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Returning player - I don't know what to even do in this game

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I stopped taking Guild Wars 2 seriously around seven months ago and came to a complete halt in July. What ultimately lead me to quit Guild Wars 2 was due to the way Customer Support ended up handling a severe issue of mine. There was a breach in my account's privacy, resulting in online harassment and cyberstalking. After exchanging tickets with several moderators, nothing ever came out of it and I believed it was best to stop supporting the game as a result. However, I was unable to fight that _itch_ to come back and ended up re-installing the game two days ago. I might be a hypocrite in this case, but... I suppose I just can't help it. I've spent hundreds of dollars and sank over 5000 hours into the game since 2015.


As much as I'd like to get back into the game, I really can't help but feel like there's nothing for me to do here. I have no goals, and I'm not interested in the story to even bother looking at it. I suppose I could try to fix my twenty characters' builds, but I've been struggling with that kind of thing (mostly gear) since 2017. The guilds I was on are gone and I have no friends left.


Maybe I'm just being nostalgic?

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I think the big question for you to answer is ‘What did I like in game before I left?’


If that was the guild, check your friends list. Several members of an old guild I was in still play, so I run with them.


If it’s world bosses, raids, WvW, PvP.


I mean, there is a lot to do, but for me, what keeps me coming back is WvW.


Answer that first, then ease back in.

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First, ofc your are being nostalgic, u'v sunk many hours into this game and u prob feel emotionally attached to it.


Second, regearing your characters isnt necessarily as hard as it was in 2017.


Third, u can play the game and still not support them by not buying anything from the gemstore. You bought the game and u have every right to play it.


Fourth, The game currently has 6 raids wings, just got a new fractal, the 5th episode of lw released which imo is rather good but ehh, they've released the scepter and the bow since the time u left which both look aight (in case u into legendaries).


They added a new armor set a new weapon set, a number of collections etc.


If you arent suffering from the same cyberstalking problems u were before i suggest you take your time, look around in more detail and set goals for yourself.



Finding another guild isn't necesarily hard and ofc you can check the twitch directory for streamers like Teapot to give you pointers on what u could do.


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I think that when you play any MMO for a long time you run out of steam. The question is, will that be temporary or is it for good? You're in the best position to answer that. For me, joining a good guild (finally) helped re-invigorate me when I was losing interest. I do find lately I'm getting back to that place though - where none of the available options seems really worthwhile. Like you, I've invested a lot of time and money, so it feels wrong to just drop the game, but I may play less often for a while. You've had your break - see if you can find something to participate in that gets you going again. I'd suggest joining a guild, maybe mentoring new players. It may get you excited about the game again.

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What I did last year when I came back is I just started small. So I went to do map completion and when I had a bunch of materials in the process I figured I'd start crafting some ascended stuff. Also while doing map completion I ran back into the HoT meta's which are actually quite fun for me and it just went on from there. I went on to getting the specialization collections etc. So far it's been my longest time playing this game without quitting again.

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It's definitely not possible to argue that there's nothing to do in the game, so as others have stated, it's really what you want to get out of it. If you enjoy playing with a guild, joining a new one is probably a good bet. If you have 5000 hours logged, what compelled you to play them? What made you tick?


There is always the possibility that whatever it was, it just doesn't make you tick anymore. Burnout/boredom is a thing. Don't force yourself to play - if you're not into it these days, you're not into it, you know?


GW2 is not always my 'active' game that I'm playing. I don't have enough time to play it day-after-day or even week-after-week, which has pretty much killed my old guild investments and relationships. Nonetheless, I still enjoy it when I play it in bursts and just focus on my own goals. I'm always 'behind the curve' (and I feel you on gear - I really miss the days of GW1 when max gear was expensive but a simple fixed target and you didn't have to keep abreast of the latest stat combinations that are in vogue and which NPC sells them on which map and what quantities of ten different micro-currencies you need to buy it _ughhhhh_), but as I only play story/PvE and don't care about high-end group content it doesn't really matter to me. I know my build's not optimal xD I just don't care. I'm even still using a core spec 'cause I barely have time to do the content, let alone learn all new traits and builds to do it _better_. Haters gonna hate 8)


