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Mirage condiction is absurd


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Funny thing.


The other day we had a tough fight in WvW. Hybrid power mirage and power boonbeast vs 3 condi mirages. The condi mirages lost the fight, all 3 died. It lasted quite a while and they *nearly* won at one point with the help of a buffed supervisor (they capped the camp we where fighting over).


Shortly after that, the same hybrid power mirage and power boonbeast vs a minstrel druid bunker and vanilla sustain warrior. After a long fight, the warrior finally got stomped, the druid literally ressed him while in combat - I have no idea how - the warrior then got killed again and we got 100% focus on the druid. He did not go down. We chased and fought. He was impossible to kill, stealthed all the time and healed up. Gave up after a minute when he finally outran us.


But yeah.


*Condi mirage is absurd*.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> Funny thing.


> The other day we had a tough fight in WvW. Hybrid power mirage and power boonbeast vs 3 condi mirages. The condi mirages lost the fight, all 3 died. It lasted quite a while and they *nearly* won at one point with the help of a buffed supervisor (they capped the camp we where fighting over).


> Shortly after that, the same hybrid power mirage and power boonbeast vs a minstrel druid bunker and vanilla sustain warrior. After a long fight, the warrior finally got stomped, the druid literally ressed him while in combat - I have no idea how - the warrior then got killed again and we got 100% focus on the druid. He did not go down. We chased and fought. He was impossible to kill, stealthed all the time and healed up. Gave up after a minute when he finally outran us.


> But yeah.


> *Condi mirage is absurd*.


U simply pointed out another mirage + boonbeast - another overcreeped spec. In 2nd situation, we have a bunker + warrior, and u had problems not with sustaining but with killing them, which is kinda OK. (I don't like the fact, healers can be so fking tanky in this game but w/e).

Boonbeast has balance problems, while mirage is just a trash design(1s evade, in which u can do everything + being able to dodge if stunned wtf) in addition to tons of condi application. Classes without lot of condi cleanse, are highly unflavored.

I agree, mesmers got high skill cap, but it's to easy to be so ridiculously effective.

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> @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > Funny thing.

> >

> > The other day we had a tough fight in WvW. Hybrid power mirage and power boonbeast vs 3 condi mirages. The condi mirages lost the fight, all 3 died. It lasted quite a while and they *nearly* won at one point with the help of a buffed supervisor (they capped the camp we where fighting over).

> >

> > Shortly after that, the same hybrid power mirage and power boonbeast vs a minstrel druid bunker and vanilla sustain warrior. After a long fight, the warrior finally got stomped, the druid literally ressed him while in combat - I have no idea how - the warrior then got killed again and we got 100% focus on the druid. He did not go down. We chased and fought. He was impossible to kill, stealthed all the time and healed up. Gave up after a minute when he finally outran us.

> >

> > But yeah.

> >

> > *Condi mirage is absurd*.


> U simply pointed out another mirage + boonbeast - another overcreeped spec. In 2nd situation, we have a bunker + warrior, and u had problems not with sustaining but with killing them, which is kinda OK. (I don't like the fact, healers can be so kitten tanky in this game but w/e).

> Boonbeast has balance problems, while mirage is just a trash design(1s evade, in which u can do everything + being able to dodge if stunned kitten) in addition to tons of condi application. Classes without lot of condi cleanse, are highly unflavored.

> I agree, mesmers got high skill cap, but it's to easy to be so ridiculously effective.

TL;DR *all classes are powercreeped* and thats why its absurd to say that the condi mirage is absurd.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > Funny thing.

> > >

> > > The other day we had a tough fight in WvW. Hybrid power mirage and power boonbeast vs 3 condi mirages. The condi mirages lost the fight, all 3 died. It lasted quite a while and they *nearly* won at one point with the help of a buffed supervisor (they capped the camp we where fighting over).

> > >

> > > Shortly after that, the same hybrid power mirage and power boonbeast vs a minstrel druid bunker and vanilla sustain warrior. After a long fight, the warrior finally got stomped, the druid literally ressed him while in combat - I have no idea how - the warrior then got killed again and we got 100% focus on the druid. He did not go down. We chased and fought. He was impossible to kill, stealthed all the time and healed up. Gave up after a minute when he finally outran us.

> > >

> > > But yeah.

> > >

> > > *Condi mirage is absurd*.

