last season, his first time playing gw2, placed silver 2. **After that I won 15 games in a row, took 18 games to reach gold 3 where I belong. Do you think the ppl I played against those matches had fun, for them I was this unkillable warrior that run into fights and kills everybody, and you need at least 4 ppl to kill. Seriously this may be the origin of the nonsense "nerf pls op" we see in the forums. Your Idea would lead to an even longer placament matches where plats are placed with silvers till they all reach the right rank ruining everybody experience.

> > >

> > > Account sharing....Neat.

> >

> > The kid doesnt even play the game lol

> >

> > Report I shared my account during a weekend, and this happens 2,3 times/year when my sister come to visit me.

> >

> > I will tell you more, I even gave him a level 1 character so he could level it, next level acc sharing


> The "kid" did your placement matches, that is account sharing.

As far as I understood he was playing on the same PC. That is technically not account sharing

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