When it comes to how much money you've invested in an online game, particularly via microtransactions, I always try to take an old colleague's advice to heart. It was about gambling, so partly relevant? But it was effectively to view buying this kind of thing as "buying entertainment" rather than "buying things". Like buying a cinema ticket vs buying a movie on blu-ray. I'm guilty of spending more in the store than I should (Fashion Wars, what can I say?) but I _try_ to remind myself that I'm not actually buying anything permanent. Buying stuff in the store is not an investment. Appreciate that may not make it easier to divorce yourself from the hard-earned cash poured into the game when you lose interest in playing or it stops being available, but eh, it's all I've got!

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If you've been playing that long, I find it hard to believe getting gear would be difficult.


Although the gear treadmill is nonexistent in this game, if keeping current with gear over the long term is a concern, why not try to pursue a legendary armor set? Spvp is how I got mine, and now I basically have a future-proof set of medium gear. Not only will you end up with a future-proof set of gear, the ways to acquire legendary gear all take a good bit of time and effort, might draw you back into regular activity in the game.

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Could any kind soul tell me about the current state of game? Is it worth coming back to after several years?

How are the devs handling the game?

Living story used to create shitstorms because ''bad idea'' back in season 1-2. What is the verdict? Did it end up being as bad as everyone expected?

Are the expansions any good?

Would you recommend guild wars2 over other mmos currently in market?

I'm honestly considering to buy the expansions, but at the same time having doubths due to being away for a long time.


Thank you in advance =)


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> @"Toby.2357" said:

> Hello.

> Could any kind soul tell me about the current state of game? Is it worth coming back to after several years?

> How are the devs handling the game?

> Living story used to create shitstorms because ''bad idea'' back in season 1-2. What is the verdict? Did it end up being as bad as everyone expected?

> Are the expansions any good?

> Would you recommend guild wars2 over other mmos currently in market?

> I'm honestly considering to buy the expansions, but at the same time having doubths due to being away for a long time.


> Thank you in advance =)



1.It's in a good state

2.They handle it very good. Who doesn't make mistakes (only those that do nothing, right?)

3. LS gets improved with every episode if you ask me

4. Hell -yes

5.Well I'm playing it, so I would.


Tell us what do expect from expantions, maybe we can tell bit more on then?

What is it that makes a MMO worth to play for you?


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> @"phs.6089" said:

> > @"Toby.2357" said:

> > Hello.

> > Could any kind soul tell me about the current state of game? Is it worth coming back to after several years?

> > How are the devs handling the game?

> > Living story used to create shitstorms because ''bad idea'' back in season 1-2. What is the verdict? Did it end up being as bad as everyone expected?

> > Are the expansions any good?

> > Would you recommend guild wars2 over other mmos currently in market?

> > I'm honestly considering to buy the expansions, but at the same time having doubths due to being away for a long time.

> >

> > Thank you in advance =)

> >


> 1.It's in a good state

> 2.They handle it very good. Who doesn't make mistakes (only those that do nothing, right?)

> 3. LS gets improved with every episode if you ask me

> 4. Hell -yes

> 5.Well I'm playing it, so I would.


> Tell us what do expect from expantions, maybe we can tell bit more on then?

> What is it that makes a MMO worth to play for you?



Hey, thank you for replying and quickly at that..

I remember really liking the story, aside from the forced ''same-sex'' plotline and Scarlet Brier's(?) edgy adventures. Did the plot advance in any interesting way?

The soundtracks used to be amazing.. I hope it still is, it made the game feel diffrent from others.

Is the gliding from hearth of thorns and the mount system from path of fire actualy as good as everyone hypes it to be?

I didnt really mind spvp or the wvwvw aspect of the game as i was fairly content with it, but did they improve/expand it? or is still the same old capture the point and laggy zerg vs zerg in wvwvw


What makes a mmo worth playing? Difficult question. Is it fun and does it burn out quickly

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> @"Toby.2357" said:

> > @"phs.6089" said:

> > > @"Toby.2357" said:

> > > Hello.

> > > Could any kind soul tell me about the current state of game? Is it worth coming back to after several years?

> > > How are the devs handling the game?