> >

> > U simply pointed out another mirage + boonbeast - another overcreeped spec. In 2nd situation, we have a bunker + warrior, and u had problems not with sustaining but with killing them, which is kinda OK. (I don't like the fact, healers can be so kitten tanky in this game but w/e).

> > Boonbeast has balance problems, while mirage is just a trash design(1s evade, in which u can do everything + being able to dodge if stunned kitten) in addition to tons of condi application. Classes without lot of condi cleanse, are highly unflavored.

> > I agree, mesmers got high skill cap, but it's to easy to be so ridiculously effective.

> TL;DR *all classes are powercreeped* and thats why its absurd to say that the condi mirage is absurd.


As I told problem with mirage is trash design, overvreep stands only for balance that can be fixed. Classes like mirage are hard to balance due to thing I mentioned

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> @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > Funny thing.

> > > >

> > > > The other day we had a tough fight in WvW. Hybrid power mirage and power boonbeast vs 3 condi mirages. The condi mirages lost the fight, all 3 died. It lasted quite a while and they *nearly* won at one point with the help of a buffed supervisor (they capped the camp we where fighting over).

> > > >

> > > > Shortly after that, the same hybrid power mirage and power boonbeast vs a minstrel druid bunker and vanilla sustain warrior. After a long fight, the warrior finally got stomped, the druid literally ressed him while in combat - I have no idea how - the warrior then got killed again and we got 100% focus on the druid. He did not go down. We chased and fought. He was impossible to kill, stealthed all the time and healed up. Gave up after a minute when he finally outran us.

> > > >

> > > > But yeah.

> > > >

> > > > *Condi mirage is absurd*.

> > >

> > > U simply pointed out another mirage + boonbeast - another overcreeped spec. In 2nd situation, we have a bunker + warrior, and u had problems not with sustaining but with killing them, which is kinda OK. (I don't like the fact, healers can be so kitten tanky in this game but w/e).

> > > Boonbeast has balance problems, while mirage is just a trash design(1s evade, in which u can do everything + being able to dodge if stunned kitten) in addition to tons of condi application. Classes without lot of condi cleanse, are highly unflavored.

> > > I agree, mesmers got high skill cap, but it's to easy to be so ridiculously effective.

> > TL;DR *all classes are powercreeped* and thats why its absurd to say that the condi mirage is absurd.


> As I told problem with mirage is trash design, overvreep stands only for balance that can be fixed. Classes like mirage are hard to balance due to thing I mentioned

What is balance then if it can be beaten by pretty much any class despite "trash design"?


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I am lvl 3400 of wvw, game with all classes, almost all these lvl of wvw were doing roaming, particularly I already tested this build of the Mirage cond and I did not use it because I consider something unprofessional (so absurd to my view that I undo the build). Others asked the purpose of my post, yes it is a complaint, I see players killing easily not for their ability but because it is an absurd class, has a lot of defense, excellent condiction damage, blocks, evades and finally a good cure, the who do not consider this absurd is because they are having fun playing in this way.

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The thing is, mirage skill set is very good against nubs who just spam away, to counter a good player playing it you need to be a player that pays attention and reacts doing fight not just carrying out your paper-concieved rotations. In other words, lots of nubs find it hard to deal with when they just spam random on it, then come to forums coz omg it's impossible i need to use my brain.

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You just need to learn to counterplay instead of complaining. Follow 3 steps:

1. Dont spam your skills when under confusion, just condi cleanse and dont run around with torment -> condi cleanse first

2. Dodge the main burst

3. Profit

It's really not that hard. I main mirage yet in PvP it's not my favourite class.


I honestly don't care at all about what you do with mirage in PvP/WvW as I prefer to play easier and more rewarding classes there, but please stop nerfing it in PVE already. It's not bad but far off top dmg charts. It'll always belong to guardian/ele/thief/reve anyway it seems : P


Also - when a lot of people thinks one way doesn't mean it's right. I am sure 90% of consumers believe they should get things cheaper or free. Is it the right way for the company to listen to them?

Answer it yourself :P.


Anet has statistics of who wins and loses against who and in what league and that is worth a lot more than some complainers or praisers on forums - because believe me even if 1000 players complain they're still a very small % of a whole playerbase and usually player just want the profession they like to get super boosted and everything else super nerfed. That's how it is.

