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Getting kicked from instance when edging into red zone

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I had this problem in the Sacrifice Mission. Was running around looking for Vlast and saw a bunch of enemies running around with an Elite Forerunner. I wanted to get behind them and used Blink. Suddenly (the last thing I heard was the Blink sound) and without warning, I got the loading screen for Desert Oasis because I got thrown out of the instance without any warning.


It wouldn't have been so bad if I wouldn't be forced to go through the initial Dialogue again.

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This has frustrated me twice now. I was kicked halfway through the instance because I accidentally used the jackals teleport ability to get closer to some enemies which were in the red zone. I did the same thing at the end of the story, again not looking at the mini map.


Why do we have to be kicked from the instance? Why can't it just be like the oceans, where you're teleported back a few dozen feet?

Not a huge deal, but frustrating nonetheless when it happens.

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This. Or at least give a wider window of time to be able to get back into the instance area.


A friend of mine accidentally fell off the edge of the ledge during the last fight. She didn't even have time to try to get herself back up over the lip before she was kicked (I think from 'oh no I fell' to getting kicked was about 5 seconds), I had to die and we had to start all over again since she couldn't re-enter my instance to finish with me. We were angry about it enough that we had to just log off before giving it another go the next night.

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  • 1 year later...

I am sick of starting over because of the red zone. There are fights that blast me into the red. I fell into the red. FELL!!!! and got kicked (sometimes near, not in). This keeps happening. Flash of text then immediate kick out for barely entering. Millisecond of warning. I feel like I used to get more warning, but lately I can't get turned around before the kick. To me the red areas wouldn't be part of any conflict anyways. It's not part of the story nor should it be. An invisible wall is better. I love playing but after awhile I get so sick of repeating content over red zones. Any other area it asks if you want to leave, but in the red it doesn't. I'd even settle for not having to start over if I get back in soon. Around the third time repeating the same story, I have to take a long break from the game. Otherwise, very fun game.

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I am sick of starting over because of the red zone. There are fights that blast me into the red. I fell into the red. FELL!!!! and got kicked (sometimes near, not in). This keeps happening. Flash of text then immediate kick out for barely entering. Millisecond of warning. I feel like I used to get more warning, but lately I can't get turned around before the kick. To me the red areas wouldn't be part of any conflict anyways. It's not part of the story nor should it be. An invisible wall is better. I love playing but after awhile I get so sick of repeating content over red zones. Any other area it asks if you want to leave, but in the red it doesn't. I'd even settle for not having to start over if I get back in soon. Around the third time repeating a story, I have to take a long break from the game. Otherwise, very fun game.

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The red zones are definitely a bit impractical.

I have had several occasions where it doesnt teleport you if youre with a party, where you can fall into can get pushed into it. Getting kicked out of an instance just isnt a good answer, if you don't have control over it.


Teleporting people back or prompting whether people want to leave the instance or get back in the action would be much better. Imo punishing the player, if not a whole party indirectly is too much.

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There is a warning, if you don't want to react then you are kicked. If you are worried you will be killed just think, is it better to be kicked from instance or respawn within the instance after your character is killed. I think I have been kicked once several years ago, might be considered a learning experience.

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> @"Yargesh.4965" said:

> There is a warning, if you don't want to react then you are kicked. If you are worried you will be killed just think, is it better to be kicked from instance or respawn within the instance after your character is killed. I think I have been kicked once several years ago, might be considered a learning experience.


From PoF onward, that warning is sometimes not enough. The red zone is closer to the actual play area, so less buffer. On top of that, Raptor or Jackal leap can *very* easily take you far enough into the red zone that the prompt dissapeara and insted insta-kicks.


An extra issue is that the red zone updates in PoF (and later) missions - playing with more than one player I've actually been stranded in the red once because we'd gotten separated and the play area shifted!

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > @"Yargesh.4965" said:

> > There is a warning, if you don't want to react then you are kicked. If you are worried you will be killed just think, is it better to be kicked from instance or respawn within the instance after your character is killed. I think I have been kicked once several years ago, might be considered a learning experience.


> From PoF onward, that warning is sometimes not enough. The red zone is closer to the actual play area, so less buffer. On top of that, Raptor or Jackal leap can *very* easily take you far enough into the red zone that the prompt dissapeara and insted insta-kicks.


> An extra issue is that the red zone updates in PoF (and later) missions - playing with more than one player I've actually been stranded in the red once because we'd gotten separated and the play area shifted!


I base my responce purely on what I have found. 3 accounts at least one character on each played through all of the content both HoT and PoF. Look at mini map. Get message. move. Have never played other than solo so no idea about not keeping up to other players.

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I've been burned by this a few times, and it feels awful when you get the message and don't have time to react before you're booted out.


LOTRO has a setup where the boundaries are clearly marked in front of you with a red glow attached to the border that prevents you from going any further.

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> @"Yargesh.4965" said:

> There is a warning, if you don't want to react then you are kicked. If you are worried you will be killed just think, is it better to be kicked from instance or respawn within the instance after your character is killed. I think I have been kicked once several years ago, might be considered a learning experience.


Except the message does not pop up if you use any teleport skill that teleports you past the red border into the red zone. Then the game just instakicks you without a warning and without giving you a split second time to dodge back into the play zone. However, if you just casually walk past the red zone border into the red zone, the warning will pop up and give you plenty of time to return back before it kicks you.


The worst red zone I experienced was in the "Forearmed Is Forewarned" story instance, where you need to clear out awakened barricades by teleporting via Blish' arm to them, placing a bomb and then teleporting out of there. One barricade is on a narrow path directly at the red border.......... I managed to kick myself out of the instance at this part three times (!) because there is just so little room to teleport out of there. And it's not like you have amuch of a choice, you need to use the arm, the instance was designed that way (so you can't just burst down the enemies with your regular skills afaik)


Another example is the guild mission where you need to defend rations/barrels from the fire legion. The enemies spawn a mile into the red zone so if you accidentaly use a teleport skill (looking at you, "Phase Traversal", 1,200 range teleport skill....) , it instakicks you


Instead of instakicking, the warning should always pop up and give you at least 3 seconds to return/teleport back. Or maybe at least down you and teleport you back to the border as a punishment.

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We used to get kicked back to where we were, we got the message. Now every single time we get kicked to character screen, lame so very frack'n lame.

Anet are you intentionally crapping all over your fan base? Is this your way of politely asking us to get fed up and leave the game? Or after 7 years, is kicking us off every bloody 15 minutes right in the middle of an event acceptable for you? I need to know If I'm wasting my time here while other games have real servers that are stable. :#

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I had this happen to me as I was on my raptor in the PoF story. I was almost to the end of that part and accidentally pushed space bar and jumped too far. There was a not warning screen just and instant kick and a loud "WTF?!" that occurred after. I agree, there should be push back like what is present in other parts of the game.

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There are a lot of instances where the red zone moves and can kick you if you accidentally went the wrong way. Mounts makes it way too easy. I remember doing that in the beginning of PoF inside the mines where you kill the spiders, jumped onto an area and was kicked out faster than I can count to 1. Had to do THE WHOLE BEGINNING over again.

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