> > > Living story used to create shitstorms because ''bad idea'' back in season 1-2. What is the verdict? Did it end up being as bad as everyone expected?

> > > Are the expansions any good?

> > > Would you recommend guild wars2 over other mmos currently in market?

> > > I'm honestly considering to buy the expansions, but at the same time having doubths due to being away for a long time.

> > >

> > > Thank you in advance =)

> > >

> >

> > 1.It's in a good state

> > 2.They handle it very good. Who doesn't make mistakes (only those that do nothing, right?)

> > 3. LS gets improved with every episode if you ask me

> > 4. Hell -yes

> > 5.Well I'm playing it, so I would.

> >

> > Tell us what do expect from expantions, maybe we can tell bit more on then?

> > What is it that makes a MMO worth to play for you?

> >


> Hey, thank you for replying and quickly at that..

> I remember really liking the story, aside from the forced ''same-sex'' plotline and Scarlet Brier's(?) edgy adventures. Did the plot advance in any interesting way?

> The soundtracks used to be amazing.. I hope it still is, it made the game feel diffrent from others.

> Is the gliding from hearth of thorns and the mount system from path of fire actualy as good as everyone hypes it to be?

> I didnt really mind spvp or the wvwvw aspect of the game as i was fairly content with it, but did they improve/expand it? or is still the same old capture the point and laggy zerg vs zerg in wvwvw


> What makes a mmo worth playing? Difficult question. Is it fun and does it burn out quickly


Plot is twisted no rainbows and unicorns at all. Soundtrack oh my, it's the best I know of in MMO, gliding is useful can be fun on HoT maps and preventing fall damage, cutting way to go down from hills, guess its fun and useful. Mounts are something else, you need to experience it with fully unlocked mastries to form own opinion, it's just different from anything I used to call mount in any other MMOs, designed pretty awesome.

I don't wanna talk of wvw/pvp ;/ get on pvp/wvw forums to see the picture of abandoned content altho wvw is getting revamp, istead of servers vs server it's going to be guild/alliances.


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> @"Toby.2357" said:

> Is the gliding from hearth of thorns and the mount system from path of fire actualy as good as everyone hypes it to be?


Gliding is useful. The Path of Fire mounts are amazing, easily the best mounts I've seen in an MMORPG.


The mounts themselves are gathered by playing the game, although there are elaborate reskins (if you have the mount itself) available from the Gem Store. The reskins are *just* cosmetic, though. There are six, each with its own special abilities:

* The Raptor (a velociraptor-style dinosaur, although big enough to ride) which can run pretty fast and make long (up to around 1800 game-distance units = 150 feet) forward jumps.

* The Springer is a rabbit-style thing whose speciality is high vertical jumps, although its forward movement isn't as fast as the Raptor's.

* The Skimmer is a manta ray style of thing, but it floats in the air above the terrain, and can pass safely over hazardous terrain (e.g. Dry Top quicksand and Desolation sulphur) and water. Over water, it is the fastest mount.

* The Sand Jackal is nearly as fast as the Raptor on the ground, and can "blink" forward across gaps as well as jump through "sand portals". There are places that are accessible only via these portals.

* The Griffon is the Path of Fire "secret bonus" mount, and it can *almost* fly. It's a bit like an elaborate glider that cannot use updrafts and ley-lines, except that with some creative use of terrain and the initial jump when you start flying, you can gain arbitrary altitudes.

* The Roller Beetle's special ability is speed. The Raptor is fast on the ground, but up against the Roller Beetle at full speed, the Raptor might as well be painted on the road. (The official preview video and an interview that accompanied it cited figures like 130+ miles per hour...)


So yes, they are amazing.

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> > @"Toby.2357" said:

> > > @"phs.6089" said:

> > > > @"Toby.2357" said:

> > > > Hello.

> > > > Could any kind soul tell me about the current state of game? Is it worth coming back to after several years?

> > > > How are the devs handling the game?

> > > > Living story used to create shitstorms because ''bad idea'' back in season 1-2. What is the verdict? Did it end up being as bad as everyone expected?

> > > > Are the expansions any good?

> > > > Would you recommend guild wars2 over other mmos currently in market?