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> @"Kas.3509" said:

> You just need to learn to counterplay instead of complaining. Follow 3 steps:

> 1. Dont spam your skills when under confusion, just condi cleanse and dont run around with torment -> condi cleanse first

> 2. Dodge the main burst

> 3. Profit

> It's really not that hard. I main mirage yet in PvP it's not my favourite class.


> I honestly don't care at all about what you do with mirage in PvP/WvW as I prefer to play easier and more rewarding classes there, but please stop nerfing it in PVE already. It's not bad but far off top dmg charts. It'll always belong to guardian/ele/thief/reve anyway it seems : P


> Also - when a lot of people thinks one way doesn't mean it's right. I am sure 90% of consumers believe they should get things cheaper or free. Is it the right way for the company to listen to them?

> Answer it yourself :P.


> Anet has statistics of who wins and loses against who and in what league and that is worth a lot more than some complainers or praisers on forums - because believe me even if 1000 players complain they're still a very small % of a whole playerbase and usually player just want the profession they like to get super boosted and everything else super nerfed. That's how it is.


Some of this I do agree with, but there are also more underlying issues that also invalidates a lot of what you present as well. I'll go over those.

1) It is true that a lot of people continue to spam skills (especially auto attacks) when they have confusion on them, so it results in a very rapid burn of health at the cost of their ignorance (I won't say stupidity, as they might now know why they could be dying really fast). Also, when you have torment on you, yes you do want to stay still so you don't eat the full brunt of the passive damage while moving. A condi cleanse would be a great way to get rid of these two conditions.

Here's the catch: a lot of the mirage skills puts high stacks of these said conditions on you. As well, the meta mirage build is a hybrid damage dealer, meaning they not only deal great condition damage, but also great power damage. So staying still will only mean you must eat their power damage as well.

On top of this, because most of the mirage skills apply high stacks of torment and confusion, if you condi cleanse these conditions, they can pretty much immediately re-apply these conditions on you, or they can apply it within a 2-3 second range. This also applied to 2, dodging the main burst. They have multiple main bursts. Axe 3 alone puts 7 stacks of confusion on you and maybe more. 7+. on one skill. that's a bit much. Many professions' condition clears are on lenghty cooldowns, anyways from 20 seconds to 40 seconds or more, with only a few professions having very good passive condition clears (depending on the trait line taken), clearing anything from 2-3 condis every 10 or so seconds, maybe even less. While I think this is cool for a certain spec to have a natural predator so to speak, I also think it's a little odd, considering that a specific build that is supposed to be anti-conditions will still fail after about 10-15 seconds of fighting a mirage using the meta build.


with all of this being said, there isn't much profit. Mirages have a lot of evasion/invuln/blinds to also cover themselves if they get into tight situations, and usually having one of those in the right situations is all it takes to turn the tide of battle into your favor. Now, mirages have plenty of all of these. Which means plenty of tide turning chances in battle to help carry them to victory.


I hope this is educational in any sort of way, and this response is not meant to be condescending in any way, more of an eye opener on some of the many advantages that exist on the mirage right now.

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> @"Ghos.1326" said:

> > @"Kas.3509" said:

> > You just need to learn to counterplay instead of complaining. Follow 3 steps:

> > 1. Dont spam your skills when under confusion, just condi cleanse and dont run around with torment -> condi cleanse first

> > 2. Dodge the main burst

> > 3. Profit

> > It's really not that hard. I main mirage yet in PvP it's not my favourite class.

> >

> > I honestly don't care at all about what you do with mirage in PvP/WvW as I prefer to play easier and more rewarding classes there, but please stop nerfing it in PVE already. It's not bad but far off top dmg charts. It'll always belong to guardian/ele/thief/reve anyway it seems : P

> >

> > Also - when a lot of people thinks one way doesn't mean it's right. I am sure 90% of consumers believe they should get things cheaper or free. Is it the right way for the company to listen to them?

> > Answer it yourself :P.

> >

> > Anet has statistics of who wins and loses against who and in what league and that is worth a lot more than some complainers or praisers on forums - because believe me even if 1000 players complain they're still a very small % of a whole playerbase and usually player just want the profession they like to get super boosted and everything else super nerfed. That's how it is.


> Some of this I do agree with, but there are also more underlying issues that also invalidates a lot of what you present as well. I'll go over those.

> 1) It is true that a lot of people continue to spam skills (especially auto attacks) when they have confusion on them, so it results in a very rapid burn of health at the cost of their ignorance (I won't say stupidity, as they might now know why they could be dying really fast). Also, when you have torment on you, yes you do want to stay still so you don't eat the full brunt of the passive damage while moving. A condi cleanse would be a great way to get rid of these two conditions.

> Here's the catch: a lot of the mirage skills puts high stacks of these said conditions on you. As well, the meta mirage build is a hybrid damage dealer, meaning they not only deal great condition damage, but also great power damage. So staying still will only mean you must eat their power damage as well.

> On top of this, because most of the mirage skills apply high stacks of torment and confusion, if you condi cleanse these conditions, they can pretty much immediately re-apply these conditions on you, or they can apply it within a 2-3 second range. This also applied to 2, dodging the main burst. They have multiple main bursts. Axe 3 alone puts 7 stacks of confusion on you and maybe more. 7+. on one skill. that's a bit much. Many professions' condition clears are on lenghty cooldowns, anyways from 20 seconds to 40 seconds or more, with only a few professions having very good passive condition clears (depending on the trait line taken), clearing anything from 2-3 condis every 10 or so seconds, maybe even less. While I think this is cool for a certain spec to have a natural predator so to speak, I also think it's a little odd, considering that a specific build that is supposed to be anti-conditions will still fail after about 10-15 seconds of fighting a mirage using the meta build.


> with all of this being said, there isn't much profit. Mirages have a lot of evasion/invuln/blinds to also cover themselves if they get into tight situations, and usually having one of those in the right situations is all it takes to turn the tide of battle into your favor. Now, mirages have plenty of all of these. Which means plenty of tide turning chances in battle to help carry them to victory.


> I hope this is educational in any sort of way, and this response is not meant to be condescending in any way, more of an eye opener on some of the many advantages that exist on the mirage right now.


It's ok. I mean - I usually play necromancer in PvP cause it's - lets be honest - faceroll profession especially in lower ranks (roll scourge and spam wells, and f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 up tos aoe skills blindly up to gold -> dont even read what they do, if you want to go higher then you need to learn to play it) I don't usually have problems against mirages.

Dodge the strongest and most visible attack(axe 3). you know when itll come because mirage needs to spawn 2-3 clones and its animation is quite visible.

Most of mirages burst 90% usefull dmg skills they have in 2-3 seconds and then theyre left defensless -> without dodges or real dmg for next 4-8 seconds. If you manage to dodge and cleanse first 2/3 seconds then if you have CC they're pretty much dead or trying to escape.

There are probably much more skilled mirages, but... I honestly have more problems playing against guardian (who should never lose vs mirage), necromancer and thief and ofc those damn rangers -> super long range, annoying pet, knockbacks, healing, damage,.. I hate them........ : P


Fot all of people who don't do well against mirages - play them for a while and see how people defeat you. then use it against others when you're playing vs mirage.

The biggest problem I see with people when playing against mirages is they don't seem to know their skills do and what should they dodge/cleanse and how to find real mesmer. If you know when to dodge/cleanse then it's just a skill fight.


Yes mirages have a ot of opportunities to escape, dodge, blink etc. thats why they're basically glass cannon and their healing/blocking/cc ability is very low. Their conditions are also the "worse" ones, bcs imagine now that its bleedor burning stacks. or me e.g. thief is the same but worse. Tons of dmg, stealth, dodges, escapes and instant power dmg to that -> you can't even cleanse it. Their skills are also not that flashy so its harder to dodge in a right moment.


For me the only real problem with mesmer (and necromancers) starts when you play in big fights e.g. vs 3 mesmers and 2 pet necromancers. You can't see a thing due to all pets and clones. It's impossible to win by skill there, you can just drop allaoes and pray.


Anyway - I understand people might have problem playing against mirages and mesmers in general, but I dont believe it's because they're unbalanced.

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i will say this yes you have stated some usefull stuff but if your mes is smart then you will add the confussion on you at the point you try to use a skill. now with the amount of confussion you can stack on someone with mes you can get some crazzy numbers like a min of 10k confusion hit on skill use. i can see why mes gets so hated for condi setup in pvp and wvw but also remember condi is strong at the moment and is not going to get weaker any time soon. i have also noticed that some classes done have any condi cleans for stuff like this. all i can say is if you see a condi mes try to bait him into a mess up so you can kill him but that is tricky becouse you he a mes. i am just saying it how i see it right now.