> > > > I'm honestly considering to buy the expansions, but at the same time having doubths due to being away for a long time.

> > > >

> > > > Thank you in advance =)

> > > >

> > >

> > > 1.It's in a good state

> > > 2.They handle it very good. Who doesn't make mistakes (only those that do nothing, right?)

> > > 3. LS gets improved with every episode if you ask me

> > > 4. Hell -yes

> > > 5.Well I'm playing it, so I would.

> > >

> > > Tell us what do expect from expantions, maybe we can tell bit more on then?

> > > What is it that makes a MMO worth to play for you?

> > >

> >

> > Hey, thank you for replying and quickly at that..

> > I remember really liking the story, aside from the forced ''same-sex'' plotline and Scarlet Brier's(?) edgy adventures. Did the plot advance in any interesting way?

> > The soundtracks used to be amazing.. I hope it still is, it made the game feel diffrent from others.

> > Is the gliding from hearth of thorns and the mount system from path of fire actualy as good as everyone hypes it to be?

> > I didnt really mind spvp or the wvwvw aspect of the game as i was fairly content with it, but did they improve/expand it? or is still the same old capture the point and laggy zerg vs zerg in wvwvw

> >

> > What makes a mmo worth playing? Difficult question. Is it fun and does it burn out quickly


> Plot is twisted no rainbows and unicorns at all. Soundtrack oh my, it's the best I know of in MMO, gliding is useful can be fun on HoT maps and preventing fall damage, cutting way to go down from hills, guess its fun and useful. Mounts are something else, you need to experience it with fully unlocked mastries to form own opinion, it's just different from anything I used to call mount in any other MMOs, designed pretty awesome.

> I don't wanna talk of wvw/pvp ;/ get on pvp/wvw forums to see the picture of abandoned content altho wvw is getting revamp, istead of servers vs server it's going to be guild/alliances.



I understand. I think i'll give it a shot for the sake of curiosity. Im interested in seeing how living story progressed and how gliding/mounts system works.

One last question. Will i be missing out on any important story plotlines? or can i replay previous seasons without missing any crucial plot points? I remember a-net promising that you could play other seasons anytime and it would be a permanent addition.

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> @"Toby.2357" said:

> > @"phs.6089" said:

> > > @"Toby.2357" said:

> > > > @"phs.6089" said:

> > > > > @"Toby.2357" said:

> > > > > Hello.

> > > > > Could any kind soul tell me about the current state of game? Is it worth coming back to after several years?

> > > > > How are the devs handling the game?

> > > > > Living story used to create shitstorms because ''bad idea'' back in season 1-2. What is the verdict? Did it end up being as bad as everyone expected?

> > > > > Are the expansions any good?

> > > > > Would you recommend guild wars2 over other mmos currently in market?

> > > > > I'm honestly considering to buy the expansions, but at the same time having doubths due to being away for a long time.

> > > > >

> > > > > Thank you in advance =)

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > 1.It's in a good state

> > > > 2.They handle it very good. Who doesn't make mistakes (only those that do nothing, right?)

> > > > 3. LS gets improved with every episode if you ask me

> > > > 4. Hell -yes

> > > > 5.Well I'm playing it, so I would.

> > > >

> > > > Tell us what do expect from expantions, maybe we can tell bit more on then?

> > > > What is it that makes a MMO worth to play for you?

> > > >

> > >

> > > Hey, thank you for replying and quickly at that..

> > > I remember really liking the story, aside from the forced ''same-sex'' plotline and Scarlet Brier's(?) edgy adventures. Did the plot advance in any interesting way?

> > > The soundtracks used to be amazing.. I hope it still is, it made the game feel diffrent from others.

> > > Is the gliding from hearth of thorns and the mount system from path of fire actualy as good as everyone hypes it to be?

> > > I didnt really mind spvp or the wvwvw aspect of the game as i was fairly content with it, but did they improve/expand it? or is still the same old capture the point and laggy zerg vs zerg in wvwvw

> > >

> > > What makes a mmo worth playing? Difficult question. Is it fun and does it burn out quickly

> >

> > Plot is twisted no rainbows and unicorns at all. Soundtrack oh my, it's the best I know of in MMO, gliding is useful can be fun on HoT maps and preventing fall damage, cutting way to go down from hills, guess its fun and useful. Mounts are something else, you need to experience it with fully unlocked mastries to form own opinion, it's just different from anything I used to call mount in any other MMOs, designed pretty awesome.