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The conditions mirage can produce are fine. The problem isn't in the profession, but on the conditions themselves.

What's not fine is that conditions can stack over 25 on players, and that players can get more than 100 stacks of conditions total.


There's no need to change mirage when it comes to that, but conditions themselves:


* Any single condition should have a stack cap of 25 when applied to a player.

* When more than 100 stacks of conditions across all types of conditions are stacked on a player, only the 100 most powerful and recent would have an effect.



This is the same principle that was applied to retaliation and confusions. Because of the differences between players and NPCs, their stats and their behavior, they just can't work the same for both.

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> @"Ghos.1326" said:

> > @"Kas.3509" said:

> > You just need to learn to counterplay instead of complaining. Follow 3 steps:

> > 1. Dont spam your skills when under confusion, just condi cleanse and dont run around with torment -> condi cleanse first

> > 2. Dodge the main burst

> > 3. Profit

> > It's really not that hard. I main mirage yet in PvP it's not my favourite class.

> >

> > I honestly don't care at all about what you do with mirage in PvP/WvW as I prefer to play easier and more rewarding classes there, but please stop nerfing it in PVE already. It's not bad but far off top dmg charts. It'll always belong to guardian/ele/thief/reve anyway it seems : P

> >

> > Also - when a lot of people thinks one way doesn't mean it's right. I am sure 90% of consumers believe they should get things cheaper or free. Is it the right way for the company to listen to them?

> > Answer it yourself :P.

> >

> > Anet has statistics of who wins and loses against who and in what league and that is worth a lot more than some complainers or praisers on forums - because believe me even if 1000 players complain they're still a very small % of a whole playerbase and usually player just want the profession they like to get super boosted and everything else super nerfed. That's how it is.


> Some of this I do agree with, but there are also more underlying issues that also invalidates a lot of what you present as well. I'll go over those.

> 1) It is true that a lot of people continue to spam skills (especially auto attacks) when they have confusion on them, so it results in a very rapid burn of health at the cost of their ignorance (I won't say stupidity, as they might now know why they could be dying really fast). Also, when you have torment on you, yes you do want to stay still so you don't eat the full brunt of the passive damage while moving. A condi cleanse would be a great way to get rid of these two conditions.

> Here's the catch: a lot of the mirage skills puts high stacks of these said conditions on you. As well, the meta mirage build is a hybrid damage dealer, meaning they not only deal great condition damage, but also great power damage. So staying still will only mean you must eat their power damage as well.

> On top of this, because most of the mirage skills apply high stacks of torment and confusion, if you condi cleanse these conditions, they can pretty much immediately re-apply these conditions on you, or they can apply it within a 2-3 second range. This also applied to 2, dodging the main burst. They have multiple main bursts. Axe 3 alone puts 7 stacks of confusion on you and maybe more. 7+. on one skill. that's a bit much.


It's 9 max from Axe3 assuming you have 3 clones when u activate it.

I agree the number of stacks on condi mesmer should be addressed. Especially scepter. A block on a 4.75 CD puts 5 torment on you. That's a little ridiculous.


> with all of this being said, there isn't much profit. Mirages have a lot of evasion/invuln/blinds to also cover themselves if they get into tight situations,


This is actually what I don't agree with.

Mirage has two dodges. The vigor access it had was gutted.

The defensive tools it has are essentially the same since launch.


I think what people are having more trouble with,( or what may be pushing people to complain about mirage )is the spawning of mirage mirrors on distort.

A problem that could be easily remedied if they shifted some of that defensive power into the active skill sand through glass


Nerf the trait to spawn one mirror on distort.

Put sand through glass on an ammo system, like the weaver stun break. Up the CD to 40s with 20s ammo refill.




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The other thing that you can do is to learn to play against mirages, that's how if have defeated mirages, as well as SBs, Guardians, Warriors, etc. and other times they get me and defeat me, as well as other classes, but if you expect to ALWAYS win against a mirage then good luck because there will always be better people than you that will defeat you (at least talking from a wvw perspective). Always carry some type of condi cleanser as you will find always hybrid and condi builds. Sorry the only thing I find absurd in this post is the post itself.

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Funny, I seem to get most damage on opponents from direct damage. Just a couple of days ago I hit a 10k mind wrack - in half cele gear without Domination... Nevermind the ~5k axe 3 crits. That's truly absurd. Years ago I'd have to try-hard in full zerker to hit a 15k+ GS2+F1. Now it's insanely effortless to apply both kinds of damage - power and condi.


Condis - they seem to not stick to and fall off good opponents like water off a duck's back.


I agree things like axe ambush torment duration should be shaved, Ineptitude should be slightly modified etc, though it's also funny how overpowered cleanse and condi mitigation is when properly built for.


Underwater on the other hand - yeah I did hold off 3 soulbeasts for a good few minutes the other day. Though had no potential to disengage during the fight and it was without ability to counterpressure properly. But those Sb's disengage and kiting is also absolutely ridiculous - I'd say easier/stronger than mirage aside from sword ambush (which should also be nerfed).


Future nerfs should be carefully considered, not wrecking things like by slapping 6s exhaustion and calling it a day...

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> @"Kas.3509" said:

> > @"Ghos.1326" said:

> > > @"Kas.3509" said:

> > > You just need to learn to counterplay instead of complaining. Follow 3 steps:

> > > 1. Dont spam your skills when under confusion, just condi cleanse and dont run around with torment -> condi cleanse first

> > > 2. Dodge the main burst

> > > 3. Profit

> > > It's really not that hard. I main mirage yet in PvP it's not my favourite class.

> > >

> > > I honestly don't care at all about what you do with mirage in PvP/WvW as I prefer to play easier and more rewarding classes there, but please stop nerfing it in PVE already. It's not bad but far off top dmg charts. It'll always belong to guardian/ele/thief/reve anyway it seems : P

> > >

> > > Also - when a lot of people thinks one way doesn't mean it's right. I am sure 90% of consumers believe they should get things cheaper or free. Is it the right way for the company to listen to them?

> > > Answer it yourself :P.

> > >

> > > Anet has statistics of who wins and loses against who and in what league and that is worth a lot more than some complainers or praisers on forums - because believe me even if 1000 players complain they're still a very small % of a whole playerbase and usually player just want the profession they like to get super boosted and everything else super nerfed. That's how it is.

> >

> > Some of this I do agree with, but there are also more underlying issues that also invalidates a lot of what you present as well. I'll go over those.

> > 1) It is true that a lot of people continue to spam skills (especially auto attacks) when they have confusion on them, so it results in a very rapid burn of health at the cost of their ignorance (I won't say stupidity, as they might now know why they could be dying really fast). Also, when you have torment on you, yes you do want to stay still so you don't eat the full brunt of the passive damage while moving. A condi cleanse would be a great way to get rid of these two conditions.

> > Here's the catch: a lot of the mirage skills puts high stacks of these said conditions on you. As well, the meta mirage build is a hybrid damage dealer, meaning they not only deal great condition damage, but also great power damage. So staying still will only mean you must eat their power damage as well.

> > On top of this, because most of the mirage skills apply high stacks of torment and confusion, if you condi cleanse these conditions, they can pretty much immediately re-apply these conditions on you, or they can apply it within a 2-3 second range. This also applied to 2, dodging the main burst. They have multiple main bursts. Axe 3 alone puts 7 stacks of confusion on you and maybe more. 7+. on one skill. that's a bit much. Many professions' condition clears are on lenghty cooldowns, anyways from 20 seconds to 40 seconds or more, with only a few professions having very good passive condition clears (depending on the trait line taken), clearing anything from 2-3 condis every 10 or so seconds, maybe even less. While I think this is cool for a certain spec to have a natural predator so to speak, I also think it's a little odd, considering that a specific build that is supposed to be anti-conditions will still fail after about 10-15 seconds of fighting a mirage using the meta build.

> >

> > with all of this being said, there isn't much profit. Mirages have a lot of evasion/invuln/blinds to also cover themselves if they get into tight situations, and usually having one of those in the right situations is all it takes to turn the tide of battle into your favor. Now, mirages have plenty of all of these. Which means plenty of tide turning chances in battle to help carry them to victory.

> >

> > I hope this is educational in any sort of way, and this response is not meant to be condescending in any way, more of an eye opener on some of the many advantages that exist on the mirage right now.