> > I don't wanna talk of wvw/pvp ;/ get on pvp/wvw forums to see the picture of abandoned content altho wvw is getting revamp, istead of servers vs server it's going to be guild/alliances.

> >


> I understand. I think i'll give it a shot for the sake of curiosity. Im interested in seeing how living story progressed and how gliding/mounts system works.

> One last question. Will i be missing out on any important story plotlines? or can i replay previous seasons without missing any crucial plot points? I remember a-net promising that you could play other seasons anytime and it would be a permanent addition.


They kept the promise after LW1 anything can be replayed. One thing tho if you didn't login during the release of episodes of LS you will need to buy those.

But if you played lw2 its HoT time after you can get into rest. and if you login now the episode 5 of lw4 will be added into your account for free.

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> > @"Toby.2357" said:

> > > @"phs.6089" said:

> > > > @"Toby.2357" said:

> > > > > @"phs.6089" said:

> > > > > > @"Toby.2357" said:

> > > > > > Hello.

> > > > > > Could any kind soul tell me about the current state of game? Is it worth coming back to after several years?

> > > > > > How are the devs handling the game?

> > > > > > Living story used to create shitstorms because ''bad idea'' back in season 1-2. What is the verdict? Did it end up being as bad as everyone expected?

> > > > > > Are the expansions any good?

> > > > > > Would you recommend guild wars2 over other mmos currently in market?

> > > > > > I'm honestly considering to buy the expansions, but at the same time having doubths due to being away for a long time.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Thank you in advance =)

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > 1.It's in a good state

> > > > > 2.They handle it very good. Who doesn't make mistakes (only those that do nothing, right?)

> > > > > 3. LS gets improved with every episode if you ask me

> > > > > 4. Hell -yes

> > > > > 5.Well I'm playing it, so I would.

> > > > >

> > > > > Tell us what do expect from expantions, maybe we can tell bit more on then?

> > > > > What is it that makes a MMO worth to play for you?

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > Hey, thank you for replying and quickly at that..

> > > > I remember really liking the story, aside from the forced ''same-sex'' plotline and Scarlet Brier's(?) edgy adventures. Did the plot advance in any interesting way?

> > > > The soundtracks used to be amazing.. I hope it still is, it made the game feel diffrent from others.

> > > > Is the gliding from hearth of thorns and the mount system from path of fire actualy as good as everyone hypes it to be?

> > > > I didnt really mind spvp or the wvwvw aspect of the game as i was fairly content with it, but did they improve/expand it? or is still the same old capture the point and laggy zerg vs zerg in wvwvw

> > > >

> > > > What makes a mmo worth playing? Difficult question. Is it fun and does it burn out quickly

> > >

> > > Plot is twisted no rainbows and unicorns at all. Soundtrack oh my, it's the best I know of in MMO, gliding is useful can be fun on HoT maps and preventing fall damage, cutting way to go down from hills, guess its fun and useful. Mounts are something else, you need to experience it with fully unlocked mastries to form own opinion, it's just different from anything I used to call mount in any other MMOs, designed pretty awesome.

> > > I don't wanna talk of wvw/pvp ;/ get on pvp/wvw forums to see the picture of abandoned content altho wvw is getting revamp, istead of servers vs server it's going to be guild/alliances.

> > >

> >

> > I understand. I think i'll give it a shot for the sake of curiosity. Im interested in seeing how living story progressed and how gliding/mounts system works.

> > One last question. Will i be missing out on any important story plotlines? or can i replay previous seasons without missing any crucial plot points? I remember a-net promising that you could play other seasons anytime and it would be a permanent addition.


> They kept the promise after LW1 anything can be replayed. One thing tho if you didn't login during the release of episodes of LS you will need to buy those.

> But if you played lw2 its HoT time after you can get into rest. and if you login now the episode 5 of lw4 will be added into your account for free.