> It's ok. I mean - I usually play necromancer in PvP cause it's - lets be honest - faceroll profession especially in lower ranks (roll scourge and spam wells, and f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 up tos aoe skills blindly up to gold -> dont even read what they do, if you want to go higher then you need to learn to play it) I don't usually have problems against mirages.

> Dodge the strongest and most visible attack(axe 3). you know when itll come because mirage needs to spawn 2-3 clones and its animation is quite visible.

> Most of mirages burst 90% usefull dmg skills they have in 2-3 seconds and then theyre left defensless -> without dodges or real dmg for next 4-8 seconds. If you manage to dodge and cleanse first 2/3 seconds then if you have CC they're pretty much dead or trying to escape.

> There are probably much more skilled mirages, but... I honestly have more problems playing against guardian (who should never lose vs mirage), necromancer and thief and ofc those kitten rangers -> super long range, annoying pet, knockbacks, healing, damage,.. I hate them........ : P


> Fot all of people who don't do well against mirages - play them for a while and see how people defeat you. then use it against others when you're playing vs mirage.

> The biggest problem I see with people when playing against mirages is they don't seem to know their skills do and what should they dodge/cleanse and how to find real mesmer. If you know when to dodge/cleanse then it's just a skill fight.


> Yes mirages have a ot of opportunities to escape, dodge, blink etc. thats why they're basically glass cannon and their healing/blocking/cc ability is very low. Their conditions are also the "worse" ones, bcs imagine now that its bleedor burning stacks. or me e.g. thief is the same but worse. Tons of dmg, stealth, dodges, escapes and instant power dmg to that -> you can't even cleanse it. Their skills are also not that flashy so its harder to dodge in a right moment.


> For me the only real problem with mesmer (and necromancers) starts when you play in big fights e.g. vs 3 mesmers and 2 pet necromancers. You can't see a thing due to all pets and clones. It's impossible to win by skill there, you can just drop allaoes and pray.


> Anyway - I understand people might have problem playing against mirages and mesmers in general, but I dont believe it's because they're unbalanced.


I really liked this post :)

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The thing with Mirage is that, even with no practice at all, you still can roll on any players that don't know the spec' very well, and danse around them while they are trying to hit the good one, and sure some will complain.

You HAVE, to learn how it works in depth if you don't want to be "kitten" every time you encounter a mirage, even if you are far more experienced with Your, class, let alone an experienced Mirage, they will troll you all along the fight.


The only issue I can see there is that you can easily take down or disengage from a much skilled player than you as a Mirage, even if you just started playing it.( Scourge is a bit alike except you have to learn about placements and be aware that you don't have so much mobility, and literally a bag for ranged dps like bow boonbeasts )

But once you've learned about how it works, things are much easier, and you will see that there are a LOT, of bad Mirages with no clue spamming skills for the sake of it.


.... Still, I'm pretty sure a high skilled mirage has an advantage vs anything else played by an high skilled player, maybe some bunker build, for an endless fight.




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> @"Only Even.6193" said:

> The thing with Mirage is that, even with no practice at all, you still can roll on any players that don't know the spec' very well, and danse around them while they are trying to hit the good one, and sure some will complain.


That's how it is with every class though. Remember when Holo was introduced and people couldn't figure out that you need to dodge holo CC. Or when people couldn't figure out how to dodge DJ. Even with it being the most telegraphed skill in the game. New people will complain about anything they don't understand and people that want to have the game balanced around there low skill level are just as bad.

This is not the game where you will get far being willfully ignorant about classes/specs and their capabilities.


> The only issue I can see there is that you can easily take down or disengage from a much skilled player than you as a Mirage, even if you just started playing it.( Scourge is a bit alike except you have to learn about placements and be aware that you don't have so much mobility, and literally a bag for ranged dps like bow boonbeasts )


They would find it easy to do on multiple classes and multiple specs. I don't see disengagement as an issue in the grand scheme of things. Unless you chase someone. Then that mistake is completely on the user.



> .... Still, I'm pretty sure a high skilled mirage has an advantage vs anything else played by an high skilled player, maybe some bunker build, for an endless fight.




I disagree. As mirage has plenty of counters, if it was as dominant as you believe. It would be present in mass in the top brackets of PvP. It currently isn't.