Excelent, sounds good.

Once again, thank you for taking the time to reply.

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> @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> Don't know what to do? Start with legendary armor and ascended trinkets with resetable stats. It'll help you make all the builds you need without building gear sets for next 200 years. And if you need a buddy - well if you're on EU i'm game:> Just buddy Krytan Butcher and send a message:>


I'm sorry, but that's a terrible piece of advice. Suggesting someone who was burned out... to grind for Legendary armor doesn't sit right with me. You also failed to see my mention that I have over twenty characters, not just one.

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> @"RandomWolf.3986" said:

> > @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> > Don't know what to do? Start with legendary armor and ascended trinkets with resetable stats. It'll help you make all the builds you need without building gear sets for next 200 years. And if you need a buddy - well if you're on EU i'm game:> Just buddy Krytan Butcher and send a message:>


> I'm sorry, but that's a terrible piece of advice. Suggesting someone who was burned out... to grind for Legendary armor doesn't sit right with me. You also failed to see my mention that I have over twenty characters, not just one.


First off, i have full legendary armor on my necro and about to complete 2nd set on rev. That means i know myself best of how hard (or not) it is to make and it's value once you own it. And if you go for spvp armor instead of the horror raid path, it'll not be half as grindy as you think. You can get such armor at your own pace, solo. No boot licking of any raid guilds or getting bullied by raid elitists. The real "Play your way" to get your lege armor set.


And I did not miss out on you having over 20 characters. This is exactly the reason you should get legendary armor. Ascended will not cut it. Unless you enjoy running back and forth to mystic forge and paying a handsome ransome each time you wanna stat-change. And some stats are either gonna be costy as hell (Trailblazer, Zealot) or tied to new map currencies forcing you to....you guessed it, grind! Not with legendary. Account bound, same as ascended. All stats available always, free stat swap on the fly. And if any new stat comes out - you get it instantly, for free once again!


I'm not trying to push you into a horror grind, i'm trying to save you from it! And give you true tools to really play your way, instead of lying to yourself that "there are no builds outside of zerk, so it's good that i only got zerk gear!"



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> @"RandomWolf.3986" said:

> I stopped taking Guild Wars 2 seriously around seven months ago and came to a complete halt in July. What ultimately lead me to quit Guild Wars 2 was due to the way Customer Support ended up handling a severe issue of mine. There was a breach in my account's privacy, resulting in online harassment and cyberstalking. After exchanging tickets with several moderators, nothing ever came out of it and I believed it was best to stop supporting the game as a result. However, I was unable to fight that _itch_ to come back and ended up re-installing the game two days ago. I might be a hypocrite in this case, but... I suppose I just can't help it. I've spent hundreds of dollars and sank over 5000 hours into the game since 2015.


> As much as I'd like to get back into the game, I really can't help but feel like there's nothing for me to do here. I have no goals, and I'm not interested in the story to even bother looking at it. I suppose I could try to fix my twenty characters' builds, but I've been struggling with that kind of thing (mostly gear) since 2017. The guilds I was on are gone and I have no friends left.


> Maybe I'm just being nostalgic?


If you liked WvW; that is dying - many good wvw guilds have given up on any relevant changes and have just left

PvP is a zerg fest, it's how many seconds can you 1 shot the entire team

The Story isn't worth attempting

You can look at getting into raids, but even that is no challenge once you learn the mechanics. -- but this game wants you to come back because you spent hundreds of dollars on it and hours-- If you feel the only reason you came back was bc you spent x amount of time and x amount of dollars and cant find anything else that interests you, it's bc there is nothing else for you to do. There will never be anything to grab your attention again in this game.

the most exciting thing you may do is beetle racing or raids.

;but this is a very casual game that will only stay that way

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It's a game: play it if you enjoy playing it. A goal is good though. I'm casually farming gold to get gems to get superfluous but nice skins and QoL items to facilitate further superfluous but nice skins (just ONE more glider, for real!) and QoL items to facilitate... rinse and repeat, I love my Skinner box!

MMOs are just games we play too much. Keep perspective and enjoy it, or don't. It's not that big a deal, and steer clear of that sunk cost trap, it's a sad place.


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