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I agree with your points, but it's difficult to evaluate a class performances based on spvp ranking, only, since you can't control Matchmakings and see their real value as a duelist.


But I'm mostly pointing out that the Mirage doesn't need any skill/effort to be at least, decent, and in every, game mode, it's about 5 minutes of reading and you'r set. I'm maining Mirage (Sage) in spvp and trailblazer in wvw solo roaming, I only have trouble vs VERY high condi cleanses builds, and not everyone has a condi cleanse factory on their back. I don't know why most people talk about *Waiting for Condi Burst..* when a condi mirage doesn't need to burst (pretty bad idea 1v1 wise), sustained condi application is enough, you can rotate all day long between condis, breaking target, porting, dodging, stealth, the cooldowns are low.. Also, condi is not the sole source of damage.


Don't use bad Mesmer behavior as an exemple when you want to explain how to counter it, or defend the spec, it misleads people and they will ask for nerf right after failing again.

Reading is enough to counter it.


Anyway... I still think that Mirage need a REAL, balance rework, not a nerf, geez Mirage took so much random nerfs that I'm scared that they will destroy the entire spec if they touch it again.

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> @"Only Even.6193" said:

> I agree with your points, but it's difficult to evaluate a class performances based on spvp ranking, only, since you can't control Matchmakings and see their real value as a duelist.


> But I'm mostly pointing out that the Mirage doesn't need any skill/effort to be at least, decent, and in every, game mode, it's about 5 minutes of reading and you'r set. I'm maining Mirage (Sage) in spvp and trailblazer in wvw solo roaming, I only have trouble vs VERY high condi cleanses builds, and not everyone has a condi cleanse factory on their back. I don't know why most people talk about *Waiting for Condi Burst..* when a condi mirage doesn't need to burst (pretty bad idea 1v1 wise), sustained condi application is enough, you can rotate all day long between condis, breaking target, porting, dodging, stealth, the cooldowns are low.. Also, condi is not the sole source of damage.


> Don't use bad Mesmer behavior as an exemple when you want to explain how to counter it, or defend the spec, it misleads people and they will ask for nerf right after failing again.

> Reading is enough to counter it.


> Anyway... I still think that Mirage need a REAL, balance rework, not a nerf, geez Mirage took so much random nerfs that I'm scared that they will destroy the entire spec if they touch it again.


You make a lot of good points. Isn't mes a bit brocken though if you can have 3 clones and 4 phantasoms out all at the same time in a fight? I mean back in the day you could only have a total of 3 illusions at a time out but now the math is you can have 7 illusions out and for some reson you think this is balanced??? I am so lost were you think the devs should go then.

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> @"Belishine.7493" said:

> > @"Only Even.6193" said:

> > I agree with your points, but it's difficult to evaluate a class performances based on spvp ranking, only, since you can't control Matchmakings and see their real value as a duelist.

> >

> > But I'm mostly pointing out that the Mirage doesn't need any skill/effort to be at least, decent, and in every, game mode, it's about 5 minutes of reading and you'r set. I'm maining Mirage (Sage) in spvp and trailblazer in wvw solo roaming, I only have trouble vs VERY high condi cleanses builds, and not everyone has a condi cleanse factory on their back. I don't know why most people talk about *Waiting for Condi Burst..* when a condi mirage doesn't need to burst (pretty bad idea 1v1 wise), sustained condi application is enough, you can rotate all day long between condis, breaking target, porting, dodging, stealth, the cooldowns are low.. Also, condi is not the sole source of damage.

> >

> > Don't use bad Mesmer behavior as an exemple when you want to explain how to counter it, or defend the spec, it misleads people and they will ask for nerf right after failing again.

> > Reading is enough to counter it.

> >

> > Anyway... I still think that Mirage need a REAL, balance rework, not a nerf, geez Mirage took so much random nerfs that I'm scared that they will destroy the entire spec if they touch it again.


> You make a lot of good points. Isn't mes a bit brocken though if you can have 3 clones and 4 phantasoms out all at the same time in a fight? I mean back in the day you could only have a total of 3 illusions at a time out but now the math is you can have 7 illusions out and for some reson you think this is balanced??? I am so lost were you think the devs should go then.


That's misleading, the phantasms last maybe... 1 to 5 seconds? And they're very obviously not the Mesmer so I don't know what the problem is here.

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